This document summarizes a research paper on the influence of social media on the restaurant industry. A survey was conducted of 20 people in Durham, North Carolina on their use of social media and online reviews when choosing restaurants. The results supported the three hypotheses that: 1) favorable online reviews positively influence restaurant choice, 2) word-of-mouth from friends/family positively influences restaurant search, and 3) word-of-mouth positively influences returning to restaurants. Respondents reported using sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor to read reviews and check recommendations from friends before choosing restaurants.
This study examines how product recommendations from Facebook friends influence purchase decisions and the sharing of word-of-mouth (WOM) on social networking sites. The researchers developed a model linking seeking recommendations on Facebook to purchase behavior and WOM spreading. A survey was administered to 212 IT professionals in Chennai, India. The results found a significant relationship between seeking recommendations from Facebook friends and purchase decisions influenced by those recommendations. However, there was only a moderate relationship between purchases based on Facebook recommendations and spreading positive WOM among Facebook friends. The study was limited to younger social media users and only examined influences from Facebook recommendations rather than other marketing factors.
The document is a research report prepared for that examines how to effectively recruit college students to join the Be The Match bone marrow registry. Key findings from research conducted at California State University, Fullerton include:
- Be The Match has low awareness (9.8%) among college students compared to other non-profits.
- About 11.5% of students surveyed showed strong interest in signing up for the registry.
- Students are most motivated to donate bone marrow to help family members, while pain is a major deterrent.
- Educational materials and social media are recommended to increase awareness and dispel misconceptions about donation. Partnering with student organizations is also advised.
Impact of Brand Image and Service Quality on Consumer Purchase Intention: A S...Muhammad Arslan
The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between brand image, service quality and price on
consumer purchase intention. Normative and informative susceptibility has indirect effect on consumer purchase
intention. The empirical analysis were determined by collecting data from sample of 301 consumers of large
retail stores. The findings of study reveal the positive effect of brand image and service quality on consumer
purchase intention. Results reveal the insignificant relationship between price and consumer purchase intention.
The findings also documented that consumers in large retail stores dont bother prices because consumers
consider that the stores charge reasonable prices. Most of consumers purchases depend upon the brand image
and service quality. Normative and informative susceptibility have positive effect on brand image. The
recommendations and suggestions are very helpful for managers and operators of large stores. Brand image
depends on informative and normative susceptibility.
Welcome to the 17th annual meeting of the International Public Relations Research Conference! You can access the conference guide and program via these slides.
The document outlines a public relations campaign for the Community of Care Coalition at Bowling Green State University. It includes research on the relationships between alcohol use, sexual assault, prescription drug abuse, and suicide among college students. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the coalition and foster a safe, secure environment through various promotional materials and strategies over the course of a year.
The situation analysis discusses research showing a direct relationship between alcohol use and sexual assault on college campuses. Several studies found that alcohol consumption contributes to sexual assault by impairing judgment and lowering inhibitions. The research also indicates that individuals with a history of childhood abuse or in abusive relationships are more likely to experience negative consequences, like sexual assault, when consuming alcohol.
How do green firms appeal users with pop ups...sibr pptDaniel LK
This document summarizes a study that explored how green firms use pop-up and in-line ads to appeal to and influence consumers' attitudes. The study developed a research framework based on existing advertising literature and proposed hypotheses about how factors like emotion, entertainment, credibility and irritation affect attitudes toward green ads. A quantitative survey was conducted and found entertainment and credibility were most important in influencing attitudes, while irritation was less so. The study provides suggestions for further research with larger sample sizes and examining specific green products or media.
The Effectiveness between Word-of-Mouth (WOM) Marketing and Social Network on...inventionjournals
As Malaysia is aiming to become high-income country by 2020, in todays direct selling business such as Avon, the practice of positive WOM is becoming more important with the collaboration of Social network on consumer acquirement. This paper is aim to identify the effect of WOM and Social network on AVON consumer purchase intention. After analysing data from market research shows that most women acquires cosmetic products from Avon Company, the representatives role being extremely important. Most women buy products through the online social network catalogue, 77% of them using the products every day, often buying the personal care products. Overall this study provides a greater knowledge of how does WOM and social network work in a different perceptive to the acquirement of AVON products
This study investigated the influence of social media on customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry. A survey was administered to 20 participants regarding their restaurant choices and influences. The results supported all three hypotheses: 1) favorable reviews positively influence restaurant choice, 2) word-of-mouth from friends/family positively influences restaurant search, and 3) word-of-mouth positively influences returning to restaurants. The implications are that social media reviews and word-of-mouth impact customer satisfaction and behaviors in the restaurant industry.
1) The document proposes a new product idea for Burger King to help increase its market share in the US. The idea is based on research showing a connection between food consumption, communication, and happiness.
2) A survey was conducted that found people enjoy fast food for its food but find the dining areas not conducive for socializing.
3) The proposed new product would allow people to both eat and socialize at Burger King locations, incorporating both food and communication. This aims to increase customer spending and prevent losses to competitors.
