The dissertation presentation chen lei GS55768.pptxalading
The document discusses a study on the effects of situational teaching, cooperative learning, and self-directed learning on mathematical learning ability among junior high school students in China. Specifically, it aims to 1) investigate the impact of situational teaching, cooperative learning, and self-directed learning on students' mathematical ability, and 2) explore differences in mathematical ability between genders. The study uses a quantitative research design and measures students' mathematical ability using scales assessing reasoning, argumentation, communication and other skills.
This document discusses research-based tools and frameworks to support ambitious mathematics teaching. It describes instructional activities designed for novice teachers to practice key routines of ambitious teaching. Rehearsals are used for teachers to learn how to facilitate mathematical talk and position students competently. A communication and participation framework maps teacher actions and student practices to support teacher reflection and trajectory of change. Common features of these tools include supporting teacher-researcher partnerships, developing a shared pedagogical language, approximating practice, highlighting student thinking, and linking teaching to learning outcomes. The goal is to develop teachers' adaptive expertise.
This document provides background information and context for a research study about the relationship between learning styles and mathematics academic performance among 10th grade students. It introduces the motivation and purpose of the study, which is to determine how students' learning style preferences may affect their performance in mathematics. The document outlines the specific research questions, assumptions, significance of the study, scope and limitations. Key terms are also defined. The study aims to provide insights that can help teachers, students, administrators and others improve the teaching and learning of mathematics.
1) The document describes an action research proposal that aims to determine the effectiveness of using collaborative artistic timeline-making to improve 8th grade students' retention of world history facts and events in Kabacan National High School.
2) The school achieved only 62% on the national achievement test in Araling Panlipunan, and the teacher observed students had difficulty remembering dates and found the lessons boring. The study aims to introduce an engaging strategy to address these issues.
3) If results are favorable, the teacher plans to continue using the strategy and share findings to help other teachers. The study may also lead to exploring other teaching methods.
The concept of blended learning has been with us for some time and really builds on the good practice of blending teaching and learning styles for the benefit of the learner. This is as true when e-learning and online learning are added to the mix, as it would be for integration of practical work. The potential of new technologies can be maximised when you see how best to blend e-learning with existing programmes to the benefit of learners. The main aim of the study is to find out the B.Ed., Trainees perceptions towards Blended Learning in Teaching and learning of Mathematics. Survey method is employed for this study. The investigator has chosen 150 mathematics optional B.Ed., trainees for his study. Finally the investigator concludes; (a) 16% of B.Ed., Mathematics trainees have low level, 67.3 % of average level and 16.7% of them have high level of perception towards b-learning. The mean of the perception towards blended learning is 148.46 and standard deviation is 15.92. It is inferred that more number of B.Ed., Trainees have moderate level of perception towards blended learning. (b) There is no significant difference in perception towards blended learning among the B.Ed., Trainees with respect to their gender.
Some methods of effective teaching and learning of mathematicsAlexander Decker
This academic article discusses effective methods for teaching mathematics. It begins by noting the high failure rates students experience in mathematics and attributes this in part to poor teaching methods. The article then examines several methods shown to improve mathematics learning, including play-way methods, project methods, centers of interest, assignment systems, and questioning techniques. It emphasizes the importance of these methods being activity-based and student-centered. The article concludes by stressing the role teacher attitude plays in implementation.
Effect of teachers instructional strategy pattern on senior secondary school...Alexander Decker
1. The study examined the effect of instructional strategy patterns on the performance of Nigerian senior secondary students in mathematics word problems involving simultaneous equations.
2. 125 students from two schools participated in the study, with 61 students in the experimental group taught using an instructional strategy pattern and 64 students in the control group taught via traditional lecture.
3. Results showed that students taught using the instructional strategy pattern performed significantly better on the post-test than those in the control group. The mean gain for the experimental group was also higher than the control group.
This document describes a research study that developed mathematical teaching materials based on inquiry learning aided by multimedia to improve high school students' critical thinking skills. The study used a descriptive qualitative method and the 4-D model to develop geometry materials for 10th grade students across North Sumatra, Indonesia. The results found that the materials were valid, simple to use, and effective based on expert reviews and positive student responses during trials. The developed materials are designed to engage students actively in the learning process and encourage higher-order thinking.
