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Application Page 1 of 4
*4709 Z E 00000327062 71
Tax File Number - Application or Enquiry for Individuals
Handwritten changes made to this form will not be accepted. If you need to update your details, you will need to modify your existing application using your application reference
number. Alternatively, you may complete a new application form.
If you have resubmitted the online form, be sure to print and bring the latest application summary to your interview.
Application Type
TFN ApplicationTransaction:
Details of TFN Recipient
LOCKWOODFamily name:
JOANFirst given name:
SHIRLEYMiddle name/s:
06/05/1943Date of Birth:
TFN Recipient's Address:
Centrelink CRN:
0427232033Phone number: 15/07/2014Submission date:
You have indicated that you have other names. If you choose to use Proof of identity documents in a previous name to support this application, you will
need to provide an additional document that shows how the name was changed. See the heading Additional Documents below for more information.
Lodging Your Application
You must print a copy of this application summary and bring it with you to one of the participating Australia Post retail outlets.
If you do not attend an interview at one of the participating post offices within 30 days from the submission date shown on this application summary your
application will expire and all data will be deleted.
There is no fee for lodging a TFN application.
Application Page 2 of 4
Proof of Identity
When you attend your interview, you must provide current documents that prove your identity for registration purposes (proof of identity documents).
We will accept only unaltered original documents and not photocopies. Documents that have been corrected or changed and initialled are not
If you do not provide suffcient proof of identity documents at interview, your application summary will be returned to you and your application will remain
Signature Requirements
If you are:
 16 years old or older  you must sign your application. If you are unable to sign your application, refer to the heading Protected persons below.
 13 to 15 years old  you or your parent or guardian can sign your application.
 12 years old or under  your parent or guardian must sign the application on your behalf.
Parent or guardian
If you are a parent or guardian signing on behalf of a TFN Recipient that is under 16 years old, you will need to provide:
 two proof of identity documents for the TFN Recipient
 three proof of identity documents for yourself OR your own TFN
 a proof of eligibility document
Protected persons
If you are a parent or guardian signing on behalf of a TFN Recipient that is:
 16 or 17 years old and unable to sign their own application, you will need to provide
 three proof of identity documents for the TFN Recipient
 three proof of identity documents for yourself OR your own TFNa proof of eligibility document
 a signed statement from a doctor explaining the circumstances
 18 years or older and unable to sign their own application, you will need to provide
 three proof of identity documents for the TFN Recipient
 three proof of identity documents for yourself OR your own TFN
 a proof of eligibility document which must be one of the following
 power of attorney
 letter of attorney
 court order
 authorised guardianship papers.
Acceptable Proof of Identity Documents
If you are aged 16 years old or over
You need to provide three documents, one of which must be a primary document.
If you are under 16 years old
You need to provide two documents, one of which must be a primary document.
Primary documents
 Australian full birth certificate
 Australian passport
 Australian citizenship certificate or Extract from Register of Citizenship by Descent
 Foreign passport with evidence of Australian immigration status.
Application Page 3 of 4
Secondary documents
 Medicare card
 Account statement from an Australian bank, credit union or building society less than one year old, or an ATM card. Your name and address on
the account statement should match the details you provide on your online form (statements printed off the internet and credit card statements
are not acceptable)
 Australian firearm licence with your signature and/or photo matching the details you provide on your online form
 Student identification card (tertiary or secondary) with your photo issued from an Australian government accredited education authority
 One of the following cards with your photo and signature. Any address on the card must match the details provided on the online form:
 Australian driver's licence
 Australian learner's permit
 state or territory government issued proof of age card
 state or territory government issued photo card.
If you are under 16, secondary documents can include one of the following which must be less than one year old and issued by an Australian
government accredited education authority.
 Secondary school examination certificate
 Record of achievement
 Examination report.
If you are applying on behalf of the TFN Recipient, you must provide a current document that proves your authority to act on their behalf (proof of eligibility
document). The proof of eligibility document should include both the TFN Recipients name as well as your name. Acceptable proof of eligibility
documents are:
 Australian birth certificate
 Medicare card
 Foreign birth certificate
 Letter of Attorney*
 Power of Attorney*
 Proof of parentage/ guardianship documents*
* If the applicant is over 18 years old and unable to sign their application, the parent or guardian signing the application on their behalf needs to provide
one of these as their proof of eligibility document.
If your proof of identity documents are in a previous name, you will also need to provide one of the following documents:
 Change of name by Deed Poll
 Change of name document
 Australian marriage certificate
 Foreign marriage certificate
If your original document is not written in English, you must provide a written translation that an authorised translation service has certified as a true and
correct copy. Authorised translation services include:
 an appropriate embassy
 a professional translation service accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd (NAATI).