Evaluating a Qualitative Study
Institutional Affiliation
Evaluating a Qualitative Study
The authors conducted a study the effects of social media advertising on customers perception, motivation and purchase. The authors conducted the study based on the rational that current, the world is digitized and modern everyone is engaged and attached to the internet. As a result, organizations can use social media to advertise their products and services. Besides social media advertising attracts customers and organizations can use it a medium for advertising which provides them with advanced ways for businesses to obtain existing and potential customers through reviews as opposed to traditional; ways of using methods such as television and radio. Furthermore, the authors argue that using social media platforms is affordable when compared to other channels. Likewise, social media marketing influences customers, perceptions, purchase intention and motivation. The authors conducted the study to determine the effects of social media advertising on a consumers purchase intention while considers factors such as perception variables and mediation
The study is important as it provides organizations with an idea on how factors such as customer motivation, perception and purchase intention influences consumer purchase. The study also draws a model that will demonstrate the link that exists between consumer purchases and the use of social media as an advertising tool, while understanding consumer purchase decisions that enables them adopt to those brands and services that are advertised through social media. Besides, the study is important because it provides a step towards understanding consumers purchase intentions to some brands while advertising through social media.
The authors have provided a thorough literature review as they provide some of the sentiments of past studies on social media advertising and study variables. For instance, one past research indicates that the market for smart phones is increasing daily, the researcher estimate that there will be roughly 5 billion Smartphone users by the year 2020.As a result, social media marketing will play a critical role in advertising for organizations. Further, after the introduction of Smartphone touch in the year 2007, there is an upsurge of Smartphone usage globally. Furthermore, statistics conducted by Google play store and Apple indicate that more than 135 billion apps are downloaded through smart phones and the number is bound to increase in the near future. Also, users spend most of their time in social media platforms.
The author also provides a definition of customer perception. They define it a marketing concept that creates awareness consciousness and impression on a customer about an organizations products and services. Customers perception is influenced by review, advertising, public relations .
A study on Gen y consumer attitude toward social media marketing in TrichyAnup Mohan
This document summarizes a study on Generation Y consumers' attitudes toward social media marketing in Trichy, India. The study surveyed 150 students ages 18-33 on their internet, YouTube, and Facebook usage and attitudes toward social media marketing. It was found that more frequent use of these platforms correlated with more positive attitudes toward social media marketing. The study concluded that familiarity with social media influences consumer attitudes, and marketers should engage consumers on these platforms through entertaining, informative content to promote their brands.
Medical Conferences, Pharma Conferences, Engineering Conferences, Science Conferences, Manufacturing Conferences, Social Science Conferences, Business Conferences, Scientific Conferences Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Turkey 2014 2015 2016
Global Research & Development Services (GRDS) is a leading academic event organizer, publishing Open Access Journals and conducting several professionally organized international conferences all over the globe annually. GRDS aims to disseminate knowledge and innovation with the help of its International Conferences and open access publications. GRDS International conferences are world-class events which provide a meaningful platform for researchers, students, academicians, institutions, entrepreneurs, industries and practitioners to create, share and disseminate knowledge and innovation and to develop long-lasting network and collaboration.
GRDS is a blend of Open Access Publications and world-wide International Conferences and Academic events. The prime mission of GRDS is to make continuous efforts in transforming the lives of people around the world through education, application of research and innovative ideas.
Global Research & Development Services (GRDS) is also active in the field of Research Funding, Research Consultancy, Training and Workshops along with International Conferences and Open Access Publications.
International Conferences 2014 2015
Malaysia Conferences, Thailand Conferences, Singapore Conferences, Hong Kong Conferences, Dubai Conferences, Turkey Conferences, Conference Listing, Conference Alerts
This document discusses a consumer research report on the role of social media influencers in launching new products. The report aims to examine how influencers contribute to creating awareness and shaping consumer perceptions of new products through their recommendations, reviews, and endorsements. It also aims to analyze influencers' impact on consumer attitudes, purchase intent, and how they help spread awareness of new products. The research methodology involves a quantitative survey of over 40 respondents to collect data on their social media usage, following of influencers, and purchase behaviors influenced by influencers. The data is then analyzed to understand influencers' effectiveness in influencing consumer perceptions and sales of new products.
Deconstruction of Literature Matrix
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
APA Reference
LaMontagne, L. (2015). MarketingSherpa consumer purchase preference survey: Demographics of customer reasons to follow brands social accounts. Retrieved from
Laroche, M., Habibi, M. R., & Richard, M. O. (2013). To be or not to be in social media: How brand loyalty is affected by social media? International Journal of Information Management, 33(1). 7682. doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2012.07.003
M. Onur Gulbahar, M. O. &.Fazli, Y. (2015). Marketing efforts related to Social Media channels and mobile application usage in Tourism: a Case study in Istanbul. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195(3). 453-462. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.06.489
Purpose & Significance (Theme)
Discover why people from different ages and locations follow product brands on social media.
The research aimed to understand the effects of Social media, and customer loyalty regarding product brands.
The authors research exemplified the efforts performed by hotel management in Istanbul to market hotel services on Social media channels, and mobile applications.
Research Question(s):
For which of the following reasons, if any, do you follow, like, and/or connect with a brand's social media account(s)?
Is brand loyalty affected by the social media?
Which social media channel is preferred for marketing efforts in Turkey or which channels are used by companies for CRM based efforts?
