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Visual Aids by Laurette P. Simmons Ph.D. and LeRoy F. Simmons Ph.D.
SB page 2
School Lunches Around the World
1 Many parents worry about the food that children eat. They especially worry about the food that
children get at school. Why? Health and weight are becoming a problem around the world. Many
people believe that children eat too much fat, sugar, and salt, especially in school lunches.
2 This isnt a problem everywhere. In some countries, schools dont serve food to students. Some
students go home for lunch, and some students bring their own lunches to school.
3 The BBC News website asked people from around the world this question: What do (or did) you
eat at school for lunch? Here are a few answers:
 Bruno, 10, France: Today, we had grapefruit, grilled chicken, green beans, cheese, and pudding for
 Sarah, 8, Florida (USA): We get to choose. Today, I had pizza, salad, sweet, and milk. We have a
soda machine at school. I dont buy sodas. My mom doesnt let me.
 Max, 11, Ukraine: We start with borscht (a kind of soup). We usually have sausages or some other
kind of meat and mashed potatoes. Today we had syrki for dessert.
 Wei, 25, Massachusetts (USA): In China, where I grew up, students went home for lunch. Parents
also came home for lunch, so we usually ate a good home-cooked4 meal.
 Ping, 23, Taiwan: In Taiwan, children under 12 have lunch in school. Usually there is rice, two kinds
of vegetables, one kind of meat, and a bowl of soup. You can eat like you eat at home.
 Laura, 32, Puerto Rico: My daughter usually has rice and beans, salad, and chicken for lunch at
school. It comes with milk, but she never drinks it. The government tried to include fast food5 in
school lunches, but the parents didnt allow it.
SB page 4
b, f
SB page 4
Reading Comprehension 1 (Well Read) Chapter 1
Restaurants, Then
and Now
Restaurants 100 years ago were very different
from restaurants today. Lets take a look at three
examples from Southern California.
One is from the 1900s, one is from the 1950s,
and one is from the 2000s.
1900s: The Royal Restaurant, Los Angeles, CA
A hundred years ago in the United States, people
ate a lot of food. They liked foods from home,
and home was often the Old Country1 or a
farm. People found food like this at the Royal
Restaurant. The Royal Restaurant served a
complete lunch. The meal included soup, fish, an
entree2, vegetables, dessert, and a drink. At the
Royal Restaurant, people ate fricadellen and
muskmelon. They drank buttermilk. Today, it is
very difficult to find fricadellen (a kind of Dutch
meatball) on an American menu. Muskmelon (a
fruit) is now called cantaloupe. And today, very
few people drink buttermilk (the liquid that is left
after cream becomes butter).
1950s: The Mocambo, Hollywood, CA
In the 1950s, more people in the U.S. had money
to eat well. They were interested in foreign food.
They were especially interested in French food.
The Mocambo in Hollywood was a typical fancy
restaurant in the 1950s. Movie stars such as
Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable, and )udy Garland
ate at the Mocambo. The Mocambo served the
stars elegant dishes. For dinner, people often
started with a half of a grapefruit. They had
Lobster Thermador Prince de Monaco, lobster in a
sauce. (The name of this dish came from a real
prince who married a movie star.) Some people
had a French-style dessert called crepes suzette.
These are thin pancakes with an orange sauce.
Today, Americans mostly eat grapefruit for
breakfast, not dinner. Lobster Thermador and
crepes suzette are old-fashioned dishes, but you
might still find them on some menus.
2000s: five sixty one, Pasadena, CA
In the 2000s, Americans are trying to eat less.
They are trying to eat healthy food. And they are
interested in foods from all over the world. The
five sixty one restaurant is an example of a
modern restaurant. It serves healthy dishes in
styles. For example, at five sixty one, you can
start with Tuna Tataki. This is a Japanese-style
SB page 5
SB page 7
SB page 7
Reading Comprehension 1 (Well Read) Chapter 1
SB page 8
SB page 8
A Timeline of Food Inventions timeline, food, inventions
dishwasher, first ice cream cone, frozen food, canned soft drinks,
first microwave oven, Seedless watermelon, Flavr Savr tomatoes,
tear-free onions
SB page 8
SB page 8
Italo Marchiony
Clarence Birdseye
Warren Barham
Shinsuke Imai
SB page 9
soft drinks, seedless watermelon, Flavr Savr tomatoes, tear-free onions
dishwasher, microwave oven
microwave oven
canned soft drinks
frozen food
ice cream cone, frozen food, canned
SB page 9
Reading Comprehension 1 (Well Read) Chapter 1
Reading Comprehension 1 (Well Read) Chapter 1
SB page 11
SB page 13
SB page 13
d. Cafes appear in Europe.
f. Boulanger serves meat with a sauce.
c. The restaurant becomes a place to
serve all kinds of food.
e. The French Revolution happens.
b. French-style restaurants appear
around the world.
a. taverns serve food to travelers.
