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Green Farming Vol. 5 (5) : 938-941 ; September-October, 2014 
a a a b 
1 2* 3 4 R. RATHWA , G.S. MEENA , V.K. GUPTA and H.V. RAGHU 
a b 
Dairy Technology Division, Dairy Microbiology Division, 
National Dairy Research Institute (ICAR), 
Karnal - 132 001 (Haryana) 
India is the global leader in milk production with the annual Composition of milk, type, strength of coagulant and 
production of 127.8 million tonnes of milk during year 2011-12 temperature at which milk was coagulated ultimately decides 
(Srivastava, 2013). Conversion of the surplus milk into the quality of Chhana. Kheer Mohan is a chhana based, 
indigenous sweets has played a vital role in economic, social, region specific, indigenous dairy product, highly popular in 
religious and nutritional well-being of the nation's consumers eastern parts of Rajasthan. Till now, not a single scientific 
since time immemorial. More than half of the annual milk study using different coagulants and fat level in cow or buffalo 
production is being utilized mainly by unorganized sector for milk to produce most suitable chhana for Kheer Mohan 
the production of such indigenous products that results in manufacture has been reported that's why, the present study 
addition of 200% value to the original milk when compared was carried out. 
with its conversion into western dairy products which adds MATERIALS AND METHODS 
only 50% value to it (Aneja et al., 2002). Chhana and khoa are 
the two most common base material to produce number of Preparation of Chhana and Kheer Mohan 
chhana and khoa based sweets. Sahu and Das (2007) Fresh raw cow milk was procured from the Cattle Yard of 
reported that about 6% of the total milk production is converted National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal (Haryana) 
to chhana through coagulation. Market volume of chhana India. It was standardized to 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0% fat levels and 
based sweets in India is about 1 million tonnes with a value of 8.5% SNF using skim milk and cream separated from the 
` 7,00,000 crores (Sahu and Das, 2009). Number of chhana same milk at 45°C milk in a mechanical cream separator. After 
and khoa based sweetmeats has been established their that, chhana was prepared using prescribed method by Aneja 
popularity among the consumers over the period of time while et al., (2002) with certain modifications. One percent strength 
other such products are continuously being valued by the of tartaric acid was kept constant to study the effect of fat 
consumers owing to their unique sensorial attributes. levels while the suitability of cow milk chhana for the 
Moreover, a major market for these indigenous dairy products manufacture of Kheer Mohan was observed with lactic, citric 
is continuously developing overseas due to growing Indian and tartaric acids a 
t 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% strength. The 
drainage of whey from the coagulum was carried out by 
keeping it under 5 times of its weight for 2 h as earlier reported 
by Adhikari et al. (1992). Kheer 
Mohan was than prepared 
from the obtained Chhana by cooking and soaking in sugar 
Kheer Mohan is a region specific, chhana based indigenous dairy product, highly popular in eastern parts of Rajasthan. 
Sensory attributes, hardness and color values of Kheer Mohan as affected by chhana prepared from cow milk having 
different fat levels and using different strength (1, 2, 3 and 4% w/v) and type of coagulants (lactic acid, citric acid and tartaric 
acid) were studied. Standardization of cow milk to 4% fat and 8.5 % SNF and coagulation with 1% tartaric acid was observed 
to yield chhana that resulted in the preparation of Kheer Mohan possessing optimum sensorial attributes, hardness and color 
values. Type of coagulant was positively correlated with hardness of chhana (p<0.01) but negatively correlated (p<0.01) with 
all sensorial attributes and color values of Kheer Mohan. Strengths of coagulants has positive correlation with b* value (p < 
0.05) of Kheer Mohan only. 
Key words : Citric acid, Hardness, Kheer Mohan, Lactic acid, Tartaric acid. 
Received : 06 February 2014 ; Revised accepted : 24 September 2014 
Research Paper 
Effect of fat levels, strength and type of coagulants on quality 
of cow milk Chhana and Kheer Mohan 
1 2,4 
M. Tech. Scholar, Scientist *(gsmndri@gmail.com), 
Principal Scientist,
Textural analysis 
Green Farming 5 (5) 
The textural analysis of chhana and Kheer Mohan was 
done using Texture Analyser, TA-XT2i (M/s Stable Micro 
Systems, UK) fitted with a 25 kg load cell and calibrated with 5 
kg standard dead weight prior to use. Compression plate (P- 
75) was used to compress chhana cubes of 2 cm × 2 cm and 
balls of Kheer Mohan up to 50% of their original height using a 
typical two bite test at 25 0C. Force-distance compression 
curve was obtained to estimate hardness of these products. 
During textural analysis pre-test, test and post-test speeds 
were kept as 2.0, 1.0 and 2.0 mm/s respectively. 
