Comment Transformer vos boucles Objective-C en collection pipelines en utilisant le framework BlocksKit (ou Swift), par Mathieu Godart (votre serviteur). Cette pr辿sentation sinspire de la s辿rie darticles publi辿e par Martin Fowler, Refactoring with Loops and Collection Pipelines (
Tecnol坦gico Nacional de M辿xico
Ing. en Sistemas Computacionales
Base de Datos para Dispsitivos M坦viles
Proyecto integrador con Android, Eclipse, SQLite y archivo de texto
The document appears to be a collection of market updates and commentary on various stocks, indexes, commodities and currencies. It includes 1-year and 5-year charts of indexes like the Shanghai Composite, mentions of the euro/dollar exchange rate and gold price, and commentary on stocks from sectors like mining, shipping and retail both in South Africa and the UK. It also discusses technical indicators and strategies like the Midas Touch model applied to commodity stocks.
This document outlines a research project to develop improved models for forecasting reservoir inflows in the incremental basin of Itaipu using data-driven and hybrid techniques. The objectives are to create semi-distributed hydrological, artificial neural network, and hybrid models and evaluate their performance on short and medium term predictions. Methodologies include wavelet decomposition of inputs to ANNs, sensitivity analysis of ANN structures, and data preprocessing. Results will be made available through an internet-based platform to aid operational forecasting and allow further testing. Limitations include increased computational time for wavelet-ANN models and data availability challenges.
Darlene Ayers-Johnson has extensive experience in government and nonprofit work, including positions in California state government and over a decade on the board of the Bay Area Tumor Institute. The Bay Area Tumor Institute in Oakland, California is one of 47 research programs approved by the National Cancer Institute and conducts leading cancer therapy, prevention, and clinical trials research. It also administers the Tumor Tissue Network, the only adult cancer tissue collection network west of the Mississippi River, which obtains and distributes tissue for research by approved scientists in the western United States and through international networks.
Comment Transformer vos boucles Objective-C en collection pipelines en utilisant le framework BlocksKit (ou Swift), par Mathieu Godart (votre serviteur). Cette pr辿sentation sinspire de la s辿rie darticles publi辿e par Martin Fowler, Refactoring with Loops and Collection Pipelines (
Tecnol坦gico Nacional de M辿xico
Ing. en Sistemas Computacionales
Base de Datos para Dispsitivos M坦viles
Proyecto integrador con Android, Eclipse, SQLite y archivo de texto
The document appears to be a collection of market updates and commentary on various stocks, indexes, commodities and currencies. It includes 1-year and 5-year charts of indexes like the Shanghai Composite, mentions of the euro/dollar exchange rate and gold price, and commentary on stocks from sectors like mining, shipping and retail both in South Africa and the UK. It also discusses technical indicators and strategies like the Midas Touch model applied to commodity stocks.
This document outlines a research project to develop improved models for forecasting reservoir inflows in the incremental basin of Itaipu using data-driven and hybrid techniques. The objectives are to create semi-distributed hydrological, artificial neural network, and hybrid models and evaluate their performance on short and medium term predictions. Methodologies include wavelet decomposition of inputs to ANNs, sensitivity analysis of ANN structures, and data preprocessing. Results will be made available through an internet-based platform to aid operational forecasting and allow further testing. Limitations include increased computational time for wavelet-ANN models and data availability challenges.
Darlene Ayers-Johnson has extensive experience in government and nonprofit work, including positions in California state government and over a decade on the board of the Bay Area Tumor Institute. The Bay Area Tumor Institute in Oakland, California is one of 47 research programs approved by the National Cancer Institute and conducts leading cancer therapy, prevention, and clinical trials research. It also administers the Tumor Tissue Network, the only adult cancer tissue collection network west of the Mississippi River, which obtains and distributes tissue for research by approved scientists in the western United States and through international networks.
Digital security protects individuals' digital interactions and devices by keeping personal information private and documents secure through passwords. It gives users freedom in the digital world by safeguarding everyday online activities and preventing the posting of private details. Digital security is important as it shields personal data and files from potential threats on the internet through the use of passwords and avoiding the sharing of private information online.
The document discusses various stock market indexes and currencies including the DOW, DAX, FT100, Euro, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, British pound, and US dollar. It also mentions commodities like oil and gold, as well as several South African and international companies such as GFI, HAR, Peregrine, RMB, SAPPI, SHF, CCO, Reinet, SOL, WSL, IVT, Telkom, Cashbuild, SHP, MTN, BIL, and Astral. Performance numbers are provided for David's pension from January 2015 to February 2015.
