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Curriculum Vitae
Flat # 7, Building # 100, Opposite Al Shaab Super Market Hor Al Ain
Deira Dubai UAE
Contact Number: UAE: +971 55 685 7458
Pak: +923458691727
E-mail: rsayyed204@gmail.com
To serve in a highly motivated environment in which I can add value to achieve the goals of the organization through
application of my professional and academic knowledge and where success is rewarded by career growth & job satisfaction.
A Chartered Accountant finalist& Certified Financial Consultant (Institute of financial consultant Canada) having gained
progressive experience in Finance& Audits. A combined professional life of 11 years of total experience from April 2004 till
August 2015 performed numerous external & internal Audits and worked as Senior Auditor, Business Risk Management
Consultant, Senior Accountant and Manager Finance consultant with Ernst & Young, National Transmission & Dispatch
Company, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority and MTN respectively. The qualification and experience shaped and excelled
my professional & expert skills in financial reporting, development of effective strategic and financial planning of the Company
and overall control of the Companys accounting function. Internal controls, Business Risk Management, Fraud Management,
Risk Assessment, Internal Audit, Management reporting coupled with good business acumen.
Particulars Institute Year
CertifiedPublic Accountant (CPA) Institute of CertifiedPublic Accountants of Pakistan(ICPAP) (14/18) passed Aug 2015
Chartered Accountant (Inter) Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan May 2006
Chartered Accountant (Foundation) Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan Sep 2003
CertifiedFinancial Consultant (CFC) Institute of Financial Consultant Canada July 2012
Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) Board of Intermediate & Secondary Swat June 2000
Secondary School Certificate Board of Intermediate & Secondary Swat Mar 1997
Accounting Skills
 General Accounting, Trial Balance, Book keeping, MIS generation, Management reporting , Variance analysis Financial
statement preparation including Financial position, income statement, statement of cash flow, statement of changes in
equity and notes to the financial statements;
 Verification and valuation of Assets/liabilities and ascertaining the accuracy, correctness and completeness of Account
payable/Recievable and income & expenditure.
 Possess diverse exposure of the Financial reporting dynamics and Control environments of companies from different
sectors (Construction, Real Estate, FMCG,Manufacturing, Financial Services, Retail and Non Profit Organizations );
 Expert user of MS Office especially MS Excel and can use specialized functions (Pivots, Lookups, Macros e.t.c.) Also well
versed in other Accounting applications (Great Plan)
 Analytical abilities and creative thinking combined with strong interpersonal & communication skills.
Auditing Skills
 Exposure in all areas of Internal Audits including Planning, Execution, documentation, reporting and follow up
 Experience in designing/development of, Audit Planning Memorandum, Audit charter, audit programs and compliance
 Skill in monitoring and supervising the Audits
 Integrity, Relationship building, Partnering, communication, Teamwork, Conflict resolution & negotiation and problem
identification/ solution etc.
 Keeping Issue register and monitoring the overdue observation
 Experience in preparing Combined Assurance plan, Combined Assurance Methodology and Annual Audit plan
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 Risk Assessment and mitigation plan
MTN  Afghanistan
Manager Finance Consultant
Jun 2012 to August 2015
MTN is a leading telecommunications operator in the Middle East and Africa and operating in more than 25 countries around
the world. Through its legal entity Areeba, the company won the second GSM license in Afghanistan in July 2006 and was later
re-branded to MTN in 2008-In 2012 MTNA Managed to obtain 3G license in Afghanistan. Currently it has more the 5 Million
subscribers all over the country.
MTN Afghanistan:
Roles & Responsibilities
 Participate in the provision of effective strategic and financial planning of the Company and overall control of the
Companys accounting function.
 Provide comptrollership functions in order to ensure finances are managed according to legislation, policies and
procedure and generally accepted accounting principles.
 Contributes to the achievement of the Company objectives by providing advice and guidance on financial strategy &
formulating financial targets and budgets in accordance with the strategy determined by the Company policies.
 Overseas all accounting procedures and systems used by the Company.
 Review reports and analyze projections of sales and income against actual figures and suggest methods of improving the
planning process.
 Financial planning and related ongoing advice for the chief executive and shareholders.
