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Baby boomers are people born during the demographic postWorld War
II approximately between the years 1946 and 1964. This includes
people who are between 51 and 70 years old in 2016.
The Baby Boomer generation understood that the world doesnt owe
them anything. No one is going to be there to spoon feed you through
life and it is your responsibility to make something of yourself. They
were a more independent generation, as they didnt really have much of
a crutch to lean on in comparison to our generation.
This is a generation which was hesitant of taking too much time off
work for fear of losing their place on the corporate team. As a result,
there is an imbalance between work and family.
Generation X by broadest definition includes those individuals born
between the early 1960s and the early 1980s.
This generation feels strongly that they don't need someone looking
over their shoulder. This generation is works well in multicultural
settings, has a desire for some fun in the workplace and a pragmatic
approach to getting things done.
Because of parents who are Boomer workaholics, they focus on clearer
balance between work and family. Do not worry about losing their place
on the corporate team it they take time off.
Generation Y are basically children of Generation X who were born
during 1980s and later.
This generation grew up more sheltered than any other generation as
parents strived to protect them from the evils of the world. Hence this
generation is ambitious but not entirely focused and look to the
workplace for direction and to help them achieve their goals.
You can associate this generation with the one which uses electronic
devices, mobile technology, internet, computers in their daily life and is
skilled with the latest technology in the market.
Baby Boomers Generation X Generation Y
Want to make a
They are self reliant and
seek a balance in their life
They are fun driven
and Believe in NOW
Focus on developing
careers through
opportunities within
one organization
Take a pro-active approach
to career development
through more degrees and
experiences both within the
organization and without.
They seek more &
more experiences &
opportunities. If they
dont get it at their
work, they will seek it
Higher priority for
work over
Question authority figures
and are responsible for
creating the work/life
balance concept.
They are ambitious
and multitasking and
always looking for
Whats next.
One should understand that these 3 generations seek different thing
things from their work. Hence HR has to make sure they approach
everyone in a different manner.
Baby Boomers:
1. They are more about They are valued & needed hence recruit them
for position which offer them more appreciation and authority.
2. They focus on developing their careers through opportunities within
one organization, hence HR should seek Baby Boomers from within
the organization as it more feasible and help retain loyal employees.
3. Offer them a clear and concise job and will get it done
Generation X:
1. They seek a working environment which is merit based and not
seniority based and hence should offer them a merit based
environment to perform and growth
2. If you cant keep them engaged then they will seek it in another
position. Hence they should be hired for more engaging job profiles.
3. They work to live not live to work, and hence HR should hire them
for a more balance work position which does not demand all their
Generation Y:
1. They looking for more challenging and dont want to be bored,
Hence they are the right ones for a position which is more
1. When they look for a job they look for something which has options
and for a straightforward profile. They are happy to multi task and
same kind of work bores them.
2. They always look for friendly work environment and a position which
is more creative and comes with a good compensation
Stop if you havent heard this before:
back in our day, you had to walk half a mile to school come rain, hail or shine;
you spoke only when spoken to, and you couldnt leave the table until youd
eaten all your vegetables.
The hardships served up to generations before Y are thought to have forged
admirable qualities in people. A life of ease seems to have had the opposite
effect. With their laid back attitude and multitasking approach, the tech-savvy
Gen Y might be the hardest generation yet to manage in a corporate
What we have to understand before trying to manage Gen Y is that they are
confident, well-educated, self-sufficient, socially and politically aware, but they
can be unrealistic in their desire to make a difference and climb the corporate
Gen Ys unconventional approach to prioritizing doesnt equate with
They work best when choosing their own schedules. Tell them what
you want and let them get on with it. They will work weekends if they
think its worth it.
1. Nudge them away from their comfort zones. Explain what needs to be
done and entrust them with the responsibility to do it.
2. Assist them with social cues. Guide them in etiquette and protocol,
especially when engaging older generations
3. Welcome them into the team. Gen Y identifies strongly with their
teams. Enhance social cohesion and orientate young staff into the
workplace thoroughly.
4. Provide incentives to keep them. Gen Yers love mobility, and they will
always be on the lookout for promotional and learning opportunities.
5.Develop and mentor them. Give them access to ongoing development,
coaching and feedback, as they are likely to see work through the lens
of their ongoing education.
