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Leeanne Hibbert


identifying the target audience

In order to create a promotional video for my college which is specifically for the course Creative
Media I have to take into consideration every single aspect of that course and who the right target
audience is for it. I have been looking at other promotional videos for different colleges that some
are media type courses but others I have just looked at literally to get an idea of who the target
audiences are. All of the videos that I have looked at are within my area. After watching three of
these different videos I researched closely who I think the audience of these would be. Obviously the
video will be aimed at students but the main target audience will be both male and females who are
interested in doing a creative media course. These students can be students who are currently
learning in another college but are interested in doing a different (or same) course in my college, or
for year elevens who are currently looking up both the right courses for them or particularly
interested in creative media and want to find the right college for them to attend which does the
creative media course.

Whilst researching the type of target audience for the creative media course I did find out a very
interesting fact that more males tend to choose the creative media course than females, I do believe
this as in my own creative media lesson there are only 3 females and the rest are males. This does
come down to the fact that the majority of males do play on Xbox or ps2 etc. games and have a
slight more interest than females to create their own games as they are probably intrigued by even
creating there dream game. Whereas females are more in the type of media which is more on the
print based side such as editing and creating their own magazines.

This screenshot above is a video which speaks about the creative and digital media course at
Manchester College. The man that you can see is speaking is a student who does the course at this
college and his name is Stuart Weston. In this video Stuart speaks about what he does in his course
and what software he uses, he mentions the programme Flash and also using HTML(these two
things he mentions are what you will learn to use in any creative media course.
Leeanne Hibbert

This is basically just a video of Stuart speaking about his work and what he has achieved. He also
speaks about how taking this course at Manchester College as really helped him to learn new things
and achieve his goals. He also says that thanks to taking this course he now feels a lot more
confident when it comes to speaking in groups which is something you need to develop in case you
want to attend university. Looking at this video it doesnt seem to be as entertaining as I would want
my own promotional video to be but it does speak about the same course and Stuart does say key
points which are useful to me about the creative media course.

Audience Figures

MCV - I have also been researching audience figures and came across MCV which is the market for
computer and video games. MCV is the best company to research if you are interested in creative
media and gaming. There is both a website and a weekly magazine for MCV and they are both
completely essential for information about the gaming business. So everything you want to know
such as release dates; more gaming news, plus new games consoles and systems etc.

this screenshot above is of the official MCV website. As you can see it is all about the gaming

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  • 1. Leeanne Hibbert Research identifying the target audience In order to create a promotional video for my college which is specifically for the course Creative Media I have to take into consideration every single aspect of that course and who the right target audience is for it. I have been looking at other promotional videos for different colleges that some are media type courses but others I have just looked at literally to get an idea of who the target audiences are. All of the videos that I have looked at are within my area. After watching three of these different videos I researched closely who I think the audience of these would be. Obviously the video will be aimed at students but the main target audience will be both male and females who are interested in doing a creative media course. These students can be students who are currently learning in another college but are interested in doing a different (or same) course in my college, or for year elevens who are currently looking up both the right courses for them or particularly interested in creative media and want to find the right college for them to attend which does the creative media course. Whilst researching the type of target audience for the creative media course I did find out a very interesting fact that more males tend to choose the creative media course than females, I do believe this as in my own creative media lesson there are only 3 females and the rest are males. This does come down to the fact that the majority of males do play on Xbox or ps2 etc. games and have a slight more interest than females to create their own games as they are probably intrigued by even creating there dream game. Whereas females are more in the type of media which is more on the print based side such as editing and creating their own magazines. This screenshot above is a video which speaks about the creative and digital media course at Manchester College. The man that you can see is speaking is a student who does the course at this college and his name is Stuart Weston. In this video Stuart speaks about what he does in his course and what software he uses, he mentions the programme Flash and also using HTML(these two things he mentions are what you will learn to use in any creative media course.
  • 2. Leeanne Hibbert This is basically just a video of Stuart speaking about his work and what he has achieved. He also speaks about how taking this course at Manchester College as really helped him to learn new things and achieve his goals. He also says that thanks to taking this course he now feels a lot more confident when it comes to speaking in groups which is something you need to develop in case you want to attend university. Looking at this video it doesnt seem to be as entertaining as I would want my own promotional video to be but it does speak about the same course and Stuart does say key points which are useful to me about the creative media course. Audience Figures MCV - I have also been researching audience figures and came across MCV which is the market for computer and video games. MCV is the best company to research if you are interested in creative media and gaming. There is both a website and a weekly magazine for MCV and they are both completely essential for information about the gaming business. So everything you want to know such as release dates; more gaming news, plus new games consoles and systems etc. this screenshot above is of the official MCV website. As you can see it is all about the gaming business.