SB page 14
Visual Aids by Laurette P. Simmons Ph.D. and LeRoy F. Simmons Ph.D.
This concludes Chapter 1.

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Reading Comprehension 1 (Well Read) Chapter 1

  • 1. Visual Aids by Laurette P. Simmons Ph.D. and LeRoy F. Simmons Ph.D.
  • 3. School Lunches Around the World 1 Many parents worry about the food that children eat. They especially worry about the food that children get at school. Why? Health and weight are becoming a problem around the world. Many people believe that children eat too much fat, sugar, and salt, especially in school lunches. 2 This isnt a problem everywhere. In some countries, schools dont serve food to students. Some students go home for lunch, and some students bring their own lunches to school. 3 The BBC News website asked people from around the world this question: What do (or did) you eat at school for lunch? Here are a few answers: Bruno, 10, France: Today, we had grapefruit, grilled chicken, green beans, cheese, and pudding for dessert. Sarah, 8, Florida (USA): We get to choose. Today, I had pizza, salad, sweet, and milk. We have a soda machine at school. I dont buy sodas. My mom doesnt let me. Max, 11, Ukraine: We start with borscht (a kind of soup). We usually have sausages or some other kind of meat and mashed potatoes. Today we had syrki for dessert. Wei, 25, Massachusetts (USA): In China, where I grew up, students went home for lunch. Parents also came home for lunch, so we usually ate a good home-cooked4 meal. Ping, 23, Taiwan: In Taiwan, children under 12 have lunch in school. Usually there is rice, two kinds of vegetables, one kind of meat, and a bowl of soup. You can eat like you eat at home. Laura, 32, Puerto Rico: My daughter usually has rice and beans, salad, and chicken for lunch at school. It comes with milk, but she never drinks it. The government tried to include fast food5 in school lunches, but the parents didnt allow it.
  • 7. Restaurants, Then and Now Restaurants 100 years ago were very different from restaurants today. Lets take a look at three examples from Southern California. One is from the 1900s, one is from the 1950s, and one is from the 2000s. 1900s: The Royal Restaurant, Los Angeles, CA A hundred years ago in the United States, people ate a lot of food. They liked foods from home, and home was often the Old Country1 or a farm. People found food like this at the Royal Restaurant. The Royal Restaurant served a complete lunch. The meal included soup, fish, an entree2, vegetables, dessert, and a drink. At the Royal Restaurant, people ate fricadellen and muskmelon. They drank buttermilk. Today, it is very difficult to find fricadellen (a kind of Dutch meatball) on an American menu. Muskmelon (a fruit) is now called cantaloupe. And today, very few people drink buttermilk (the liquid that is left after cream becomes butter). 1950s: The Mocambo, Hollywood, CA In the 1950s, more people in the U.S. had money to eat well. They were interested in foreign food. They were especially interested in French food. The Mocambo in Hollywood was a typical fancy restaurant in the 1950s. Movie stars such as Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable, and )udy Garland ate at the Mocambo. The Mocambo served the stars elegant dishes. For dinner, people often started with a half of a grapefruit. They had Lobster Thermador Prince de Monaco, lobster in a sauce. (The name of this dish came from a real prince who married a movie star.) Some people had a French-style dessert called crepes suzette. These are thin pancakes with an orange sauce. Today, Americans mostly eat grapefruit for breakfast, not dinner. Lobster Thermador and crepes suzette are old-fashioned dishes, but you might still find them on some menus. 2000s: five sixty one, Pasadena, CA In the 2000s, Americans are trying to eat less. They are trying to eat healthy food. And they are interested in foods from all over the world. The five sixty one restaurant is an example of a modern restaurant. It serves healthy dishes in ethnic4 styles. For example, at five sixty one, you can start with Tuna Tataki. This is a Japanese-style
  • 14. A Timeline of Food Inventions timeline, food, inventions 1889 2002 dishwasher, first ice cream cone, frozen food, canned soft drinks, first microwave oven, Seedless watermelon, Flavr Savr tomatoes, tear-free onions SB page 8
  • 16. Italo Marchiony Clarence Birdseye Warren Barham Calgene Shinsuke Imai SB page 9
  • 17. soft drinks, seedless watermelon, Flavr Savr tomatoes, tear-free onions dishwasher, microwave oven microwave oven canned soft drinks frozen food ice cream cone, frozen food, canned SB page 9
  • 23. d. Cafes appear in Europe. f. Boulanger serves meat with a sauce. c. The restaurant becomes a place to serve all kinds of food. e. The French Revolution happens. b. French-style restaurants appear around the world. a. taverns serve food to travelers. SB page 14
  • 24. Visual Aids by Laurette P. Simmons Ph.D. and LeRoy F. Simmons Ph.D. This concludes Chapter 1.