RxJava, Getting Started - David Wursteisen - 16 Octobre 2014SOAT
Les applications sont de plus en plus interconnect谷es. Une architecture type WOA (Web Oriented Archiecture) et l*utilisation des micros-services n谷cessitent de faire de plus en plus appel 角 diff谷rents services web.
Comment composer un r谷sultat 角 partir de ces diff谷rents services, sans avoir 角 ce soucier de l*ordre dans lequel les serveurs vont r谷pondre ?
RxJava offre une mani豕re 谷l谷gante de faire de l*asynchrone et de la composition au sein de son application. David vous exposera les concepts de Rx (Reactive eXtension) avant de vous montrer une mise en application avec des exemples de code venant d*une application Android.
Comment Transformer vos boucles Objective-C en ※collection pipelines§ en utilisant le framework BlocksKit (ou Swift), par Mathieu Godart (votre serviteur). Cette pr谷sentation s*inspire de la s谷rie d*articles publi谷e par Martin Fowler, Refactoring with Loops and Collection Pipelines (http://martinfowler.com/articles/refactoring-pipelines.html).
Practical JavaScript Programming - Session 3/8Wilson Su
JavaScript is one of the most popular skills in today*s job market. It allows you to create both client- and server-side applications quickly and easily. Having a solid understanding of this powerful and versatile language is essential to anyone who uses it.
※Practical JavaScript Programming§ does not only focus on best practices, but also introduces the fundamental concepts. This course will take you from JavaScript basics to advanced. You*ll learn about topics like Data Types, Functions, Events, AJAX and more.
RxJava, Getting Started - David Wursteisen - 16 Octobre 2014SOAT
Les applications sont de plus en plus interconnect谷es. Une architecture type WOA (Web Oriented Archiecture) et l*utilisation des micros-services n谷cessitent de faire de plus en plus appel 角 diff谷rents services web.
Comment composer un r谷sultat 角 partir de ces diff谷rents services, sans avoir 角 ce soucier de l*ordre dans lequel les serveurs vont r谷pondre ?
RxJava offre une mani豕re 谷l谷gante de faire de l*asynchrone et de la composition au sein de son application. David vous exposera les concepts de Rx (Reactive eXtension) avant de vous montrer une mise en application avec des exemples de code venant d*une application Android.
Comment Transformer vos boucles Objective-C en ※collection pipelines§ en utilisant le framework BlocksKit (ou Swift), par Mathieu Godart (votre serviteur). Cette pr谷sentation s*inspire de la s谷rie d*articles publi谷e par Martin Fowler, Refactoring with Loops and Collection Pipelines (http://martinfowler.com/articles/refactoring-pipelines.html).
Practical JavaScript Programming - Session 3/8Wilson Su
JavaScript is one of the most popular skills in today*s job market. It allows you to create both client- and server-side applications quickly and easily. Having a solid understanding of this powerful and versatile language is essential to anyone who uses it.
※Practical JavaScript Programming§ does not only focus on best practices, but also introduces the fundamental concepts. This course will take you from JavaScript basics to advanced. You*ll learn about topics like Data Types, Functions, Events, AJAX and more.
This document provides an overview of Dip, a dependency injection framework for Swift. It discusses key Dip concepts like dependency containers, component registration, and resolution. Key points include:
1. Modules are represented as dependency containers that manage their own components.
2. All components are registered in their containers with their dependencies.
3. The dependency graph is resolved by obtaining fully-initialized components from their containers.
Rambler.iOS #8: Make your app extensible with JavaScriptCoreRAMBLER&Co
This document discusses using JavaScriptCore to extend the functionality of apps. It provides an example of using JavaScriptCore to evaluate JavaScript code and access the results. It also outlines how JavaScriptCore maps JavaScript types to Objective-C and Swift types. The document describes how JavaScriptCore creates a virtual machine and handles single-threaded execution. It then shows how to export Swift classes to JavaScript using a protocol. Finally, it lists some ways apps like Paw could leverage JavaScriptCore, such as for code generators, importers, and dynamic values.