i have been working for the past twenty five years as an artist. I earned a bfa in drawing and a mfa in printmaking. my aesthetic sense tends to lean towards the immediacy of mark making no matter the media i chose to express my ideas.
each medium lends itself to particular approaches for visual expression, but i am always interested in providing moments of visual interest and metaphors that serve as catalysts for thought.
i strive to provide others with a road map of my inner journeyings.
The document provides information on three contemporary artists - Nina Katchadourian, Douglas Bentham, and Wangechi Mutu. It discusses their artistic techniques and influences. Nina Katchadourian is known for experimenting with media like maps. Douglas Bentham incorporates linear rhythms and metaphors in his sculptures. Wangechi Mutu uses mixed media collages to explore themes of identity and the female body.
The document discusses various childhood illnesses such as H1N1 influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), strep throat, MRSA, rotavirus, hepatitis A, salmonella, E. coli, and shigella. It provides information on transmission, symptoms, treatment, prevention, and proper handwashing techniques to prevent the spread of illness. Proper handwashing is emphasized as the most important way to prevent transmission of many infectious diseases.
The document outlines a proposal for a Parliament of the Youth Republic, a supranational youth organization. It details plans for selecting 197 young state representatives from countries around the world to serve as the main cadre. Additional local council cadres would be selected in each country to help expand membership and institutionalization. Funding could come from a monthly 1 Euro membership fee from millions of youth members, as well as possible state, business, and international organization support. The parliament would be composed of elected youth representatives ages 19-25 with expertise in various fields. A Law and Judicial Council would also be established to ensure fairness and provide oversight.
1) The document describes a "Magic LED-Glasses" project that allows users to see their friends in virtual 3D spaces without physical disconnection, using hypersensitive sensors and sounds.
2) It provides an example of 4 friends from different countries using the glasses to have a virtual birthday party together by seeing, hearing, and interacting with each other like they are together in person.
3) Several people comment positively on the project, saying it could help create closer relationships even when far apart by allowing shared virtual spaces and a sense of togetherness.
The document discusses a proposed Multi-Functional Trash System (MFTS) to address waste management issues. The MFTS would provide an innovative solution to collect, process, and distribute different types of waste including domestic/municipal and industrial waste. It would work through three phases - collection at interactive stations, distribution of waste between local and national processing stations by rail, and separation/processing of waste types through different methods.
This document describes the Traveling Sketchbook Project, which aims to facilitate creative interaction between artists, art educators, and strangers. Over 50 sketchbooks will travel from Utah between 2008-2009, with participants adding images, writings, and sharing with the community. The project seeks to help artists connect with others and chronicle the journey of the sketchbooks as they pass from person to person.
Mik Godley is a British painter and art lecturer known for conceptual work that draws from digital images found online. His recent project "Considering Silesia" examines issues of mixed heritage, cultural memory, identity, and displacement through "virtual expeditions" to his mother's homeland and painting the images. He is fascinated by how pixels from low-resolution images can form abstract shapes and questions how the internet influences how we see and understand the world. His work will be featured in the Austin Museum of Art's upcoming "The Modern Masters" series.
Nest eye exhibition 2011 review [ By Curators]hornart
A contemporary Art exhibition organized by the association of painting students of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and technology, Kumasi,Ghana and the artists' League.
This document provides information about a course on identity, including contact details for the lecturer, class times, assessment details, and required readings and resources. Students are expected to submit their first assignment, an illustrated written piece on their identities, by March 15th. The document also shares examples of artworks addressing themes of self-portraits and identity, including works by Ema Tavola, Albrecht Dürer, Kazimir Malevich, and Frida Kahlo. Concepts around reflexive identity from sociologist Anthony Giddens are discussed.
The document provides an overview of an art class that took students on field trips to various art galleries in New York City over the course of a semester. The class exposed students to different styles and mediums of art and encouraged critical discussion of the themes, messages, and techniques used by different artists. The semester concluded with a ceremony to celebrate the students' work and reflections on what they learned about art over the course.
