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614 South Loomis Street, Unit 2, Chicago, IL 60607  (312) 532-6126.  rajdeepbiswas2016@gmail.com
 Over 3 years of experience as an Analystwith solid understandingof Business RequirementGathering, Financial Analysis& Financial
 Solid understandingof US GAAP, accountingprocedures and financial reportingpractices and theability to apply concepts to specific
 Extensive experience in communicatingwith Vendors, Accounts Payable,Receivable and Payroll.
 Reconciled financial discrepancies by collectingand analyzingaccountinformation.
 Maintained financial security by following internal controls and prepared payments by verifying documentation, and requesting
 Efficient in time series analysisand statistical modeling(MultipleRegression,Auto Regression), Budgeting and Forecasting.
 Competent in clarifying business requirements, performing gap analysis between goals and existing procedures/skills sets, and
designingstrategy documents and designingprocess and system improvements to increaseproductivity and reduce costs.
 Understanding of Business Requirements gathering, Business Process flow,Business Process Modelingwith diverseexperience in
working in various domains such as real estate,retailing,manufacturingetc.
 Prepared pro-forma statements & forecasted synergies,on the give financial data,pitched detailed report on valuation using
DCF model.
 Adept at creatingand transformingbusiness requirements into functional requirements and designingbusiness models usingUML
diagrams Context, Use Cases,Flowcharts, Sequence, state diagrams and Activity diagrams.
 Comprehensive knowledge on risk and returns,portfolio analysisand Bond pricing.
 Assisted ProjectManagers to create Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), Projecttimelines and ProjectSchedules.
 Ability to work under strictdeadlines,schedules and repetitivetasks with a positive attitude and an acute attention to detail.
 Demonstrated ability to work with and supportcross-functional projectteams.
 Experience in managingmultipleprojects simultaneously and under pressure.
 Well versed in documentation of Functional Specifications and BusinessRequirements.
 Outstandingcustomer serviceskills emphasizingon the customer needs and resolvingcustomer issues to their satisfaction.
 Strong expertise in buildingTemplates,Graphical analysischarts and Statistical reports usingMS Excel.
 Full understandingof P&Land chartof accounts,balancesheet, and trial balance,includingdetailed knowledgeof how transa ctions
posted in the system affect different reports.
 Proven ability in Risk identification and mitigation and ableto take preventative action when any risks become unacceptable.
 Complied with federal, state, and local financial legal requirements by studying existingand new legislation,enforcingadherence
to requirements, and advisingmanagement on needed actions.
 Strong analytical skillsand creativethinking.Ability to solveproblems and generate new ideas.
 Coordinating extensive communication networks (interviews, written correspondence, reports, implementation requirements,
projectstatus reports,oral presentations, e-mails,etc.) to keep executive staff and team members apprised of goals,projectstatus,
and resolvingissues and conflicts.
 Experience in MS Word, Excel, Access, IBM SPSS and SAS.
 Strong ability to create informativeand visually aesthetic presentations in MS PowerPoint.
TARIS REAL ESTATE  Financial & Accounting Intern, Chicago, IL May 2015 - Aug2015
 Supported the team to analyze investment projects by conducting financial modeling using MS Excel, QuickBooks &
 Helped with accounts receivable,payableand bank reconciliation usingQuickBooksand Quicken.
 Prepared asset,liability,and capital accountentries by compilingand analyzingaccountinformation.
 Conducted financial ratio analysisto analyzebusinesssales and profitability.Used ratios such as ROS,ROA, ROE, ROI and
SustainableGrowth Rate (SGR).
 Processed payroll for over 150 employees on bi-weekly basis.
 Prepared monthly documentation of tax payments and detailed reports of expenditures and assets for tax purposes.
 Prepared various levels of presentation packages from initial internal review to externa l investor and lender including
analysisof property sites,market demand, rent and sales comps and projected income or return.
 Prepared monthly journal entries for all thetransactionsand followup on any outstandingitems at the end of the month.
 Assisted with month end financial reports and worked with the financeteam on yearly and monthly forecastingefforts.
 Involved in Risk identification analysisand Costbenefit analysis.
 Secured financial information by completingdata basebackups.