 Prepare short and long term financial forecasts of financial performance for use of internal management and external
 Develop and implement accounting and administrative policies and procedures for a wide ranging set of activities
including financial accounting and reporting, HR and other corporate policies.
 Oversee the production of monthly reports including financial statements, management reports and cash flow projection
for use by executive management and as well as audit/finance committee and board of directors.
 Oversee insurance of assets and staff
 Ensuring accounting of day to day transactions
 Interest provision and handling of bank loans in the system
 Calculation of depreciation and management of fixed assets register of the Company
 Management of all current assets including prepayments, advances and deposits
 Inventory reconciliation on monthly basis and recording of consumption/Usage
 Variance analysis on monthly basis and verification of unusual fluctuation
 Facilitation in monthly management reporting to group
 Acting as coordinator in external audits of the company
 Preparation of interim and final financial statements in accordance with IFRS
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA)
SeniorAccountant (Jan 2011- April 2012)
PTA is Pakistani government agency responsible for the establishment, operation and maintenance of telecommunications in
Pakistan. Headquartered in Islamabad, PTA also has regional offices located in Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta,
Muzaffarabad and Rawalpindi.
Under Telecom Reorganization Act 1996, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) was established in January 1997 to
regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of telecommunication systems, and the provision of telecom services.
Roles & Responsibilities
 Budgeting, MIS and monthly reporting compilation and circulate amongst the group members.
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 Co-ordination with internal as well as statutory auditors and ensure its timely conclusion. Assisting in the preparation of
Income Statement and Statement of Financial position.
 Income recognition and preparation of various controlling schedules like debtors, ageing, foreign exchange inflow and
 Fixed assets capitalisation, depreciation calculations, ensuring appropriate deduction of tax from payments to creditors
 Reconciliation of various party accounts and bank reconciliation statement preparation on a monthly basis
 Have effectively implemented internal controls, various cost cutting measures and procedures in respect of payments and
receipts in a most effective manner.
 Reconciliation of inter branch transactions, Edit list checking and scrutiny of ledgers, bank reconciliation, Checking and
processing of accounts payable.
 Ensured all accounting records are kept in a tidy and conspicuous manner, which enabled future references effortless and
Business Risk Management Consultant
(December 2009 till November 2010)
National Transmission & Despatch Company (NTDC) Limited was incorporated on 6th November, 1998 and commenced
commercial operation on 24th December, 1998. It was organized to take over all the propertise, rights and assets obligations
and liabilities of 220 KV and 500KV Grid Stations and Transmission Lines/Network owned by Pakistan Water and Power
Development Authority (WAPDA). NTDC operates and maintains twelve 500 KV and twenty nine 220 KV Grid Stations, 5077
km of 500 KV transmission line and 7359 km of 220 KV transmission line in Pakistan.
NTDC was granted Transmission Licence No.TL/01//2002 on 31st December 2002 by National Electric Power Regularity
Authority (NEPRA) to engage in the exclusive transmission business for a term of thirty (30) years, pursuant to Section 17 of the
Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997.
Roles & Responsibilities at NTDC:
Internal Audit
 Preparing list of all auditable processes, Annual Audit Plan, Audit Memorandum approval of the concern auditee division
 Designing Audit program based on the understanding of the initial planning meeting.
 Execute Audit field work including walk through and substantive procedures
 Prepare draft report including scope, objective observation, business implication, recommendations and conclusion
 Review & assess the observation according to its implication on the business
 Circulate the draft report for management comment and due dates for the implementation of the recommendation
 Conduct final meeting
 Record the observations in the issue register maintained to keep track on the implementation status and overdue
Management & Group Reporting (Monthly & Quarterly)
 Provide updates on the audit observation status- Giving a summary of high level observations for the month
 Updates the management on the risk issue & fraud issue observed during the month
 Given an updates on the work done on the 23 Principle risks identified by BODs
 Prepare a quarterly report for the Top Management to updates on Annual Audit Plan, current risks issues effecting the 23
Principle risks and other associated 219 auditable processes
 Preparing mapping of the strategic objectives, group strategic objectives and principle risks
 Updates on the Fraud investigation and finding, current status and potential losses occurred due to the incidents
 Updates group on the combined Assurance Methodology, insurance claims & reimbursement.