1. The document describes a study on developing mathematical teaching materials based on inquiry learning aided by multimedia to improve high school students' critical thinking skills.
2. The study used a descriptive qualitative method and the 4-D model to develop geometry teaching materials including a teacher's manual, student handbook, and worksheets.
3. The results found that the developed materials were valid, practical to use, and effective in engaging students based on observations and student feedback. The materials helped enhance students' logical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.
Activity based learning strategies in the mathematics classroomsAlexander Decker
This document discusses strategies for activity-based learning in mathematics classrooms. It outlines some of the challenges with traditional lecture-style teaching methods and argues that activity-based learning leads to better student outcomes. Some key strategies for activity-based learning discussed include discovery-based teaching where students discover mathematical concepts through guided activities, incorporating practical work like measuring angles and volumes with real objects, and using teaching aids like manipulatives to make concepts concrete. The document advocates for teachers to incorporate these active learning strategies rather than solely using lecture methods.
ABSTRACT : The study focused on the assessment on effect of Polyas theory in improving problem-solving
ability among senior high school students in San Marcelino District. The respondents of this study were the
Grade 11 Senior High School students a total of one hundred twenty from San Marcelino District. This
research study employed descriptive and quasi- experimental research design. Both designs used a quantitative
approach. Based on the summary of the investigations conducted, the intervention plan was developed to
improve the delivery system and enhance the problem-solving ability of the students. The respondents are on
their young adolescence and female. The respondents obtained a did not meet expectation descriptive rating
during pre test and fairly satisfactory after using Polyas theory. The respondents Agreed that Polyas Theory
is effective improving problem solving ability in terms of understanding, planning, implanting and look back.
There is a significant difference on the perception of the students on the effectiveness of Polyas theory in
improving problem solving when grouped according to age and sex profile in terms of understanding; and
according to age profile in terms of planning; implementing and look back. On the other hand, there is no
significant difference in terms of planning when grouped according to sex. The respondents Agreed that Polyas
Theory is effective improving problem solving ability in terms of understanding, planning, implanting and look
back. There is a significant difference on the performance of the students before and after using Polyas solving
analysis. The intervention plan was developed to improve the delivery system and enhance the problem-solving
ability of the students. Based on the summary of findings and conclusions, the researcher recommended
Intervention plan can be implemented to improve the delivery system and enhance the problem-solving ability
of the students. Further research study may be conducted in other districts or locale for verification of results.
The use of Polya theory may be encouraged during teaching and learning of mathematics in senior high school
since result shows that the students performance has improved. Mathematics teachers may be trained through
intensive workshop, seminars, and in-service training on the use of Polya Problem solving model. The proposed
intervention may be used in remedial classes to help the students familiarize with the theory. Intervention plan
can be implemented to improve the delivery system and enhance the problem-solving ability of the students.
Future researchers may use the current study as references.
KEYWORDS: Assessing, Effect, Polyas Theory, Problem Solving Ability
This study examined students' expectations of their tertiary-level teachers in Trinidad and Tobago. The study found that students expect teachers to be competent in both pedagogical and discipline areas. Specifically, students expect teachers to recognize different learning styles, effectively teach concepts, conduct fair assessments, and model good teaching practices. Additionally, students reported the most important teacher characteristics as being professionalism, dedication to teaching, and caring. The study concludes that understanding student expectations is important for establishing effective professor-student relationships that promote student success.
Institutional affiliation
Students with disabilities need special attention when it comes to learning. Inclusive
learning has been adopted by many teachers across the world. This is where they would prefer
students with disabilities to learn in general classrooms alongside with non-disabled students.
Special education teachers should serve as leaders who assists general education teachers in
learning the needs of the students with disabilities. (Mulholland & O'Connor 2016). And how they
are supposed to be treated in order to have a good understanding of subjects as mathematics.
