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AWS CWI #09111001
NACE Certified Coating Inspector Level 2 #52530
API 1169 Pipeline Construction #102686
To ensure the contractor is maintaining an adequate QC program, all the while safely following the
customers scope of work.
CFR Welding and Coating Inspector 10/20/15  Present
QIS Inspection for Phillips 66
Supervised general contractor on large maintenance projects and small capitol projects,
while insuring the quality of construction, welding and coating at Beaumont, TX.
CFR Lead Inspector 6/15/15  10/1/115
QIS Inspection for Phillips 66
Worked on commissioning team to LOTO 12 pipelines for P66 Midstream Expansion Project at
Sweeny/Old Ocean, TX, and wrote permits at various sites along the project.
CFR Lead Inspector 1/5/15  6/1/115
QIS Inspection for Phillips 66
979-292-5747  randallmcknight@reagan.com
Randall McKnight Page 2
Oversite of maintenance and capital projects, including welding and coating inspection at Pasadena, TX.
Installed meter skids and prover skids along with all connecting piping. Work with the contractor to
facilitate job completion while maintaining an emphasis on safety.
Senior Welding Inspector/ Lead Inspector 3/24/14  12-20-14
QIS Inspection for Devon Energy
Reviewed all documentation on 56 miles of 12 pipeline for Devon Energy in preparation for upcoming
DOT audits. Oversaw the hydro test and dewatering, along with filling of the line and commissioning.
Ran gathering lines between drill sites, witnessed hydro testing and setting of pig traps, along with the
oversite of construction of dehydration systems.
Senior Welding Inspector-10/2/2012- 3/1/14
Cleveland Inspection for Enterprise Pipeline
All inspection duties, including weld inspection, anomaly digs, testing welders, hydro-testing, pipeline
and production projects along with painting /coating inspection at Beaumont, TX.
Senior Welding Inspector 02/29/2011-10/1/2012
Gulf Interstate Field Services for DCP
Set welding procedures and tested welders, inspected fabrication, hydro testing and weld inspection on
DCP 20 Phase 1 at El Campo, TX. I also tested welders and oversaw fabrication for DCP Mont Belvieu
metering station.
Randall McKnight Page 3
Welding Inspector- 11/23/2011  1/30/2012
Gulf Interstate Field Services for Enterprise Pipeline
Tie-in welding inspection on 70 miles of 36 pipeline at El Campo, TX
Lead Inspector - 11/01/11- 11/19/2011
Hayes Field Services for ConocoPhillips Pipeline
Oversaw multiple pipeline pig and purges in and around Philadelphia, PA
Lead Inspector- 08/20/11  09/25/11
Hayes Field Services for ConocoPhillips Pipeline
Oversaw the setup and completion of 575 miles of 20 Seaway pipeline pig and purge, from Galena
Park, TX, to Ponca City, OK.
Chief Inspector- 09/02/09  08/01/11
EnGlobal Engineering/ Hayes Field Services for ConocoPhillips Pipeline
All inspection duties for ConocoPhillips in California, Oregon and Washington, including small and
large construction projects, pipeline projects, anomaly repairs, hydro testing, tank farms, painting and
coating, all the while maintaining high safety standards on all projects.
Welding Inspector- 04/01/09  07-07-09
Mustang Engineering for Kinder Morgan Pipeline
Randall McKnight Page 4
All inspection duties, including road bores, tie-ins and weld inspection on 64 miles of 36 in Meridian,
Welding/Construction Inspector - 08/21/07- 01/05/09
Mustang Engineering for Enterprise Pipeline
Oversaw construction projects, including anomaly digs, fabrication, directional drills, road bores, tie-ins
and coating in Mont Belvieu, TX
Welding Inspector- 04/16/07  08/20/07
ENGlobal Engineering for ConocoPhillips Pipeline
Weld Inspection, fabrication, Pipe Gang, coating and ROW inspection on 34 miles of 42 LNG pipeline
from Stratton Ridge, TX to Pearland, TX
Chief Inspector- 2007
Total Inspection Services for Sun Oil
Oversaw the relocation of 14 gas line in the Conrail switch yard in downtown Newark, NJ
Construction Superintendent  Sky Services 01/97  05/2005
Oversaw construction and maintenance projects
Maintained Training and Safety programs
 Certified Welding Inspector AWS #09111001 exp. 11/01/2015
Randall McKnight Page 5
NACE CIP Level 2 #52530
 OSHA Regulations
 Safety Program Management
 Current OQ certification
 Current TWIC card Exp 3/5/2015

Ralph Knipper ConocoPhillips- Construction Superintendent 708-557-2463
Stan Brown- ConocoPhillips- Construction Superintendent 310-345-6776
Charles Kapalski  Sky Services- Owner 979-345-5366
Steve Dietz- Enterprise Pipeline  Chief Inspector 361-522-1291
Ron Nutz  QIS Inspection 785-541-0122
Randall McKnight Page 6

