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1a) Research and Planning
Research and planning is a fundamental aspect of starting a media production.
Planning allows organizational, for a production it is vital that there is a time
scale of when to start production and when it should finish, this encourages
directors to meet deadlines, which moreover allows a production to run
smoothly. With out planning the cost will increase of the production i.e. of hiring
the equipment and the workload i.e. finding other suitable times in which
everyone is available. Research plays also plays an important role in a media
production it allows the individuals to learn about the genre in depth and the
conventions that are more likely to be followed. Without research it would be
hard to develop a script or storyboard that will convey to the audience
What program did you use?
The programs that were frequently used were webs, this allowed all research
and planning to be documented in one place, all group members had access to
this. This program allowed organization, as it was easy to find all production
related material in one place.
Prezi was often used to show genre conventions and other pieces of research,
this is a different but creative way of presenting information, which allowed the
development of computer skills.
Flickr allowed us to imbed power point presentations to webs, with this program
you can show a structured research plan where you can plan what should come
first and what should follow after.
YouTube we used this program quite often to look at other examples of thriller,
we were able to compare evident convention between thriller opening and also
look at other examples of opening so we could get an idea of
whats aspect are a must to include.
Imbd- using this program we could read story lines of other
thriller and horror films so get can imagine our own and get ideas,
this helped us create a spider gram of several ideas and also
finally our official idea.
What kind of research did you do?
We researched how to create a cross dissolve by looking at a
specific scene from midnight cowboy this help us create our
flash back effect and make it look professional.
We also looked at thriller movies such as the Amityville
horror and nightmare on Elm Street this allowed us to
compare movies and see what convention where taken on
board which were subverted.
We also had to do a research on commonly worn costume
from those were able to see what to include and what not to.
What planning did you do?
For planning aspects we made story board,mood boards created
timescales and dead line when certain parts of the film should be
done by so that we were organised are finished filming by the set
deadline we also made spider grams so that we have several ideas
then we voted and the most popular one was pit forward similarly
this was done with genre we were very indecisive on what genre to
do so as a groupwe voted and choose to do thriller as it had the most
interesting storylines.
How effective was this?
Research and planning is effective because it enables a sort of order
and organisation, which is very important to create a successful
media product.

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Research and planning

  • 1. 1a) Research and Planning Research and planning is a fundamental aspect of starting a media production. Planning allows organizational, for a production it is vital that there is a time scale of when to start production and when it should finish, this encourages directors to meet deadlines, which moreover allows a production to run smoothly. With out planning the cost will increase of the production i.e. of hiring the equipment and the workload i.e. finding other suitable times in which everyone is available. Research plays also plays an important role in a media production it allows the individuals to learn about the genre in depth and the conventions that are more likely to be followed. Without research it would be hard to develop a script or storyboard that will convey to the audience successfully. What program did you use? The programs that were frequently used were webs, this allowed all research and planning to be documented in one place, all group members had access to this. This program allowed organization, as it was easy to find all production related material in one place. Prezi was often used to show genre conventions and other pieces of research, this is a different but creative way of presenting information, which allowed the development of computer skills. Flickr allowed us to imbed power point presentations to webs, with this program you can show a structured research plan where you can plan what should come first and what should follow after. YouTube we used this program quite often to look at other examples of thriller, we were able to compare evident convention between thriller opening and also look at other examples of opening so we could get an idea of whats aspect are a must to include. Imbd- using this program we could read story lines of other thriller and horror films so get can imagine our own and get ideas, this helped us create a spider gram of several ideas and also finally our official idea. What kind of research did you do? We researched how to create a cross dissolve by looking at a specific scene from midnight cowboy this help us create our flash back effect and make it look professional. We also looked at thriller movies such as the Amityville horror and nightmare on Elm Street this allowed us to compare movies and see what convention where taken on board which were subverted. We also had to do a research on commonly worn costume from those were able to see what to include and what not to.
  • 2. What planning did you do? For planning aspects we made story board,mood boards created timescales and dead line when certain parts of the film should be done by so that we were organised are finished filming by the set deadline we also made spider grams so that we have several ideas then we voted and the most popular one was pit forward similarly this was done with genre we were very indecisive on what genre to do so as a groupwe voted and choose to do thriller as it had the most interesting storylines. How effective was this? Research and planning is effective because it enables a sort of order and organisation, which is very important to create a successful media product.