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Darlene Goldstein 29 January 2003
Receiver Operating Characteristic
? Introduction
? Hypothesis testing
? ROC curve
? Area under the ROC curve (AUC)
? Examples using ROC
? Concluding remarks
Introduction to ROC curves
? ROC = Receiver Operating Characteristic
? Started in electronic signal detection
theory (1940s - 1950s)
? Has become very popular in biomedical
applications, particularly radiology and
? Also used in machine learning applications to
assess classifiers
? Can be used to compare tests/procedures
ROC curves: simplest case
? Consider diagnostic test for a disease
? Test has 2 possible outcomes:
– ‘postive’ = suggesting presence of disease
– ‘negative’
? An individual can test either positive or
negative for the disease
? Prof. Mean...
Hypothesis testing refresher
? 2 ‘competing theories’ regarding a population
– NULL hypothesis H (‘straw man’)
– ALTERNATIVE hypothesis A (‘claim’, or
theory you wish to test)
– any observed deviation from what we
expect to see is due to chance variability
Test statistic
? Measure how far the observed data are from
what is expected assuming the NULL H by
computing the value of a test statistic (TS)
from the data
? The particular TS computed depends on the
? For example, to test the population mean ?,
the TS is the sample mean (or standardized
sample mean)
? The NULL is rejected fi the TS falls in a
user-specified ‘rejection region’
True disease state vs. Test result
not rejected rejected
No disease
(D = 0)
Type I error
(False +) ?
(D = 1)
Type II error
(False -) ?
Power 1 - ?;
Specific Example
Test Result
Pts with
Pts with
Pts without
Pts without
the disease
the disease
Test Result
Call these patients “negative” Call these patients “positive”
Test Result
Call these patients “negative” Call these patients “positive”
without the disease
with the disease
True Positives
Some definitions ...
Test Result
Call these patients “negative” Call these patients “positive”
without the disease
with the disease
Test Result
Call these patients “negative” Call these patients “positive”
without the disease
with the disease
Test Result
Call these patients “negative” Call these patients “positive”
without the disease
with the disease
Test Result
without the disease
with the disease
-’’ ‘‘
Moving the Threshold: right
Test Result
without the disease
with the disease
-’’ ‘‘
Moving the Threshold: left
False Positive Rate
0% 100%
ROC curve
False Positive Rate
False Positive Rate
A good test: A poor test:
ROC curve comparison
Best Test: Worst test:
False Positive
False Positive
The distributions
don’t overlap at all
The distributions
overlap completely
ROC curve extremes
‘Classical’ estimation
? Binormal model:
– X ~ N(0,1) in nondiseased population
– X ~ N(a, 1/b) in diseased population
? Then
ROC(t) = ?(a + b?-1
(t)) for 0 < t < 1
? Estimate a, b by ML using readings from
sets of diseased and nondiseased patients
ROC curve estimation with
continuous data
? Many biochemical measurements are in fact
continuous, e.g. blood glucose vs. diabetes
? Can also do ROC analysis for continuous (rather
than binary or ordinal) data
? Estimate ROC curve (and smooth) based on
empirical ‘survivor’ function (1 – cdf) in
diseased and nondiseased groups
? Can also do regression modeling of the test
? Another approach is to model the ROC curve
directlyas a function of covariates
Area under ROC curve (AUC)
? Overall measure of test performance
? Comparisons between two tests based on
differences between (estimated) AUC
? For continuous data, AUC equivalent to Mann-
Whitney U-statistic (nonparametric test of
difference in location between two
False Positive
False Positive
False Positive
AUC = 50%
AUC = 90%
AUC = 65%
AUC = 100%
False Positive
AUC for ROC curves
Interpretation of AUC
? AUC can be interpreted as the probability
that the test result from a randomly chosen
diseased individual is more indicative of
disease than that from a randomly chosen
nondiseased individual: P(Xi ? Xj | Di = 1, Dj = 0)
? So can think of this as a nonparametric
distance between disease/nondisease test
Problems with AUC
? No clinically relevant meaning
? A lot of the area is coming from the range of
large false positive values, no one cares what’s
going on in that region (need to examine
restricted regions)
? The curves might cross, so that there might
be a meaningful difference in performance
that is not picked up by AUC
Examples using ROC analysis
? Threshold selection for ‘tuning’ an already
trained classifier (e.g. neural nets)
? Defining signal thresholds in DNA microarrays
(Bilban et al.)
? Comparing test statistics for identifying
differentially expressed genes in replicated
microarray data (L?nnstedt and Speed)
? Assessing performance of different protein
prediction algorithms (Tang et al.)
? Inferring protein homology (Karwath and King)
Homology Induction ROC
Concluding remarks – remaining
challenges in ROC methodology
? Inference for ROC curve when no ‘gold standard’
? Role of ROC in combining information?
? Incorporating time into ROC analysis
? Alternatives to ROC for describing test
? Generalization of positive/negative predictive
value to continuous test?
(+/-) predictive value = proportion of patients with
(+/-) result who are correctly diagnosed
= True/(True + False)

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Receiver Operating Characteristics SIB-ROC.ppt

  • 1. Darlene Goldstein 29 January 2003 Receiver Operating Characteristic Methodology
  • 2. Outline ? Introduction ? Hypothesis testing ? ROC curve ? Area under the ROC curve (AUC) ? Examples using ROC ? Concluding remarks
  • 3. Introduction to ROC curves ? ROC = Receiver Operating Characteristic ? Started in electronic signal detection theory (1940s - 1950s) ? Has become very popular in biomedical applications, particularly radiology and imaging ? Also used in machine learning applications to assess classifiers ? Can be used to compare tests/procedures
  • 4. ROC curves: simplest case ? Consider diagnostic test for a disease ? Test has 2 possible outcomes: – ‘postive’ = suggesting presence of disease – ‘negative’ ? An individual can test either positive or negative for the disease ? Prof. Mean...
