Jesus commanded his disciples to make disciples and send them out to continue spreading the gospel. The author argues that churches today focus too much on programs and growth rather than following Jesus' command to train and send out disciples. The purpose of the study is to examine if churches are properly following Jesus' example and commands to advance the gospel message to all people.
O documento apresenta uma introdu巽達o ao M辿todo Racional-Intuitivo de Comprova巽達o Medi炭nica desenvolvido por Allan Kardec. O m辿todo prop探e a associa巽達o de instrumentos cient鱈ficos de observa巽達o com recursos da intui巽達o para elaborar conclus探es sobre fen担menos medi炭nicos. O objetivo 辿 classificar faculdades medi炭nicas e entender a comunica巽達o esp鱈rita para edificar a Doutrina Esp鱈rita com base na moral crist達 ensinada por Jesus.
Clifton E. Scott Jr. seeks a position in industrial engineering utilizing his knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering analysis, and design. He has a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering and work experience distributing products and handling hazardous materials at McMaster-Carr and supervising technicians and sales representatives at Sprint. His technical skills include AutoCAD, programming, Microsoft Office, and he has received several honors and scholarships.
- Chinmayee S has over 2 years of experience as a Test Engineer in software testing, primarily for banking applications.
- She has experience designing and executing test cases as well as defect reporting. Her skills include test case design, test scenario creation, functional testing, and regression testing.
- Chinmayee held roles as a Test Engineer on 4 projects between 2013-2015, including testing banking applications and a corporate lending solution. Her responsibilities involved requirements analysis, test case derivation, execution, and timely delivery.
Industry Insights - Presented at Salary Benchmark Press Conference (Nov 4, 2015)
The document discusses a career portal in Indonesia and provides insights into job opportunities and applicant ratios in different industries based on data from October 2015. It promotes a new salary guide partnership to provide job seekers and employers a credible resource for understanding appropriate salary standards, which will help companies compete for talent and allow career seekers to better understand their worth. Users can access the salary guide online and have a chance to win a Vespa scooter.
This document describes dynamic SQL and classes used in a client/server database application. It discusses how dynamic SQL statements are generated at runtime based on form controls and table names. Various classes are shown like clsSqlDbAccess for database access, clsWnd for windows, clsMdi for MDI forms, and clsTbl for tables. Methods are described for generating SQL statements, executing queries, and handling results based on messages between classes.
Jesus commanded his disciples to make disciples and send them out to continue spreading the gospel. The author argues that churches today focus too much on programs and growth rather than following Jesus' command to train and send out disciples. The purpose of the study is to examine if churches are properly following Jesus' example and commands to advance the gospel message to all people.
O documento apresenta uma introdu巽達o ao M辿todo Racional-Intuitivo de Comprova巽達o Medi炭nica desenvolvido por Allan Kardec. O m辿todo prop探e a associa巽達o de instrumentos cient鱈ficos de observa巽達o com recursos da intui巽達o para elaborar conclus探es sobre fen担menos medi炭nicos. O objetivo 辿 classificar faculdades medi炭nicas e entender a comunica巽達o esp鱈rita para edificar a Doutrina Esp鱈rita com base na moral crist達 ensinada por Jesus.
Clifton E. Scott Jr. seeks a position in industrial engineering utilizing his knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering analysis, and design. He has a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering and work experience distributing products and handling hazardous materials at McMaster-Carr and supervising technicians and sales representatives at Sprint. His technical skills include AutoCAD, programming, Microsoft Office, and he has received several honors and scholarships.
- Chinmayee S has over 2 years of experience as a Test Engineer in software testing, primarily for banking applications.
- She has experience designing and executing test cases as well as defect reporting. Her skills include test case design, test scenario creation, functional testing, and regression testing.
- Chinmayee held roles as a Test Engineer on 4 projects between 2013-2015, including testing banking applications and a corporate lending solution. Her responsibilities involved requirements analysis, test case derivation, execution, and timely delivery.
Industry Insights - Presented at Salary Benchmark Press Conference (Nov 4, 2015)
The document discusses a career portal in Indonesia and provides insights into job opportunities and applicant ratios in different industries based on data from October 2015. It promotes a new salary guide partnership to provide job seekers and employers a credible resource for understanding appropriate salary standards, which will help companies compete for talent and allow career seekers to better understand their worth. Users can access the salary guide online and have a chance to win a Vespa scooter.
This document describes dynamic SQL and classes used in a client/server database application. It discusses how dynamic SQL statements are generated at runtime based on form controls and table names. Various classes are shown like clsSqlDbAccess for database access, clsWnd for windows, clsMdi for MDI forms, and clsTbl for tables. Methods are described for generating SQL statements, executing queries, and handling results based on messages between classes.
2. Renessansen 1
Renaissance = gjenf淡delse
De greske og romerske idealer om mest mulig
naturtro gjengivelse av b奪de mennesker og
natur gjenopplives.