Sensory evaluation 
The sensory evaluation of Kheer Mohan was carried on 9- 
point hedonic scale by a trained panel of judges from the 
faculty of Dairy Technology Division of NDRI, Karnal, 
Boiling of buffalo milk 
Addition of previous day's whey as coagulant 
Addition of semolina, arrow root and dry sugar 
Kneading until visible fat separation occurs on palm 
Formation of chhana balls 
Addition of reetha solution in boiling sugar syrup 
Cooking of chhana balls in above solution until brown color acheived 
syrup using the traditional method of its manufacture. Flow Haryana, in a well-equipped sensory evaluation laboratory. 
diagram of the traditional method of the Kheer Mohan 
manufacture has been shown in Fig. 1 while it's pictorial Statistical analysis 
representation is depicted in Fig. 2 (Meena et al., 2012). Scores obtained for Kheer Mohan samples were 
statistically analysed for one way ANOVA and multiple 
correlation using SAS Enterprise guide (5.1, 2012, USA). 
Effect of fat levels 
Fat levels in milk did not affect the yield and moisture of 
* chhana; any sensory attribute and b (yellowness-blueness) 
value of Kheer Mohan significantly, but the hardness of 
chhana decreased significantly (p<0.05) with the decrease of 
fat content in cow milk (Table 1). Kheer Mohan prepared 
using 3.5% fat milk differed significantly (p<0.05) in L* 
(whiteness) and a*(redness-greenness) values than prepared 
from milk having other two fat levels. Selection of fat level in 
milk to make chhana as well as better Kheer Mohan was 
based on optimum sensory attributes of the product. Cow milk 
with 4% fat and 8.5% SNF was selected based on optimum 
sensory attributes of the resultant product for further studies. 
Incidentally, these fat and SNF levels constitute the cow milk 
standards in Haryana state (FSSR, 2011). 
Effects of type and strength of coagulant 
The effects of strength (1, 2, 3, and 4% w/v) and their type 
(lactic, tartaric and citric acid) on textural attributes of Chhana; 
sensorial, textural and colour attributes of Kheer Mohan are 
shown in Table 2. Significant difference (p<0.05) in the 
hardness value of chhana with different coagulants was 
observed but the observed difference in these parameters 
was not significant between tartaric and citric acid. Significant 
difference (p<0.05) in flavour, sweetness, juiciness and 
Fig. 2. Steps in traditional method of Kheer Mohan 
a. Kheer Mohan ingredients viz., sugar, semolina, arrow root 
powder and chhana 
b. Kneading of chhana with its ingredients 
c. Formation of Kheer Mohan balls 
d. Uncooked Kheer Mohan balls 
e. Reetha nuts and its solution 
f. Cooking of Kheer Mohan balls in sugar syrup 
g. End stage of cooking 
h. Soaking of Kheer Mohan balls in sugar syrup 
i. Selling of Kheer Mohan in card boards 
Rathwa et al. 
Fig 1. Traditional method of Kheer Mohan manufacture
Sep.-Oct. 2014 Effect of fat and coagulants on suitability of cow milk chhana for Kheer Mohan preparation 940 
Table 1. Effect of fat levels in cow milk on different quality attributes of Chhana and Kheer Mohan 
Yield of 
Chhana Body Colour Overall Kheer 
Fat chhana Moisture Hardness Flavour and & Appe- Sweet- Juici- accep- Mohan L* a* b* 
(%) (%) (%) (N) texture arance ness ness tability Hardness 
3 18.17 35.48 4.23 a 7.50 7.50 7.44 7.66 7.66 7.49 58.45 b 37.59 b 14.15 b 30.99 
±0.44 ±1.29 ±0.02 ±0.10 ±0.25 ±0.11 ±0.35 ±0.29 ±0.16 ±1.38 ±0.15 ±0.55 ±0.95 
3.5 17.22 39.92 3.76 b 7.55 7.50 7.44 7.61 7.55 7.61 56.68 b 45.76 a 12.36 a 29.86 
±0.10 ±2.32 ±0.08 ±0.11 ±0.00 ±0.24 ±0.29 ±0.20 ±0.14 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.20 
4 18.32 36.29 3.45 c 7.49 7.50 7.83 7.61 7.27 7.48 46.66 a 37.29 b 13.76 b 29.83 