Design and Population:
Study Design
The population used was diverse. People from the age of 18 to above 65 were used. They were from different genders and occupations.
The research focused on 441 respondents. The research did not identify the specific ages or locations of the subjects used.
The research concentrated on nineteen hotels in Istanbul.
Statistical Analysis
Limitations & Assumptions
Online survey. The research was carried out using different social media platforms. This was to know the number of people using the platforms and to know the effect that the platforms have on them when it comes to following a brand on the social media.
Researchers sent questionnaires through several posts on websites, such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter along with distribution lists. The research process and all the procedures took place on the social media. This was to make sure that information is only gathered from the involved parties.
In-depth questions; field survey. For the research to obtain information that could be of help, a field survey was done. This included visiting some hotels within Istanbul and asking questions about the effects of social media on their marketing strategies. Nineteen hotels were interviewed.
Key Findings:
Hypothesis Supported
The young are the most likely to follow up brands on the social media whereas the elderly rarely follow up.
The proposal was selected from a hundreds of other entrants as a top 10 national finalist in the competition. This marketing research project illuminated potential areas of development through integration of consumer content and brand interactions in B2C marketing during the holiday season.
Users want to accomplish goals more effectively and be more organized in their approach. They form habits around goal setting that could be improved with technology. Interviewees wanted to make better use of their time on phones and social media. They are motivated to achieve goals for happiness, both their own and of friends and family. Social support from others is also key to accomplishing goals. Some felt pressure to look successful online and fear decreased well-being from too much social media use. Interviewees want a clean, organized interface to arrange and track goals over time and share their progress privately if desired to avoid unwanted pressure.
Research Proposal Grade SheetTitle Page (4 points)______.docxgholly1
Research Proposal Grade Sheet
Title Page (4 points)
Abstract (2 points)
Introduction (16 points)
Literature Review (7 points)
Specifics on proposed study (5 points)
APA format (4 points)
Method (16 points)
Content (12 points)
APA format (4 points)
Discussion (12 points)
Content (8 points):
Restate hypothesis
If hyp. Supported
If hyp. not supported
Unexpected factors
APA format (4 points)
References (6 points)
At least 6 peer-reviewed sources (4 points)
Total Grade
__________ / 60 points
Name: ___________________________________
Title Page (2 points)
Abstract (2 points)
Introduction (11 points)
Literature Review (5 points)
Specifics on proposed study (4 points)
APA format (2 points)
Method (11 points)
Content (9 points)
APA format (2 points)
Discussion (7 points)
Content (5 points):
Restate hypothesis
If hyp. Supported
If hyp. not supported
Unexpected factors
APA format (2 points)
References (3 points)
At least 5 sources (2 points)
Photocopied first pages for
each article (2 points)
Total Grade
__________ / 40 points
Research Proposal Grade Sheet
Name: ___________________________________
Title Page (2 points)
Abstract (2 points)
Introduction (11 points)
Literature Review (5 points)
Specifics on proposed study (4 points)
APA format (2 points)
Method (11 points)
Content (9 points)
APA format (2 points)
Discussion (7 points)
Content (5 points):
Restate hypothesis
If hyp. Supported
If hyp. not supported
Unexpected factors
APA format (2 points)
References (3 points)
At least 5 sources (2 points)
Photocopied first pages for
each article (2 points)
Total Grade
__________ / 40 points
Research Proposal
Social Media Platform Users and Poor Eating Habits
Barbara Pina
Dr. Hackett
University of Houston Downtown
This study provides an analysis of the relation that exists on social media users and the type of food that they consume. This is has been an existing problem in society especially with the fact that social media platforms advertise fast-moving foods and target the millennial. Therefore, to get the exact impact that these foods have on the people, secondary.
Factor Analysis of Students Exposure to Social Media for Food and Beveragesajjalp
Food and beverage marketing on social media is
a powerful factor to influence students
exposure to social media and application for
food and beverage. It is a well-known fact that
most of the food and beverage business target
young people on the social media. The objective
of the study is to identify the factors associated
to the students exposure in the social media
platforms for food and beverage. The young
students between the ages 20 to 26 years
completed a self-administered questionnaire
survey on their media use for food and
beverages. The questionnaire was prepared
using Likert scale with five options from
strongly agree to strongly disagree. The data set
was described with descriptive statistics such as
mean and standard deviation. The exploratory
factor analysis with varimax rotation method
was used to extract the factors. The most
popular social media among the respondents
were Facebook, Instagram, and You Tube.
73.3% of the students were exposed to food and
beverage application in their mobile device and
76% of them followed the popular food and
beverage pages in social media. The result
revealed that social media posts, promotional
offer, and hygienic concept have positively
influenced majority of the students exposure to
social media for food and beverage.
Keywords: Factor analysis, Social Media, Food
and Beverage, Student, Promotional Offer
Binge-Free 603: What's Your Reason? Preventing Binge Drinking in Young Adults...JSI
The document summarizes a campaign called "Binge-Free 603: What's Your Reason?" that was created to prevent binge drinking among young adults in New Hampshire. Research identified that country-local young adults aged 21-25 were most at risk. The campaign used a social marketing approach on digital platforms like Facebook and Instagram with positive messages reflecting the values of this group. Evaluation found the campaign reached over 3.9 million people and increased engagement on social media and the website. The risk reduction approach and targeting the messaging to a specific peer group was deemed effective for this audience.
