La factura de una librer鱈a incluye 4 art鱈culos (goma, l叩piz, birome y cuaderno), con detalles de cantidad vendida, precio unitario y subtotales para cada art鱈culo, as鱈 como los c叩lculos de IVA y total para la factura.
This document provides the education and work experience of an electrician. It lists their technical training from Waterford IT and Cork IT including certificates in electrical power engineering and wind turbine operations and maintenance. Work experience includes maintenance electrician roles from 1992-present with duties involving electrical installations, maintenance, testing and commissioning of equipment for quarries, wind farms, and residential and commercial buildings in Ireland, the Middle East, Canada, and Scotland.
This function deletes a save file from the save folder. It first checks which tab is currently selected (incomplete or complete saves) and if a save is actually selected. It then constructs the file path of the selected save and deletes it, before removing the save from the appropriate save list.
Este documento presenta un resumen de la revista n炭mero 25 de la Asociaci坦n Cultural Cand叩s Marinero de mayo de 2016. Incluye art鱈culos sobre el crecimiento espacial de Cand叩s a lo largo de la historia, el maquetismo en Carre単o, la mar de Carre単o, eventos y noticias de Carre単o, deportes en Carre単o, canciones populares y m叩s. La revista contiene 31 p叩ginas y fue coordinada por Jos辿 Antonio Gonz叩lez Cuervo.
This document discusses rent control laws and fair rent fixation in India. It provides background on rent control legislation, which aims to protect tenants from excessive rents while ensuring landlords a reasonable return. The key debates around rent control are outlined, with opponents arguing it reduces rental housing supply over time. Fair rent is defined as a percentage of construction and land costs under state laws, with the Tamil Nadu act used as an example. The processes of determining fair rent, depreciation rates, and allowing rent increases are summarized. Shortcomings mentioned are low returns disincentivizing new rental housing and difficulties evicting tenants.
This document summarizes key topics from Chapter 3 of the marketing textbook "Marketing Management" by Kotler and Keller. It discusses the components of a modern marketing information system including collecting internal records and external information on customers, competitors, and factors. It also covers marketing intelligence, analyzing the macroenvironment, measuring and forecasting demand.