Dette skjedde ikke over natten, men tok over
100 奪r.
Startet i Nord-Italia, s脱rlig Firenze, men ogs奪
Flandern ble viktig.
3. renessansen 2
Man deler ofte inn renessansen i tre:
Tidlig renessanse
Den nordiske (nordeuropeiske) renessanse.
Overgangen fra f淡ydalsamfunn til bystater fremelsket
laugene ytterligere.
Det dannes skoler i de ulike viktige byer ut over
4. Den italienske halv淡y i renessansen.
Der var ingen fredelig sameksistens mellom de
mange uavhengige sm奪 hertugd淡mmer og
Skarp konkurranse fremelsket kvalitet.
5. Firenzedomen (Basilica di
Santa Maria del Fiore).
P奪begynt 1296. Selve domen
(kuppelen) er tegnet og konstruert av
Filippo Brunelleschi 1420 36.
6. Capella Pazzi i Firenze
av Brunelleschi ca.
N奪r du skal tegne et rom er det
som regel nok 奪 bruke 1
forsvinningspunkt. Punktet
plasseres midt p奪 horisontlinjen
som plasseres litt over midten p奪
arket. For 奪 plassere m淡bler og
gjenstander brukes et rutenett p奪
9. Masaccio: Den hellige treenighet,
Maria, Johannes og giverne.
Veggmaleri i Santa Maria Novella,
Firenze. Ca. 1427.
11. Detalj fra Donatellos relieff. Personer i bakgrunnen med klare romerske ansiktstrekk.
12. Ikke bare Italia
Ogs奪 i Nord-Europa gikk utviklingen i retning av
mer naturtro fremstillinger.
Den revolusjonerende maler var Jan van Eyck
(1390 1441) og hans bror Hubert (1385
Bevisstheten om de klassiske tradisjoner var
ikke like sterk i nord, slik at en egen stil oppsto.
13. Hubert og Jan van Eycks
altertavle i katedralen i
Ghent, Belgia, 1432.
kj淡pmannen Joost
Vijdt og hans hustru
Mellom giverne:
Johannes D淡peren og
Evangelisten Johannes
Legg merke til naturtro
bylandskap i bakgrunnen.
Profeten Mika
Sibyllene Erythraea og Cumae
24. Paolo Uccello: Slaget ved San Romano i 1432, malt 1450.
Niccol嘆 da Tolentino f淡rer de florentinske tropper. (National Gallery, London)
25. Paolo Uccello: Slaget ved San Romano i 1432, malt 1450.
Micheletto da Cotignola entrer slaget. (Louvre, Paris)
26. Paolo Uccello: Slaget ved San Romano i 1432, malt 1450.
Bernardino della Ciarda blir kastet av hesten (Uffizi, Firenze).
27. Benozzo Gozzoli: De hellige tre
konger p奪 vei til Betlehem. Detalj av
veggmleri fra kapellet i Medici-
palasset. 1459 - 1463
28. Mantegna (1431 1506):
St. Jacob p奪 vei til retterstedet.
Fra et n奪 淡delagt veggmaleri i
Eremitani-kirken i Padova.
29. Piero della Francesca (1416 1492):
Konstantins dr淡m. Veggmaleri i kirken S.
Francesco, Arezzo, ca. 1460
30. Komposisjonens problem
Da kunstnerne hadde gitt seg naturen i
vold, fikk de ofte problemer med
komposisjonen, som kunne ble stiv og
Mange arbeidet med problemet (for
eksempel Antonio Pollaiuolo).
32. Komposisjonens store pion辿r
Sandro Botticelli (1446 1510) er regnet som
pion辿ren for den fullkomne komposisjon.
Botticelli regnes som innlederen til
h淡yrenessansen med alle de virkelig kjente
35. Gherhardo di Giovanni: Bebudelsen
og scener fra Dantes Den
guddommelige komedie. Side fra et
liturgisk h奪ndskrift malt mellom 1474
og 1476.
36. Nord for Alpene
Mens rennesansearkitekturen ble helt
dominerende i Italia, bygget man
fremdeles gotisk lengre nord.
Sengotikken preges av enda mer rike
ornamenteringer enn i den dekorative
stil p奪 1300-tallet.
Kalles den flamboyante stil.
39. Sengotikk: Kings College
Chapel, Cambridge, p奪begynt
Sengotikken viser, s脱rlig i
England, en tendens mot
enklere bygninger, men
ornamentikken er der. Her et
s奪kalt viftehvelv. Man strebet
mot rettere linjer.
40. Malerkunsten nord for alpene
Til tross for van Eyck, var kunsten i nord
mest skikk og bruk, ikke vitenskap som i
Enkelte malere brukte van Eycks nitidige
naturdetaljer p奪 tradisjonelle motiver.
Men Italia var slett ikke isolert fra resten av
Europa. Gjensidig p奪virkning eksisterte.