1) The document discusses how consumer online feedback can impact company reputation and sales. It conducted a survey of 123 people to understand the effect of online feedback.
2) The results found that over 50% of people seek references from social networks, showing the influence of feedback. Most participants were brand conscious.
3) It was concluded that online feedback and social media are important tools for businesses to build reputation, boost sales, and gain customer loyalty through better understanding consumer perspectives. Regular feedback allows companies to improve marketing strategies.
This research study of college students' & young professionals' dating app usage was conducted in a Marketing Research course. It includes the creation, analysis, and conclusions of a 34-question survey, as well as implications of dating app usage, in terms of behavior, motivation, and attitudes.
- The document analyzes consumer preferences towards non-vegetarian fast food outlets in Ahmedabad, India. It conducted surveys of 250 respondents in the city.
- 19% of respondents reported not having a preference for non-vegetarian fast food outlets. The study aimed to identify underlying factors influencing customers' selection of restaurants and their satisfaction levels.
- Statistical analyses found significant relationships between preferences and factors like age, religion, occupation, enjoying a combination of foods, and perceptions of non-vegetarian food.
Influence of word of mouth communication towards indonesian online shopper pu...Eka Yuliana
Word-of-mouth (WOM) gives the consumer perceptions to engage in retail online shopping can include both utilitarian and hedonic shopping dimensions. To cater to these consumers, online retailers can create a cognitively and esthetically rich shopping environment, through sophisticated levels of communication, as the personal influence, online community, and also by sharing they experience. Since the effect of Word-of-mouth communications on marketing and has proven to stimulate online consumers perceptions, 374 person of House of Taaj Facebook users in all over Indonesia, in which 280 female (75%) and 94 male (25%) has expressed their perceptions toward online purchase intention, and Word-of-mouth. This research presumes that Word-of-mouth from another online consumers, share information and features can influence online shopping intention and entice them to modify or even transform their original shopping predispositions by providing them with attractive and enhanced interactive features and controls of buying. To achieve the research objectives and the test hypotheses, factor analysis, and linear regression are used to analyze the significant level of each variable indicator of this study.
The result of the test may conclude that the Facebook users perceived more intention to search information by online, caused of the effectiveness of time using online community to search information and review the other experience. A more positive online shopping experience led to consumers positive perceptions for online purchase intention. Thus, this study may conclude that indicator variable of perception that really influence the Facebook users online purchase intentions are their perception towards the effectiveness of time that they can be used to evaluate, and find information by online, and the best indicator is their online community that can deliver and influence Facebookers online purchase intention.
INSTRUCTIONSDiscussion 1 Contextualizing Quantitative Data .docxcarliotwaycave
Discussion 1: Contextualizing Quantitative Data in the Workplace- CORPORATE BANK FACILITATOR
What role does quantitative research play in your current (Corporate Bank Facilitator) professional role?
Share 1-2 specific examples of ways in which you have, or might, use quantitative data.
Include projects where you would like to do some analysis (quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods) but have not.
Describe the project and ask your classmates for their feedback!
揃 Your initial post (approximately 200-250 words) should address each question in the discussion
Topic: The Effect of Social Media Marketing On Business Growth and Prosperity
Since early 2000s, businesses have seen the need of utilizing social media as a convenient platform to reach and engage their potential customers (Pourkhani et al., 2019). Social media has revolutionized the way businesses connect with consumers for the purpose of growing their brand. Notably, social media offers cheaper and highly accessible tools of marketing used by businesses to advance their promotional activities (Fan & Gordon, 2014). In United States, social media has highly transformed the world of business allowing firms to innovate and improve their business plans in order to attain maximum growth and prosperity (As' ad & Alhadid, 2014). Therefore, this study explores the impact, benefit, and importance of social media to the growth and performance of businesses.
Purpose of the Study
According to Kane (2015), a researcher should have a tangible reason (s) for undertaking a particular study in any filed. Marketing is very crucial to each and every business. Marketing entails the need for companies to access the target markets and engage their potential customers. This is aimed at understanding customer needs and wants something that is crucial in developing a product (s) which offer maximum satisfaction to consumers. Until late 90s, businesses relied on traditional mode of marketing which included radio, TV, newspaper, billboards, field-marketing, among others. Notably, these marketing channels were very expensive. However, the introduction of social media platforms in early 2000s availed cheap, accessible, and reliable means of reaching the target audiences. Consequently, there is need to explore the element of social media in order to establish its superiority and contribution in helping organizations to attain maximum growth and performance. Thus, this study seeks to establish the impact and benefit of social media platforms to organizations as far as elements of building brand awareness, increasing sales, and expanding markets are concerned.
Study Rationale
Before conducting a research, a researcher is supposed to explain clearly the importance of the study he or she is carrying out. This involves providing specific, valid, and ideally arguments in support of the research topic. The rationale of th ...
