The relevance of aggression and the aggression Prasetyo Wibowo
The document discusses the rise of accreditation as an aggressive marketing machine in higher education. It argues that accreditation organizations promote themselves in a way that creates antagonisms between institutions and restricts the distribution of knowledge. While accreditation bodies claim to promote quality, their self-regulated structure and competitive behaviors may undermine broader goals of education. The document uses theories of language and desire to analyze how accreditation organizations construct notions of relevance in their literature to market themselves as the preferred accreditor.
The relevance of aggression and the aggression Prasetyo Wibowo
The document discusses the rise of accreditation as an aggressive marketing machine in higher education. It argues that accreditation organizations promote themselves in a way that creates antagonisms between institutions and restricts the distribution of knowledge. While accreditation bodies claim to promote quality, their self-regulated structure and competitive behaviors may undermine broader goals of education. The document uses theories of language and desire to analyze how accreditation organizations construct notions of relevance in their literature to market themselves as the preferred accreditor.
Michael Van Stone has over 15 years of experience as an IT Delivery Project Executive managing complex infrastructure programs and projects for Fortune 500 companies. He specializes in infrastructure, data center transformations/migrations, high availability, and disaster recovery. He has managed teams of over 300 personnel and budgets up to $10 million. Some of his accomplishments include migrating 600 servers to a cloud platform to reduce costs by 30% and consolidating 2,000 servers across four datacenters into two to save a customer $1 million annually.
Pituitary Surgery Needs Long Term Follow Up, A Case of AcromegalyDr Abhijit Chowdhury
Mrs. X, a 60-year-old widow with a history of acromegaly, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and hypertension, presented with increased urinary frequency, fever, and low back pain. Examination found acromegalic features and mild tenderness. Tests found empty sella syndrome, UTI, osteoporosis, and nerve root compression. She was treated with antibiotics, steroids, bisphosphonates, thyroid hormone, and advised follow up in 2 weeks.
El documento presenta los retos actuales para la educación básica como la aceleración del conocimiento, la valoración de saberes ancestrales, los cambios en el trabajo y la globalización. Señala que la educación debe formar ciudadanos capaces de enfrentar un futuro de cambios constantes mediante el desarrollo de capacidades como el emprendimiento y el uso de las TIC. El perfil de egreso busca que los estudiantes se desenvuelvan en una sociedad diversa y desigual del Perú.
Sinceridade ou Hipocrisia - Tema 18/03/2012EBJ IPBCP
O documento discute a sinceridade versus a hipocrisia no cristianismo. Ele contrasta o exemplo de Davi, que apesar de seus erros foi perdoado por Deus por sua sinceridade de arrependimento, com Ananias e Safira, que foram punidos por Deus por sua hipocrisia e falta de integridade ao tentarem enganá-Lo. O documento alerta que a hipocrisia parece ofender mais a Deus do que outros pecados, e fornece passos práticos para evitar cair nela.
El documento proporciona información sobre las instalaciones y servicios de un centro bilingüe que incluye educación infantil desde los 4 a los 5 años, primaria desde primero a cuarto grado, y salas y aulas especializadas en diferentes asignaturas, terapias y tecnologÃa. El centro se enorgullece de ofrecer un ambiente de aprendizaje familiar, seguro y basado en el cariño, el respeto y la responsabilidad.
This document provides instructions for a group project involving a visit to Taman Negara National Park in Malaysia. Students will document their experiences through individual photo scrapbook journals and create an awareness poster as a group. The photo scrapbook should include observations, descriptions of plants/animals, and designs for a mini shelter. The group will create a pop-up infographic poster to raise awareness about a topic related to Taman Negara's natural environment. Students will visit Taman Negara in late August 2016 and submit their individual scrapbooks in early September and group posters at the end of September. The project aims to increase students' appreciation of nature through first-hand experiences.
1. Fitxa amb tots els passos per a cada un dels 6 establiments
1. Foto (del nom de l’establiment i de la informació exterior).
2. Adreça exacta de l’establiment.
Marques de Setmenat
3. A què es dedica l’establiment.
4. Nom de l’establiment.
La Reposada
5. Llengua triada per al nom de l’establiment.
6. Textos escrits exteriors (copiats en la llengua original i amb errors, si n’hi
Pa com el d’abans
6. Textos escrits interiors (copiats en la llengua original i amb errors si n’ha
Pa vegetal
7. Llengua de comunicació primera ( en el primer contacte).