The teachers have an opportunity to demonstrate collaborative leadership and make sure
that students are satisfied from their mode of teaching. Team teaching is important in inclusive
learning. It helps special needs children have social interactions with their peers hence gaining
positivity. There have been collaboration models that teachers are using in order to be successful
in their activities and satisfying the needs of the students.
The learning center collaboration model is important as different teachers gather in a room
where students are arranged into groups. Special needs students help in giving instructions to other
teachers on how to handle the mild disabled students. The other model is the alternative
collaboration setting where special education teachers may work with paraeducators and ensure
that the student programs are followed. (De Melendez & Beck 2018). Students are divided into
small groups hence getting a chance with their instructors one on one. Inclusive learning will give
a chance to the mild disabled students to learn how to solve mathematical problems easily. This is
because they are interacting with other students under good guidance from different teachers and
Teachers should adopt ways to come up with a safe and inclusive environment to students
with disabilities. They should encourage all students to be ones keeper even outside classrooms.
This way, students who are fast learners will help students with mild disabilities to solve
mathematical problems. Second, they should encourage students based on life experiences. Show
them that anything is achievable when it comes to the real world. (Ismail & Muhammad 2018). By
doing this, teachers will help in creating an environment which is culturally responsive with good
social interactions and better learning activities.
Team teaching may .
Highlights From Future of Education - mSchool + DreamBox LearningDreamBox Learning
In the Blended Learning communitys latest webinar, Elliot Sanchez joined Dr. Tim Hudson, Senior Director of Curriculum Design for DreamBox Learning, Inc., and discussed the future of math education. Elliot, Founder & CEO of mSchool, and one of the 2014 Forbes 30 Under 30, is a leading education innovator with 14 state-funded classrooms that successfully leverage blended learning. Elliot and Tim discussed mSchools approach and successes, blended learning, formative assessment, meeting the diverse needs of all students, Common Core State Standards, and digital learning technologies. They provided a recap of insights from the January 22, 2014 The Future of Math Education: A Panel Discussion of Promising Practices webinar, with a focus on blended learning. That panel included NCSM President Valerie Mills, renowned math educator; author Dr. Cathy Fosnot, and past NCTM and AMTE President Dr. Francis (Skip) Fennell. Everyone interested in the success of all students in learning mathematicseducators, parents, and community members can appreciate the valuable insights and approach to innovation from these education thought leaders.
An Investigation Of Secondary Teachers Understanding And Belief On Mathemati...Tye Rausch
1) The document discusses secondary teachers' understanding and beliefs regarding mathematical problem solving in Indonesia. It investigates how teachers understand problem solving concepts like problems, strategies, and instructional practices, as well as their self-reported difficulties.
2) The study found that teachers have a good understanding of pedagogical problem solving knowledge but a weaker understanding of problem solving content knowledge such as strategies. Teachers reported that their main difficulties are determining precise mathematical models and choosing suitable real-world contexts for problems.
3) The study also examined teachers' beliefs about mathematics and learning, finding they tend to view mathematics as static but believe problem solving should be taught dynamically to engage students.
This study examined factors affecting teaching performance among teachers at Ong Yiu Central Elementary School. The researchers identified person-related, school-related, learner-related, and community-related factors. Overall, teachers were found to be proficient based on indicators of teaching performance. However, the factors did not have a significant relationship with teaching performance. Recommendations included teachers pursuing professional development, students providing feedback, administrators supporting teachers, and future research exploring additional influences on teaching performance.
The document summarizes the results of a common course evaluation conducted on the Scottish Teachers for a New Era (STNE) programme, which aims to prepare teachers for the 21st century. Student teachers across the four years of the programme felt they were developing skills in areas like collaboration, social justice, reflection, and understanding curriculum. Field placements were widely seen as significant learning experiences. The evaluation also identified areas for further improvement. Engaging in these evaluations is important for continuously improving teacher education based on evidence.