You must show the staff original documents, not photocopies. The documents must not be altered in any way. A document that has been corrected or
changed and initialled is not acceptable.
If you are unable to provide all the required proof of identity and/or proof of eligibility documents, phone the ATO on 13 28 61 between 8.00am and
6.00pm, Monday to Friday.
When will I receive my TFN
You should receive your TFN within 28 days after your interview. The ATO will mail your TFN to the postal address on your application.
Your patience during the processing period is appreciated. Do not lodge another application during this time.
For more information about TFNs, visit ato.gov.au/tfn
Application Page 4 of 4
Privacy Statements and Declaration
ATO privacy statement
The ATO is authorised by the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 to request the information on this form. The ATO needs this information to update your
date of birth for taxation purposes. If you do not provide this information, the ATO may not be able to process your application.
Where the ATO is authorised by law to do so, it may give the information collected on this form to other government agencies including to the:
 Australian Electoral Commission
 Australian Federal Police
 Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
 Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
 Department of Human Services
 Department of Immigration and Citizenship
 Department of Veterans Affairs.
The ATO may check the proof of identity information you supply with the issuing agencies.
The ATO also provides taxpayer information to treaty partners overseas under international tax agreements with many other countries. More information
about these treaties is available on the ATO website at ato.gov.au The ATO privacy policy is also available on this website and contains important
information about your privacy, including information about how you can access and seek correction of information the ATO holds about you, how you
may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how the ATO will deal with any privacy complaint. If you need to contact the ATO,
visit ato.gov.au for details.
Australia Post privacy statement
Australia Post is acting as an agent for the ATO and collects your information to identify you in accordance with requirements under Australian law. Your
details will be forwarded to the ATO. Subject to certain exceptions you may request access to your personal information. If access is denied, the law says
Australia Post must tell you why.
Application Declaration & Consent
 I have read the privacy statements above and am aware penalties may be imposed for giving false or misleading information.
 I declare that the information given on this application is true and correct.
Need Help?
For more information about TFNs, visit ato.gov.au/tfn If you have enquiries about the TFN application process, phone the ATO on 13 28 61 between
8:00am and 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.
If you would like to make or reschedule an appointment for an interview, you may call 13 13 18 or visit auspost.com.au/ato-tfn-services

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  • 1. Application Page 1 of 4 *4709 Z E 00000327062 71 Tax File Number - Application or Enquiry for Individuals Handwritten changes made to this form will not be accepted. If you need to update your details, you will need to modify your existing application using your application reference number. Alternatively, you may complete a new application form. If you have resubmitted the online form, be sure to print and bring the latest application summary to your interview. APPLICATION SUMMARY Application Type ATOAgency: TFN ApplicationTransaction: Details of TFN Recipient LOCKWOODFamily name: JOANFirst given name: SHIRLEYMiddle name/s: 06/05/1943Date of Birth: UNIT 1 29 CURTIS ST BUNDABERG SOUTH QLD 4670 TFN Recipient's Address: Centrelink CRN: 0427232033Phone number: 15/07/2014Submission date: You have indicated that you have other names. If you choose to use Proof of identity documents in a previous name to support this application, you will need to provide an additional document that shows how the name was changed. See the heading Additional Documents below for more information. Lodging Your Application You must print a copy of this application summary and bring it with you to one of the participating Australia Post retail outlets. If you do not attend an interview at one of the participating post offices within 30 days from the submission date shown on this application summary your application will expire and all data will be deleted. There is no fee for lodging a TFN application.
  • 2. Application Page 2 of 4 Proof of Identity When you attend your interview, you must provide current documents that prove your identity for registration purposes (proof of identity documents). We will accept only unaltered original documents and not photocopies. Documents that have been corrected or changed and initialled are not acceptable. If you do not provide suffcient proof of identity documents at interview, your application summary will be returned to you and your application will remain incomplete. Signature Requirements SIGNATURE REQUIREMENTS If you are: 16 years old or older you must sign your application. If you are unable to sign your application, refer to the heading Protected persons below. 13 to 15 years old you or your parent or guardian can sign your application. 12 years old or under your parent or guardian must sign the application on your behalf. Parent or guardian If you are a parent or guardian signing on behalf of a TFN Recipient that is under 16 years old, you will need to provide: two proof of identity documents for the TFN Recipient three proof of identity documents for yourself OR your own TFN a proof of eligibility document Protected persons If you are a parent or guardian signing on behalf of a TFN Recipient that is: 16 or 17 years old and unable to sign their own application, you will need to provide three proof of identity documents for the TFN Recipient three proof of identity documents for yourself OR your own TFNa proof of eligibility document a signed statement from a doctor explaining the circumstances 18 years or older and unable to sign their own application, you will need to provide three proof of identity documents for the TFN Recipient three proof of identity documents for yourself OR your own TFN a proof of eligibility document which must be one of the following power of attorney letter of attorney court order authorised guardianship papers. Acceptable Proof of Identity Documents If you are aged 16 years old or over You need to provide three documents, one of which must be a primary document. If you are under 16 years old You need to provide two documents, one of which must be a primary document. Primary documents Australian full birth certificate Australian passport Australian citizenship certificate or Extract from Register of Citizenship by Descent Foreign passport with evidence of Australian immigration status.
