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Rails3 changesets
About Me
?              a.k.a. ihower
    ?   http://ihower.tw

    ?   http://twitter.com/ihower

? Rails Developer since 2006
? The Organizer of Ruby Taiwan Community
 ? http://ruby.tw
 ? http://rubyconf.tw
?   Bundler
?   ActiveRecord: New Query API
?   ActiveRecord: New Validation API
?   Views: XSS, Block Helper and JavaScript
?   I18n
?   New Routing API
?   New ActionMailer
?   Metal
1. Bundler
gem "rails", "3.0.0.rc"

#     require                   :require
gem "sqlite3-ruby", :require => "sqlite3"

#       Git                    branch, tag    ref
gem 'authlogic', :git => 'git://github.com/odorcicd/authlogic.git',
                          :branch => 'rails3'

gem "rails", :path => '/Users/ihower/github/rails'

# Group
group :test do
  gem "rspec-rails", ">= 2.0.0.beta.8"
  gem "webrat"
2. AR Query API
AR queries (1)
                     method chaining

# Rails 2
users = User.find(:all, :conditions => { :name =>
'ihower' }, :limit => 10, :order => 'age')

# Rails 3
users = User.where(:name => 'ihower').limit(20).order('age')
AR queries (2)
      Unify ?nders, named_scope, with_scope to Relation
# Rails 2
users = User
users = users.some_named_scope if params[:some]
sort = params[:sort] || "id"
conditions = {}

if params[:name]
  conditions = User.merge_conditions( conditions, { :name => params[:name] } )

if params[:age]
  conditions = User.merge_conditions( conditions, { :age => params[:age] } )

find_conditions = { :conditions => conditions, :order => "#{sort} #{dir}" }
sort = params[:sort] || "id"

users = users.find(:all, :conditions => conditions, :order => sort )
AR queries (2)
Unify ?nders, named_scope, with_scope to Relation

# Rails   3
users =   User
users =   users.some_scope if params[:some]
users =   users.where( :name => params[:name] ) if params[:name]
users =   users.where( :age => params[:age] ) if params[:age]
users =   users.order( params[:sort] || "id" )
AR queries (3)
Using class methods instead of scopes when you need lambda
    # Rails 3
    class Product < ActiveRecord::Base

      scope :discontinued, where(:discontinued => true)
      scope :cheaper_than, lambda { |price| where("price < ?", price) }


    # Rails 3, prefer this way more
    class Product < ActiveRecord::Base

      scope :discontinued, where(:discontinued => true)

      def self.cheaper_than(price)
        where("price < ?", price)

3. AR Validation API
AR validation (1)
# Rails 2
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates_presence_of :email
  validates_uniqueness_of :email
  validates_format_of :email, :with => /^[wd]+$/ :on => :create, :message =>
"is invalid"

# Rails 3
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates :email,
            :presence => true,
            :uniqueness => true,
            :format => { :with => /^([^@s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i }

AR validation (2)
                           custom validator

# Rails 3
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates :email, :presence => true,
                    :uniqueness => true,
                    :email_format => true

class EmailFormatValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
  def validate_each(object, attribute, value)
    unless value =~ /^([^@s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i
      object.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || "is not formatted
Secure XSS
Rails3 will automatically escape any string that does not
            originate from inside of Rails itself

            # Rails2
            <%=h @person.title %>

            # Rails3
            <%=@person.title %>

            # unescape string
            <%= @person.title.html_safe %>
            <%= raw @person.title %>
Unobtrusive JavaScript
  # Rails 2
  link_to_remote "Name", url_path
  # Rails 3
  link_to "Name", url_path, :remote => true

  # Rails 2
  remote_form_for @article do
  # Rails 3
  form_for @article, :remote => true do
You can change rails.js
  to jQuery version
consistent <%= %>
  # Rails 2
  <% form_for @article do %>