±1.16 ±0.81 ±0.01 ±0.11 ±0.10 ±0.17 ±0.15 ±0.19 ±0.07 ±0.00 ±.0.04 ±0.04 ±0.11 
Table 2. Effects of type and strength of coagulants on textural attributes of Chhana and sensorial, textural 
and colour attributes of Kheer Mohan 
Chhana Body Overall Hardness, 
Acid Strength Hardness, Flavour and C&A Sweet- Juici- accep- L* a* b* Kheer 
(%) N texture ness ness tability Mohan, N 
Citric acid 1 2.53 7.08 7.17 8.00 7.33 7.33 6.83 36.40 12.94 25.96 48.61 
±0.07a B ±0.22a A ±0.17b A ±0.29 b A ±0.17a A ±0.33 a A ±0.17 a b A ±0.03 a A ±0.05 a A ±0.14 a A ±4.23 a B 
2 3.85 6.92 7.33 8.33 7.33 7.50 7.25 36.85 14.28 31.08 36.51 
±0.42 a B ±0.08 a A ±0.17 b A ±0.44 b A ±0.17 a A ±0.29 a A ±0.14 a b A ±0.04 a B ±0.00 a B ±0.03 a B ±0.75 a B 
3 3.88 7.17 8.00 8.08 7.33 7.17 7.15 39.33 12.40 30.41 66.98 
±0.14 a B ±0.17 a A ±0.29 b A ±0.42 b A ±0.17 a A ±0.33 a A ±0.22 a b A ±0.01 a C ±0.02 a C ±0.07 a C ±0.59 a A 
4 5.39 7.25 7.83 8.17 7.33 7.17 7.25 35.40 13.84 29.24 55.01 
±0.26 a A ±0.14 a A ±0.17 b A ±0.17 b A ±0.17 a A ±0.17 a A ±0.14 a b A ±0.05 a D ±0.03 a D ±0.23 a D ±2.87 a B 
Tartaricacid 1 3.48 8.33 8.00 7.83 8.00 7.67 8.00 42.70 12.87 29.28 55.50 
±0.11 a B ±0.17 b A ±0.29 b A ±0.17 b A ±0.29b A ±0.44 b A ±0.29 b A ±0.03 c A ±0.02 c A ±0.09 c A ±1.67 b B 
2 3.93 7.83 8.00 8.00 7.50 7.50 7.67 37.79 15.24 32.88 67.22 
±0.10 a B ±0.44 b A ±0.29 b A ±0.29 b A ±0.50 b A ±0.50 b A ±0.44 b A ±0.06 c B ±0.03 c B ±0.14 c B ±3.00 b B 
3 3.64 8.17 8.00 8.17 7.50 7.83 7.50 37.29 13.76 29.83 63.45 
±0.06 a B ±0.17 b A ±0.29 b A ±0.17 b A ±0.50 b A ±0.44 b A ±0.76 b A ±0.04 c C ±0.05 c C ±0.12 c C ±5.16 b A 
4 2.99 7.17 7.50 7.67 7.83 8.00 7.67 33.83 17.23 34.36 54.03 
±0.31 a A ±0.60 b A ±0.58 b A ±0.33 b A ±0.44 b A ±0.29 b A ±0.33 b A ±0.02 c D ±0.01 c D ±0.03 c D ±1.17 b B 
Lactic acid 1 6.51 6.83 6.50 7.00 6.83 6.83 6.75 32.93 10.47 26.18 48.61 
±0.19b B ±0.33 a A ±0.29 a A ±0.58a A ±0.60a A ±0.44 a A ±0.43 a A ±0.01 b A ±0.01 b A ±0.08 b A ±4.23 a B 
2 6.04 7.00 6.67 6.83 6.83 7.17 6.83 30.87 9.33 24.35 36.51 
±0.10 b B ±0.29 a A ±0.33 a A ±0.60 a A ±0.60 a A ±0.44 a A ±0.60 a A ±0.09 b B ±0.03 b B ±0.09 b B ±0.75 a B 
3 5.78± 7.00± 6.83± 7.17± 6.83± 6.83± 6.83± 35.73± 10.89± 28.35± 66.29± 
hardness value of Kheer Mohan with different coagulants was difference (p<0.05) in hardness values but the observed 
observed but the observed difference in these parameters difference was statistically non-significant between 4% 
was not significant between lactic and citric acid. Although, strength and remaining all strength of each coagulants. 
body and texture; color and appearance of Kheer Mohan was Similarly, hardness values of Kheer Mohan manufactured 
found to have significant difference (p<0.05) among from different coagulants and their respective strengths was 
coagulants yet the observed difference in both parameters observed to have significant difference (p<0.05) but the 
was not significant between tartaric and citric acid. Overall observed difference was statistically non-significant between 
acceptability of the Kheer Mohan samples was differed 3% strength and remaining strengths of all coagulants. 
significantly (p<0.05) for tartaric and lactic acid hence the Significant difference (p<0.05) in the color value of Kheer 
same was statistically non-significant between citric-lactic Mohan obtained with each coagulants on all strengths was 
and citric-tartaric acids respectively. Kheer Mohan prepared observed. Non- significant difference in all sensory attributes 
with different coagulants was observed to have significant of Kheer Mohan was observed for all acids at their respective 
difference (p<0.05) in its colour values (L*, a* and b*). strengths. 