Effective plenary sessions are characterized by carefully reviewing and consolidating learning objectives, addressing misconceptions, assessing student understanding, and linking new learning to past or future lessons. Plenaries provide opportunities for students to recall, summarize, evaluate, and connect their new knowledge. Well-planned plenaries incorporate questioning to reinforce objectives and diagnose misunderstandings. In contrast, weak plenaries focus more on student activities than learning objectives.
This document summarizes a presentation given by David William Paul to the VectorVest User Group in October 2013. The presentation covered various financial metrics and indices, top performing stocks since the previous meeting, and David's investment funds and holdings. It also outlined a 3-step process for identifying successful stock picks, involving evaluating fundamentals, technical trends, and market confirmation. Key criteria included an RV over 1.3, RS over 1.25, being above the 89-day average, and positive MACD signals during broader market uptrends.
The document appears to be notes from a presentation given by David William Paul to the VectorVest User Group in September 2015. The notes discuss various financial markets indexes and commodities such as the Dow, FT100, Dax, Shanghai Composite, Euro, gold, oil, copper, and South African stocks including Anglo, Kumba, Steinhoff, Standard Bank, and Shoprite. Examples of investment funds and strategies are also mentioned like David's Pension Fund, Pale Blue Chips 2015, SA Rockets 2015, and the VectorVest Composite SA index.
Mandy experienced a classic panic attack while grocery shopping, feeling an intense sense of dread, inability to breathe, and fear of dying. She was later diagnosed with panic disorder after experiencing repeated panic attacks that disabled her daily activities. A panic attack involves intense symptoms of anxiety like rapid heart rate and shortness of breath, while anxiety is a state of unease that builds over time. Physiologically, anxiety activates the sympathetic nervous system, releasing adrenaline and noradrenaline and increasing functions like heart rate and breathing to prepare the body for the fight-or-flight response. This document discusses the causes and treatments of panic disorder.
The document summarizes a presentation on swing trading techniques. It outlines the speaker's rules for swing trading, including only taking long positions in shares with good RV and RS values when the overall market is rising. The technique uses AB=CD patterns on charts, looking for pullbacks above the 89-day moving average with falling volume. Entries are confirmed with the stochastic showing reverse divergence. Positions are exited by selling portions incrementally as the share price hits targets. Fundamental and technical analyses of both individual shares and the overall market must both be positive for the strategy. Examples of shares are discussed.
- Ultrasound of the inferior vena cava (IVC) can help assess intravascular volume status and guide fluid management. Measuring the diameter and collapse of the IVC during respiration provides a noninvasive estimate of central venous pressure.
- A case presentation describes a cirrhotic patient with hyponatremia whose IVC ultrasound showed 100% collapse, suggesting intravascular volume depletion. Based on this the patient was given normal saline and fluid restrictions were tightened to treat their mixed hyponatremia.
- Proper technique involves imaging the IVC longitudinally below the xiphoid process or in the mid-axillary
Este documento describe c坦mo configurar y ejecutar el servidor de telefon鱈a VoIP Asterisk en Linux. Asterisk puede implementarse en casas u oficinas para proporcionar funciones PBX. Se requiere instalar dependencias en una PC con Linux, descargar e instalar Asterisk, configurar el archivo SIP.conf para agregar extensiones y luego iniciar Asterisk para que escuche conexiones entrantes de otros dispositivos.
El m辿todo de punto fijo permite resolver sistemas de ecuaciones no lineales transformando la ecuaci坦n f(x)=0 en la forma x=g(x). Se eval炭a g(x) repetidamente para valores iniciales de x hasta que los resultados convergen, lo que indica que se ha encontrado la ra鱈z. Si los resultados se alejan, la iteraci坦n diverge y se debe modificar la funci坦n g(x).
La ley de Ampere-Maxwell establece que la carga el辿ctrica se conserva en todos los procesos, y relaciona la corriente el辿ctrica con los campos el辿ctricos y magn辿ticos en un punto. Indica que tanto las corrientes estacionarias como los campos el辿ctricos variables en el tiempo contribuyen al campo magn辿tico en ese punto, mediante constantes como 4pi x 10E-7 (T.m)/A y 8.85x10E-12(c2)/N.M2.