Running Head Sun Coast1SUN COASTSun Coast.docxjeanettehully
Running Head: Sun Coast 1
Sun Coast
Tammie Witcher
Columbia Southern University
Literature Review
The purpose of this report is to develop a literature review that analyses how research-based decision-making can directly affect organizational practices. In this regards, different aspects are being considered for analysis including the differences in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and examining the advantages and disadvantages of primary as well as secondary sources of data. The entire discussion is then related to the Sun Coasts case and how the articles in literature review solves Sun Coasts issue.
Impact of Research-based Decision-making on the Organization
Many different researches have been made that show the positive impact of research and training on the decision making capabilities. In this regards, a study in the healthcare sector found that through training and research, there was an immediate conversion of attitudes in the workplace than on skills (Champagne et al., 2014).
One of the most popular studies in this field is the evidence- based practices. The idea behind this concept is to take quality decisions based on critical thinking and best available evidence (Barends et al., 2014). According to this practice, evidence is obtained from multiple sources in order to have a desired positive outcome. Evidence can take form of different size and shape and may and its quality depends on its relevance to the case (Barends et al., 2014).
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodologies
There are various types of research methodologies. However, these fall majorly into two categories; qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative research is more concerned with the information available in the form of emotions that may not be quantified. It involves gathering non-numerical data. Methods can include observation etc. Quantitative research is more concerned with the numerical data that can be easily quantified. For instance, conducting statistical analysis of the test results produce by Grade 1 students.
With regards to the case of Sun Coast, data is already available in the numeric form and therefore, the quantitative research methodologies shall be applied.
Primary and Secondary Sources of Data
Primary data is when the data is collected first hand, with direct interaction from the subjects or the target audience. This involves conducting questionnaires or interviews that provide information from the source directly. The major advantage of primary data is that new and updated information is available. However, the disadvantage is that collecting data through this source may take up a lot of time and even delays in the research. Furthermore, there are ethical concerns as well in the primary collection of data (Hox & R. Boeigi, 2005).
Secondary data is the use of already collected data by the previous researchers and using the relevant information in the current research ...
The document discusses a study on how social comparison on social media affects self-esteem. It conducted a survey of college students about their social media use and habits of comparing themselves to others. The results showed that most students use social media daily, feel a sense of belonging from groups, and compare aspects of their lives like photos and activities to other students' profiles. A significant portion felt worse about themselves after viewing peers' posts that portrayed desirable social situations. The conclusion is that social media allows people to curate ideal versions of their lives, leading others to unconsciously compare and potentially feel inadequate about their own lives.
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This study investigated the influence of social media on customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry. A survey was administered to 20 participants regarding their restaurant choices and influences. The results supported all three hypotheses: 1) favorable reviews positively influence restaurant choice, 2) word-of-mouth from friends/family positively influences restaurant search, and 3) word-of-mouth positively influences returning to restaurants. The implications are that social media reviews and word-of-mouth impact customer satisfaction and behaviors in the restaurant industry.
1) The document proposes a new product idea for Burger King to help increase its market share in the US. The idea is based on research showing a connection between food consumption, communication, and happiness.
2) A survey was conducted that found people enjoy fast food for its food but find the dining areas not conducive for socializing.
3) The proposed new product would allow people to both eat and socialize at Burger King locations, incorporating both food and communication. This aims to increase customer spending and prevent losses to competitors.
Evaluating a Qualitative Study
Institutional Affiliation
Evaluating a Qualitative Study
The authors conducted a study the effects of social media advertising on customers perception, motivation and purchase. The authors conducted the study based on the rational that current, the world is digitized and modern everyone is engaged and attached to the internet. As a result, organizations can use social media to advertise their products and services. Besides social media advertising attracts customers and organizations can use it a medium for advertising which provides them with advanced ways for businesses to obtain existing and potential customers through reviews as opposed to traditional; ways of using methods such as television and radio. Furthermore, the authors argue that using social media platforms is affordable when compared to other channels. Likewise, social media marketing influences customers, perceptions, purchase intention and motivation. The authors conducted the study to determine the effects of social media advertising on a consumers purchase intention while considers factors such as perception variables and mediation
The study is important as it provides organizations with an idea on how factors such as customer motivation, perception and purchase intention influences consumer purchase. The study also draws a model that will demonstrate the link that exists between consumer purchases and the use of social media as an advertising tool, while understanding consumer purchase decisions that enables them adopt to those brands and services that are advertised through social media. Besides, the study is important because it provides a step towards understanding consumers purchase intentions to some brands while advertising through social media.
The authors have provided a thorough literature review as they provide some of the sentiments of past studies on social media advertising and study variables. For instance, one past research indicates that the market for smart phones is increasing daily, the researcher estimate that there will be roughly 5 billion Smartphone users by the year 2020.As a result, social media marketing will play a critical role in advertising for organizations. Further, after the introduction of Smartphone touch in the year 2007, there is an upsurge of Smartphone usage globally. Furthermore, statistics conducted by Google play store and Apple indicate that more than 135 billion apps are downloaded through smart phones and the number is bound to increase in the near future. Also, users spend most of their time in social media platforms.
The author also provides a definition of customer perception. They define it a marketing concept that creates awareness consciousness and impression on a customer about an organizations products and services. Customers perception is influenced by review, advertising, public relations .