  <% content_for :sidebar do %>
  <% end %>

  # Rails 3
  <%= form_for @article do %>

  <%= content_for :sidebar do %>
  <% end %>
consistent <%= %> (2)
   # Rails2
   <% my_helper do %>
   <% end %>

   # Rails2 Helper
   def my_helper

   # or
   def my_helper(&block)
       tmp = with_output_buffer(&block)
       concat("header #{tmp} footer")
consistent <%= %> (3)
   # Rails3
   <%= my_helper do %>
   <% end %>

   # Rails3 Helper
   def my_helper(&block)
     tmp = with_output_buffer(&block)
     "header #{tmp} footer"
5. I18n
{{ }} becomes to %{}
6. Routing API
                            nice DSL
# Rails 2
map.resources :people, :member => { :dashboard => :get,
                                    :resend => :post,
                                    :upload => :put } do |people|
    people.resource :avatra

# Rails 3
resources :people do
    resource :avatar
    member do
        get :dashboard
        post :resend
        put :upload
7. ActionMailer
# Rails 2
class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base

  def signup(user)
    recipients user.email
    from 'ihower@gmail.com'
    body :name => user.name
    subject "Signup"


# Rails 3
class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base

  default :from => "ihower@gmail.com"

  def signup(user)
    @name = user.name
    mail(:to => user.email, :subject => "Signup" )


8. Metal
Removing Metal

? Use Rack middleware
? Use Rack endpoint in the router
 ? you can inherit ActionController::Metal
    to gain controller’s feature
Yehuda’s benchmark
2900    Rack
2200    config.middleware.use YourMiddleware
2000    Rails Route
1900    ActionController::Metal
1070    ActionController::Base
825     ActionController::Base     render :text
765     ActionController::Base     render :template
375     ActionController::Base     Template    Layout
More on http://ihower.tw/blog/archives/4590

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從 Scrum 到 Kanban: 為什麼 Scrum 不適合 Lean Startup從 Scrum 到 Kanban: 為什麼 Scrum 不適合 Lean Startup
從 Scrum 到 Kanban: 為什麼 Scrum 不適合 Lean Startup
Wen-Tien Chang
那些 Functional Programming 教我的事
那些 Functional Programming 教我的事那些 Functional Programming 教我的事
那些 Functional Programming 教我的事
Wen-Tien Chang