Chhana prepared from different coagulants and their Multiple correlation between strengths and type of 
respective strengths was observed to have significant coagulant with sensory attributes, color values and hardness 
221 Green Farming 
0.58 b B 0.29 a A 0.44 a A 0.17 a A 0.44 a A 0.44 a A 0.44 a A 0.01 b C 0.02 b C 0.07 b C 9.90 a A 
4 8.77± 6.83± 6.67± 6.75± 6.83± 6.83± 6.42± 33.31± 11.10± 27.91± 51.91± 
0.41 b A 0.17 a A 0.33 a A 0.38 a A 0.44 a A 0.44 a A 0.42 a A 0.20 b D 0.02 b D 0.06 b D 5.23 a B 
abc mean values within a column with different superscripts are significantly different (p<0.05) for different acids from each other 
ABC mean values within a column with different superscripts are significantly different (p<0.05) for different acid strengths from each other
941 Rathwa et al. 
Green Farming 5 (5) 
Table 3. Pearson's multiple correlation coefficients between strengths, type of coagulant and hardness of chhana and Kheer 
Mohan, sensory attributes & color values of Kheer Mohan chemical constituents, instrumental texture & sensory attributes 
Body Colour & Overall Kheer 
Hardness Flavour and Appe- Sweetness Juiciness accep- L* a* b* Mohan 
(N) texture arance tability Hardness 
Coagulants 0.75538** -0.60656** -0.6757** -0.53135** -0.51698** -0.5091** -0.55906** -0.63288** -0.83323** -0.72345** -0.31797NS 
Strengths 0.28158NS -0.13963NS 0.09359NS -0.02477NS -0.02697NS 0.00929NS -0.05189NS -0.26625NS 0.27929NS 0.41246* 0.25552NS 
** Correlation is significant at 0.01 level (p<0.01); * Correlation is significant at 0.05 level (p<0.05); NS : Non-significant 
of Kheer Mohan From Table 3, it can be seen that type of hardness and color values, which were compared with the 
coagulant was highly correlated (r =+ 0.75538, p < 0.01) with respective values of most preferred market sample of Kheer 
chhana hardness while the same was negatively correlated Mohan. Kheer Mohan manufactured using lactic acid lack 
with flavour (r =-0.60656, p < 0.01), body and texture (r = - optimum sensorial attributes, hardness and color values so it 
0.6757, p < 0.01), colour and appreance (r =-0.53135, was unsuitable to make better quality product. On the basis of 
p<0.01), sweetness (r =-0.51698, p < 0.01), juiciness (r =- highest sensorial scores and best match of hardness and 
0.5091, p< 0.01) , overall acceptability (r =-0.55906, p < 0.01), color values of Kheer Mohan, tartaric acid with its 1% strength 
L* (r =-0.63288, p < 0.01), a* (r =-0.83323, p < 0.01), b* (r = - was found the most suitable coagulant for the manufacturing 
0.72345, p < 0.01) but has non-significant correlation with of Kheer Mohan. This particular outcome of the study is highly 
hardness of Kheer Mohan. Strengths of coagulants has important for the large scale production of better quality Kheer 
positive correlation only with b* value (r = +0.41246, p < 0.05) Mohan by organised dairy industries. 
of Kheer Mohan. 
Suitability of particular strength of a coagulant for the ACKNOWLEDGMENT 
manufacture of Kheer Mohan was judged on the basis of 
sensorial attributes but mostly focused on the instrumental Thankful acknowledgment to the Director, National Dairy 
Research Institute for providing economic assistance in the data of the product i.e. (L*, a*, b* and hardness of Kheer form of Institute Research Project and other amenities for 
Mohan). These measured instrumental values were conducting the presented research work. compared with the target values (L*=46.77, a*=13.64, b*= 30.6 
and hardness= 55 N) of highly preferred market sample of REFERENCES 
Kheer Mohan as earlier reported by Meena et al. (2012 
). From 
table 2 it is clear that Kheer Mohan manufactured using lactic Adhikari A K, Mathur O N a nd Patil G R. 1992. Micro-a 
nd macro-acid 
not only obtained lowest sensory scores but also had structure of cow, buffalo and mixed milk Rasogolla: a 
instrumental data far away from their target values. Moreover, comparative scanning electron and light microscope study. 
lactic acid is the most expensive among the studied Dairy Science & Technology (Le Lait). 72 (5) : 5475-489. 
coagulants that also required prolong duration for product Aneja R P, Banerjee A K, Chandan R C and Mathur B N. 2002. 
cooking which resulted in very hard product crust but too soft Technology of Indian Milk Products. Dairy India Publication, 
core. Kheer Mohan manufactured with citric as well as tartaric Delhi. pp. 4-22. 