Bridging the gap: Examining parental involvement strategies and their impact ...Martin Nobis
This research examines the influence of parental involvement tactics on students' mathematics homework completion rates, aimed at pinpointing crucial factors and evaluating the efficacy of such strategies. Utilizing a qualitative-quantitative approach, including with students, parents, and teachers, the study identifies distractions, workload, family obligations, and insufficient teacher support as significant barriers to mathematics homework completion. Time management, comprehension, and fatigue also play minor roles. The findings indicate that targeted parental involvement strategies can significantly enhance completion rates, with effective methods including accessible support, designated study spaces, breaking down assignments, fostering student autonomy, and leveraging technology. Additionally, parental involvement fosters stronger parent-child relationships, boosts student confidence, and promotes a positive attitude toward mathematics. To create a conducive learning environment, schools, teachers, and parents should collaborate, implementing recommendations such as creating quiet areas, promoting digital detox initiatives, managing workload, offering targeted support, establishing study environments, and setting clear expectations for mathematics practice.
This document discusses current trends and issues in mathematics education. It outlines objectives related to pedagogy, globalization, teacher training, and research. It describes how mathematics education aims to promote student learning and benefit both individuals and society. Some key trends discussed include shifting to more student-centered instructional methods, redefining the teacher's role, incorporating technology, increasing emphasis on problem-solving and communication, and assessing learning as an integral part of instruction.
The document discusses strategies to support disadvantaged students. It notes that consistent high-quality teaching, a focus on literacy and numeracy skills, targeted interventions monitored through data, and deploying effective staff are important. Individual barriers must be identified early and transition from primary school should address skills gaps. Disadvantaged students should have high profiles, opportunities to develop aspirations, and advice on pathways. Effective parent links should also be established. Funding must be strategically coordinated. There is no single solution and a range of evidence-based strategies tailored to individual schools and students are needed.
Frantz dana pomykal_is_there_room_in_math_reform_for_preservice_teachers_to_u...William Kritsonis
This article proposes providing pre-service math teachers instruction in reading strategies for use in math classrooms. It reviews how math standards emphasize skills like problem solving and communication that require strong reading abilities. However, reading strategies are not usually taught specifically for math. The article suggests exposing pre-service teachers to math-specific reading strategies through a content area reading class to help them feel confident teaching these strategies to their own students. This may help address disconnects between what teachers believe they should teach based on standards and what happens in the classroom. Podcasting is proposed as a way to evaluate teaching effectiveness related to these interventions.
Effect of teachers instructional strategy pattern on senior secondary school...Alexander Decker
1. The study examined the effect of instructional strategy patterns on the performance of Nigerian senior secondary students in mathematics word problems involving simultaneous equations.
2. 125 students from two schools participated in the study, with 61 students in the experimental group taught using an instructional strategy pattern and 64 students in the control group taught via traditional lecture.
3. Results showed that students taught using the instructional strategy pattern performed significantly better on the post-test than those in the control group. The mean gain for the experimental group was also higher than the control group.
This document describes a research study that developed mathematical teaching materials based on inquiry learning aided by multimedia to improve high school students' critical thinking skills. The study used a descriptive qualitative method and the 4-D model to develop geometry materials for 10th grade students across North Sumatra, Indonesia. The results found that the materials were valid, simple to use, and effective based on expert reviews and positive student responses during trials. The developed materials are designed to engage students actively in the learning process and encourage higher-order thinking.
1. The document describes a study on developing mathematical teaching materials based on inquiry learning aided by multimedia to improve high school students' critical thinking skills.
2. The study used a descriptive qualitative method and the 4-D model to develop geometry teaching materials including a teacher's manual, student handbook, and worksheets.
3. The results found that the developed materials were valid, practical to use, and effective in engaging students based on observations and student feedback. The materials helped enhance students' logical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.
Activity based learning strategies in the mathematics classroomsAlexander Decker
This document discusses strategies for activity-based learning in mathematics classrooms. It outlines some of the challenges with traditional lecture-style teaching methods and argues that activity-based learning leads to better student outcomes. Some key strategies for activity-based learning discussed include discovery-based teaching where students discover mathematical concepts through guided activities, incorporating practical work like measuring angles and volumes with real objects, and using teaching aids like manipulatives to make concepts concrete. The document advocates for teachers to incorporate these active learning strategies rather than solely using lecture methods.
