Also since {a} is regular, {a}* is a regular language which is the set of strings consisting of a's such as , a, aa, aaa, aaaa etc. Note also that *, which is the set of strings consisting of a's and b's, is a regular language because {a, b} is regular. Regular expressions are used to denote regular languages.
This document discusses tips and tricks for using the Sublime Text 2 text editor. It describes how to set up user preferences, bind keys, install packages, and use plugins like SublimeLinter and Sass support to improve coding. The document also explains how to create and use code snippets in Sublime Text 2 to speed up development.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in Ruby on Rails including:
- Rails uses the MVC pattern with models, views, controllers, and follows conventions like RESTful design and resource-oriented URLs.
- ActiveRecord is the ORM that connects database tables to model classes for easy data access. Migrations help manage the database schema.
- Views use ERB templates to display data and helpers to DRY up common HTML patterns. Layouts wrap views in a consistent layout.
- Controllers handle HTTP requests and route them to actions that retrieve data from models and pass it to views to display. Flashes store temporary session data.
- Rake tasks help automate common
This document provides an overview of the Ruby programming language. It discusses Ruby's history, design, syntax features like classes, modules, blocks, and metaprogramming. It also covers Ruby implementations like MRI, JRuby, REE, and others. In 3 sentences:
Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented scripting language created in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro Matsumoto. It supports features like classes, modules, blocks and closures, duck typing, and metaprogramming. Popular Ruby implementations include MRI, JRuby, REE, and others that provide the Ruby language on different platforms and virtual machines.
This document provides an introduction to the Ruby on Rails web framework. Some key points:
- Rails is a model-view-controller framework for building database-backed web applications using the Ruby programming language. It emphasizes conventions over configuration for rapid development.
- Rails was created by David Heinemeier Hansson in 2004 and saw major growth and adoption from 2005-2006. It provides features like object-relational mapping and support for Ajax.
- Comparisons between Rails and other technologies like Java show much higher growth and smaller project sizes for Rails applications. Rails allows developers to be more productive and focus on business logic rather than infrastructure code.
Cognitive APIs and Conversational InterfacesPavel Veller
The document discusses cognitive APIs and machine learning APIs. It notes that cognitive APIs can be pre-trained, allow users to train their own models, and use active learning. The document emphasizes that cognitive APIs are easy to use, requiring only a single HTTP call, but that developers still need to design and build the intelligent parts of their applications. It also states that enabling APIs for applications' backends is more important than ever.
This document provides an overview and objectives of a course on web scraping and analytics with Python. The course covers web scraping concepts and the BeautifulSoup package for scraping websites. It also demonstrates scraping an IMDB webpage to extract movie data and the PyDoop package for performing analytics on large datasets with Hadoop using Python. Examples of preprocessing text data with NLTK on Hadoop are also provided.
This document provides an overview of startup best practices including lean startup methodology, user stories, agile development practices, Git version control, metrics and analytics, and customer acquisition and retention strategies. It emphasizes frequent iteration and customer feedback to build the minimum viable product and validate business assumptions quickly.
This document discusses the benefits of functional programming (FP) that the author learned. It begins by explaining how multithreading programs are difficult to write, test, and ensure thread safety due to mutable shared state. FP avoids these issues by not using mutable variables. The document then covers some key aspects of FP like recursion, higher-order functions, function composition, and immutable data structures. It provides examples in various languages to illustrate these concepts. The author argues that FP provides a good foundation for writing concurrent programs due to its avoidance of mutable state.
This document discusses tips and tricks for using the Sublime Text 2 text editor. It describes how to set up user preferences, bind keys, install packages, and use plugins like SublimeLinter and Sass support to improve coding. The document also explains how to create and use code snippets in Sublime Text 2 to speed up development.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in Ruby on Rails including:
- Rails uses the MVC pattern with models, views, controllers, and follows conventions like RESTful design and resource-oriented URLs.
- ActiveRecord is the ORM that connects database tables to model classes for easy data access. Migrations help manage the database schema.
- Views use ERB templates to display data and helpers to DRY up common HTML patterns. Layouts wrap views in a consistent layout.
- Controllers handle HTTP requests and route them to actions that retrieve data from models and pass it to views to display. Flashes store temporary session data.
- Rake tasks help automate common
This document provides an overview of the Ruby programming language. It discusses Ruby's history, design, syntax features like classes, modules, blocks, and metaprogramming. It also covers Ruby implementations like MRI, JRuby, REE, and others. In 3 sentences:
Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented scripting language created in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro Matsumoto. It supports features like classes, modules, blocks and closures, duck typing, and metaprogramming. Popular Ruby implementations include MRI, JRuby, REE, and others that provide the Ruby language on different platforms and virtual machines.
This document provides an introduction to the Ruby on Rails web framework. Some key points:
- Rails is a model-view-controller framework for building database-backed web applications using the Ruby programming language. It emphasizes conventions over configuration for rapid development.
- Rails was created by David Heinemeier Hansson in 2004 and saw major growth and adoption from 2005-2006. It provides features like object-relational mapping and support for Ajax.
- Comparisons between Rails and other technologies like Java show much higher growth and smaller project sizes for Rails applications. Rails allows developers to be more productive and focus on business logic rather than infrastructure code.
Cognitive APIs and Conversational InterfacesPavel Veller
The document discusses cognitive APIs and machine learning APIs. It notes that cognitive APIs can be pre-trained, allow users to train their own models, and use active learning. The document emphasizes that cognitive APIs are easy to use, requiring only a single HTTP call, but that developers still need to design and build the intelligent parts of their applications. It also states that enabling APIs for applications' backends is more important than ever.
This document provides an overview and objectives of a course on web scraping and analytics with Python. The course covers web scraping concepts and the BeautifulSoup package for scraping websites. It also demonstrates scraping an IMDB webpage to extract movie data and the PyDoop package for performing analytics on large datasets with Hadoop using Python. Examples of preprocessing text data with NLTK on Hadoop are also provided.
This document provides an overview of startup best practices including lean startup methodology, user stories, agile development practices, Git version control, metrics and analytics, and customer acquisition and retention strategies. It emphasizes frequent iteration and customer feedback to build the minimum viable product and validate business assumptions quickly.
This document discusses the benefits of functional programming (FP) that the author learned. It begins by explaining how multithreading programs are difficult to write, test, and ensure thread safety due to mutable shared state. FP avoids these issues by not using mutable variables. The document then covers some key aspects of FP like recursion, higher-order functions, function composition, and immutable data structures. It provides examples in various languages to illustrate these concepts. The author argues that FP provides a good foundation for writing concurrent programs due to its avoidance of mutable state.
The document discusses the history and future plans of rurema, the Japanese Ruby reference manual project. It began as a wiki to document Ruby 1.6-1.8, and later the rurema project was started to improve the documentation. Current plans include converting the documentation from the original RD syntax to Markdown to improve accessibility and contributions. Other goals include cleaning up unused files, improving usage documentation, and integrating with other Ruby tools like RBS and IRB. Long term plans could include i18n support, but English will likely remain the basis.
This document summarizes several useful but lesser known features in Ruby, as presented by Kazuhiro Nishiyama of Ruby Kagoshima Conference 01 in 2019. It covers string and hash methods like String#undump, Hash#transform_*, Hash#to_h with a block, and string manipulation methods such as String#prepend and String#delete. Regular expression features like Regexp.union and string matching methods like String#start_with? are also introduced.