acids with their respective strengths not only had better FSSR . 2011. Food safety and standard regulations. Gazetted 
sensorial attributes but also their measured instrumental notifications http://www.fssai.gov.in/gazettednotification. 
values were near to the target values. On the basis of highest aspx (internet document, accesses on 04.02.2014). 
sensorial scores and best match of instrumental values i.e. Meena G S, Gupta V K, Khetra Y and Raghu H V. 2012. Project on 
hardness and color values (L*, a* and b*) of Kheer Mohan, Technology development for manufacturing of Kheer Mohan. 
tartaric acid with its 1% strength was observed as the most Progress Report Submitted to NDRI, Karnal (Haryana). 
suitable coagulant for the manufacturing of good quality Sahu J K and Das H. 2007. Chhana Manufacturing. Indian Dairy 
Kheer Mohan. Association Monograph. (3) :1-20. 
Sahu J K and Das H. 2009. A continuous heat-acid coagulation 
CONCLUSION unit for continuous production of chhana. Assam University 
Journal of Science & Technology: Physical Sciences and 
Suitability of different coagulants (lactic, citric and tartaric Technology. 4 (2) : 40-45. 
acids) and their strengths ( 1, 2, 3 and 4%) for the Srivastava A K. 2013. Dairy development for food security. Indian 
manufacture of Kheer Mohan was judged on the basis of Dairyman. (5) : 36-39. 
sensorial attributes and the instrumentally measured

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Rachna et al., 2014 . effect of fat levels, strength and type of coagulants on quality of cow milk chhana and kheer mohan 2014

  • 1. Green Farming Vol. 5 (5) : 938-941 ; September-October, 2014 a a a b 1 2* 3 4 R. RATHWA , G.S. MEENA , V.K. GUPTA and H.V. RAGHU a b Dairy Technology Division, Dairy Microbiology Division, National Dairy Research Institute (ICAR), Karnal - 132 001 (Haryana) India is the global leader in milk production with the annual Composition of milk, type, strength of coagulant and production of 127.8 million tonnes of milk during year 2011-12 temperature at which milk was coagulated ultimately decides (Srivastava, 2013). Conversion of the surplus milk into the quality of Chhana. Kheer Mohan is a chhana based, indigenous sweets has played a vital role in economic, social, region specific, indigenous dairy product, highly popular in religious and nutritional well-being of the nation's consumers eastern parts of Rajasthan. Till now, not a single scientific since time immemorial. More than half of the annual milk study using different coagulants and fat level in cow or buffalo production is being utilized mainly by unorganized sector for milk to produce most suitable chhana for Kheer Mohan the production of such indigenous products that results in manufacture has been reported that's why, the present study addition of 200% value to the original milk when compared was carried out. with its conversion into western dairy products which adds MATERIALS AND METHODS only 50% value to it (Aneja et al., 2002). Chhana and khoa are the two most common base material to produce number of Preparation of Chhana and Kheer Mohan chhana and khoa based sweets. Sahu and Das (2007) Fresh raw cow milk was procured from the Cattle Yard of reported that about 6% of the total milk production is converted National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal (Haryana) to chhana through coagulation. Market volume of chhana India. It was standardized to 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0% fat levels and based sweets in India is about 1 million tonnes with a value of 8.5% SNF using skim milk and cream separated from the ` 7,00,000 crores (Sahu and Das, 2009). Number of chhana same milk at 45°C milk in a mechanical cream separator. After and khoa based sweetmeats has been established their that, chhana was prepared using prescribed method by Aneja popularity among the consumers over the period of time while et al., (2002) with certain modifications. One percent strength other such products are continuously being valued by the of tartaric acid was kept constant to study the effect of fat consumers owing to their unique sensorial attributes. levels while the suitability of cow milk chhana for the Moreover, a major market for these indigenous dairy products manufacture of Kheer Mohan was observed with lactic, citric is continuously developing overseas due to growing Indian and tartaric acids a diaspora. t 