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Arthur Miller 1915 - 2005
Background Born October 17, 1915 in New York More interested in sports than in academics Graduated during the Great Depression Poor grades did not allow for  scholarship to the University of Michigan.  Had to work to pay for college. Worked for 2 years in an auto parts plant.
Background cont Eventually attended U of Michigan. First job - mouse tender in a university science lab. Second job - night editor of the Michigan Daily After graduation, returned to NY & wrote radio scripts
Major works 1947 -  All My Sons -  struck a note that was to become familiar in Millers work: the need for moral responsibility in families and society. 1949 -  Death of a Salesman 1953 -  The Crucible 1964  - After the Fall 1968  - The Price
McCarthyism Crucible has parallels to accusations of the 1950s Communism scare of Senator Joseph McCarthy - Red Scare or Red Hunt Writers, actors, & all kinds of other people were summoned to appear before McCarthy to answer the question: Are you now or were you ever a Communist? They were also required to inform on neighbors & friends or be sent to jail.
Most known for  Winning a Pulitzer Prize for Drama Marrying Marilyn Monroe (1956) Refusing to give evidence before the  House Un-American Activities Committee
The Crucible 1692 Salem, Mass. Not successful in first production - critics questioned the comparison between the old witch-hunts and the contemporary hunt for Communists. Later ran for 600 performances.  It is now Millers most produced play.
The Crucible Definitions: A container made of a substance that can resist great heat, for melting, fusing, or calcining ores, metals, etc. A severe test or trial
The Crucible Premise - young girls are caught acting strange - witchcraft is blamed.  The girls begin accusing townspeople of influencing and being involved in the craft.  Mass hysteria takes hold and the witch trials begin.  Several members of Massachusetts families are accused, jailed, and many are executed.
Puritan Ideals Suffered religious persecution in Old World Came to New World for religious freedom Became persecutors in America (for religious differences of others) Predestination - receive divine salvation Theocracy - govt. controlled by church Sinner: openly confess, repent, pay penance
Puritan Ideals Believed PLEASANT things were from Devil - women could not dress pretty - children could not play games - theatres were forbidden - dancing was a sin Believed in witches in society Believed devil lurked in the forest to trap man

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Real one arthur miller

  • 2. Background Born October 17, 1915 in New York More interested in sports than in academics Graduated during the Great Depression Poor grades did not allow for scholarship to the University of Michigan. Had to work to pay for college. Worked for 2 years in an auto parts plant.
  • 3. Background cont Eventually attended U of Michigan. First job - mouse tender in a university science lab. Second job - night editor of the Michigan Daily After graduation, returned to NY & wrote radio scripts
  • 4. Major works 1947 - All My Sons - struck a note that was to become familiar in Millers work: the need for moral responsibility in families and society. 1949 - Death of a Salesman 1953 - The Crucible 1964 - After the Fall 1968 - The Price
  • 5. McCarthyism Crucible has parallels to accusations of the 1950s Communism scare of Senator Joseph McCarthy - Red Scare or Red Hunt Writers, actors, & all kinds of other people were summoned to appear before McCarthy to answer the question: Are you now or were you ever a Communist? They were also required to inform on neighbors & friends or be sent to jail.
  • 6. Most known for Winning a Pulitzer Prize for Drama Marrying Marilyn Monroe (1956) Refusing to give evidence before the House Un-American Activities Committee
  • 7. The Crucible 1692 Salem, Mass. Not successful in first production - critics questioned the comparison between the old witch-hunts and the contemporary hunt for Communists. Later ran for 600 performances. It is now Millers most produced play.
  • 8. The Crucible Definitions: A container made of a substance that can resist great heat, for melting, fusing, or calcining ores, metals, etc. A severe test or trial
  • 9. The Crucible Premise - young girls are caught acting strange - witchcraft is blamed. The girls begin accusing townspeople of influencing and being involved in the craft. Mass hysteria takes hold and the witch trials begin. Several members of Massachusetts families are accused, jailed, and many are executed.
  • 10. Puritan Ideals Suffered religious persecution in Old World Came to New World for religious freedom Became persecutors in America (for religious differences of others) Predestination - receive divine salvation Theocracy - govt. controlled by church Sinner: openly confess, repent, pay penance
  • 11. Puritan Ideals Believed PLEASANT things were from Devil - women could not dress pretty - children could not play games - theatres were forbidden - dancing was a sin Believed in witches in society Believed devil lurked in the forest to trap man