  • 5. Hypothesis testing refresher ? 2 ‘competing theories’ regarding a population parameter: – NULL hypothesis H (‘straw man’) – ALTERNATIVE hypothesis A (‘claim’, or theory you wish to test) ? H: NO DIFFERENCE – any observed deviation from what we expect to see is due to chance variability ? A: THE DIFFERENCE IS REAL
  • 6. Test statistic ? Measure how far the observed data are from what is expected assuming the NULL H by computing the value of a test statistic (TS) from the data ? The particular TS computed depends on the parameter ? For example, to test the population mean ?, the TS is the sample mean (or standardized sample mean) ? The NULL is rejected fi the TS falls in a user-specified ‘rejection region’
  • 7. True disease state vs. Test result not rejected rejected No disease (D = 0) ? specificity X Type I error (False +) ? Disease (D = 1) X Type II error (False -) ? ? Power 1 - ?; sensitivity Disease Test
  • 8. Specific Example Test Result Pts with Pts with disease disease Pts without Pts without the disease the disease
  • 9. Test Result Call these patients “negative” Call these patients “positive” Threshold
  • 10. Test Result Call these patients “negative” Call these patients “positive” without the disease with the disease True Positives Some definitions ...
  • 11. Test Result Call these patients “negative” Call these patients “positive” without the disease with the disease False Positives
  • 12. Test Result Call these patients “negative” Call these patients “positive” without the disease with the disease True negatives
  • 13. Test Result Call these patients “negative” Call these patients “positive” without the disease with the disease False negatives
  • 14. Test Result without the disease with the disease ‘‘ ‘‘-’’ -’’ ‘‘ ‘‘+’’ +’’ Moving the Threshold: right
  • 15. Test Result without the disease with the disease ‘‘ ‘‘-’’ -’’ ‘‘ ‘‘+’’ +’’ Moving the Threshold: left
  • 17. True Positive Rate 0 % 100% False Positive Rate 0 % 100% True Positive Rate 0 % 100% False Positive Rate 0 % 100% A good test: A poor test: ROC curve comparison
  • 18. Best Test: Worst test: True Positive Rate 0 % 100% False Positive Rate 0 % 100 % True Positive Rate 0 % 100% False Positive Rate 0 % 100 % The distributions don’t overlap at all The distributions overlap completely ROC curve extremes
  • 19. ‘Classical’ estimation ? Binormal model: – X ~ N(0,1) in nondiseased population – X ~ N(a, 1/b) in diseased population ? Then ROC(t) = ?(a + b?-1 (t)) for 0 < t < 1 ? Estimate a, b by ML using readings from sets of diseased and nondiseased patients
  • 20. ROC curve estimation with continuous data ? Many biochemical measurements are in fact continuous, e.g. blood glucose vs. diabetes ? Can also do ROC analysis for continuous (rather than binary or ordinal) data ? Estimate ROC curve (and smooth) based on empirical ‘survivor’ function (1 – cdf) in diseased and nondiseased groups ? Can also do regression modeling of the test result ? Another approach is to model the ROC curve directlyas a function of covariates
  • 21. Area under ROC curve (AUC) ? Overall measure of test performance ? Comparisons between two tests based on differences between (estimated) AUC ? For continuous data, AUC equivalent to Mann- Whitney U-statistic (nonparametric test of difference in location between two populations)
  • 22. True Positive Rate 0 % 100% False Positive Rate 0 % 100 % True Positive Rate 0 % 100% False Positive Rate 0 % 100 % True Positive Rate 0 % 100% False Positive Rate 0 % 100 % AUC = 50% AUC = 90% AUC = 65% AUC = 100% True Positive Rate 0 % 100% False Positive Rate 0 % 100 % AUC for ROC curves
  • 23. Interpretation of AUC ? AUC can be interpreted as the probability that the test result from a randomly chosen diseased individual is more indicative of disease than that from a randomly chosen nondiseased individual: P(Xi ? Xj | Di = 1, Dj = 0) ? So can think of this as a nonparametric distance between disease/nondisease test results
  • 24. Problems with AUC ? No clinically relevant meaning ? A lot of the area is coming from the range of large false positive values, no one cares what’s going on in that region (need to examine restricted regions) ? The curves might cross, so that there might be a meaningful difference in performance that is not picked up by AUC
  • 25. Examples using ROC analysis ? Threshold selection for ‘tuning’ an already trained classifier (e.g. neural nets) ? Defining signal thresholds in DNA microarrays (Bilban et al.) ? Comparing test statistics for identifying differentially expressed genes in replicated microarray data (L?nnstedt and Speed) ? Assessing performance of different protein prediction algorithms (Tang et al.) ? Inferring protein homology (Karwath and King)
  • 27. Concluding remarks – remaining challenges in ROC methodology ? Inference for ROC curve when no ‘gold standard’ ? Role of ROC in combining information? ? Incorporating time into ROC analysis ? Alternatives to ROC for describing test accuracy? ? Generalization of positive/negative predictive value to continuous test? (+/-) predictive value = proportion of patients with (+/-) result who are correctly diagnosed = True/(True + False)