IPDC of Bangladesh LTD  Financial Business Analyst, Dhaka, Bangladesh Sep 2012 - Dec2013
 Analyzed several projectproposals and finalized which secured projects to fund and verification of disbursements.
 Analyze business/functional requirements and work with the project team to define functionality and solutions.
 Assisted ProjectManagers in preparingproject timelines and budgets.
 Extensive interaction with financial analyststo produce management reports.
 Conducted Financial Ratio Analysis to assistin Financial Planningand Analysis.
 Generated and Maintained employee payroll as well as benefits information in the payroll system.
 Prepared Monthly Incentive Memo for Auto Loan, Home Loan disbursementand depositmobilization.
 Managed relationships with existing and potential clients and providing outstanding customer service and support,
maintainingexcellentsatisfaction ratewith virtually zero comebacks.
 Developed and Implemented Marketing Strategies to increasethe number of depositclients .
 Improved quality of ClientDatabaseand Maintained Daily MIS for branch wiseFresh Fund, Installments,and Assets.
 Worked with team of interns and ITstaff members, collaboratingwith financeand sales staff to gather information required
to successfully complete projects.
 Performed analysis of reported service problems,determine impactand priority;and recommend correctiveactions.
 Recommended changes to business analysisand projectmanagement policies,processes,templates and Create and justify
the business case, identify stakeholders, and analyze and interpret customer or business need to determine high-level
project and product requirements.

IPDC of Bangladesh LTD  Intern, Dhaka, Bangladesh May 2012 - Aug 2012
 Prepared clientdatabases and departmental monthly and quarterly financial reports usingMS Excel and MS Access .
 Provided and Presented analysisof the financial reports to the higher management.
 Collaborated with clients and internal teams to develop and launch product enhancements that streamlined the
consultingwith the clientto identify key requirements, defined project scope, developed the project plan and schedule,
and provided leadership to internal teams on projects and daily service issues.
 Assisted supervisor and colleagues in ensuringquality servicebeingprovided to the clients atall times.

Business Skills:
 Extensive understandingof Auditing and Assurance.  ProficientatFinancial Statement Analysis
 ProficientatCorporate Tax Analysis  Exceptional Leadership and Organizational Skills
 Proficientwith Accounting Software (QuickBooks, Quicken, IDEA)  Exceptional business tactin a team environment
 Knowledgeable understandingof SustainableAccountingPrinciples  Effective Time Management
QuickBooks,Quicken,IDEA, MS Excel (Macros,Data Analysis,Excel Solver,PivotTable, Regression/Correlation),MS Power Point,MS
Access,Tableau, IBM SPSS 20.0, SAS 9.3

Master of Science in Accounting (MSA) Aug 2014-May 2016
University of IllinoisatChicago (UIC) - Liautaud Graduate School of Business.Chicago,IL.
Relevant Coursework: Auditing, Taxation,Financial Statement Analysis,Financial Accounting, Operations Management, Managerial
Accounting, DatabaseAccounting Management, Fraud Examination,Governmental Accounting, Statistics.
CPA Eligible (Dec 2015)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance & Accounting) April 2008 - Aug 2012
North South University. Dhaka,Bangladesh.
Creating Customer Database for a Flower Shop using MS Access Mar 2015 - May2015
 Convert Entity Relationship Diagraminto Databasetables and build thesetables in Access.
 Created desired reports usingnecessary queries and tables so that justby typing in the customer ID or name, all the
previous details regardingthatparticularcustomer comes out.
Financial Statement Analysis post Kraft  Heinz Merger Sep 2015-Nov2015
 Analyzed the previous conditions of the organizations separately and then did a combined analysis of their financial position in the
market post the merger. The analysisconsisted of an intensiveDebt  Equity Analysis.
Taxation  Completed tax return filing for a Car Wash company and the Owner as an individual Nov 2015
 Completed tax return filingfor a Car Wash company as a partof our Taxation class final projectand atthe same time filed Income
Tax return for the owner which included his wifeand childrens as dependents.
Auditing  Conducted theoretical audit of ABC Co. Mar 2015 - May2015
 I did an intense analysisof ABC Co.s quarterly financial statements with all thenecessary documents provided to find out a ny
discrepancies or fraud within the financial statements.
Analysis of Financial models and Forecasting Returns Sep 2014  Nov 2014
 Replicated the CAPM, Fama-French, and Fama-MacBeth models usinghistorical timeseries data with emphasis on data
conformingto the OLS assumptions.
 Employed ARMA modeling techniques to compare the point and interval forecasts of Citigroup to the market.
 French DELF A1  Intermediate French Language course at Alliance de Francaise, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

 IGSA (Indian Graduate Student Association)  Co-ordinated Pickup of the incomingnew students every semester sinceAugust
 UIC Accounting Club Being a member used to help the board of members co-ordinateevents duringthe semester for the
 JAAGO Foundation  Performed as a Fund Manager for the underprivileged children in Bangladesh to supporttheir education.
 Received the best employee award for outstandingperformance and excellent customer/clientservicein 2013.

