FCTA-UNP: Pertinencia social de la Universidad Nacional de Pilar desde la per...FCTA - UNP
Presentaci¨®n realizada por la Doctora Gladys Br¨ªtez, Investigadora de la Facultad de Ciencias, Tecnolog¨ªas y Artes de la UNP, durante la Jornada de la Investigaci¨®n 2015
Progressive system engineer with 8 years of hands-on experience developing and implementing innovative software
products and solutions that significantly increase productivity and profitability. Adept at delivering high-quality products
while establishing solid analytical and problem solving abilities. Skilled using Core Java, PHP, OOP, Design Patterns,
SOA, Data Structure / Algorithms, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, XML, HTML, JSON, MySQL, Oracle, and Informix while
leading comprehensive software development. Experienced in implementing application through entire Software
Development Life Cycle.
Este documento proporciona una descripci¨®n de varias herramientas web y ofim¨¢ticas aplicadas a la educaci¨®n y la enfermer¨ªa, incluyendo Google Drive, Dropbox, Gmail, Hotmail, Mendeley, Blogger, Quipux y ºÝºÝߣShare. Detalla las caracter¨ªsticas clave de cada herramienta y c¨®mo pueden usarse para mejorar el flujo de trabajo acad¨¦mico y la b¨²squeda de conocimiento.
The document contains a list of links to various media resources including maps, photos, and videos related to Saudi Arabia. The links reference locations, landmarks, culture, and daily life in Saudi Arabia from different regions and time periods.
The document discusses key principles of applied software project management including responsibility, authority, and accountability. It emphasizes the importance of delegation, transparency, managing senior managers and the organization, and managing the project team. Some best practices discussed are establishing guidelines, sharing information, addressing problems early, and avoiding micromanagement.
The Maritime Technological Centre (CTN) is a private technology transfer center located in Murcia, Spain. It has various laboratories, meeting rooms, and over 1,300 technical references. CTN is committed to the maritime sector and provides multidisciplinary expertise and specialized technological solutions. Its services include R&D, innovation, technology transfer, and project management. CTN works with companies and collaborates with various maritime organizations.
08. juknis analisis l lingkungan eksternal satdik 2411Suaidin -Dompu
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang proses analisis kondisi lingkungan eksternal satuan pendidikan, mulai dari menugaskan tim pelaksana kegiatan untuk menyusun rencana dan perangkat analisis, melakukan pengumpulan dan pengolahan data, mereview hasil analisis, hingga mendistribusikan laporan hasil analisis kepada pihak terkait.
This document discusses using Facebook for educational purposes. It provides 20 applications that can be used on Facebook to facilitate different types of educational interactions: 1) learner and content, 2) learner and instructor, and 3) learner and learner. Some highlighted applications include ºÝºÝߣShare for sharing presentations, SurveyGizmo for creating polls and quizzes, and Skype Me for virtual office hours. Setting up a Facebook page or group is recommended over friending students for distributing announcements and developing an online community around a class. Guidelines are provided on privacy settings and creating lists to safely connect with students on Facebook.
Penataan ulang kurikulum mencakup penataan ulang mata pelajaran agama, PPKn, dan bahasa Indonesia dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan agar peserta didik memiliki karakter yang kuat dan memiliki kemampuan yang relevan dengan tuntutan zaman.
This document summarizes a presentation about how lateral motion pedals can reduce knee and hip pain in cyclists. Common reasons for injuries in cyclists include stiffness in the hip rotator muscles, iliotibial band syndrome from overuse, and over-training. An EMG study of 45 cyclists found that standard pedals concentrate muscle power between 12 and 5 o'clock on the pedal stroke. Studies show lateral motion pedals of 25mm allow freedom of movement in the hips, reducing loads on knees and hips. Benefits include increased peak power by an average of 7% and reduced energy consumption of 2%.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang suku Asmat yang tinggal di pesisir pantai hutan Papua. Suku Asmat meyakini adanya roh-roh yang mendiami lingkungan mereka, salah satunya adalah roh nenek moyang yang bersifat baik. Dasar organisasi sosial masyarakat Asmat adalah keluarga inti. Mereka melakukan berbagai upacara ritual seperti upacara pembuatan rumah dan perahu. Rumah yang disebut yew digunakan untuk berbagai ke
New deal wikipedia, the free encyclopediaGordon Kraft
The New Deal was a series of economic programs enacted in the United States between 1933 and 1936 in response to the Great Depression. The programs focused on relief for the unemployed and poor, recovery of the economy to normal levels, and reform of the financial system to prevent another depression. Some key programs included the Social Security system, the SEC, the FDIC, and public works projects like the Tennessee Valley Authority. The New Deal helped establish the Democratic party as the majority party in the U.S. for decades.