 Also provide an updates on achievements for the quarters, challenges and plan for the next quarter
Risk Assessment
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 Regular coordination with Risk & Controls champion (RCCs)
 Conduct regular monthly/quarterly meeting with the RCCs
 Obtain an understanding on the general risks observed during the month
 Also obtain a report from the RCCs about current risk issues effecting the NTDC strategic objectives and associated risks
issues with those 23 principle risks
 Gather all those risks and perform an assessment of those risks to grade risk base on its impact on business. Also suggest
mitigation plan to address the urgent risk issue
Documentation of Processes,Procedures & (3Ps)
 Assists KPMG to conduct the meeting with the Process owners for all division across the NTDC and got an understanding
to the current undocumented processes
 Circulate the AS is to the process owner and divisional head for their consent
 Coordinate with KPMG for gap analysis of the As is processes
 Involved with KPMG to amend the AS is process based on the gap analysis
 Circulate the To Be processes to the process owners for their approval and consent
Fraud Investigation
 Monitor whistle blower emails & hot lines for the complain across the Company
 Review the complaints and obtain all the relevant evidences concerning the complain or fraud incident
 Base on the evidence, prepares draft report for the management attention- if case the issue belong to disciplinary matter,
refer it to Human resource department for further action
 Maintain register for all fraud issue/finding and circulate it to Management for action each month
 Prepare & circulate fraud awareness and internal controls
 List of Significant Audits performed
 Fixed Assets Audit
 Procurement Audit
 Financial Control Audit
 Warehouse Audit
 Fleet & Travel audit
 Human Resources audit
 NTDS sites Visits audit.
 List of Significant Investigation performed
 Procurement chairs fraud
 Duplicate Cheque Fraud
 Theft of sites asset
 Fraud in fuel supply
 Potential abuse/ theft of assets (Discrepancies in number of Transformers in
Fixed Assets Register vis--vis number Transformers inWarehouse)
 Enterprise Risk Management- (ERM) Achievements
Support Risk and Control Champions
Quality Assurance Review (QAR) including Independent Review of
Risk Maturity
Increase risk awareness/education through internal
communication of risk matters and ongoing engagement with
key stakeholders
Implementation of Election Risk Mitigation Plan
Quarterly monitoring and review of Principal Risks
Review of Fire and other environmental risk in some of Critical
installation inPP and Technical Villa
Monitoring, Tracking and Reporting of Principal Risks according
to risk appetite and escalation process
Practical Internal Control & Fraud Management Training  The
COSO Model
In-depth risk analysis of specific risk issues identified
Review preliminary 2014 business plans to identify potential risk
 Other Routine - Achievements
Routine Investigations HR Disciplinary Committee Meeting Attendance
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Procurement (Tender Opening, Selection & Finalization) Monthly Internal & External Reporting
Monthly fuel price fixing Insurance Claims preparation & Submission
Adhoc Management Request
Ford Rhodes SidatHyder& Chartered Accountant
From 2004 to November 2009
Ernst & Young Ford Rhodes SidatHyder is a Member Firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited Ernst & Young is one of the
world's leading professional services Firm with a significant Fortune 500 client base across the world. Ernst & Young is one
of the `Big Four professional services Firm with a strong global presence through its Member Firms in 150 countries
having 175,000 plus professionals in more than 728 offices across the globe.
EY provides globally a comprehensive range of seamless, consistent, high-quality client services in the areas of:
ResponsibilitiesIn E&Y Pakistan:
External Audits
 Planned & developed audit strategies & procedures through risk assessments in response to the risks & testing of key
controls over the clients business & accounting processes.
 Worked as engagement senior on various jobs as per tasks mentioned in EY GAM at the planning & final stages of the
 Ensured that financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards & were in
compliance with the local laws.
 Supervised, coordinated & appraised work of support staff to ensure that audit objectives was efficiently achieved
within the agreed time-scale.
 Executed audit procedures in accordance with the ISAs
 Performed various other professional related services like accounting services & physical verification assignments.