ABSTRACT : The study focused on the assessment on effect of Polyas theory in improving problem-solving
ability among senior high school students in San Marcelino District. The respondents of this study were the
Grade 11 Senior High School students a total of one hundred twenty from San Marcelino District. This
research study employed descriptive and quasi- experimental research design. Both designs used a quantitative
approach. Based on the summary of the investigations conducted, the intervention plan was developed to
improve the delivery system and enhance the problem-solving ability of the students. The respondents are on
their young adolescence and female. The respondents obtained a did not meet expectation descriptive rating
during pre test and fairly satisfactory after using Polyas theory. The respondents Agreed that Polyas Theory
is effective improving problem solving ability in terms of understanding, planning, implanting and look back.
There is a significant difference on the perception of the students on the effectiveness of Polyas theory in
improving problem solving when grouped according to age and sex profile in terms of understanding; and
according to age profile in terms of planning; implementing and look back. On the other hand, there is no
significant difference in terms of planning when grouped according to sex. The respondents Agreed that Polyas
Theory is effective improving problem solving ability in terms of understanding, planning, implanting and look
back. There is a significant difference on the performance of the students before and after using Polyas solving
analysis. The intervention plan was developed to improve the delivery system and enhance the problem-solving
ability of the students. Based on the summary of findings and conclusions, the researcher recommended
Intervention plan can be implemented to improve the delivery system and enhance the problem-solving ability
of the students. Further research study may be conducted in other districts or locale for verification of results.
The use of Polya theory may be encouraged during teaching and learning of mathematics in senior high school
since result shows that the students performance has improved. Mathematics teachers may be trained through
intensive workshop, seminars, and in-service training on the use of Polya Problem solving model. The proposed
intervention may be used in remedial classes to help the students familiarize with the theory. Intervention plan
can be implemented to improve the delivery system and enhance the problem-solving ability of the students.
Future researchers may use the current study as references.
KEYWORDS: Assessing, Effect, Polyas Theory, Problem Solving Ability
This study examined students' expectations of their tertiary-level teachers in Trinidad and Tobago. The study found that students expect teachers to be competent in both pedagogical and discipline areas. Specifically, students expect teachers to recognize different learning styles, effectively teach concepts, conduct fair assessments, and model good teaching practices. Additionally, students reported the most important teacher characteristics as being professionalism, dedication to teaching, and caring. The study concludes that understanding student expectations is important for establishing effective professor-student relationships that promote student success.
Institutional affiliation
Students with disabilities need special attention when it comes to learning. Inclusive
learning has been adopted by many teachers across the world. This is where they would prefer
students with disabilities to learn in general classrooms alongside with non-disabled students.
Special education teachers should serve as leaders who assists general education teachers in
learning the needs of the students with disabilities. (Mulholland & O'Connor 2016). And how they
are supposed to be treated in order to have a good understanding of subjects as mathematics.
The teachers have an opportunity to demonstrate collaborative leadership and make sure
that students are satisfied from their mode of teaching. Team teaching is important in inclusive
learning. It helps special needs children have social interactions with their peers hence gaining
positivity. There have been collaboration models that teachers are using in order to be successful
in their activities and satisfying the needs of the students.
The learning center collaboration model is important as different teachers gather in a room
where students are arranged into groups. Special needs students help in giving instructions to other
teachers on how to handle the mild disabled students. The other model is the alternative
collaboration setting where special education teachers may work with paraeducators and ensure
that the student programs are followed. (De Melendez & Beck 2018). Students are divided into
small groups hence getting a chance with their instructors one on one. Inclusive learning will give
a chance to the mild disabled students to learn how to solve mathematical problems easily. This is
because they are interacting with other students under good guidance from different teachers and
Teachers should adopt ways to come up with a safe and inclusive environment to students
with disabilities. They should encourage all students to be ones keeper even outside classrooms.
This way, students who are fast learners will help students with mild disabilities to solve
mathematical problems. Second, they should encourage students based on life experiences. Show
them that anything is achievable when it comes to the real world. (Ismail & Muhammad 2018). By
doing this, teachers will help in creating an environment which is culturally responsive with good
social interactions and better learning activities.