El documento explica por qu辿 no se pueden tener ciertas direcciones IP. Las direcciones, que terminan en 0 o 255, y son direcciones de red o broadcast y no pueden usarse como direcciones host. Tambi辿n describe las direcciones privadas reservadas para redes internas y la diferencia entre direcciones p炭blicas y privadas.
Este documento presenta el desarrollo de una tarea sobre comunicaciones anal坦gicas y digitales. Se analiza una se単al senoidal de 10V y 1kHz que se aplica a una resistencia de 10 ohmios. Se obtienen las expresiones y gr叩ficas de voltaje, corriente y potencia, as鱈 como sus valores rms y promedio. Tambi辿n se muestran los resultados de la simulaci坦n en CircuitMaker y c坦digos de Matlab para generar las gr叩ficas.
El documento discute conceptos fundamentales de voltaje, corriente e impedancia en circuitos el辿ctricos. Explica que la impedancia de un inductor es una reactancia capacitiva, mientras que la impedancia de un capacitor es una reactancia inductiva. Adem叩s, describe que un capacitor y un inductor producen un desfase entre la corriente y la tensi坦n en circuitos de corriente alterna, con un capacitor retrasando la tensi坦n 90 grados con respecto a la corriente e inductores adelantando la tensi坦n 90 grados.
Este documento presenta el desarrollo de gr叩ficas de radiaci坦n electromagn辿tica utilizando Matlab para analizar el patr坦n de radiaci坦n de diferentes configuraciones de antenas como arreglos en fase, arreglos en punta y factores de interferencia variando par叩metros como el n炭mero de elementos, la separaci坦n entre ellos y el 叩ngulo de inclinaci坦n. Se grafican las funciones de radiaci坦n resultantes en coordenadas polares.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de transistores, incluyendo BJT, JFET y MOSFET. Explica su construcci坦n, s鱈mbolos, modos de operaci坦n y caracter鱈sticas. Tambi辿n cubre temas como configuraciones b叩sicas, polarizaci坦n y curvas caracter鱈sticas para cada tipo de transistor. El documento proporciona varias figuras para ilustrar los conceptos descritos.
Este documento describe los algoritmos de prioridades para la planificaci坦n de procesos en sistemas operativos. Explica que la planificaci坦n por prioridades selecciona y ejecuta procesos jer叩rquicamente seg炭n su nivel de prioridad. Sin embargo, esto puede causar problemas como inanici坦n o procesos con la misma prioridad. Las soluciones incluyen mecanismos de envejecimiento y algoritmos adicionales para decidir el orden de ejecuci坦n entre procesos iguales. Adem叩s, una buena pr叩ctica es agrupar procesos
Este documento describe un programa de cliente-servidor simple que permite el intercambio de mensajes. El cliente se conecta al servidor en el puerto 9999 de localhost y permite al usuario enviar mensajes que ser叩n recibidos por el servidor, o recibir mensajes enviados por el servidor. El servidor escucha en el mismo puerto para aceptar la conexi坦n del cliente, y permite enviar y recibir mensajes con el cliente hasta que uno de los dos env鱈e el mensaje "quit" para cerrar la conexi坦n.
Los puertos de Linux se dividen en tres rangos: puertos reservados para el sistema operativo (menores a 1024), puertos registrados para aplicaciones (entre 1024 y 49151), y puertos din叩micos o privados (entre 49152 y 65535). La tabla de puertos muestra los n炭meros de puerto est叩ndar y sus usos comunes.
Este documento contrasta el lenguaje de m叩quina y el lenguaje natural. Explica que el lenguaje de m叩quina es el sistema de c坦digos directamente interpretable por un circuito microprogramable como un microprocesador y consta de instrucciones ejecutadas secuencialmente por la m叩quina. Por otro lado, define el lenguaje natural como el lenguaje hablado o escrito por humanos para comunicarse, a diferencia de lenguajes de programaci坦n o l坦gica formal.
El empowerment es el proceso de facultar poder y autoridad a los empleados para que se sientan due単os de su trabajo. Los elementos m叩s importantes del empowerment son la responsabilidad por los resultados, el poder para tomar decisiones, y contar con la informaci坦n y competencias necesarias. Las empresas que implementan el empowerment ven beneficios como empleados m叩s comprometidos, mejor toma de decisiones y calidad mejorada.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.