Position & Work Responsibilities in E&Y
During my tenure with E&Y Pakistan  performed the following significantExternal Audits on various capacities;
Position Job Responsibilities
Audit Junior (2004-2006) Income, expenses, Fixed assets verificationand filingaudit fieldwork
Audit Semi Senior (2007) Liabilities, assets, revenue, expenses verificationand supervision of audit junior
Senior (2008- 2009) Involve and supervise audit planning, execution, finalizationand reviewingof various audits.
Company Audited Sector
AlliedBank Banking
LMKR resources Ltd. Oil & Gas
PakistanPoverty AlleviationFund (PPAF) NGO
Elixir Technology Pakistan(pvt) Ltd. Software
Afghan Family Guidance Association(AFGA) NGO
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Worked in capacity of Engagement Auditor at EY Abu Dhabi - UAE under interoffice secondment. I was responsible for
handling the audit assignments independently; completed the documentations as per EY Global Audit Methodology on
EY tools including GAMx and Case ware.
List of External Audit performed with E&Y Abu Dhabi
Company Audited Industry Company Audited Industry
Habib Exchange Financial Inst. AlainGroup Group of companies
National Bank of Oman (Branch) Banking Seba properties Property
Al-Waseet International Advertisement &
Gernain (pvt) Ltd. Property
Fast Limozine. Rental Vehicles Fusion Glass (pvt) Ltd. Manufacturing
IT Systems Proficiency:
Advanced skillsin MS Office&Caseware.
Moderateskillsin GP &ERP
Global Audit Methodology, International Accounting Standards&audit softwares
organized by E&Y Islamabad
Caseware, and GAMx workshop conducted by E&Y Islamabad
Personal Details:
Date of Birth:13 April1981
Marital Status: Married
Languages: English, Urdu&Pashto
Shall befurnished if required
National Transmission& Dispatch Company Power sector
PakistanTelecom Authority (PTA)
Telecom SectorPaktel Ltd. ( Zong Pakistan)
Aga Khan Foundation
Habitat For Humanity International
World Food Program Afghanistan
Concern WorldWide Afghanistan
Asia Foundation NGO

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R. Sayyed CV Accounting

  • 1. Page 1 of 6 Curriculum Vitae RAHMAN SAYYED Flat # 7, Building # 100, Opposite Al Shaab Super Market Hor Al Ain Deira Dubai UAE Contact Number: UAE: +971 55 685 7458 Pak: +923458691727 E-mail: rsayyed204@gmail.com OBJECTIVE To serve in a highly motivated environment in which I can add value to achieve the goals of the organization through application of my professional and academic knowledge and where success is rewarded by career growth & job satisfaction. PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY A Chartered Accountant finalist& Certified Financial Consultant (Institute of financial consultant Canada) having gained progressive experience in Finance& Audits. A combined professional life of 11 years of total experience from April 2004 till August 2015 performed numerous external & internal Audits and worked as Senior Auditor, Business Risk Management Consultant, Senior Accountant and Manager Finance consultant with Ernst & Young, National Transmission & Dispatch Company, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority and MTN respectively. The qualification and experience shaped and excelled my professional & expert skills in financial reporting, development of effective strategic and financial planning of the Company and overall control of the Companys accounting function. Internal controls, Business Risk Management, Fraud Management, Risk Assessment, Internal Audit, Management reporting coupled with good business acumen. QUALIFICATIONS Particulars Institute Year CertifiedPublic Accountant (CPA) Institute of CertifiedPublic Accountants of Pakistan(ICPAP) (14/18) passed Aug 2015 Chartered Accountant (Inter) Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan May 2006 Chartered Accountant (Foundation) Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan Sep 2003 CertifiedFinancial Consultant (CFC) Institute of Financial Consultant Canada July 2012 Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) Board of Intermediate & Secondary Swat June 2000 Secondary School Certificate Board of Intermediate & Secondary Swat Mar 1997 SKILLS & TRAITS Accounting Skills General Accounting, Trial Balance, Book keeping, MIS generation, Management reporting , Variance analysis Financial statement preparation including Financial position, income statement, statement of cash flow, statement of changes in equity and notes to the financial statements; Verification and valuation of Assets/liabilities