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Rajdeep Biswas Updated Resume - Copy

  • 1. RAJDEEP BISWAS 614 South Loomis Street, Unit 2, Chicago, IL 60607 (312) 532-6126. rajdeepbiswas2016@gmail.com SUMMARY Over 3 years of experience as an Analystwith solid understandingof Business RequirementGathering, Financial Analysis& Financial Reporting. Solid understandingof US GAAP, accountingprocedures and financial reportingpractices and theability to apply concepts to specific situations. Extensive experience in communicatingwith Vendors, Accounts Payable,Receivable and Payroll. Reconciled financial discrepancies by collectingand analyzingaccountinformation. Maintained financial security by following internal controls and prepared payments by verifying documentation, and requesting disbursements. Efficient in time series analysisand statistical modeling(MultipleRegression,Auto Regression), Budgeting and Forecasting. Competent in clarifying business requirements, performing gap analysis between goals and existing procedures/skills sets, and designingstrategy documents and designingprocess and system improvements to increaseproductivity and reduce costs. Understanding of Business Requirements gathering, Business Process flow,Business Process Modelingwith diverseexperience in working in various domains such as real estate,retailing,manufacturingetc. Prepared pro-forma statements & forecasted synergies,on the give financial data,pitched detailed report on valuation using DCF model. Adept at creatingand transformingbusiness requirements into functional requirements and designingbusiness models usingUML diagrams Context, Use Cases,Flowcharts, Sequence, state diagrams and Activity diagrams. Comprehensive knowledge on risk and returns,portfolio analysisand Bond pricing. Assisted ProjectManagers to create Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), Projecttimelines and ProjectSchedules. Ability to work under strictdeadlines,schedules and repetitivetasks with a positive attitude and an acute attention to detail. Demonstrated ability to work with and supportcross-functional projectteams. Experience in managingmultipleprojects simultaneously and under pressure. Well versed in documentation of Functional Specifications and BusinessRequirements. Outstandingcustomer serviceskills emphasizingon the customer needs and resolvingcustomer issues to their satisfaction. Strong expertise in buildingTemplates,Graphical analysischarts and Statistical reports usingMS Excel. Full understandingof P&Land chartof accounts,balancesheet, and trial balance,includingdetailed knowledgeof how transa ctions posted in the system affect different reports. Proven ability in Risk identification and mitigation and ableto take preventative action when any risks become unacceptable. Complied with federal, state, and local financial legal requirements by studying existingand new legislation,enforcingadherence to requirements, and advisingmanagement on needed actions. Strong analytical skillsand creativethinking.Ability to solveproblems and generate new ideas. Coordinating extensive communication networks (interviews, written correspondence, reports, implementation requirements, projectstatus reports,oral presentations, e-mails,etc.) to keep executive staff and team members apprised of goals,projectstatus, and resolvingissues and conflicts. Experience in MS Word, Excel, Access, IBM SPSS and SAS. Strong ability to create informativeand visually aesthetic presentations in MS PowerPoint. EXPERIENCE TARIS REAL ESTATE Financial & Accounting Intern, Chicago, IL May 2015 - Aug2015 Supported the team to analyze investment projects by conducting financial modeling using MS Excel, QuickBooks & Quicken. Helped with accounts receivable,payableand bank reconciliation usingQuickBooksand Quicken. Prepared asset,liability,and capital accountentries by compilingand analyzingaccountinformation. Conducted financial ratio analysisto analyzebusinesssales and profitability.Used ratios such as ROS,ROA, ROE, ROI and SustainableGrowth Rate (SGR). Processed payroll for over 150 employees on bi-weekly basis. Prepared monthly documentation of tax payments and detailed reports of expenditures and assets for tax purposes. Prepared various levels of presentation packages from initial internal review to externa l investor and lender including analysisof property sites,market demand, rent and sales comps and projected income or return. Prepared monthly journal entries for all thetransactionsand followup on any outstandingitems at the end of the month. Assisted with month end financial reports and worked with the financeteam on yearly and monthly forecastingefforts. Involved in Risk identification analysisand Costbenefit analysis. Secured financial information by completingdata basebackups. IPDC of Bangladesh LTD Financial Business Analyst, Dhaka, Bangladesh Sep 2012 - Dec2013 Analyzed several projectproposals and finalized which secured projects to fund and verification of disbursements. Analyze business/functional requirements and work with the project team to define functionality and solutions. Assisted ProjectManagers in preparingproject timelines and budgets. Extensive interaction with financial analyststo produce management reports. Conducted Financial Ratio Analysis to assistin Financial Planningand Analysis. Generated and Maintained employee payroll as well as benefits information in the payroll system. Prepared Monthly Incentive Memo for Auto Loan, Home Loan disbursementand depositmobilization.
