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Tuesday March 10, 2012
To Whom It May Concern:
Re: Lacie Dearsley
I am writingthisletterinsupportof the application of Lacie Dearsleyforemploymentprovidingone to
one care for support/respite care.
I am providingareference forherinthe contextof her work withour son,Matthew,as his former
Special ServicesAtHome SupportWorkerandnow, occasional inhome worker. Herchange instatus is
because she isnowaway at school.
Alsoinfluencingthisreference ismy perspective of workingforover43 yearsas an educator,26 of
those yearsina post-secondaryinstitution asa facultymember,acounsellorandasan administratorof
the Office forStudentswithDisabilities.
Lacie beganworkingwithMatthewin Spring2011. Duringthe Springand SummerLacie providedin
home and incommunitysupportfor Matthew.Thissupporthas includedaccompanyinghim to
community eventssuchasshopping,goingoutfora meal andstaying withhiminour home,assisting
himwithlivingskillsand providingrespitecare forus,hisparents.
Our sonhas a verydifficult-to-manage formof epilepsy,isdevelopmentallydelayedandhasmild CP.
Lacie is compassionate,sensibleandcaring.She isresourceful andhasdemonstratedthatshe is neither
easilyflusterednorintimidated.She hasgoodboundariesandunderstandsboththe opportunitiesand
limitationsof herrole.
Lacie is enthusiasticandresourceful.Hercalmdemeanourmasksherstrengthandsteadfastness.She
has had to deal withmedical situations andsome behavioural management withMattandhas done so
inways thatreinforce ourtrust inher decisionmakingandreactionsintimesof stressorchallenge.
We wouldnothesitate nowor inthe future to have Lacie stay inour home to care for ourson even
giventhe factthat he hasrecentlyhadsome veryserioushealthconcerns.We know we couldleave,
withconfidence,andtrustin herjudgmentandgenuine enjoymentof spendingtime with ourson.
Martha andGeorge Fox

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  • 1. Tuesday March 10, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Lacie Dearsley I am writingthisletterinsupportof the application of Lacie Dearsleyforemploymentprovidingone to one care for support/respite care. I am providingareference forherinthe contextof her work withour son,Matthew,as his former Special ServicesAtHome SupportWorkerandnow, occasional inhome worker. Herchange instatus is because she isnowaway at school. Alsoinfluencingthisreference ismy perspective of workingforover43 yearsas an educator,26 of those yearsina post-secondaryinstitution asa facultymember,acounsellorandasan administratorof the Office forStudentswithDisabilities. Lacie beganworkingwithMatthewin Spring2011. Duringthe Springand SummerLacie providedin home and incommunitysupportfor Matthew.Thissupporthas includedaccompanyinghim to community eventssuchasshopping,goingoutfora meal andstaying withhiminour home,assisting himwithlivingskillsand providingrespitecare forus,hisparents. Our sonhas a verydifficult-to-manage formof epilepsy,isdevelopmentallydelayedandhasmild CP. Lacie is compassionate,sensibleandcaring.She isresourceful andhasdemonstratedthatshe is neither easilyflusterednorintimidated.She hasgoodboundariesandunderstandsboththe opportunitiesand limitationsof herrole. Lacie is enthusiasticandresourceful.Hercalmdemeanourmasksherstrengthandsteadfastness.She has had to deal withmedical situations andsome behavioural management withMattandhas done so inways thatreinforce ourtrust inher decisionmakingandreactionsintimesof stressorchallenge. We wouldnothesitate nowor inthe future to have Lacie stay inour home to care for ourson even giventhe factthat he hasrecentlyhadsome veryserioushealthconcerns.We know we couldleave, withconfidence,andtrustin herjudgmentandgenuine enjoymentof spendingtime with ourson. Sincerely, Martha andGeorge Fox 905-628-1702 mfox12@cogeco.ca