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% strength. The drainage of whey from the coagulum was carried out by keeping it under 5 times of its weight for 2 h as earlier reported by Adhikari et al. (1992). Kheer Mohan was than prepared from the obtained Chhana by cooking and soaking in sugar INTRODUCTION ABSTRACT Kheer Mohan is a region specific, chhana based indigenous dairy product, highly popular in eastern parts of Rajasthan. Sensory attributes, hardness and color values of Kheer Mohan as affected by chhana prepared from cow milk having different fat levels and using different strength (1, 2, 3 and 4% w/v) and type of coagulants (lactic acid, citric acid and tartaric acid) were studied. Standardization of cow milk to 4% fat and 8.5 % SNF and coagulation with 1% tartaric acid was observed to yield chhana that resulted in the preparation of Kheer Mohan possessing optimum sensorial attributes, hardness and color values. Type of coagulant was positively correlated with hardness of chhana (p<0.01) but negatively correlated (p<0.01) with all sensorial attributes and color values of Kheer Mohan. Strengths of coagulants has positive correlation with b* value (p < 0.05) of Kheer Mohan only. Key words : Citric acid, Hardness, Kheer Mohan, Lactic acid, Tartaric acid. 219 Received : 06 February 2014 ; Revised accepted : 24 September 2014 Research Paper Effect of fat levels, strength and type of coagulants on quality of cow milk Chhana and Kheer Mohan 1 2,4 M. Tech. Scholar, Scientist *(gsmndri@gmail.com), 3 Principal Scientist,
  • 2. Textural analysis Green Farming 5 (5) The textural analysis of chhana and Kheer Mohan was done using Texture Analyser, TA-XT2i (M/s Stable Micro Systems, UK) fitted with a 25 kg load cell and calibrated with 5 kg standard dead weight prior to use. Compression plate (P- 75) was used to compress chhana cubes of 2 cm × 2 cm and balls of Kheer Mohan up to 50% of their original height using a typical two bite test at 25 0C. Force-distance compression curve was obtained to estimate hardness of these products. During textural analysis pre-test, test and post-test speeds were kept as 2.0, 1.0 and 2.0 mm/s respectively. Sensory evaluation The sensory evaluation of Kheer Mohan was carried on 9- point hedonic scale by a trained panel of judges from the faculty of Dairy Technology Division of NDRI, Karnal, Boiling of buffalo milk Cooling Addition of previous day's whey as coagulant Chhana Cooling Addition of semolina, arrow root and dry sugar Kneading until visible fat separation occurs on palm Formation of chhana balls Addition of reetha solution in boiling sugar syrup Cooking of chhana balls in above solution until brown color acheived syrup using the traditional method of its manufacture. Flow Haryana, in a well-equipped sensory evaluation laboratory. diagram of the traditional method of the Kheer Mohan manufacture has been shown in Fig. 1 while it's pictorial Statistical analysis representation is depicted in Fig. 2 (Meena et al., 2012). Scores obtained for Kheer Mohan samples were statistically analysed for one way ANOVA and multiple correlation using SAS Enterprise guide (5.1, 2012, USA). RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS Effect of fat levels Fat levels in milk did not affect the yield and moisture of * chhana; any sensory attribute and b (yellowness-blueness) value of Kheer Mohan significantly, but the hardness of chhana decreased significantly (p<0.05) with the decrease of fat content in cow milk (Table 1). Kheer Mohan prepared using 3.5% fat milk differed significantly (p<0.05) in L* (whiteness) and a*(redness-greenness) values than prepared from milk having other two fat levels. Selection of fat level in milk to make chhana as well as better Kheer Mohan was based on optimum sensory attributes of the product. Cow milk with 4% fat and 8.5% SNF was selected based on optimum sensory attributes of the resultant product for further studies. Incidentally, these fat and SNF levels constitute the cow milk standards in Haryana state (FSSR, 2011). Effects of type and strength of coagulant The effects of strength (1, 2, 3, and 4% w/v) and their type (lactic, tartaric and citric acid) on textural attributes of Chhana; sensorial, textural and colour attributes of Kheer Mohan are shown in Table 2. Significant difference (p<0.05) in the hardness value of chhana with different coagulants was observed but