Presentationskillsforteachersversion3 0-100830062322-phpapp01Suzanne Ott
This document provides tips for improving presentation skills for teachers. It recommends using visual images to engage students and tell a story. Teachers should simplify presentations by using empty space, fewer words per slide, and sans serif fonts like Helvetica. Bullet points should be avoided and the message should be repeated to reinforce it. Practice is important to avoid reading slides verbatim.
The document discusses Walter J. Ong's ideas about primary orality, literacy, and secondary orality/literacy and how these concepts have evolved with new media technologies. It suggests that secondary literacy exhibited through technologies like social media is dissonant for primarily literate cultures in the same way secondary orality was dissonant for oral cultures. This leads to discussions on how these shifts impact education, associations, and production models.
This document discusses drawing and the exploration of different drawing processes and styles. It provides quotes about drawing from various artists and illustrates that drawing is a fundamental part of an illustrator's practice. Students are asked to experiment with different words to draw with to unlock their expressive abilities and develop new ways of working with drawing. The goal is to think creatively about drawing and use it as a tool for research and communication.
This document discusses definitions and perspectives on art. It notes that art is more than just a medium - it is the expression of human experience. Art is uniquely human and tied to culture, and allows us to experience a wide range of emotions. The definition of art is constantly evolving as culture changes. Art history, anthropology and literature can provide insights into the human past by observing, recording and interpreting visual art and other works. How we define art comes down to agreement and cultural norms.
1) Art is performed by everyone in many forms and is essential to society. It allows people to express themselves and communicate with others.
2) Creating art allows people to focus their minds and better understand their experiences and surroundings. It tells stories and conveys emotions in a profound way.
3) Art has existed for thousands of years, dating back to early humans drawing pictures in caves. It has continued to evolve over time but remains a vital part of human culture and expression.
The document is an invitation to an event on November 9th, 2010 at 7:30pm in London that will feature 10 speakers, each using a metaphor to provide a new perspective on a topic in 10 minutes or less. Topics mentioned include digital technology, experience design, and video games. The event aims to change the way people look at things through the "chin-stroking medium of metaphor" over drinks. Interested speakers are invited to propose an idea to the organizer.
The document provides an agenda for end of term presentations on November 20, 2012. It lists several presenters including Sharita, Erica, Mark, Zachary Gough, and Erin. It also includes sections on Zachary Gough's art projects, Erin's research phase, and quotes from related literature.
The document discusses strategies for creating a successful school blog. It recommends focusing on generating great engaging content, securing leadership commitment, promoting the blog, maintaining consistency in posting, recruiting student contributors, and selecting the right blogging platform. Student bloggers can help share diverse student perspectives and stories. Finding the right student personalities to blog and giving them tools like cameras can help generate views and media attention for the school. An organic approach that engages different departments and activities can build a cohesive blog presence. With the right strategies, any school can create an impactful blog.
Edited margaret wister final presentation are598mwister
The document discusses the process of digital ethnography and conducting research in virtual worlds like Second Life. It explains the three main stages: data collection, content analysis, and comparative analysis. It then provides examples from a graduate art education course where students explored and engaged with art in Second Life, including building sculptures, visiting galleries, and collaborating on a classroom project. Students found the environment challenging but appreciated the creative outlet and exploring other students' work.
David Jon Kassan is a talented artist known for his realistic portraits that capture intense emotion. Through meticulously layering paint, Kassan aims to convey the depth and experience of his subjects. Inspired by Rembrandt's technique, Kassan spends hours perfecting tiny details to mimic skin texture. He teaches painting worldwide and is working on a solo show in New York. Kassan encourages artists to stay true to their work and rely only on themselves.
Visual Arts is a 2-unit ATAR course offered in NSW schools, focusing on art criticism, art history, and artmaking. [1] The course introduces basic concepts and practices in the first year and more interpretive investigations in the second year. [2] Students complete artworks in various forms and undertake case studies of art history and criticism. [3] Successful student artworks are selected for exhibition in the annual Artexpress showcase.
The document provides definitions and context for key terms related to digital ethnography research conducted in Second Life. It summarizes interviews with the creator of the Dryland region in Second Life, Anita Witt, an artist who exhibited work there named Pallina60 Loon, and a visitor to Dryland named Quiyote. The interviews covered topics like their real identities, art backgrounds, and responses to art criticism questions about Pallina60 Loon's installation "Woops...A Baby." The document also provides context on the real-world inspiration for Dryland and compares the three interviews.
