This document discusses version control systems and compares SVN and GIT. It covers the basics of using GIT including initializing a repository, tracking changes, branching and merging, and collaborating through remote repositories. The document advocates for GIT as a distributed, flexible system with snapshots instead of file diffs for tracking versions and changes. It also discusses different workflows and commands like commit, branch, rebase, and remote for working with GIT.
Bootstrap is an open source front-end framework that provides responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components and JavaScript plugins. It has over 16,000 watchers and 1,400 forks on GitHub. The document discusses Bootstrap's history, structure, components, ways to use it including Less and JavaScript, and new features in version 2.0 such as a responsive grid system, documentation and customize build option. It encourages questions at the end.
Z叩kladn箪 preh直ad o technol坦gii Google App Engine a mo転nosti napojenia Flash Builderu na BlazeDS, pomocou ktor辿ho je mo転n辿 priamo generova泥 k坦d zo serverov辿ho API. V箪razn辿 zjednodu邸enie pr叩ce. Nasleduje diskusia o kontinu叩lnej integr叩cii a Hudson CI.
Wordcamp 2015, Juraj Hant叩k - Ako zvl叩dn炭泥 rast webuWebglobe - Yegon
Predn叩邸ka Juraja Hant叩ka, technick辿ho riadite直a o mo転nostiach nastavenia infra邸trukt炭ry projektu tak, aby zvl叩dla rast炭ci poet jeho pou転鱈vate直ov.
V prezent叩cii je vysvetlen辿 vertik叩lne a horizont叩lne 邸k叩直ovanie, mo転nosti n叩vrhu architekt炭ry a rozlo転enia serverov a best practice rie邸enia.
Predn叩邸ka odznela na Wordcamp Slovensko 2015 18.4.2015 na FIIT STU.
Zv叩rask箪 kurz na BlazeDS a Google App EngineJuraj Mich叩lek
Z叩kladn箪 preh直ad o technol坦gii Google App Engine a mo転nosti napojenia Flash Builderu na BlazeDS, pomocou ktor辿ho je mo転n辿 priamo generova泥 k坦d zo serverov辿ho API. V箪razn辿 zjednodu邸enie pr叩ce.
Mo転nosti RIA technol坦gii a ich bezpenostn辿 aspekty. V箪voj pomocou Flash Builderu, Visual Studia, Intellij Idei. Predn叩邸ka prednesen叩 na konferencii v 貼elive.
Mo転nosti RIA technol坦gii a ich bezpenostn辿 aspekty. V箪voj pomocou Flash Builderu, Visual Studia, Intellij Idei. Predn叩邸ka prednesen叩 na konferencii v 貼elive.
16. Preo web-aplik叩cie
Jacob Nielsen o asoch odozvy
0.1 seconds gives the feeling of instantaneous response that is, the outcome feels
like it was caused by the user, not the computer. This level of responsiveness is
essential to support the feeling of direct manipulation.
1 second keeps the user's 鍖ow of thought seamless. Users can sense a delay, and thus
know the computer is generating the outcome, but they still feel in control of the
overall experience and that they're moving freely rather than waiting on the computer.
10 seconds keeps the user's attention. From 110 seconds, users de鍖nitely feel at the
mercy of the computer and wish it was faster, but they can handle it. After 10 seconds,
they start thinking about other things, making it harder to get their brains back on
track once the computer 鍖nally does respond.
17. Preo web-aplik叩cie
Tun箪 klient je r箪chlej邸鱈
Spracova泥 a posla泥 JSON je jednoduch邸ie ako HTML
Niektor辿 interakcie nepotrebuj炭 spolupr叩cu servera
Optimistick辿 server oper叩cie
18. Preo web-aplik叩cie
Server je mtvy
Je jednoduch辿 zaa泥 tun箪 projekt:
statick辿 HTML
engine v Javascripte
odozvy servera z pripraven箪ch .JSON
19. Preo web-aplik叩cie
Server je mtvy
Je jednoduch辿 zaa泥 tun箪 projekt:
statick辿 HTML
engine v Javascripte
odozvy servera z pripraven箪ch .JSON
Prida泥 転iv箪 server
m担転ete kedyko直vek!