Team teaching may .
Highlights From Future of Education - mSchool + DreamBox LearningDreamBox Learning
In the Blended Learning communitys latest webinar, Elliot Sanchez joined Dr. Tim Hudson, Senior Director of Curriculum Design for DreamBox Learning, Inc., and discussed the future of math education. Elliot, Founder & CEO of mSchool, and one of the 2014 Forbes 30 Under 30, is a leading education innovator with 14 state-funded classrooms that successfully leverage blended learning. Elliot and Tim discussed mSchools approach and successes, blended learning, formative assessment, meeting the diverse needs of all students, Common Core State Standards, and digital learning technologies. They provided a recap of insights from the January 22, 2014 The Future of Math Education: A Panel Discussion of Promising Practices webinar, with a focus on blended learning. That panel included NCSM President Valerie Mills, renowned math educator; author Dr. Cathy Fosnot, and past NCTM and AMTE President Dr. Francis (Skip) Fennell. Everyone interested in the success of all students in learning mathematicseducators, parents, and community members can appreciate the valuable insights and approach to innovation from these education thought leaders.
An Investigation Of Secondary Teachers Understanding And Belief On Mathemati...Tye Rausch
1) The document discusses secondary teachers' understanding and beliefs regarding mathematical problem solving in Indonesia. It investigates how teachers understand problem solving concepts like problems, strategies, and instructional practices, as well as their self-reported difficulties.
2) The study found that teachers have a good understanding of pedagogical problem solving knowledge but a weaker understanding of problem solving content knowledge such as strategies. Teachers reported that their main difficulties are determining precise mathematical models and choosing suitable real-world contexts for problems.
3) The study also examined teachers' beliefs about mathematics and learning, finding they tend to view mathematics as static but believe problem solving should be taught dynamically to engage students.
This study examined factors affecting teaching performance among teachers at Ong Yiu Central Elementary School. The researchers identified person-related, school-related, learner-related, and community-related factors. Overall, teachers were found to be proficient based on indicators of teaching performance. However, the factors did not have a significant relationship with teaching performance. Recommendations included teachers pursuing professional development, students providing feedback, administrators supporting teachers, and future research exploring additional influences on teaching performance.
The document summarizes the results of a common course evaluation conducted on the Scottish Teachers for a New Era (STNE) programme, which aims to prepare teachers for the 21st century. Student teachers across the four years of the programme felt they were developing skills in areas like collaboration, social justice, reflection, and understanding curriculum. Field placements were widely seen as significant learning experiences. The evaluation also identified areas for further improvement. Engaging in these evaluations is important for continuously improving teacher education based on evidence.
Bridging the gap: Examining parental involvement strategies and their impact ...Martin Nobis
This research examines the influence of parental involvement tactics on students' mathematics homework completion rates, aimed at pinpointing crucial factors and evaluating the efficacy of such strategies. Utilizing a qualitative-quantitative approach, including with students, parents, and teachers, the study identifies distractions, workload, family obligations, and insufficient teacher support as significant barriers to mathematics homework completion. Time management, comprehension, and fatigue also play minor roles. The findings indicate that targeted parental involvement strategies can significantly enhance completion rates, with effective methods including accessible support, designated study spaces, breaking down assignments, fostering student autonomy, and leveraging technology. Additionally, parental involvement fosters stronger parent-child relationships, boosts student confidence, and promotes a positive attitude toward mathematics. To create a conducive learning environment, schools, teachers, and parents should collaborate, implementing recommendations such as creating quiet areas, promoting digital detox initiatives, managing workload, offering targeted support, establishing study environments, and setting clear expectations for mathematics practice.
This document discusses current trends and issues in mathematics education. It outlines objectives related to pedagogy, globalization, teacher training, and research. It describes how mathematics education aims to promote student learning and benefit both individuals and society. Some key trends discussed include shifting to more student-centered instructional methods, redefining the teacher's role, incorporating technology, increasing emphasis on problem-solving and communication, and assessing learning as an integral part of instruction.