10代を香港とマンハッタンで過ごした後、ロンドンのAAスクール、グラスゴー美術大学、マイアミ大学にて建築と哲学を学び、2007年ペンシルベニア大学大学院芸術学部建築学科を首席で卒業する。マニュエル?デランダ、ヴィンセント?ジョゼフ?スカーリー、セシル?バルモンド、 ジャンカルロ?デ?カルロに師事する。
90年代よりMITメディアラボ、磯崎新、黒川紀章、インダストリアル?ミュージックの先駆者、ピーター?クリストファーソンと協働し、ベトナムバクマイ病院、九州大学センター地区のマスタープランをはじめ多数の建築、都市計画、アートのプロジェクトを手掛ける。ポーランドのシレジア大学の講師を経て、2016年よりプリマス大学 Transart Instituteの客員教授に就任、クーパー?ユニオン、プラット?インスティテュート、コーネル大学、ニューセンター?オブ?リサーチ?アンド?プラクティス シアトル校にてゲストレクチャラーとして教鞭をとっている。シカゴ市文化庁客員キュレーター、英国美術協会 (British Art Network) 名誉会員。
ハイブリッド?アートとアルゴリズミック?コンピュテーションの手法を応用したメディア?アートの作品のインターナショナルな評価によりFILE(Electronic Language International Festival)Prix Lux Finalist、英国 Visual Art Open International Artist Awardを受賞する。
2016年には日本人として初めてイタリアとスペインからPremio Ora賞を同時に受けて2015年、2016年、2017年にロサンゼルスのLos Angeles Center for Digital Art、BYTE Gallery トランスベニア大学、ArtSpace ペスカラにて個展を開催する。2018年、韓国国立中央博物館の招聘展、テキサス大学、 ロサンゼルス現代美術館の常設展示作品のアーティストに選ばれている。
This document describes the Traveling Sketchbook Project, which aims to facilitate creative interaction between artists, art educators, and strangers. Over 50 sketchbooks will travel from Utah between 2008-2009, with participants adding images, writings, and sharing with the community. The project seeks to help artists connect with others and chronicle the journey of the sketchbooks as they pass from person to person.
Mik Godley is a British painter and art lecturer known for conceptual work that draws from digital images found online. His recent project "Considering Silesia" examines issues of mixed heritage, cultural memory, identity, and displacement through "virtual expeditions" to his mother's homeland and painting the images. He is fascinated by how pixels from low-resolution images can form abstract shapes and questions how the internet influences how we see and understand the world. His work will be featured in the Austin Museum of Art's upcoming "The Modern Masters" series.
Nest eye exhibition 2011 review [ By Curators]hornart
A contemporary Art exhibition organized by the association of painting students of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and technology, Kumasi,Ghana and the artists' League.
This document provides information about a course on identity, including contact details for the lecturer, class times, assessment details, and required readings and resources. Students are expected to submit their first assignment, an illustrated written piece on their identities, by March 15th. The document also shares examples of artworks addressing themes of self-portraits and identity, including works by Ema Tavola, Albrecht Dürer, Kazimir Malevich, and Frida Kahlo. Concepts around reflexive identity from sociologist Anthony Giddens are discussed.
The document provides an overview of an art class that took students on field trips to various art galleries in New York City over the course of a semester. The class exposed students to different styles and mediums of art and encouraged critical discussion of the themes, messages, and techniques used by different artists. The semester concluded with a ceremony to celebrate the students' work and reflections on what they learned about art over the course.
Presentationskillsforteachersversion3 0-100830062322-phpapp01Suzanne Ott
This document provides tips for improving presentation skills for teachers. It recommends using visual images to engage students and tell a story. Teachers should simplify presentations by using empty space, fewer words per slide, and sans serif fonts like Helvetica. Bullet points should be avoided and the message should be repeated to reinforce it. Practice is important to avoid reading slides verbatim.
The document discusses Walter J. Ong's ideas about primary orality, literacy, and secondary orality/literacy and how these concepts have evolved with new media technologies. It suggests that secondary literacy exhibited through technologies like social media is dissonant for primarily literate cultures in the same way secondary orality was dissonant for oral cultures. This leads to discussions on how these shifts impact education, associations, and production models.