Recruitment  baby boomers, gen x & gen y

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Recruitment baby boomers, gen x & gen y

  • 2. Baby boomers are people born during the demographic postWorld War II approximately between the years 1946 and 1964. This includes people who are between 51 and 70 years old in 2016. The Baby Boomer generation understood that the world doesnt owe them anything. No one is going to be there to spoon feed you through life and it is your responsibility to make something of yourself. They were a more independent generation, as they didnt really have much of a crutch to lean on in comparison to our generation. This is a generation which was hesitant of taking too much time off work for fear of losing their place on the corporate team. As a result, there is an imbalance between work and family.
  • 3. Generation X by broadest definition includes those individuals born between the early 1960s and the early 1980s. This generation feels strongly that they don't need someone looking over their shoulder. This generation is works well in multicultural settings, has a desire for some fun in the workplace and a pragmatic approach to getting things done. Because of parents who are Boomer workaholics, they focus on clearer balance between work and family. Do not worry about losing their place on the corporate team it they take time off.
  • 4. Generation Y are basically children of Generation X who were born during 1980s and later. This generation grew up more sheltered than any other generation as parents strived to protect them from the evils of the world. Hence this generation is ambitious but not entirely focused and look to the workplace for direction and to help them achieve their goals. You can associate this generation with the one which uses electronic devices, mobile technology, internet, computers in their daily life and is skilled with the latest technology in the market.
  • 5. Mindset About Baby Boomers Generation X Generation Y Life Want to make a difference They are self reliant and seek a balance in their life They are fun driven and Believe in NOW Career Focus on developing careers through opportunities within one organization Take a pro-active approach to career development through more degrees and experiences both within the organization and without. They seek more & more experiences & opportunities. If they dont get it at their work, they will seek it elsewhere. Work Higher priority for work over Question authority figures and are responsible for creating the work/life balance concept. They are ambitious and multitasking and always looking for Whats next.
  • 6. One should understand that these 3 generations seek different thing things from their work. Hence HR has to make sure they approach everyone in a different manner. Baby Boomers: 1. They are more about They are valued & needed hence recruit them for position which offer them more appreciation and authority. 2. They focus on developing their careers through opportunities within one organization, hence HR should seek Baby Boomers from within the organization as it more feasible and help retain loyal employees. 3. Offer them a clear and concise job and will get it done
  • 7. Generation X: 1. They seek a working environment which is merit based and not seniority based and hence should offer them a merit based environment to perform and growth 2. If you cant keep them engaged then they will seek it in another position. Hence they should be hired for more engaging job profiles. 3. They work to live not live to work, and hence HR should hire them for a more balance work position which does not demand all their time. Generation Y: 1. They looking for more challenging and dont want to be bored, Hence they are the right ones for a position which is more challenging
  • 8. 1. When they look for a job they look for something which has options and for a straightforward profile. They are happy to multi task and same kind of work bores them. 2. They always look for friendly work environment and a position which is more creative and comes with a good compensation
  • 9. Stop if you havent heard this before: back in our day, you had to walk half a mile to school come rain, hail or shine; you spoke only when spoken to, and you couldnt leave the table until youd eaten all your vegetables. The hardships served up to generations before Y are thought to have forged admirable qualities in people. A life of ease seems to have had the opposite effect. With their laid back attitude and multitasking approach, the tech-savvy Gen Y might be the hardest generation yet to manage in a corporate environment. What we have to understand before trying to manage Gen Y is that they are confident, well-educated, self-sufficient, socially and politically aware, but they can be unrealistic in their desire to make a difference and climb the corporate ladder.
  • 10. Gen Ys unconventional approach to prioritizing doesnt equate with laziness. They work best when choosing their own schedules. Tell them what you want and let them get on with it. They will work weekends if they think its worth it.
  • 11. 1. Nudge them away from their comfort zones. Explain what needs to be done and entrust them with the responsibility to do it. 2. Assist them with social cues. Guide them in etiquette and protocol, especially when engaging older generations 3. Welcome them into the team. Gen Y identifies strongly with their teams. Enhance social cohesion and orientate young staff into the workplace thoroughly. 4. Provide incentives to keep them. Gen Yers love mobility, and they will always be on the lookout for promotional and learning opportunities. 5.Develop and mentor them. Give them access to ongoing development, coaching and feedback, as they are likely to see work through the lens of their ongoing education.