FCTA-UNP: Pertinencia social de la Universidad Nacional de Pilar desde la per...FCTA - UNP
Presentaci¨®n realizada por la Doctora Gladys Br¨ªtez, Investigadora de la Facultad de Ciencias, Tecnolog¨ªas y Artes de la UNP, durante la Jornada de la Investigaci¨®n 2015
Progressive system engineer with 8 years of hands-on experience developing and implementing innovative software
products and solutions that significantly increase productivity and profitability. Adept at delivering high-quality products
while establishing solid analytical and problem solving abilities. Skilled using Core Java, PHP, OOP, Design Patterns,
SOA, Data Structure / Algorithms, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, XML, HTML, JSON, MySQL, Oracle, and Informix while
leading comprehensive software development. Experienced in implementing application through entire Software
Development Life Cycle.
Este documento proporciona una descripci¨®n de varias herramientas web y ofim¨¢ticas aplicadas a la educaci¨®n y la enfermer¨ªa, incluyendo Google Drive, Dropbox, Gmail, Hotmail, Mendeley, Blogger, Quipux y ºÝºÝߣShare. Detalla las caracter¨ªsticas clave de cada herramienta y c¨®mo pueden usarse para mejorar el flujo de trabajo acad¨¦mico y la b¨²squeda de conocimiento.
The document contains a list of links to various media resources including maps, photos, and videos related to Saudi Arabia. The links reference locations, landmarks, culture, and daily life in Saudi Arabia from different regions and time periods.
The document discusses key principles of applied software project management including responsibility, authority, and accountability. It emphasizes the importance of delegation, transparency, managing senior managers and the organization, and managing the project team. Some best practices discussed are establishing guidelines, sharing information, addressing problems early, and avoiding micromanagement.
The Maritime Technological Centre (CTN) is a private technology transfer center located in Murcia, Spain. It has various laboratories, meeting rooms, and over 1,300 technical references. CTN is committed to the maritime sector and provides multidisciplinary expertise and specialized technological solutions. Its services include R&D, innovation, technology transfer, and project management. CTN works with companies and collaborates with various maritime organizations.
08. juknis analisis l lingkungan eksternal satdik 2411Suaidin -Dompu
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang proses analisis kondisi lingkungan eksternal satuan pendidikan, mulai dari menugaskan tim pelaksana kegiatan untuk menyusun rencana dan perangkat analisis, melakukan pengumpulan dan pengolahan data, mereview hasil analisis, hingga mendistribusikan laporan hasil analisis kepada pihak terkait.
This document discusses using Facebook for educational purposes. It provides 20 applications that can be used on Facebook to facilitate different types of educational interactions: 1) learner and content, 2) learner and instructor, and 3) learner and learner. Some highlighted applications include ºÝºÝߣShare for sharing presentations, SurveyGizmo for creating polls and quizzes, and Skype Me for virtual office hours. Setting up a Facebook page or group is recommended over friending students for distributing announcements and developing an online community around a class. Guidelines are provided on privacy settings and creating lists to safely connect with students on Facebook.
Penataan ulang kurikulum mencakup penataan ulang mata pelajaran agama, PPKn, dan bahasa Indonesia dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan agar peserta didik memiliki karakter yang kuat dan memiliki kemampuan yang relevan dengan tuntutan zaman.
This document summarizes a presentation about how lateral motion pedals can reduce knee and hip pain in cyclists. Common reasons for injuries in cyclists include stiffness in the hip rotator muscles, iliotibial band syndrome from overuse, and over-training. An EMG study of 45 cyclists found that standard pedals concentrate muscle power between 12 and 5 o'clock on the pedal stroke. Studies show lateral motion pedals of 25mm allow freedom of movement in the hips, reducing loads on knees and hips. Benefits include increased peak power by an average of 7% and reduced energy consumption of 2%.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang suku Asmat yang tinggal di pesisir pantai hutan Papua. Suku Asmat meyakini adanya roh-roh yang mendiami lingkungan mereka, salah satunya adalah roh nenek moyang yang bersifat baik. Dasar organisasi sosial masyarakat Asmat adalah keluarga inti. Mereka melakukan berbagai upacara ritual seperti upacara pembuatan rumah dan perahu. Rumah yang disebut yew digunakan untuk berbagai ke
New deal wikipedia, the free encyclopediaGordon Kraft
The New Deal was a series of economic programs enacted in the United States between 1933 and 1936 in response to the Great Depression. The programs focused on relief for the unemployed and poor, recovery of the economy to normal levels, and reform of the financial system to prevent another depression. Some key programs included the Social Security system, the SEC, the FDIC, and public works projects like the Tennessee Valley Authority. The New Deal helped establish the Democratic party as the majority party in the U.S. for decades.
reprezentativ la nivelul
Colegiului 1 Cara?-Severin - Camera Deputa?ilor
Perioada de culegere a datelor:
16 noiembrie - 19 noiembrie 2012
? Cercetare realizata in perioada 16.11.2012-19.11.2012
? Volumul e?antionului: 306 persoane adulte de 18 ani ?i peste.