This document discusses drawing and the exploration of different drawing processes and styles. It provides quotes about drawing from various artists and illustrates that drawing is a fundamental part of an illustrator's practice. Students are asked to experiment with different words to draw with to unlock their expressive abilities and develop new ways of working with drawing. The goal is to think creatively about drawing and use it as a tool for research and communication.
This document discusses definitions and perspectives on art. It notes that art is more than just a medium - it is the expression of human experience. Art is uniquely human and tied to culture, and allows us to experience a wide range of emotions. The definition of art is constantly evolving as culture changes. Art history, anthropology and literature can provide insights into the human past by observing, recording and interpreting visual art and other works. How we define art comes down to agreement and cultural norms.
1) Art is performed by everyone in many forms and is essential to society. It allows people to express themselves and communicate with others.
2) Creating art allows people to focus their minds and better understand their experiences and surroundings. It tells stories and conveys emotions in a profound way.
3) Art has existed for thousands of years, dating back to early humans drawing pictures in caves. It has continued to evolve over time but remains a vital part of human culture and expression.
The document is an invitation to an event on November 9th, 2010 at 7:30pm in London that will feature 10 speakers, each using a metaphor to provide a new perspective on a topic in 10 minutes or less. Topics mentioned include digital technology, experience design, and video games. The event aims to change the way people look at things through the "chin-stroking medium of metaphor" over drinks. Interested speakers are invited to propose an idea to the organizer.
The document provides an agenda for end of term presentations on November 20, 2012. It lists several presenters including Sharita, Erica, Mark, Zachary Gough, and Erin. It also includes sections on Zachary Gough's art projects, Erin's research phase, and quotes from related literature.
The document discusses strategies for creating a successful school blog. It recommends focusing on generating great engaging content, securing leadership commitment, promoting the blog, maintaining consistency in posting, recruiting student contributors, and selecting the right blogging platform. Student bloggers can help share diverse student perspectives and stories. Finding the right student personalities to blog and giving them tools like cameras can help generate views and media attention for the school. An organic approach that engages different departments and activities can build a cohesive blog presence. With the right strategies, any school can create an impactful blog.
Edited margaret wister final presentation are598mwister
The document discusses the process of digital ethnography and conducting research in virtual worlds like Second Life. It explains the three main stages: data collection, content analysis, and comparative analysis. It then provides examples from a graduate art education course where students explored and engaged with art in Second Life, including building sculptures, visiting galleries, and collaborating on a classroom project. Students found the environment challenging but appreciated the creative outlet and exploring other students' work.
David Jon Kassan is a talented artist known for his realistic portraits that capture intense emotion. Through meticulously layering paint, Kassan aims to convey the depth and experience of his subjects. Inspired by Rembrandt's technique, Kassan spends hours perfecting tiny details to mimic skin texture. He teaches painting worldwide and is working on a solo show in New York. Kassan encourages artists to stay true to their work and rely only on themselves.
Visual Arts is a 2-unit ATAR course offered in NSW schools, focusing on art criticism, art history, and artmaking. [1] The course introduces basic concepts and practices in the first year and more interpretive investigations in the second year. [2] Students complete artworks in various forms and undertake case studies of art history and criticism. [3] Successful student artworks are selected for exhibition in the annual Artexpress showcase.
The document provides definitions and context for key terms related to digital ethnography research conducted in Second Life. It summarizes interviews with the creator of the Dryland region in Second Life, Anita Witt, an artist who exhibited work there named Pallina60 Loon, and a visitor to Dryland named Quiyote. The interviews covered topics like their real identities, art backgrounds, and responses to art criticism questions about Pallina60 Loon's installation "Woops...A Baby." The document also provides context on the real-world inspiration for Dryland and compares the three interviews.