The document discusses strategies to support disadvantaged students. It notes that consistent high-quality teaching, a focus on literacy and numeracy skills, targeted interventions monitored through data, and deploying effective staff are important. Individual barriers must be identified early and transition from primary school should address skills gaps. Disadvantaged students should have high profiles, opportunities to develop aspirations, and advice on pathways. Effective parent links should also be established. Funding must be strategically coordinated. There is no single solution and a range of evidence-based strategies tailored to individual schools and students are needed.
Frantz dana pomykal_is_there_room_in_math_reform_for_preservice_teachers_to_u...William Kritsonis
This article proposes providing pre-service math teachers instruction in reading strategies for use in math classrooms. It reviews how math standards emphasize skills like problem solving and communication that require strong reading abilities. However, reading strategies are not usually taught specifically for math. The article suggests exposing pre-service teachers to math-specific reading strategies through a content area reading class to help them feel confident teaching these strategies to their own students. This may help address disconnects between what teachers believe they should teach based on standards and what happens in the classroom. Podcasting is proposed as a way to evaluate teaching effectiveness related to these interventions.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Teachers' beliefs, experiences, knowledge, and communication skills
all contribute to effective teaching (Das & Bau, 2020).
Yet, many students still find math difficult and don't achieve well in it
(Fritz et al., 2019; Sun, 2018).
There's no one-size-fits-all approach to learning in 21st-century
classrooms that emphasize collaboration, creativity, critical thinking,
and communication (PISA, 2018).
The Philippines scored low in the 2018 PISA math assessment (San
Juan, 2020).
The DepEd launched the MATATAG program to improve basic
education, including math teaching (DepEd, 2023).
Math teachers should encourage students' enthusiasm and help
them see the real-world benefits of math (NCTM, 2000; Campilla &
Casta単aga, 2021).
This study investigates the teaching approaches used by secondary
math teachers in Oca単a National High School.
The proposed framework investigates how math teachers'
demographics (age, sex, experience, degree, training) influence
their use of teaching approaches.
The MATATAG program emphasizes innovative and effective
math teaching in the Philippines.
Math teachers in the Philippines are typically 30-50 years old,
70% female, with 15.6 years of experience on average.
Most have bachelor's degrees in math, while 42% have
master's degrees.
They receive an average of 40 hours of training per year.
Common teaching approaches include conventional (lectures,
textbooks), inquiry-based (exploration, discovery), metacognitive
(awareness of thinking process), and experiential (hands-on
The inquiry-based approach, for example, improves problem-
solving skills and conceptual understanding.
This study determined the teaching approaches used by
Mathematics teachers at Oca単a National High School as the
basis for the recommendation plan.
Specifically, this study sought to answer the following
1. What is the profile of the mathematics teachers as to:
1.1. Age
1.2. Sex
1.3. Length of Service
1.4. Highest Educational Attainment 1.5. Number of Training
Hours Attended
2. What is the extent of the utilization of the teaching
approaches as to:
2.1. Conventional
2.2. Inquiry-based
2.3. Meta-Cognition
2.4. Experiential
3. Is there a significant relationship between
the profile of the respondents and to the
utilization of the different teaching
4. Based on the findings of the study, what
recommendations can be proposed?
The given null hypothesis was tested and
presented at a 0.05 level of significance using
the appropriate statistical tool to validate the
content of this study.
H0: There is no significant relationship in the
profile of the respondents to the utilization of
the different teaching approaches.
Students: This study can boost their understanding, appreciation of
math, and confidence.
Teachers: This study can help teachers improve their methods,
differentiate instructions, and create positive learning environments.
Pre-service teachers: This study can inform them about strategies
for facilitating math learning.
Parents: This study can help parents provide educational guidance
and advocate for quality math education.
School administrators: This study can inform decisions about
curriculum, teacher development, and resource allocation.
Future researchers: This study can identify research gaps, develop
new teaching strategies, and contribute to the field of math
Other researchers: This study can serve as a reference for future
research on teaching approaches in secondary-level math.
This research describes teaching approaches among math teachers
in Oca単a National High School.
The study used a survey to collect data on teacher demographics
and teaching approaches.