and ascertaining the accuracy, correctness and completeness of Account payable/Recievable and income & expenditure. Possess diverse exposure of the Financial reporting dynamics and Control environments of companies from different sectors (Construction, Real Estate, FMCG,Manufacturing, Financial Services, Retail and Non Profit Organizations ); Expert user of MS Office especially MS Excel and can use specialized functions (Pivots, Lookups, Macros e.t.c.) Also well versed in other Accounting applications (Great Plan) Analytical abilities and creative thinking combined with strong interpersonal & communication skills. Auditing Skills Exposure in all areas of Internal Audits including Planning, Execution, documentation, reporting and follow up Experience in designing/development of, Audit Planning Memorandum, Audit charter, audit programs and compliance checklist Skill in monitoring and supervising the Audits Integrity, Relationship building, Partnering, communication, Teamwork, Conflict resolution & negotiation and problem identification/ solution etc. Keeping Issue register and monitoring the overdue observation Experience in preparing Combined Assurance plan, Combined Assurance Methodology and Annual Audit plan
  • 2. Page 2 of 6 Risk Assessment and mitigation plan WORK EXPERIENCE MTN Afghanistan Manager Finance Consultant Jun 2012 to August 2015 MTN is a leading telecommunications operator in the Middle East and Africa and operating in more than 25 countries around the world. Through its legal entity Areeba, the company won the second GSM license in Afghanistan in July 2006 and was later re-branded to MTN in 2008-In 2012 MTNA Managed to obtain 3G license in Afghanistan. Currently it has more the 5 Million subscribers all over the country. MTN Afghanistan: Roles & Responsibilities Participate in the provision of effective strategic and financial planning of the Company and overall control of the Companys accounting function. Provide comptrollership functions in order to ensure finances are managed according to legislation, policies and procedure and generally accepted accounting principles. Contributes to the achievement of the Company objectives by providing advice and guidance on financial strategy & formulating financial targets and budgets in accordance with the strategy determined by the Company policies. Overseas all accounting procedures and systems used by the Company. Review reports and analyze projections of sales and income against actual figures and suggest methods of improving the planning process. Financial planning and related ongoing advice for the chief executive and shareholders. Prepare short and long term financial forecasts of financial performance for use of internal management and external parties. Develop and implement accounting and administrative policies and procedures for a wide ranging set of activities including financial accounting and reporting, HR and other corporate policies. Oversee the production of monthly reports including financial statements, management reports and cash flow projection for use by executive management and as well as audit/finance committee and board of directors. Oversee insurance of assets and staff Ensuring accounting of day to day transactions Interest provision and handling of bank loans in the system Calculation of depreciation and management of fixed assets register of the Company Management of all current assets including prepayments, advances and deposits Inventory reconciliation on monthly basis and recording of consumption/Usage Variance analysis on monthly basis and verification of unusual fluctuation Facilitation in monthly management reporting to group Acting as coordinator in external audits of the company Preparation of interim and final financial statements in accordance with IFRS Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) SeniorAccountant (Jan 2011- April 2012) PTA is Pakistani government agency responsible for the establishment, operation and maintenance of telecommunications in Pakistan. Headquartered in Islamabad, PTA also has regional offices located in Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Muzaffarabad and Rawalpindi. Under Telecom Reorganization Act 1996, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) was established in January 1997 to regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of telecommunication systems, and the provision of telecom services. Roles & Responsibilities Budgeting, MIS and monthly reporting compilation and circulate amongst the group members.