10代を香港とマンハッタンで過ごした後、ロンドンのAAスクール、グラスゴー美術大学、マイアミ大学にて建築と哲学を学び、2007年ペンシルベニア大学大学院芸術学部建築学科を首席で卒業する。マニュエル?デランダ、ヴィンセント?ジョゼフ?スカーリー、セシル?バルモンド、 ジャンカルロ?デ?カルロに師事する。
90年代よりMITメディアラボ、磯崎新、黒川紀章、インダストリアル?ミュージックの先駆者、ピーター?クリストファーソンと協働し、ベトナムバクマイ病院、九州大学センター地区のマスタープランをはじめ多数の建築、都市計画、アートのプロジェクトを手掛ける。ポーランドのシレジア大学の講師を経て、2016年よりプリマス大学 Transart Instituteの客員教授に就任、クーパー?ユニオン、プラット?インスティテュート、コーネル大学、ニューセンター?オブ?リサーチ?アンド?プラクティス シアトル校にてゲストレクチャラーとして教鞭をとっている。シカゴ市文化庁客員キュレーター、英国美術協会 (British Art Network) 名誉会員。
ハイブリッド?アートとアルゴリズミック?コンピュテーションの手法を応用したメディア?アートの作品のインターナショナルな評価によりFILE(Electronic Language International Festival)Prix Lux Finalist、英国 Visual Art Open International Artist Awardを受賞する。
2016年には日本人として初めてイタリアとスペインからPremio Ora賞を同時に受けて2015年、2016年、2017年にロサンゼルスのLos Angeles Center for Digital Art、BYTE Gallery トランスベニア大学、ArtSpace ペスカラにて個展を開催する。2018年、韓国国立中央博物館の招聘展、テキサス大学、 ロサンゼルス現代美術館の常設展示作品のアーティストに選ばれている。
My work currently hinges upon a precarious balance on the fulcrum of time. Place may be unclear
or transparent. Forms may be recognizable or abstract. I take random acts strewn throughout my
life and attempt to weave them into an abstract tapestry of beauty. I ?nd structures of meaning for
the seemingly chaotic—an aesthetic dance derived from the ugly or uneventful.
Life can seem like scattered, random acts strewn in an arbitrary manner, constrained only by days,
weeks and years. I constantly attempt to ?nd meaning and see patterns of beauty in overlapping,
entangling events and the endless parade of images.
The formal properties of this body of work attempt to parallel symbolic meanings through the
expression of formal elements. Opaque shapes push against the constraints of dark lines in
opposition with the background?s transparency.
Stepping back from the surface of my life?s canvas, I often ?nd order, beauty and harmony in the
chaotic messiness of living. The ebb and ?ow of countless events ?ll our daily lives, becoming part
of a larger aesthetic where beauty can be revealed and potential meaning embraced.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
11. `
systematic observations
oil 2009 35” X 25”
Saturday, January 30, 2010
63. THE
"I will venture to conclude, however, that
what the arts were for-an embodiment
and reinforcement of socially shared
significances-is what we crave and are
perishing for today."
-ellen Dissanayake
About this project This project is an attempt to do two share the images, writings, etc. with the
things. First, to help art interested people community.
The Project is a collaborative experi- make connections with each other, and This dynamic interaction between
ment attempting to follow 50 visual jour- those they associate with through the participants and what they share in the
nals throughout their travels from state of passing of the Traveling Sketchbooks - pages of these books should be an exciting
Utah from February 2008 through Febru- person to person during the course of this journey.
ary 2009. The intent is to provide a vehi- upcoming year. Secondly, to chronicle Contact James Rees at
cle for creative interaction between art and map the journey of these books and jamesr@provo.edu or 801.373.6550 ext
educators, artists and strangers. 3370
supported by! sponsored by Expression through personal contact 2008-2009
It has also been interesting to discover that the very system
which instructs and produces artists in schools, generally
causes art teachers to stop producing art. Here is an opportu-
nity to rediscover your creative side and express your
thoughts, either visually or in words. These sketchbooks will
spread out into the community and will return within the next
Saturday, January 30, 2010
67. Robert Henri stated, “The object of
painting a picture is not to make a
picture-however unreasonable this
may sound. The picture, if a picture
results, is a by-product and may be
useful, valuable, interesting as a sign
of what has past. The object, which
is in back of every true work of art, is
the attainment of a state of being,
a more than ordinary moment of
Saturday, January 30, 2010
68. jamesreesart.com
Saturday, January 30, 2010