Teachers were asked how often they use conventional, inquiry-
based, meta-cognition, and experiential approaches.
The study aims to find if teacher profiles influence their use of
different teaching approaches.
Oca単a National High School is located in Carcar City, Cebu,
The school offers both Junior and Senior High School curricula.
The respondents were all identified Secondary Mathematics
teachers in the school.
SIGNIFICANCE Data Gathering Procedures
Researchers obtained approval from school administrators for
survey conduct.
Pre-interviews with teachers refined the survey tool before
After permission, the researchers administered the survey
Data analysis involved tabulation, interpretation based on
Weighted mean determined utilization level of teaching
Pearson's r correlation assessed profile impact on approach
Ethical considerations included informed consent, confidentiality
pledge, and access authorization.
SIGNIFICANCE Teachers use real-life examples and student-
centered approaches to make math engaging
(Nantschev et al., 2020).
High-level learning involves integrating content with
metacognitive strategies (Das & Bau, 2020).
Manipulatives and concrete objects help students
learn math effectively (Akaazua et al., 2017; Yeo et
al., 2019).
The CPA approach improves understanding of
algebra and fractions (Yeo et al., 2019).
Non-traditional methods like 5Es model promote
student engagement and collaboration (Fadlelmula,
SIGNIFICANCE Effective teaching includes engaging presence, real-
world value, and best practice exchange (Gagnon,
Repetition and review help students learn math
concepts faster (Bates, 2020).
Sense-making and making-sense stances are crucial
for complete understanding of math (McCallum,
Deep-rooted product view of math discourages
design thinking in math education (Li et al., 2019).
Advanced math courses benefit future teachers by
connecting domains, developing problem-solving
skills, and increasing epistemological awareness (Yan
et al., 2021; Marmur et al., 2021).
This study investigated the teaching approaches used by
Oca単a National High School math teachers.
A total of 16 teachers participated in the study.
The study also examined the relationship between teachers'
profiles and their use of different teaching approaches.
A descriptive-quantitative research design was used.
A researcher-designed checklist was used to collect data.
The checklist had two parts: one for demographic
information and one for extent of utilization of teaching
There were four teaching approaches and 10 items on the
checklist that teachers used to rate each approachs
utilization level.
A 5-point Likert scale was used for the ratings.
Extent of Utilization of Teaching Approaches in
Conventional: Used sometimes (mean 2.77).
Inquiry-based: Always used (mean 4.36).
Meta-cognition: Always used (mean 4.23).
Experiential: Used often (mean 3.57).
Relationship between Teacher Profile and Teaching
Age: As age increases, utilization of new approaches
decreases (weak negative correlation).
Sex: No significant relationship between sex and
preferred teaching approaches.
Length of Service: No significant relationship between
length of service and preferred approaches.
Highest Education: Highest education attainment and
preferred approaches have a weak negative correlation
Training Hours: No significant relationship between
training hours and preferred approaches.
19. This study investigated teaching approaches used by math
teachers at Oca単a National High School.
Inquiry-based and Meta-cognition approaches were most
frequently used, aligning with active learning trends.
Conventional approaches were utilized less often, suggesting a
move away from traditional methods.
Teachers' gender, experience, and training didn't significantly
influence their approach choice.
Age and highest education level might have a potential influence,
suggesting further research is needed.
These findings can inform teacher training programs to embrace
diverse methods and support individual styles.
Teachers should focus on using Inquiry-based and Meta-Cognition
methods as they've proven effective. Collaborative activities and
training sessions can help deepen teachers' understanding and
implementation of these techniques.
Experiential learning is valuable but needs improvement. Providing
teachers with modules, efficient activities, and solutions to
implementation challenges can help students better apply what they
learn through experience.
While training hours and teaching methods aren't directly
linked, training remains crucial. Make sure training programs
offer practice opportunities, feedback, and relevance to
targeted teaching strategies.
More research is needed on factors like teaching context,
resource access, and teacher preferences to understand what
influences the effectiveness of different teaching approaches.
Group 4 Mathematics
Research in Mathematics Sibonga Community College