This document is a collection of informal comments and reactions about an unspecified movie that the person's roommate will not stop talking about. It includes reactions to characters, comments on the plot, and expressions of frustration over constantly hearing about a movie they have not seen and know little about. The comments suggest there is sexual tension and attractive characters in the movie, but the person does not actually know much about the plot or characters and is tired of the roommate's ongoing discussions about it.
This document discusses the author's experience using Twitter to build their personal learning network (PLN) over the course of a semester. It provides screenshots that show their Twitter engagement and growth in followers from zero to several. The author explains how they followed education-focused accounts, such as @teaching_w_tech, @edudemic, and @russeltarr, that share resources, technology reviews, research, and classroom ideas. Through actively engaging on Twitter, the author has gained an endless source of educational support and connected with others internationally to learn more about education on a global scale.
This document is a science exam for a telesecondary school student focusing on biology. It contains questions about telling time, activities corresponding to images, and a short reading comprehension text about a student named Jessica Flores. The exam evaluates the student's ability to match times to representations, answer questions about telling time, write activities to match images, and respond to questions about the details and opinions expressed in the short text.
Iker Casillas 辿 um goleiro espanhol que jogou principalmente pelo Real Madrid por 16 anos, vencendo v叩rios t鱈tulos individuais e coletivos, incluindo a Copa do Mundo de 2010 pela Espanha. Atualmente joga pelo Porto.
William Horner was a British mathematician and headmaster in the 19th century who founded his own school called "The Seminary" in Bath at age 27. He created an early animation device called the "zoetrope" to teach his students, which spun images to create the illusion of movement and laid the foundations for future animation technology and the film industry.
This document discusses definitive treatment options for Graves' disease. Radioactive iodine therapy is recommended in most cases as it is cost-effective and results in definitive hyperthyroidism cure by inducing hypothyroidism. Surgery is an alternative if the goiter is large or there is suspicion of thyroid cancer. The risks and benefits of radioactive iodine versus surgery should be considered based on each patient's individual circumstances and preferences.
This document is a collection of informal comments and reactions about an unspecified movie that the person's roommate will not stop talking about. It includes many frustrated remarks about constantly hearing about the movie even though it came out months ago and the person hasn't seen it. Various characters are discussed briefly in a joking manner through memes and comments on their appearance. The document mocks cliches about the fandom and jokes around without providing many actual details about the plot or story itself.
Michele Zini
Servizio di Endocrinologia - Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova, IRCCS Reggio Emilia
Osteoporosi - Endocrinologia - Fratture - Alendronato
Jammu and Kashmir Problems and Solutionsvsrcchennai
This document discusses Jammu and Kashmir, providing historical context and perspectives on the Kashmir issue. It outlines the region's history under various rulers from ancient times through the partition of India in 1947. It notes that Jammu and Kashmir formally acceded to India through an instrument of accession signed on October 26, 1947. However, the issue was later internationalized and taken up by the UN, leading to the line of control. The document decodes common myths and argues that Kashmir has long been integrated with Indian culture and the issue is one of nationality, not religion. It calls for full integration of Jammu and Kashmir into India by scrapping Article 370.
Axial Stress-Strain Curve & Modulus of ElasticityNafizul Haque
This document presents information about axial stress-strain curves and modulus of elasticity. It defines axial stress and axial strain, and describes how they are measured using a universal testing machine. Typical stress-strain curves are shown for brittle and ductile materials, with labels for the elastic region, yielding point, strain hardening region, necking, and failure point. Modulus of elasticity is defined as the ratio of stress to strain, describing a material's stiffness and resistance to deformation.
This document discusses the author's experience using Twitter to build their personal learning network (PLN) over the course of a semester. It provides screenshots that show their Twitter engagement and growth in followers from zero to several. The author explains how they followed education-focused accounts, such as @teaching_w_tech, @edudemic, and @russeltarr, that share resources, technology reviews, research, and classroom ideas. Through actively engaging on Twitter, the author has gained an endless source of educational support and connected with others internationally to learn more about education on a global scale.
