This document provides an introduction to the Ruby on Rails web framework. Some key points:
- Rails is a model-view-controller framework for building database-backed web applications using the Ruby programming language. It emphasizes conventions over configuration for rapid development.
- Rails was created by David Heinemeier Hansson in 2004 and saw major growth and adoption from 2005-2006. It provides features like object-relational mapping and support for Ajax.
- Comparisons between Rails and other technologies like Java show much higher growth and smaller project sizes for Rails applications. Rails allows developers to be more productive and focus on business logic rather than infrastructure code.
This document provides an overview of the Ruby programming language. It discusses Ruby's history, design, syntax features like classes, modules, blocks, and metaprogramming. It also covers Ruby implementations like MRI, JRuby, REE, and others. In 3 sentences:
Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented scripting language created in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro Matsumoto. It supports features like classes, modules, blocks and closures, duck typing, and metaprogramming. Popular Ruby implementations include MRI, JRuby, REE, and others that provide the Ruby language on different platforms and virtual machines.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in Ruby on Rails including:
- Rails uses the MVC pattern with models, views, controllers, and follows conventions like RESTful design and resource-oriented URLs.
- ActiveRecord is the ORM that connects database tables to model classes for easy data access. Migrations help manage the database schema.
- Views use ERB templates to display data and helpers to DRY up common HTML patterns. Layouts wrap views in a consistent layout.
- Controllers handle HTTP requests and route them to actions that retrieve data from models and pass it to views to display. Flashes store temporary session data.
- Rake tasks help automate common
Cognitive APIs and Conversational InterfacesPavel Veller
The document discusses cognitive APIs and machine learning APIs. It notes that cognitive APIs can be pre-trained, allow users to train their own models, and use active learning. The document emphasizes that cognitive APIs are easy to use, requiring only a single HTTP call, but that developers still need to design and build the intelligent parts of their applications. It also states that enabling APIs for applications' backends is more important than ever.
This document provides an overview of Bootstrap, an open-source front-end framework. It discusses what Bootstrap is, how it was created by Twitter, and how it can be used to create responsive and mobile-first websites using HTML, CSS, and jQuery. Links are included for downloading Bootstrap, exploring its grid system, documentation on styling tables and buttons, and examples of using Bootstrap's jQuery plugins.
This thesis examines log-periodic analysis of critical crashes in the Portuguese stock market. The document provides motivation for studying "Dragon King" events that are beyond typical distributions. It introduces the theory of self-similar oscillatory finite-time singularities and discusses how herding, imitation and other behaviors can lead to crashes. The methodology section describes using a log-periodic power law formula to model crashes in 1998, 2007 and 2015, fitting the data to estimate critical times and discuss results and sensitivity.
Chasing the tale of the unicorn: A study of stockholm's misty meadowsRobin Teigland
Stockholm currently has some of the most successful high-tech startup companies in the world. New findings from a research team at the Stockholm School of Economics suggest that infrastructure, networks, business climate and supportive policies are key factors that explain Sweden’s success. The research report is part of the Innovative Internet project, funded by the Internet Foundation in Sweden, IIS.
This report presents the preliminary results of The Innovative Internet project, a three-year project funded by the Internet Foundation in Sweden, IIS. The project’s primary objective is to examine how the internet and digitalization have influenced entrepreneurship and innovation in Sweden.
The UX Unicorn Is Dead: Soft Skills Trump Coding SkillsPaul Sherman
This document discusses soft skills for user experience practitioners and argues that they are more important than technical "hard skills". It begins by describing unrealistic "unicorn" job postings that require a wide range of hard skills but neglect soft skills. Through anecdotes from practitioners, it identifies key soft skills like communication, collaboration, and empathy. It presents evidence that soft skills can be successfully taught, as seen through safety improvements in aviation. The document concludes by calling for prioritizing soft skills training in UX.
This document discusses tips and tricks for using the Sublime Text 2 text editor. It describes how to set up user preferences, bind keys, install packages, and use plugins like SublimeLinter and Sass support to improve coding. The document also explains how to create and use code snippets in Sublime Text 2 to speed up development.
This document summarizes key aspects of using Vue with webpack including:
1. Configuring webpack to handle Vue components, stylesheets, and assets using loaders like vue-loader and css-loader.
2. Setting up hot reloading for Vue components using vue-hot-reload-api and webpack-dev-server.
3. Additional tools that can be used with Vue and webpack like vue-cli, babel, and plugins.
This document provides guidelines for color palettes and basic visual elements. It defines a color-primary blue and various shades for primary, success, info, warning and alarm colors. It also defines grayscale, secondary and tertiary colors. Basic typography, spacing and layout elements are demonstrated.
The document summarizes RubyConf Taiwan 2012. Some key details include:
1) The conference had over 160 attendees including 35 speakers, with about 25 foreign attendees from countries like Japan.
2) Notable speakers included Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby, and other Ruby Core Team members.
3) The two-day conference included 15 main talks and 23 lightning talks.
4) The organizers expressed thanks to the speakers, sponsors, and attendees for their participation in making the conference a success.
Workshop : Wild Rydes Takes Off - The Dawn of a New UnicornAmazon Web Services
This document provides an overview of serverless computing and introduces several AWS services that can be used to build serverless applications, including AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Cognito, and Amazon S3. It then outlines a workshop scenario where participants will build a serverless website for a transportation startup called Wild Rydes using these AWS services. The workshop consists of four labs that incrementally develop the serverless website to host static content, allow email signups, manage an administrative interface, and publish a blog.