  • 2. Managed relationships with existing and potential clients and providing outstanding customer service and support, maintainingexcellentsatisfaction ratewith virtually zero comebacks. Developed and Implemented Marketing Strategies to increasethe number of depositclients . Improved quality of ClientDatabaseand Maintained Daily MIS for branch wiseFresh Fund, Installments,and Assets. Worked with team of interns and ITstaff members, collaboratingwith financeand sales staff to gather information required to successfully complete projects. Performed analysis of reported service problems,determine impactand priority;and recommend correctiveactions. Recommended changes to business analysisand projectmanagement policies,processes,templates and Create and justify the business case, identify stakeholders, and analyze and interpret customer or business need to determine high-level project and product requirements. IPDC of Bangladesh LTD Intern, Dhaka, Bangladesh May 2012 - Aug 2012 Prepared clientdatabases and departmental monthly and quarterly financial reports usingMS Excel and MS Access . Provided and Presented analysisof the financial reports to the higher management. Collaborated with clients and internal teams to develop and launch product enhancements that streamlined the consultingwith the clientto identify key requirements, defined project scope, developed the project plan and schedule, and provided leadership to internal teams on projects and daily service issues. Assisted supervisor and colleagues in ensuringquality servicebeingprovided to the clients atall times. SKILLS Business Skills: Extensive understandingof Auditing and Assurance. ProficientatFinancial Statement Analysis ProficientatCorporate Tax Analysis Exceptional Leadership and Organizational Skills Proficientwith Accounting Software (QuickBooks, Quicken, IDEA) Exceptional business tactin a team environment Knowledgeable understandingof SustainableAccountingPrinciples Effective Time Management TOOLS: QuickBooks,Quicken,IDEA, MS Excel (Macros,Data Analysis,Excel Solver,PivotTable, Regression/Correlation),MS Power Point,MS Access,Tableau, IBM SPSS 20.0, SAS 9.3 EDUCATION Master of Science in Accounting (MSA) Aug 2014-May 2016 University of IllinoisatChicago (UIC) - Liautaud Graduate School of Business.Chicago,IL. Relevant Coursework: Auditing, Taxation,Financial Statement Analysis,Financial Accounting, Operations Management, Managerial Accounting, DatabaseAccounting Management, Fraud Examination,Governmental Accounting, Statistics. CPA Eligible (Dec 2015) Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance & Accounting) April 2008 - Aug 2012 North South University. Dhaka,Bangladesh. {{{{}}} ACADEMIC PROJECTS Creating Customer Database for a Flower Shop using MS Access Mar 2015 - May2015 Convert Entity Relationship Diagraminto Databasetables and build thesetables in Access. Created desired reports usingnecessary queries and tables so that justby typing in the customer ID or name, all the previous details regardingthatparticularcustomer comes out. Financial Statement Analysis post Kraft Heinz Merger Sep 2015-Nov2015 Analyzed the previous conditions of the organizations separately and then did a combined analysis of their financial position in the market post the merger. The analysisconsisted of an intensiveDebt Equity Analysis. Taxation Completed tax return filing for a Car Wash company and the Owner as an individual Nov 2015 Completed tax return filingfor a Car Wash company as a partof our Taxation class final projectand atthe same time filed Income Tax return for the owner which included his wifeand childrens as dependents. Auditing Conducted theoretical audit of ABC Co. Mar 2015 - May2015 I did an intense analysisof ABC Co.s quarterly financial statements with all thenecessary documents provided to find out a ny discrepancies or fraud within the financial statements. Analysis of Financial models and Forecasting Returns Sep 2014 Nov 2014 Replicated the CAPM, Fama-French, and Fama-MacBeth models usinghistorical timeseries data with emphasis on data conformingto the OLS assumptions. Employed ARMA modeling techniques to compare the point and interval forecasts of Citigroup to the market. CERTIFICATIONS French DELF A1 Intermediate French Language course at Alliance de Francaise, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • 3. LEADERSHIP IGSA (Indian Graduate Student Association) Co-ordinated Pickup of the incomingnew students every semester sinceAugust 2014. UIC Accounting Club Being a member used to help the board of members co-ordinateevents duringthe semester for the students. JAAGO Foundation Performed as a Fund Manager for the underprivileged children in Bangladesh to supporttheir education. AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS Received the best employee award for outstandingperformance and excellent customer/clientservicein 2013.