This document is a science exam for a telesecondary school student focusing on biology. It contains questions about telling time, activities corresponding to images, and a short reading comprehension text about a student named Jessica Flores. The exam evaluates the student's ability to match times to representations, answer questions about telling time, write activities to match images, and respond to questions about the details and opinions expressed in the short text.
Iker Casillas 辿 um goleiro espanhol que jogou principalmente pelo Real Madrid por 16 anos, vencendo v叩rios t鱈tulos individuais e coletivos, incluindo a Copa do Mundo de 2010 pela Espanha. Atualmente joga pelo Porto.
William Horner was a British mathematician and headmaster in the 19th century who founded his own school called "The Seminary" in Bath at age 27. He created an early animation device called the "zoetrope" to teach his students, which spun images to create the illusion of movement and laid the foundations for future animation technology and the film industry.
This document discusses definitive treatment options for Graves' disease. Radioactive iodine therapy is recommended in most cases as it is cost-effective and results in definitive hyperthyroidism cure by inducing hypothyroidism. Surgery is an alternative if the goiter is large or there is suspicion of thyroid cancer. The risks and benefits of radioactive iodine versus surgery should be considered based on each patient's individual circumstances and preferences.
This document is a collection of informal comments and reactions about an unspecified movie that the person's roommate will not stop talking about. It includes many frustrated remarks about constantly hearing about the movie even though it came out months ago and the person hasn't seen it. Various characters are discussed briefly in a joking manner through memes and comments on their appearance. The document mocks cliches about the fandom and jokes around without providing many actual details about the plot or story itself.
Michele Zini
Servizio di Endocrinologia - Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova, IRCCS Reggio Emilia
Osteoporosi - Endocrinologia - Fratture - Alendronato
Jammu and Kashmir Problems and Solutionsvsrcchennai
This document discusses Jammu and Kashmir, providing historical context and perspectives on the Kashmir issue. It outlines the region's history under various rulers from ancient times through the partition of India in 1947. It notes that Jammu and Kashmir formally acceded to India through an instrument of accession signed on October 26, 1947. However, the issue was later internationalized and taken up by the UN, leading to the line of control. The document decodes common myths and argues that Kashmir has long been integrated with Indian culture and the issue is one of nationality, not religion. It calls for full integration of Jammu and Kashmir into India by scrapping Article 370.
Axial Stress-Strain Curve & Modulus of ElasticityNafizul Haque
This document presents information about axial stress-strain curves and modulus of elasticity. It defines axial stress and axial strain, and describes how they are measured using a universal testing machine. Typical stress-strain curves are shown for brittle and ductile materials, with labels for the elastic region, yielding point, strain hardening region, necking, and failure point. Modulus of elasticity is defined as the ratio of stress to strain, describing a material's stiffness and resistance to deformation.
Bilancio 2015 - la presentazione all'Assemblea di ComunitAlessio Migazzi
Ecco la presentazione del bilancio 2015. stato approvato con cinque astensioni su 29 presenti il bilancio della Comunit della Valle di Sole per il 2015. Bilancio e piano delle opere per il periodo dal 2015 al 2017 sono stati illustrati allassemblea da parte del presidente Alessio Migazzi. Per quanto riguarda il programma delle opere per il prossimo triennio, saranno disponibili oltre 3 milioni per gli investimenti che riguarderanno vari progetti in tutti i settori gestiti dall'ente.
Una analisi dettagliata del bilancio di previsione 2014 proposta dalla Giunta comunale di Sabaudia e che sar sottoposto al Consiglio comunale il prossimo 31 luglio
2. 31.12.2012
800.000,00 circa
Avanzo di
1.200.000,00 circa
con questi numeri non possiamo di certo programmare un livello
di investimenti adeguato, come avveniva in passato.