  • 3. Page 3 of 6 Co-ordination with internal as well as statutory auditors and ensure its timely conclusion. Assisting in the preparation of Income Statement and Statement of Financial position. Income recognition and preparation of various controlling schedules like debtors, ageing, foreign exchange inflow and outflow Fixed assets capitalisation, depreciation calculations, ensuring appropriate deduction of tax from payments to creditors Reconciliation of various party accounts and bank reconciliation statement preparation on a monthly basis Have effectively implemented internal controls, various cost cutting measures and procedures in respect of payments and receipts in a most effective manner. Reconciliation of inter branch transactions, Edit list checking and scrutiny of ledgers, bank reconciliation, Checking and processing of accounts payable. Ensured all accounting records are kept in a tidy and conspicuous manner, which enabled future references effortless and smooth. NATIONAL TRANSMISSION & DESPATCH COMPANY (NTDC) LIMITED PAKISTAN Business Risk Management Consultant (December 2009 till November 2010) National Transmission & Despatch Company (NTDC) Limited was incorporated on 6th November, 1998 and commenced commercial operation on 24th December, 1998. It was organized to take over all the propertise, rights and assets obligations and liabilities of 220 KV and 500KV Grid Stations and Transmission Lines/Network owned by Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA). NTDC operates and maintains twelve 500 KV and twenty nine 220 KV Grid Stations, 5077 km of 500 KV transmission line and 7359 km of 220 KV transmission line in Pakistan. NTDC was granted Transmission Licence No.TL/01//2002 on 31st December 2002 by National Electric Power Regularity Authority (NEPRA) to engage in the exclusive transmission business for a term of thirty (30) years, pursuant to Section 17 of the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997. Roles & Responsibilities at NTDC: Internal Audit Preparing list of all auditable processes, Annual Audit Plan, Audit Memorandum approval of the concern auditee division Designing Audit program based on the understanding of the initial planning meeting. Execute Audit field work including walk through and substantive procedures Prepare draft report including scope, objective observation, business implication, recommendations and conclusion Review & assess the observation according to its implication on the business Circulate the draft report for management comment and due dates for the implementation of the recommendation Conduct final meeting Record the observations in the issue register maintained to keep track on the implementation status and overdue observations Management & Group Reporting (Monthly & Quarterly) Provide updates on the audit observation status- Giving a summary of high level observations for the month Updates the management on the risk issue & fraud issue observed during the month Given an updates on the work done on the 23 Principle risks identified by BODs Prepare a quarterly report for the Top Management to updates on Annual Audit Plan, current risks issues effecting the 23 Principle risks and other associated 219 auditable processes Preparing mapping of the strategic objectives, group strategic objectives and principle risks Updates on the Fraud investigation and finding, current status and potential losses occurred due to the incidents Updates group on the combined Assurance Methodology, insurance claims & reimbursement. Also provide an updates on achievements for the quarters, challenges and plan for the next quarter Risk Assessment
  • 4. Page 4 of 6 Regular coordination with Risk & Controls champion (RCCs) Conduct regular monthly/quarterly meeting with the RCCs Obtain an understanding on the general risks observed during the month Also obtain a report from the RCCs about current risk issues effecting the NTDC strategic objectives and associated risks issues with those 23 principle risks Gather all those risks and perform an assessment of those risks to grade risk base on its impact on business. Also suggest mitigation plan to address the urgent risk issue Documentation of Processes,Procedures & (3Ps) Assists KPMG to conduct the meeting with the Process owners for all division across the NTDC and got an understanding to the current undocumented processes Circulate the AS is to the process owner and divisional head for their consent Coordinate with KPMG for gap analysis of the As is processes Involved with KPMG to amend the AS is process based on the gap analysis Circulate the To Be processes to the process owners for their approval and consent Fraud Investigation Monitor whistle blower emails & hot lines for the complain across the Company Review the complaints and obtain all the relevant evidences concerning the complain or fraud incident Base on the evidence, prepares draft report for the management attention- if case the issue belong to disciplinary matter, refer it to Human resource department for further action Maintain register for all fraud issue/finding and circulate it to Management for action each month Prepare & circulate fraud awareness and internal controls ACHEIVMENTS