20. Run箪 wiring sa st叩va nemo転n箪
V辰邸ie JS aplik叩cie rast炭 v chaos
29. Dostupn辿 mo転nosti
<script> loadingu v prehliadaoch
Potrebuje eval(), k坦d modulu je string!
Podora cross-origin-resource-sharing (CORS) nie je 炭pln叩
Poas ladenia nesedia 鱈sla riadkov s p担vodn箪m k坦dom
30. Dostupn辿 mo転nosti
<script> loadingu v prehliadaoch
Potrebuje eval(), k坦d modulu je string!
Podora cross-origin-resource-sharing (CORS) nie je 炭pln叩
Poas ladenia nesedia 鱈sla riadkov s p担vodn箪m k坦dom
D担le転it叩 issue:
potrebujeme pozna泥 z叩vislosti modulu pred spusten鱈m
34. Dostupn辿 mo転nosti
<script> loadingu v prehliadaoch
Potrebuje eval(), k坦d modulu je string!
Podpora je e邸te slab邸ia ako pri CORS
Poas ladenia nesedia 鱈sla riadkov s p担vodn箪m k坦dom
39. A o to d担le転it辿 issue?
potrebujeme pozna泥 z叩vislosti modulu pred spusten鱈m
40. A o to d担le転it辿 issue?
potrebujeme pozna泥 z叩vislosti modulu pred spusten鱈m
obal鱈me k坦d modulu volan鱈m predpripravenej funkcie
41. A o to d担le転it辿 issue?
potrebujeme pozna泥 z叩vislosti modulu pred spusten鱈m
obal鱈me k坦d modulu volan鱈m predpripravenej funkcie
vytvorili sme prv箪 *AMD modul, hey!
*asynchronous module de鍖nition
44. Require.JS
require() - natiahni 邸peci鍖kovan辿 z叩vislosti
a spusti callback, ke je v邸etko pripraven辿
45. Require.JS
require() - natiahni 邸peci鍖kovan辿 z叩vislosti
a spusti callback, ke je v邸etko pripraven辿
Require.JS ct鱈
convention over con鍖guration
umiestnenie z叩vislosti je relat鱈vne
voi volaniu require()
46. Require.JS
define() - zaregistruj argument ako AMD modul,
natiahni 邸peci鍖kovan辿 z叩vislosti
a spusti callback, ke je v邸etko pripraven辿
57. Require.JS
zhrnutie, preo AMD
AMD moduly s炭 鍖exibiln辿 a async
funguj炭 v browseri u転 teraz, aj bez zbuildenia
podpora pluginov, je mo転n辿 natiahnu泥 aj in辿 typy ako JS
path aliasy, viac verzi鱈 modulu (jquery1.6, jquery1.7)
jednoznan叩 vidite直nos泥 噛叩厩庄壊鉛看壊岳鱈 modulu
ist箪 global-namespace, de鍖n鱈cia modulu je closure
podpora ve直k箪ch hr叩ov (jQuery, Dojo, Mootools)
58. Reqire.JS + Backbone.JS
ako sa kua rob鱈 v辰邸ia aplik叩cia
Organizujte pod直a funkn箪ch celkov
foldre Models, Views, Controllers s炭 antipattern
Modul Application
deffered initializers, event aggregator
Optimalizovan箪 deployment
v箪sledn箪 build s p叩r HTTP rqs
65. Modul Application
event aggregator
Ako na komunik叩ciu
medzi dvoma views
(funkn箪mi celkami),
ktor辿 s炭 izolovan辿
Pou転ijeme in邸tanciu
app, cez ktor炭 si
moduly posielaj炭
76. Preo Reqire.JS?
u転 mus鱈 by泥 jasn辿 ka転d辿mu
AMD greatest bene鍖t isnt being able to load
scripts on-demand, as some people may think.
The greatest bene鍖t is the increase of the code
organization/modularity and also the reduced
need for globals/namespacing.
77. Zdroje
Prototypes and Inheritance in JavaScript