? Metoda de culegere a datelor: CATI (interviuri telefonice asistate de calculator)
? Tipul e?antionului: Probabilist
? Reprezentativitate:
Esantionul este reprezentativ pentru populatia adult? neinstitu?ionalizat? a Colegiului 1 Cara?-Severin- Camera
Deputatilor, cu o eroare maxim? tolerat? de +/-5,59%, pentru un interval de ?ncredere de 95%.
? Validare:
Validarea s-a facut pe baza datelor INS 2011.
? Operatori:
Echipa de operatori CATI a fost format? din 10 persoane.
3. Q1. Dupa parerea Dvs, in tara noastra lucrurile merg intr-o directie buna sau intr-o
directie gresita?
Q2. Dup? p?rerea dvs., de la ultimele alegeri
Parlamentare, lucrurile ?n localitatea dvs. s-au
schimbat ?n:
Directia este buna Directia este gresita
Nu pot aprecia 14%
In bine A ramas la fel In rau Nu stiu
4. Cata incredere aveti in urmatorii:
Foarte multa Multa Putina Deloc Nu il cunosc/NR
10% 11% 8%
Aurel Duru?
5. Cata incredere aveti in urmatorii:
Foarte multa Multa Putina Deloc Nu il cunosc/NR
6% 8% 7%
Ioan Sabo
6. Cata incredere aveti in urmatorii:
Foarte multa Multa Putina Deloc Nu il cunosc/Doar am auzit
6% 5%
1% 4%
Nicolae Oravicean
7. Cata incredere aveti in urmatorii:
Foarte multa Multa Putina Deloc Nu il cunosc/Doar am auzit
Ioan Benga
8. Cata incredere aveti in urmatorii:
Foarte multa Multa Putina Deloc Nu il cunosc/Doar am auzit
Cornelia Marina Dunareanu
9. Cata incredere aveti in urmatorii:
Foarte multa Multa Putina Deloc Nu il cunosc/Doar am auzit
6% 6%
Valentin Blanariu
10. Cata incredere aveti in urmatorele personalitati de la nivel local? CLASAMENT
Foarte multa Multa Putina Deloc NC/NR
Aurel Duru? 5% 10% 11% 8% 66%
Ioan Sabo 3% 6% 8% 7% 76%
Nicolae Oravicean 1% 4% 6% 5% 84%
Ioan Benga 5% 23% 15% 20% 37%
Cornelia Marina 21%
8% 19% 14% 38%
Valentin Blanariu 2% 6% 6% 76%
11. Q9.Cum ati prefera sa fiti informati despre candidati si ofertele electorale?
Prima op?iune
9% 7% 5%
Televiziuni locale Fata in fata Internet Ziare locale Pliante si afise NS/NR
30% A doua op?iune
18% 17% 15%
11% 9%
Televiziuni locale Pliante si afise Fata in fata Internet Ziare locale NS/NR
12. Q4. La alegerile locale din Iunie 2012, v-ati prezentat la vot?
Da Nu NR
13. Q5. Pe 9 decembrie vor avea loc alegeri locale pentru Parlamentul Romaniei. Cat de
sigur sunteti ca va veti prezenta la vot?
16% 15%
Foarte sigur Sigur Nu sunt hotarat Nu ma voi prezenta
14. Dac? Duminica viitoare ar avea loc alegeri pentru SENAT, Dvs. cu care dintre urm?tori
candidati a?i vota?
Aurel Duru? - USL 30%
Nicolae Oravicean -
Ioan Sabo - ARD 9%
Dumitru Parvulescu -
Penzes Tunde - UDMR 2%
Nu sunt hotarat 25%
Nu voi vota 16%
NR 5%
15. Q7. Dac? Duminica viitoare ar avea loc alegeri pentru SENAT, Dvs. cu care dintre urm?tori
candidati a?i vota?
Aurel Duru? - USL 56%
Nicolae Oravicean -
Ioan Sabo - ARD 16%
Dumitru Parvulescu -
Datele absolute obtinute in urma
Penzes Tunde - UDMR 4% distribuirii proportionale a celor
46% non-raspunsuri. Exist?
posibilitatea ca cei 25% nehotara?i
s? nu se impart? proportional.
16. Q7b.Care este principalul motiv pentru care nu v-ati hotarat inca?
?ntrebare pus? doar celor care
58% s-au declarat nehotar??i
trebuie sa ma informez mai mult trebuie sa ma consult cu apropiatii nu am din cine alege
despre candidati
17. Q8. Dac? Duminica viitoare ar avea loc alegeri Parlamentare, Dvs. cu reprezentan?ii c?rui
partid politic a?i vota?
USL 44% 61%
PPDD 13% 18%
ARD 10% 14%
PRM 3% 4%
UDMR 2% 3%
Nu sunt hotarat 11%
Nu voi vota 13%
Se observ? c? o prezent? crescut?
NR 4% la vot ar avantaja candidatul USL.