the observed difference in these parameters was not significant between tartaric and citric acid. Significant difference (p<0.05) in flavour, sweetness, juiciness and 939 220 Fig. 2. Steps in traditional method of Kheer Mohan manufacture. a. Kheer Mohan ingredients viz., sugar, semolina, arrow root powder and chhana b. Kneading of chhana with its ingredients c. Formation of Kheer Mohan balls d. Uncooked Kheer Mohan balls e. Reetha nuts and its solution f. Cooking of Kheer Mohan balls in sugar syrup g. End stage of cooking h. Soaking of Kheer Mohan balls in sugar syrup i. Selling of Kheer Mohan in card boards Rathwa et al. Fig 1. Traditional method of Kheer Mohan manufacture
  • 3. Sep.-Oct. 2014 Effect of fat and coagulants on suitability of cow milk chhana for Kheer Mohan preparation 940 Table 1. Effect of fat levels in cow milk on different quality attributes of Chhana and Kheer Mohan Yield of Chhana Body Colour Overall Kheer Fat chhana Moisture Hardness Flavour and & Appe- Sweet- Juici- accep- Mohan L* a* b* (%) (%) (%) (N) texture arance ness ness tability Hardness (N) 3 18.17 35.48 4.23 a 7.50 7.50 7.44 7.66 7.66 7.49 58.45 b 37.59 b 14.15 b 30.99 ±0.44 ±1.29 ±0.02 ±0.10 ±0.25 ±0.11 ±0.35 ±0.29 ±0.16 ±1.38 ±0.15 ±0.55 ±0.95 3.5 17.22 39.92 3.76 b 7.55 7.50 7.44 7.61 7.55 7.61 56.68 b 45.76 a 12.36 a 29.86 ±0.10 ±2.32 ±0.08 ±0.11 ±0.00 ±0.24 ±0.29 ±0.20 ±0.14 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.20 4 18.32 36.29 3.45 c 7.49 7.50 7.83 7.61 7.27 7.48 46.66 a 37.29 b 13.76 b 29.83 ±1.16 ±0.81 ±0.01 ±0.11 ±0.10 ±0.17 ±0.15 ±0.19 ±0.07 ±0.00 ±.0.04 ±0.04 ±0.11 Table 2. Effects of type and strength of coagulants on textural attributes of Chhana and sensorial, textural and colour attributes of Kheer Mohan Chhana Body Overall Hardness, Acid Strength Hardness, Flavour and C&A Sweet- Juici- accep- L* a* b* Kheer (%) N texture ness ness tability Mohan, N Citric acid 1 2.53 7.08 7.17 8.00 7.33 7.33 6.83 36.40 12.94 25.96 48.61 ±0.07a B ±0.22a A ±0.17b A ±0.29 b A ±0.17a A ±0.33 a A ±0.17 a b A ±0.03 a A ±0.05 a A ±0.14 a A ±4.23 a B 2 3.85 6.92 7.33 8.33 7.33 7.50 7.25 36.85 14.28 31.08 36.51 ±0.42 a B ±0.08 a A ±0.17 b A ±0.44 b A ±0.17 a A ±0.29 a A ±0.14 a b A ±0.04 a B ±0.00 a B ±0.03 a B ±0.75 a B 3 3.88 7.17 8.00 8.08 7.33 7.17 7.15 39.33 12.40 30.41 66.98 ±0.14 a B ±0.17 a A ±0.29 b A ±0.42 b A ±0.17 a A ±0.33 a A ±0.22 a b A ±0.01 a C ±0.02 a C ±0.07 a C ±0.59 a A 4 5.39 7.25 7.83 8.17 7.33 7.17 7.25 35.40 13.84 29.24 55.01 ±0.26 a A ±0.14 a A ±0.17 b A ±0.17 b A ±0.17 a A ±0.17 a A ±0.14 a b A ±0.05 a D ±0.03 a D ±0.23 a D ±2.87 a B Tartaricacid 1 3.48 8.33 8.00 7.83 8.00 7.67 8.00 42.70 12.87 29.28 55.50 ±0.11 a B ±0.17 b A ±0.29 b A ±0.17 b A ±0.29b A ±0.44 b A ±0.29 b A ±0.03 c A ±0.02 c A ±0.09 c A ±1.67 b B 2 3.93 7.83 8.00 8.00 7.50 7.50 7.67 37.79 15.24 32.88 67.22 ±0.10 a B ±0.44 b A ±0.29 b A ±0.29 b A ±0.50 b A ±0.50 b A ±0.44 b A ±0.06 c B ±0.03 c B ±0.14 c B ±3.00 b B 3 3.64 8.17 8.00 8.17 7.50 7.83 7.50 37.29 13.76 29.83 63.45 ±0.06 a B ±0.17 b A ±0.29 b A ±0.17 b A ±0.50 b A ±0.44 b A ±0.76 b A ±0.04 c C ±0.05 c C ±0.12 c C ±5.16 b A 4 2.99 7.17 7.50 7.67 7.83 8.00 7.67 33.83 17.23 34.36 54.03 ±0.31 a A ±0.60 b A ±0.58 b A ±0.33 b A ±0.44 b A ±0.29 b A ±0.33 b A ±0.02 c D ±0.01 c D ±0.03 c D ±1.17 b B Lactic acid 1 6.51 6.83 6.50 7.00 6.83 6.83 6.75 32.93 10.47 26.18 48.61 ±0.19b B ±0.33 a A ±0.29 a A ±0.58a A ±0.60a A ±0.44 a A ±0.43 a A ±0.01 b A ±0.01 b A ±0.08 b A ±4.23 a B 2 6.04 7.00 6.67 6.83 6.83 7.17 6.83 30.87 9.33 24.35 36.51 ±0.10 b B ±0.29 a A ±0.33 a A ±0.60 a A ±0.60 a A ±0.44 a A ±0.60 a A ±0.09 b B ±0.03 b B ±0.09 b B ±0.75 a B 3 5.78± 7.00± 6.83± 7.17± 6.83± 6.83± 6.83± 35.73± 10.89± 28.35± 66.29± hardness value of Kheer Mohan with different coagulants was difference (p<0.05) in hardness values but the observed observed but the observed difference in these parameters difference was statistically non-significant between 4% was not significant between lactic and citric acid. Although, strength and remaining all strength of each coagulants. body and texture; color and appearance of Kheer Mohan was Similarly, hardness values of Kheer Mohan manufactured found to have significant difference (p<0.05) among from different coagulants and their respective strengths was coagulants yet the observed difference in both parameters observed to have significant difference (p<0.05) but the was not significant between