A study on Gen y consumer attitude toward social media marketing in TrichyAnup Mohan
This document summarizes a study on Generation Y consumers' attitudes toward social media marketing in Trichy, India. The study surveyed 150 students ages 18-33 on their internet, YouTube, and Facebook usage and attitudes toward social media marketing. It was found that more frequent use of these platforms correlated with more positive attitudes toward social media marketing. The study concluded that familiarity with social media influences consumer attitudes, and marketers should engage consumers on these platforms through entertaining, informative content to promote their brands.
Medical Conferences, Pharma Conferences, Engineering Conferences, Science Conferences, Manufacturing Conferences, Social Science Conferences, Business Conferences, Scientific Conferences Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Turkey 2014 2015 2016
Global Research & Development Services (GRDS) is a leading academic event organizer, publishing Open Access Journals and conducting several professionally organized international conferences all over the globe annually. GRDS aims to disseminate knowledge and innovation with the help of its International Conferences and open access publications. GRDS International conferences are world-class events which provide a meaningful platform for researchers, students, academicians, institutions, entrepreneurs, industries and practitioners to create, share and disseminate knowledge and innovation and to develop long-lasting network and collaboration.
GRDS is a blend of Open Access Publications and world-wide International Conferences and Academic events. The prime mission of GRDS is to make continuous efforts in transforming the lives of people around the world through education, application of research and innovative ideas.
Global Research & Development Services (GRDS) is also active in the field of Research Funding, Research Consultancy, Training and Workshops along with International Conferences and Open Access Publications.
International Conferences 2014 2015
Malaysia Conferences, Thailand Conferences, Singapore Conferences, Hong Kong Conferences, Dubai Conferences, Turkey Conferences, Conference Listing, Conference Alerts
This document discusses a consumer research report on the role of social media influencers in launching new products. The report aims to examine how influencers contribute to creating awareness and shaping consumer perceptions of new products through their recommendations, reviews, and endorsements. It also aims to analyze influencers' impact on consumer attitudes, purchase intent, and how they help spread awareness of new products. The research methodology involves a quantitative survey of over 40 respondents to collect data on their social media usage, following of influencers, and purchase behaviors influenced by influencers. The data is then analyzed to understand influencers' effectiveness in influencing consumer perceptions and sales of new products.
Deconstruction of Literature Matrix
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
APA Reference
LaMontagne, L. (2015). MarketingSherpa consumer purchase preference survey: Demographics of customer reasons to follow brands social accounts. Retrieved from
Laroche, M., Habibi, M. R., & Richard, M. O. (2013). To be or not to be in social media: How brand loyalty is affected by social media? International Journal of Information Management, 33(1). 7682. doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2012.07.003
M. Onur Gulbahar, M. O. &.Fazli, Y. (2015). Marketing efforts related to Social Media channels and mobile application usage in Tourism: a Case study in Istanbul. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195(3). 453-462. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.06.489
Purpose & Significance (Theme)
Discover why people from different ages and locations follow product brands on social media.
The research aimed to understand the effects of Social media, and customer loyalty regarding product brands.
The authors research exemplified the efforts performed by hotel management in Istanbul to market hotel services on Social media channels, and mobile applications.
Research Question(s):
For which of the following reasons, if any, do you follow, like, and/or connect with a brand's social media account(s)?
Is brand loyalty affected by the social media?
Which social media channel is preferred for marketing efforts in Turkey or which channels are used by companies for CRM based efforts?
Design and Population:
Study Design
The population used was diverse. People from the age of 18 to above 65 were used. They were from different genders and occupations.
The research focused on 441 respondents. The research did not identify the specific ages or locations of the subjects used.
The research concentrated on nineteen hotels in Istanbul.
Statistical Analysis
Limitations & Assumptions
Online survey. The research was carried out using different social media platforms. This was to know the number of people using the platforms and to know the effect that the platforms have on them when it comes to following a brand on the social media.
Researchers sent questionnaires through several posts on websites, such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter along with distribution lists. The research process and all the procedures took place on the social media. This was to make sure that information is only gathered from the involved parties.
In-depth questions; field survey. For the research to obtain information that could be of help, a field survey was done. This included visiting some hotels within Istanbul and asking questions about the effects of social media on their marketing strategies. Nineteen hotels were interviewed.
Key Findings:
Hypothesis Supported
The young are the most likely to follow up brands on the social media whereas the elderly rarely follow up.
The proposal was selected from a hundreds of other entrants as a top 10 national finalist in the competition. This marketing research project illuminated potential areas of development through integration of consumer content and brand interactions in B2C marketing during the holiday season.
Users want to accomplish goals more effectively and be more organized in their approach. They form habits around goal setting that could be improved with technology. Interviewees wanted to make better use of their time on phones and social media. They are motivated to achieve goals for happiness, both their own and of friends and family. Social support from others is also key to accomplishing goals. Some felt pressure to look successful online and fear decreased well-being from too much social media use. Interviewees want a clean, organized interface to arrange and track goals over time and share their progress privately if desired to avoid unwanted pressure.