IN MTNA List of Significant Audits performed Fixed Assets Audit Procurement Audit Financial Control Audit Warehouse Audit Fleet & Travel audit Human Resources audit NTDS sites Visits audit. List of Significant Investigation performed Procurement chairs fraud Duplicate Cheque Fraud Theft of sites asset Fraud in fuel supply Potential abuse/ theft of assets (Discrepancies in number of Transformers in Fixed Assets Register vis--vis number Transformers inWarehouse) Enterprise Risk Management- (ERM) Achievements Support Risk and Control Champions Quality Assurance Review (QAR) including Independent Review of Risk Maturity Increase risk awareness/education through internal communication of risk matters and ongoing engagement with key stakeholders Implementation of Election Risk Mitigation Plan Quarterly monitoring and review of Principal Risks Review of Fire and other environmental risk in some of Critical installation inPP and Technical Villa Monitoring, Tracking and Reporting of Principal Risks according to risk appetite and escalation process Practical Internal Control & Fraud Management Training The COSO Model In-depth risk analysis of specific risk issues identified Review preliminary 2014 business plans to identify potential risk issues Other Routine - Achievements Routine Investigations HR Disciplinary Committee Meeting Attendance
  • 5. Page 5 of 6 Procurement (Tender Opening, Selection & Finalization) Monthly Internal & External Reporting Monthly fuel price fixing Insurance Claims preparation & Submission Adhoc Management Request ERNST & YOUNG Ford Rhodes SidatHyder& Chartered Accountant Islamabad From 2004 to November 2009 Ernst & Young Ford Rhodes SidatHyder is a Member Firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited Ernst & Young is one of the world's leading professional services Firm with a significant Fortune 500 client base across the world. Ernst & Young is one of the `Big Four professional services Firm with a strong global presence through its Member Firms in 150 countries having 175,000 plus professionals in more than 728 offices across the globe. EY provides globally a comprehensive range of seamless, consistent, high-quality client services in the areas of: Assurance Tax Transactions Advisory ResponsibilitiesIn E&Y Pakistan: External Audits Planned & developed audit strategies & procedures through risk assessments in response to the risks & testing of key controls over the clients business & accounting processes. Worked as engagement senior on various jobs as per tasks mentioned in EY GAM at the planning & final stages of the projects. Ensured that financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards & were in compliance with the local laws. Supervised, coordinated & appraised work of support staff to ensure that audit objectives was efficiently achieved within the agreed time-scale. Executed audit procedures in accordance with the ISAs Performed various other professional related services like accounting services & physical verification assignments. Position & Work Responsibilities in E&Y ACHEIVMENTS IN ERNST & YOUNG ISLAMABAD During my tenure with E&Y Pakistan performed the following significantExternal Audits on various capacities; Position Job Responsibilities Audit Junior (2004-2006) Income, expenses, Fixed assets verificationand filingaudit fieldwork Audit Semi Senior (2007) Liabilities, assets, revenue, expenses verificationand supervision of audit junior Senior (2008- 2009) Involve and supervise audit planning, execution, finalizationand reviewingof various audits. Company Audited Sector AlliedBank Banking LMKR resources Ltd. Oil & Gas PakistanPoverty AlleviationFund (PPAF) NGO Elixir Technology Pakistan(pvt) Ltd. Software Afghan Family Guidance Association(AFGA) NGO
  • 6. Page 6 of 6 ACHEIVEMENTS IN ERNST & YOUNG ABU DHABI OFFICE (DECEMBER 2008- TO MAR 2009) Worked in capacity of Engagement Auditor at EY Abu Dhabi - UAE under interoffice secondment. I was responsible for handling the audit assignments independently; completed the documentations as per EY Global Audit Methodology on EY tools including GAMx and Case ware. List of External Audit performed with E&Y Abu Dhabi Company Audited Industry Company Audited Industry Habib Exchange Financial Inst. AlainGroup Group of companies National Bank of Oman (Branch) Banking Seba properties Property Al-Waseet International Advertisement & promotion Gernain (pvt) Ltd. Property Fast Limozine. Rental Vehicles Fusion Glass (pvt) Ltd. Manufacturing PERSONAL DETAILS & OTHER INFORMATION IT Systems Proficiency: Advanced skillsin MS Office&Caseware. Moderateskillsin GP &ERP Trainings: Global Audit Methodology, International Accounting Standards&audit softwares organized by E&Y Islamabad Caseware, and GAMx workshop conducted by E&Y Islamabad Personal Details: Date of Birth:13 April1981 Marital Status: Married Languages: English, Urdu&Pashto References Shall befurnished if required National Transmission& Dispatch Company Power sector PakistanTelecom Authority (PTA) Telecom SectorPaktel Ltd. ( Zong Pakistan) MTNAfghanistan Aga Khan Foundation NGO Habitat For Humanity International World Food Program Afghanistan Concern WorldWide Afghanistan Asia Foundation NGO