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  • 1. AWS CWI #09111001 NACE Certified Coating Inspector Level 2 #52530 API 1169 Pipeline Construction #102686 Objectives To ensure the contractor is maintaining an adequate QC program, all the while safely following the customers scope of work. Experience CFR Welding and Coating Inspector 10/20/15 Present QIS Inspection for Phillips 66 Supervised general contractor on large maintenance projects and small capitol projects, while insuring the quality of construction, welding and coating at Beaumont, TX. CFR Lead Inspector 6/15/15 10/1/115 QIS Inspection for Phillips 66 Worked on commissioning team to LOTO 12 pipelines for P66 Midstream Expansion Project at Sweeny/Old Ocean, TX, and wrote permits at various sites along the project. CFR Lead Inspector 1/5/15 6/1/115 QIS Inspection for Phillips 66 RANDALL MCKNIGHT 135 SUGAR CANE CIRCLE LAKE JACKSON, TX 77566 979-292-5747 randallmcknight@reagan.com
  • 2. Randall McKnight Page 2 Oversite of maintenance and capital projects, including welding and coating inspection at Pasadena, TX. Installed meter skids and prover skids along with all connecting piping. Work with the contractor to facilitate job completion while maintaining an emphasis on safety. Senior Welding Inspector/ Lead Inspector 3/24/14 12-20-14 QIS Inspection for Devon Energy Reviewed all documentation on 56 miles of 12 pipeline for Devon Energy in preparation for upcoming DOT audits. Oversaw the hydro test and dewatering, along with filling of the line and commissioning. Ran gathering lines between drill sites, witnessed hydro testing and setting of pig traps, along with the oversite of construction of dehydration systems. Senior Welding Inspector-10/2/2012- 3/1/14 Cleveland Inspection for Enterprise Pipeline All inspection duties, including weld inspection, anomaly digs, testing welders, hydro-testing, pipeline and production projects along with painting /coating inspection at Beaumont, TX. Senior Welding Inspector 02/29/2011-10/1/2012 Gulf Interstate Field Services for DCP Set welding procedures and tested welders, inspected fabrication, hydro testing and weld inspection on DCP 20 Phase 1 at El Campo, TX. I also tested welders and oversaw fabrication for DCP Mont Belvieu metering station.
  • 3. Randall McKnight Page 3 Welding Inspector- 11/23/2011 1/30/2012 Gulf Interstate Field Services for Enterprise Pipeline Tie-in welding inspection on 70 miles of 36 pipeline at El Campo, TX Lead Inspector - 11/01/11- 11/19/2011 Hayes Field Services for ConocoPhillips Pipeline Oversaw multiple pipeline pig and purges in and around Philadelphia, PA Lead Inspector- 08/20/11 09/25/11 Hayes Field Services for ConocoPhillips Pipeline Oversaw the setup and completion of 575 miles of 20 Seaway pipeline pig and purge, from Galena Park, TX, to Ponca City, OK. Chief Inspector- 09/02/09 08/01/11 EnGlobal Engineering/ Hayes Field Services for ConocoPhillips Pipeline All inspection duties for ConocoPhillips in California, Oregon and Washington, including small and large construction projects, pipeline projects, anomaly repairs, hydro testing, tank farms, painting and coating, all the while maintaining high safety standards on all projects. Welding Inspector- 04/01/09 07-07-09 Mustang Engineering for Kinder Morgan Pipeline
  • 4. Randall McKnight Page 4 All inspection duties, including road bores, tie-ins and weld inspection on 64 miles of 36 in Meridian, MS Welding/Construction Inspector - 08/21/07- 01/05/09 Mustang Engineering for Enterprise Pipeline Oversaw construction projects, including anomaly digs, fabrication, directional drills, road bores, tie-ins and coating in Mont Belvieu, TX Welding Inspector- 04/16/07 08/20/07 ENGlobal Engineering for ConocoPhillips Pipeline Weld Inspection, fabrication, Pipe Gang, coating and ROW inspection on 34 miles of 42 LNG pipeline from Stratton Ridge, TX to Pearland, TX Chief Inspector- 2007 Total Inspection Services for Sun Oil Oversaw the relocation of 14 gas line in the Conrail switch yard in downtown Newark, NJ Construction Superintendent Sky Services 01/97 05/2005 Oversaw construction and maintenance projects Maintained Training and Safety programs Education Certified Welding Inspector AWS #09111001 exp. 11/01/2015
  • 5. Randall McKnight Page 5 NACE CIP Level 2 #52530 OSHA Regulations Safety Program Management Current OQ certification Current TWIC card Exp 3/5/2015 Ralph Knipper ConocoPhillips- Construction Superintendent 708-557-2463 Stan Brown- ConocoPhillips- Construction Superintendent 310-345-6776 Charles Kapalski Sky Services- Owner 979-345-5366 Steve Dietz- Enterprise Pipeline Chief Inspector 361-522-1291 Ron Nutz QIS Inspection 785-541-0122