Research Proposal Grade SheetTitle Page (4 points)______.docxgholly1
Research Proposal Grade Sheet
Title Page (4 points)
Abstract (2 points)
Introduction (16 points)
Literature Review (7 points)
Specifics on proposed study (5 points)
APA format (4 points)
Method (16 points)
Content (12 points)
APA format (4 points)
Discussion (12 points)
Content (8 points):
Restate hypothesis
If hyp. Supported
If hyp. not supported
Unexpected factors
APA format (4 points)
References (6 points)
At least 6 peer-reviewed sources (4 points)
Total Grade
__________ / 60 points
Name: ___________________________________
Title Page (2 points)
Abstract (2 points)
Introduction (11 points)
Literature Review (5 points)
Specifics on proposed study (4 points)
APA format (2 points)
Method (11 points)
Content (9 points)
APA format (2 points)
Discussion (7 points)
Content (5 points):
Restate hypothesis
If hyp. Supported
If hyp. not supported
Unexpected factors
APA format (2 points)
References (3 points)
At least 5 sources (2 points)
Photocopied first pages for
each article (2 points)
Total Grade
__________ / 40 points
Research Proposal Grade Sheet
Name: ___________________________________
Title Page (2 points)
Abstract (2 points)
Introduction (11 points)
Literature Review (5 points)
Specifics on proposed study (4 points)
APA format (2 points)
Method (11 points)
Content (9 points)
APA format (2 points)
Discussion (7 points)
Content (5 points):
Restate hypothesis
If hyp. Supported
If hyp. not supported
Unexpected factors
APA format (2 points)
References (3 points)
At least 5 sources (2 points)
Photocopied first pages for
each article (2 points)
Total Grade
__________ / 40 points
Research Proposal
Social Media Platform Users and Poor Eating Habits
Barbara Pina
Dr. Hackett
University of Houston Downtown
This study provides an analysis of the relation that exists on social media users and the type of food that they consume. This is has been an existing problem in society especially with the fact that social media platforms advertise fast-moving foods and target the millennial. Therefore, to get the exact impact that these foods have on the people, secondary.
Factor Analysis of Students Exposure to Social Media for Food and Beveragesajjalp
Food and beverage marketing on social media is
a powerful factor to influence students
exposure to social media and application for
food and beverage. It is a well-known fact that
most of the food and beverage business target
young people on the social media. The objective
of the study is to identify the factors associated
to the students exposure in the social media
platforms for food and beverage. The young
students between the ages 20 to 26 years
completed a self-administered questionnaire
survey on their media use for food and
beverages. The questionnaire was prepared
using Likert scale with five options from
strongly agree to strongly disagree. The data set
was described with descriptive statistics such as
mean and standard deviation. The exploratory
factor analysis with varimax rotation method
was used to extract the factors. The most
popular social media among the respondents
were Facebook, Instagram, and You Tube.
73.3% of the students were exposed to food and
beverage application in their mobile device and
76% of them followed the popular food and
beverage pages in social media. The result
revealed that social media posts, promotional
offer, and hygienic concept have positively
influenced majority of the students exposure to
social media for food and beverage.
Keywords: Factor analysis, Social Media, Food
and Beverage, Student, Promotional Offer
Binge-Free 603: What's Your Reason? Preventing Binge Drinking in Young Adults...JSI
The document summarizes a campaign called "Binge-Free 603: What's Your Reason?" that was created to prevent binge drinking among young adults in New Hampshire. Research identified that country-local young adults aged 21-25 were most at risk. The campaign used a social marketing approach on digital platforms like Facebook and Instagram with positive messages reflecting the values of this group. Evaluation found the campaign reached over 3.9 million people and increased engagement on social media and the website. The risk reduction approach and targeting the messaging to a specific peer group was deemed effective for this audience.
1) The document discusses how consumer online feedback can impact company reputation and sales. It conducted a survey of 123 people to understand the effect of online feedback.
2) The results found that over 50% of people seek references from social networks, showing the influence of feedback. Most participants were brand conscious.
3) It was concluded that online feedback and social media are important tools for businesses to build reputation, boost sales, and gain customer loyalty through better understanding consumer perspectives. Regular feedback allows companies to improve marketing strategies.
This research study of college students' & young professionals' dating app usage was conducted in a Marketing Research course. It includes the creation, analysis, and conclusions of a 34-question survey, as well as implications of dating app usage, in terms of behavior, motivation, and attitudes.
- The document analyzes consumer preferences towards non-vegetarian fast food outlets in Ahmedabad, India. It conducted surveys of 250 respondents in the city.
- 19% of respondents reported not having a preference for non-vegetarian fast food outlets. The study aimed to identify underlying factors influencing customers' selection of restaurants and their satisfaction levels.
- Statistical analyses found significant relationships between preferences and factors like age, religion, occupation, enjoying a combination of foods, and perceptions of non-vegetarian food.