Rails3 changesets

  • 1. Rails3 changesets ihower@gmail.com 2010/8/17
  • 2. About Me ? a.k.a. ihower ? http://ihower.tw ? http://twitter.com/ihower ? Rails Developer since 2006 ? The Organizer of Ruby Taiwan Community ? http://ruby.tw ? http://rubyconf.tw
  • 3. Agenda ? Bundler ? ActiveRecord: New Query API ? ActiveRecord: New Validation API ? Views: XSS, Block Helper and JavaScript ? I18n ? New Routing API ? New ActionMailer ? Metal
  • 5. Gem?le # gem "rails", "3.0.0.rc" # require :require gem "sqlite3-ruby", :require => "sqlite3" # Git branch, tag ref gem 'authlogic', :git => 'git://github.com/odorcicd/authlogic.git', :branch => 'rails3' # gem "rails", :path => '/Users/ihower/github/rails' # Group group :test do gem "rspec-rails", ">= 2.0.0.beta.8" gem "webrat" end
  • 7. AR queries (1) method chaining # Rails 2 users = User.find(:all, :conditions => { :name => 'ihower' }, :limit => 10, :order => 'age') # Rails 3 users = User.where(:name => 'ihower').limit(20).order('age')
  • 8. AR queries (2) Unify ?nders, named_scope, with_scope to Relation # Rails 2 users = User users = users.some_named_scope if params[:some] sort = params[:sort] || "id" conditions = {} if params[:name] conditions = User.merge_conditions( conditions, { :name => params[:name] } ) end if params[:age] conditions = User.merge_conditions( conditions, { :age => params[:age] } ) end find_conditions = { :conditions => conditions, :order => "#{sort} #{dir}" } sort = params[:sort] || "id" users = users.find(:all, :conditions => conditions, :order => sort )
  • 9. AR queries (2) Unify ?nders, named_scope, with_scope to Relation # Rails 3 users = User users = users.some_scope if params[:some] users = users.where( :name => params[:name] ) if params[:name] users = users.where( :age => params[:age] ) if params[:age] users = users.order( params[:sort] || "id" )
  • 10. AR queries (3) Using class methods instead of scopes when you need lambda # Rails 3 class Product < ActiveRecord::Base scope :discontinued, where(:discontinued => true) scope :cheaper_than, lambda { |price| where("price < ?", price) } end # Rails 3, prefer this way more class Product < ActiveRecord::Base scope :discontinued, where(:discontinued => true) def self.cheaper_than(price) where("price < ?", price) end end
  • 12. AR validation (1) # Rails 2 class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :email validates_uniqueness_of :email validates_format_of :email, :with => /^[wd]+$/ :on => :create, :message => "is invalid" end # Rails 3 class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates :email, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true, :format => { :with => /^([^@s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i } end http://asciicasts.com/episodes/211-validations-in-rails-3
  • 13. AR validation (2) custom validator # Rails 3 class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates :email, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true, :email_format => true end class EmailFormatValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator def validate_each(object, attribute, value) unless value =~ /^([^@s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i object.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || "is not formatted properly") end end end
  • 15. Secure XSS Rails3 will automatically escape any string that does not originate from inside of Rails itself # Rails2 <%=h @person.title %> # Rails3 <%=@person.title %> # unescape string <%= @person.title.html_safe %> <%= raw @person.title %>
  • 16. Unobtrusive JavaScript # Rails 2 link_to_remote "Name", url_path # Rails 3 link_to "Name", url_path, :remote => true # Rails 2 remote_form_for @article do end # Rails 3 form_for @article, :remote => true do end
  • 17. You can change rails.js to jQuery version http://ihower.tw/blog/archives/3917
  • 18. consistent <%= %> # Rails 2 <% form_for @article do %> end <% content_for :sidebar do %> <% end %> # Rails 3 <%= form_for @article do %> end <%= content_for :sidebar do %> <% end %>
  • 19. consistent <%= %> (2) # Rails2 <% my_helper do %> blah <% end %> # Rails2 Helper def my_helper concat("header") yield concat("footer") end # or def my_helper(&block) tmp = with_output_buffer(&block) concat("header #{tmp} footer") end
  • 20. consistent <%= %> (3) # Rails3 <%= my_helper do %> blah <% end %> # Rails3 Helper def my_helper(&block) tmp = with_output_buffer(&block) "header #{tmp} footer" end
  • 22. {{ }} becomes to %{}
  • 24. Routes nice DSL # Rails 2 map.resources :people, :member => { :dashboard => :get, :resend => :post, :upload => :put } do |people| people.resource :avatra end # Rails 3 resources :people do resource :avatar member do get :dashboard post :resend put :upload end end
  • 26. ActionMailer # Rails 2 class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base def signup(user) recipients user.email from 'ihower@gmail.com' body :name => user.name subject "Signup" end end UserMailer.deliver_registration_confirmation(@user)
  • 27. ActionMailer # Rails 3 class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base default :from => "ihower@gmail.com" def signup(user) @name = user.name mail(:to => user.email, :subject => "Signup" ) end end UserMailer.registration_confirmation(@user).deliver
  • 29. Removing Metal ? Use Rack middleware ? Use Rack endpoint in the router ? you can inherit ActionController::Metal to gain controller’s feature
  • 30. Yehuda’s benchmark rps 2900 Rack 2200 config.middleware.use YourMiddleware 2000 Rails Route 1900 ActionController::Metal 1070 ActionController::Base 825 ActionController::Base render :text 765 ActionController::Base render :template 375 ActionController::Base Template Layout