  • 3. Application Page 3 of 4 Secondary documents Medicare card Account statement from an Australian bank, credit union or building society less than one year old, or an ATM card. Your name and address on the account statement should match the details you provide on your online form (statements printed off the internet and credit card statements are not acceptable) Australian firearm licence with your signature and/or photo matching the details you provide on your online form Student identification card (tertiary or secondary) with your photo issued from an Australian government accredited education authority One of the following cards with your photo and signature. Any address on the card must match the details provided on the online form: Australian driver's licence Australian learner's permit state or territory government issued proof of age card state or territory government issued photo card. If you are under 16, secondary documents can include one of the following which must be less than one year old and issued by an Australian government accredited education authority. Secondary school examination certificate Record of achievement Examination report. PROOF OF ELIGIBILITY DOCUMENTS If you are applying on behalf of the TFN Recipient, you must provide a current document that proves your authority to act on their behalf (proof of eligibility document). The proof of eligibility document should include both the TFN Recipients name as well as your name. Acceptable proof of eligibility documents are: Australian birth certificate Medicare card Foreign birth certificate Letter of Attorney* Power of Attorney* Proof of parentage/ guardianship documents* * If the applicant is over 18 years old and unable to sign their application, the parent or guardian signing the application on their behalf needs to provide one of these as their proof of eligibility document. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS If your proof of identity documents are in a previous name, you will also need to provide one of the following documents: Change of name by Deed Poll Change of name document Australian marriage certificate Foreign marriage certificate DOCUMENTS IN LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH If your original document is not written in English, you must provide a written translation that an authorised translation service has certified as a true and correct copy. Authorised translation services include: an appropriate embassy a professional translation service accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd (NAATI). You must show the staff original documents, not photocopies. The documents must not be altered in any way. A document that has been corrected or changed and initialled is not acceptable. If you are unable to provide all the required proof of identity and/or proof of eligibility documents, phone the ATO on 13 28 61 between 8.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday. When will I receive my TFN You should receive your TFN within 28 days after your interview. The ATO will mail your TFN to the postal address on your application. Your patience during the processing period is appreciated. Do not lodge another application during this time. For more information about TFNs, visit ato.gov.au/tfn
  • 4. Application Page 4 of 4 Privacy Statements and Declaration ATO privacy statement The ATO is authorised by the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 to request the information on this form. The ATO needs this information to update your date of birth for taxation purposes. If you do not provide this information, the ATO may not be able to process your application. Where the ATO is authorised by law to do so, it may give the information collected on this form to other government agencies including to the: Australian Electoral Commission Australian Federal Police Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Department of Human Services Department of Immigration and Citizenship Department of Veterans Affairs. The ATO may check the proof of identity information you supply with the issuing agencies. The ATO also provides taxpayer information to treaty partners overseas under international tax agreements with many other countries. More information about these treaties is available on the ATO website at ato.gov.au The ATO privacy policy is also available on this website and contains important information about your privacy, including information about how you can access and seek correction of information the ATO holds about you, how you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how the ATO will deal with any privacy complaint. If you need to contact the ATO, visit ato.gov.au for details. Australia Post privacy statement Australia Post is acting as an agent for the ATO and collects your information to identify you in accordance with requirements under Australian law. Your details will be forwarded to the ATO. Subject to certain exceptions you may request access to your personal information. If access is denied, the law says Australia Post must tell you why. Application Declaration & Consent I have read the privacy statements above and am aware penalties may be imposed for giving false or misleading information. I declare that the information given on this application is true and correct. Need Help? For more information about TFNs, visit ato.gov.au/tfn If you have enquiries about the TFN application process, phone the ATO on 13 28 61 between 8:00am and 6:00pm, Monday to Friday. If you would like to make or reschedule an appointment for an interview, you may call 13 13 18 or visit auspost.com.au/ato-tfn-services