1.400.000,00 di pagamenti a ditte e
professionisti nel 2013
3. Anticipazione di cassa
Febbraio 2013
primo acconto di
circa 380.000,00
8 mesi
Ottobre 2013
secondo acconto di
circa 654,000,00
Stipendi ai dipendenti pagati regolarmente;
Anticipate le mensilit agli LSU/LPU;
Non abbiamo fatto mancare nessun servizio
primario ai cittadini.
Nessuna anticipazione di cassa
5. Avanzo di
Cofinanziamento intervento scuola media
San Leo 136.000,00 ;
Manutenzione strade comunali 250.000,00 ;
Cofinanziamento Palazzetto dello Sport
Polivalente 240.167,82 ;
Conferimento 7/10 del capitale sociale
Cosenza Acque S.P.A. 3.658,90;
Avvio lavori Toponomastica 5.000,00 ;
Cofinanziamento acquisto Pulmino per
trasporto disabili adulti 9.000,00 ;
Installazione Tornelli Casa Comunale
10.000,00 ;
Contributo manutenzione impianto sportivo
S. Francesco 20.000,00 ;
Regimazione acque bianche in Localit San
Leo 15.000,00 ;
Fognatura Localit San Vito 15.000,00 .
7. Svalutaz. Crediti
Spese per investimenti
6. Recupero
La diminuzione di
15.000,00 竪 dovuta
allabolizione ICI prima
casa nel 2008
7. Addizionale Comunale
L'addizionale comunale IRPEF resta
confermata come lanno scorso
Da 0,00 a 15.000,00
(aliquota dello 0,6%);
Tra 15.000,00 a 28.000,00
(aliquota dello 0,65%);
Tra 28.000,00 a 55.000,00
(aliquota dello 0,7%);
Tra 55.000,00 a 75.000,00
(aliquota dello 0,75%);
Oltre 75.000,00
(aliquota dello 0,8%).
L'imposta comunale sulla pubblicit 10.000,00 e i diritti sulle pubbliche
affissioni 3.000,00 presentano una previsione di gettito complessivo pari
a 13.000,00 .
La tassa occupazione spazi ed aree pubbliche presenta un gettito
stimato di 30.000,00 con una variazione in aumento di 6.000,00 rispetto
al 2012.
10. Fondo di
Al netto della restituzione
della quota per
alimentare il FSC 2013 la
situazione si presenta cos狸.
11. Oneri di Urbanizzazione
Sulla base dellandamento registrato nel 2012 e considerato il permanere di una difficile
situazione economica congiunturale, si stima unentrata da permessi di costruire (ex
oneri di urbanizzazione) di 140.000,00 depurati da 14.000,00 destinati al contributo
per opere di culto e ulteriori 6.000,00 dei quali 竪 stata chiesta la restituzione.
Come nellesercizio precedente, gli oneri di urbanizzazione non sono destinati al
finanziamento della spesa corrente bens狸 a:
Sistemazione scala collegamento S. Francesco Via Incoronata 22.000,00 ;
Realizzazione muro di sostegno strada Madonna della Cava 25.000,00 ;
Sistemazione rampa di collegamento San Giuliano Ginestreto 35.000,00 ;
Realizzazione Piazza Autolinee 30.000,00 ;
Sistemazione rampa di collegamento Santa Venere Via Piave 8.000,00 .
12. Spese Correnti
Le spese della situazione corrente pari a 6.095.249,34 hanno subito un
aumento rispetto al 2012 dovuto anche:
allo stanziamento della contropartita contabile denominata fondo
patto di stabilit per circa 19.610,82 ;
allincremento per il trasferimento dellimu ceduta ad alimentare il FSC
per un importo di 333.730,17 ;
allincremento del contratto annuale per il trasporto e mensa
Tagli per circa 150.000,00 dai vari
capitoli di bilancio