tartaric and citric acid. Overall observed difference was statistically non-significant between acceptability of the Kheer Mohan samples was differed 3% strength and remaining strengths of all coagulants. significantly (p<0.05) for tartaric and lactic acid hence the Significant difference (p<0.05) in the color value of Kheer same was statistically non-significant between citric-lactic Mohan obtained with each coagulants on all strengths was and citric-tartaric acids respectively. Kheer Mohan prepared observed. Non- significant difference in all sensory attributes with different coagulants was observed to have significant of Kheer Mohan was observed for all acids at their respective difference (p<0.05) in its colour values (L*, a* and b*). strengths. Chhana prepared from different coagulants and their Multiple correlation between strengths and type of respective strengths was observed to have significant coagulant with sensory attributes, color values and hardness 221 Green Farming 0.58 b B 0.29 a A 0.44 a A 0.17 a A 0.44 a A 0.44 a A 0.44 a A 0.01 b C 0.02 b C 0.07 b C 9.90 a A 4 8.77± 6.83± 6.67± 6.75± 6.83± 6.83± 6.42± 33.31± 11.10± 27.91± 51.91± 0.41 b A 0.17 a A 0.33 a A 0.38 a A 0.44 a A 0.44 a A 0.42 a A 0.20 b D 0.02 b D 0.06 b D 5.23 a B abc mean values within a column with different superscripts are significantly different (p<0.05) for different acids from each other ABC mean values within a column with different superscripts are significantly different (p<0.05) for different acid strengths from each other
  • 4. 941 Rathwa et al. Green Farming 5 (5) Table 3. Pearson's multiple correlation coefficients between strengths, type of coagulant and hardness of chhana and Kheer Mohan, sensory attributes & color values of Kheer Mohan chemical constituents, instrumental texture & sensory attributes Body Colour & Overall Kheer Chhana Hardness Flavour and Appe- Sweetness Juiciness accep- L* a* b* Mohan (N) texture arance tability Hardness (N) Coagulants 0.75538** -0.60656** -0.6757** -0.53135** -0.51698** -0.5091** -0.55906** -0.63288** -0.83323** -0.72345** -0.31797NS Strengths 0.28158NS -0.13963NS 0.09359NS -0.02477NS -0.02697NS 0.00929NS -0.05189NS -0.26625NS 0.27929NS 0.41246* 0.25552NS ** Correlation is significant at 0.01 level (p<0.01); * Correlation is significant at 0.05 level (p<0.05); NS : Non-significant of Kheer Mohan From Table 3, it can be seen that type of hardness and color values, which were compared with the coagulant was highly correlated (r =+ 0.75538, p < 0.01) with respective values of most preferred market sample of Kheer chhana hardness while the same was negatively correlated Mohan. Kheer Mohan manufactured using lactic acid lack with flavour (r =-0.60656, p < 0.01), body and texture (r = - optimum sensorial attributes, hardness and color values so it 0.6757, p < 0.01), colour and appreance (r =-0.53135, was unsuitable to make better quality product. On the basis of p<0.01), sweetness (r =-0.51698, p < 0.01), juiciness (r =- highest sensorial scores and best match of hardness and 0.5091, p< 0.01) , overall acceptability (r =-0.55906, p < 0.01), color values of Kheer Mohan, tartaric acid with its 1% strength L* (r =-0.63288, p < 0.01), a* (r =-0.83323, p < 0.01), b* (r = - was found the most suitable coagulant for the manufacturing 0.72345, p < 0.01) but has non-significant correlation with of Kheer Mohan. This particular outcome of the study is highly hardness of Kheer Mohan. Strengths of coagulants has important for the large scale production of better quality Kheer positive correlation only with b* value (r = +0.41246, p < 0.05) Mohan by organised dairy industries. of Kheer Mohan. 222 Suitability of particular strength of a coagulant for the ACKNOWLEDGMENT manufacture of Kheer Mohan was judged on the basis of sensorial attributes but mostly focused on the instrumental Thankful acknowledgment to the Director, National Dairy Research Institute for providing economic assistance in the data of the product i.e. (L*, a*, b* and hardness of Kheer form of Institute Research Project and other amenities for Mohan). These measured instrumental values were conducting the presented research work. compared with the target values (L*=46.77, a*=13.64, b*= 30.6 and hardness= 55 N) of highly preferred market sample of REFERENCES Kheer Mohan as earlier reported by Meena et al. (2012 ). 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