This document provides an overview of RSpec testing for Rails applications. It discusses installing and generating RSpec files, different types of RSpec specs including model, controller, view, helper and routing specs. It covers spec syntax for expectations, matchers, factories and stubs. It also mentions features specs using Capybara, debugging techniques, JavaScript testing, and tools like DatabaseCleaner. The document is intended as a tutorial for setting up and writing different kinds of RSpec tests for a Rails application.
Design for Developers: Introduction to Bootstrap 3John Bertucci
As web developers, we might not always have experience or training with principles of design. This presentation's goal is introduce some basic design principles and provide some resources to help developers create better designs or at least become more aware of design. Finally, the end of the presentation will introduce Bootstrap 3 in more of a workshop format. I'll show people who to add Bootstrap to their project and how easy it is to apply some basic design.
云中漫步 颠覆创新_创业邦春季创新峰会主题演讲 Cloud Innovation in ChinaChinaNetCloud
President of ChinaNetCloud, Yinan Gu's keynote speech at 2016 DEMO CHINA in Beijing, May 11.
Cloud Innovation in China, Speech at DEMO China in May, 2016 in Bejing by Yinan Gu, ChinaNetCloud's President (in Mandarin)
This thesis examines log-periodic analysis of critical crashes in the Portuguese stock market. The document provides motivation for studying "Dragon King" events that are beyond typical distributions. It introduces the theory of self-similar oscillatory finite-time singularities and discusses how herding, imitation and other behaviors can lead to crashes. The methodology section describes using a log-periodic power law formula to model crashes in 1998, 2007 and 2015, fitting the data to estimate critical times and discuss results and sensitivity.
Chasing the tale of the unicorn: A study of stockholm's misty meadowsRobin Teigland
Stockholm currently has some of the most successful high-tech startup companies in the world. New findings from a research team at the Stockholm School of Economics suggest that infrastructure, networks, business climate and supportive policies are key factors that explain Sweden’s success. The research report is part of the Innovative Internet project, funded by the Internet Foundation in Sweden, IIS.
This report presents the preliminary results of The Innovative Internet project, a three-year project funded by the Internet Foundation in Sweden, IIS. The project’s primary objective is to examine how the internet and digitalization have influenced entrepreneurship and innovation in Sweden.
The UX Unicorn Is Dead: Soft Skills Trump Coding SkillsPaul Sherman
This document discusses soft skills for user experience practitioners and argues that they are more important than technical "hard skills". It begins by describing unrealistic "unicorn" job postings that require a wide range of hard skills but neglect soft skills. Through anecdotes from practitioners, it identifies key soft skills like communication, collaboration, and empathy. It presents evidence that soft skills can be successfully taught, as seen through safety improvements in aviation. The document concludes by calling for prioritizing soft skills training in UX.
This document discusses tips and tricks for using the Sublime Text 2 text editor. It describes how to set up user preferences, bind keys, install packages, and use plugins like SublimeLinter and Sass support to improve coding. The document also explains how to create and use code snippets in Sublime Text 2 to speed up development.
This document summarizes key aspects of using Vue with webpack including:
1. Configuring webpack to handle Vue components, stylesheets, and assets using loaders like vue-loader and css-loader.
2. Setting up hot reloading for Vue components using vue-hot-reload-api and webpack-dev-server.
3. Additional tools that can be used with Vue and webpack like vue-cli, babel, and plugins.
This document provides guidelines for color palettes and basic visual elements. It defines a color-primary blue and various shades for primary, success, info, warning and alarm colors. It also defines grayscale, secondary and tertiary colors. Basic typography, spacing and layout elements are demonstrated.
The document summarizes RubyConf Taiwan 2012. Some key details include:
1) The conference had over 160 attendees including 35 speakers, with about 25 foreign attendees from countries like Japan.
2) Notable speakers included Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby, and other Ruby Core Team members.
3) The two-day conference included 15 main talks and 23 lightning talks.
4) The organizers expressed thanks to the speakers, sponsors, and attendees for their participation in making the conference a success.
Workshop : Wild Rydes Takes Off - The Dawn of a New UnicornAmazon Web Services
This document provides an overview of serverless computing and introduces several AWS services that can be used to build serverless applications, including AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Cognito, and Amazon S3. It then outlines a workshop scenario where participants will build a serverless website for a transportation startup called Wild Rydes using these AWS services. The workshop consists of four labs that incrementally develop the serverless website to host static content, allow email signups, manage an administrative interface, and publish a blog.
This document provides an overview of RSpec testing for Rails applications. It discusses installing and generating RSpec files, different types of RSpec specs including model, controller, view, helper and routing specs. It covers spec syntax for expectations, matchers, factories and stubs. It also mentions features specs using Capybara, debugging techniques, JavaScript testing, and tools like DatabaseCleaner. The document is intended as a tutorial for setting up and writing different kinds of RSpec tests for a Rails application.
Design for Developers: Introduction to Bootstrap 3John Bertucci
As web developers, we might not always have experience or training with principles of design. This presentation's goal is introduce some basic design principles and provide some resources to help developers create better designs or at least become more aware of design. Finally, the end of the presentation will introduce Bootstrap 3 in more of a workshop format. I'll show people who to add Bootstrap to their project and how easy it is to apply some basic design.
云中漫步 颠覆创新_创业邦春季创新峰会主题演讲 Cloud Innovation in ChinaChinaNetCloud
President of ChinaNetCloud, Yinan Gu's keynote speech at 2016 DEMO CHINA in Beijing, May 11.
Cloud Innovation in China, Speech at DEMO China in May, 2016 in Bejing by Yinan Gu, ChinaNetCloud's President (in Mandarin)
(Chinese Traditional)
Cliff Chao-kuan Lu, Sr. Architect in 104 Corp., talks about `lambda-quiz`, a software project for interview quizzes implemented with AWS API-Gateway and Lambda.