Influence of word of mouth communication towards indonesian online shopper pu...Eka Yuliana
Word-of-mouth (WOM) gives the consumer perceptions to engage in retail online shopping can include both utilitarian and hedonic shopping dimensions. To cater to these consumers, online retailers can create a cognitively and esthetically rich shopping environment, through sophisticated levels of communication, as the personal influence, online community, and also by sharing they experience. Since the effect of Word-of-mouth communications on marketing and has proven to stimulate online consumers perceptions, 374 person of House of Taaj Facebook users in all over Indonesia, in which 280 female (75%) and 94 male (25%) has expressed their perceptions toward online purchase intention, and Word-of-mouth. This research presumes that Word-of-mouth from another online consumers, share information and features can influence online shopping intention and entice them to modify or even transform their original shopping predispositions by providing them with attractive and enhanced interactive features and controls of buying. To achieve the research objectives and the test hypotheses, factor analysis, and linear regression are used to analyze the significant level of each variable indicator of this study.
The result of the test may conclude that the Facebook users perceived more intention to search information by online, caused of the effectiveness of time using online community to search information and review the other experience. A more positive online shopping experience led to consumers positive perceptions for online purchase intention. Thus, this study may conclude that indicator variable of perception that really influence the Facebook users online purchase intentions are their perception towards the effectiveness of time that they can be used to evaluate, and find information by online, and the best indicator is their online community that can deliver and influence Facebookers online purchase intention.
INSTRUCTIONSDiscussion 1 Contextualizing Quantitative Data .docxcarliotwaycave
Discussion 1: Contextualizing Quantitative Data in the Workplace- CORPORATE BANK FACILITATOR
What role does quantitative research play in your current (Corporate Bank Facilitator) professional role?
Share 1-2 specific examples of ways in which you have, or might, use quantitative data.
Include projects where you would like to do some analysis (quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods) but have not.
Describe the project and ask your classmates for their feedback!
揃 Your initial post (approximately 200-250 words) should address each question in the discussion
Topic: The Effect of Social Media Marketing On Business Growth and Prosperity
Since early 2000s, businesses have seen the need of utilizing social media as a convenient platform to reach and engage their potential customers (Pourkhani et al., 2019). Social media has revolutionized the way businesses connect with consumers for the purpose of growing their brand. Notably, social media offers cheaper and highly accessible tools of marketing used by businesses to advance their promotional activities (Fan & Gordon, 2014). In United States, social media has highly transformed the world of business allowing firms to innovate and improve their business plans in order to attain maximum growth and prosperity (As' ad & Alhadid, 2014). Therefore, this study explores the impact, benefit, and importance of social media to the growth and performance of businesses.
Purpose of the Study
According to Kane (2015), a researcher should have a tangible reason (s) for undertaking a particular study in any filed. Marketing is very crucial to each and every business. Marketing entails the need for companies to access the target markets and engage their potential customers. This is aimed at understanding customer needs and wants something that is crucial in developing a product (s) which offer maximum satisfaction to consumers. Until late 90s, businesses relied on traditional mode of marketing which included radio, TV, newspaper, billboards, field-marketing, among others. Notably, these marketing channels were very expensive. However, the introduction of social media platforms in early 2000s availed cheap, accessible, and reliable means of reaching the target audiences. Consequently, there is need to explore the element of social media in order to establish its superiority and contribution in helping organizations to attain maximum growth and performance. Thus, this study seeks to establish the impact and benefit of social media platforms to organizations as far as elements of building brand awareness, increasing sales, and expanding markets are concerned.
Study Rationale
Before conducting a research, a researcher is supposed to explain clearly the importance of the study he or she is carrying out. This involves providing specific, valid, and ideally arguments in support of the research topic. The rationale of th ...
Running Head Sun Coast1SUN COASTSun Coast.docxjeanettehully
Running Head: Sun Coast 1
Sun Coast
Tammie Witcher
Columbia Southern University
Literature Review
The purpose of this report is to develop a literature review that analyses how research-based decision-making can directly affect organizational practices. In this regards, different aspects are being considered for analysis including the differences in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and examining the advantages and disadvantages of primary as well as secondary sources of data. The entire discussion is then related to the Sun Coasts case and how the articles in literature review solves Sun Coasts issue.
Impact of Research-based Decision-making on the Organization
Many different researches have been made that show the positive impact of research and training on the decision making capabilities. In this regards, a study in the healthcare sector found that through training and research, there was an immediate conversion of attitudes in the workplace than on skills (Champagne et al., 2014).
One of the most popular studies in this field is the evidence- based practices. The idea behind this concept is to take quality decisions based on critical thinking and best available evidence (Barends et al., 2014). According to this practice, evidence is obtained from multiple sources in order to have a desired positive outcome. Evidence can take form of different size and shape and may and its quality depends on its relevance to the case (Barends et al., 2014).
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodologies
There are various types of research methodologies. However, these fall majorly into two categories; qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative research is more concerned with the information available in the form of emotions that may not be quantified. It involves gathering non-numerical data. Methods can include observation etc. Quantitative research is more concerned with the numerical data that can be easily quantified. For instance, conducting statistical analysis of the test results produce by Grade 1 students.
With regards to the case of Sun Coast, data is already available in the numeric form and therefore, the quantitative research methodologies shall be applied.
Primary and Secondary Sources of Data
Primary data is when the data is collected first hand, with direct interaction from the subjects or the target audience. This involves conducting questionnaires or interviews that provide information from the source directly. The major advantage of primary data is that new and updated information is available. However, the disadvantage is that collecting data through this source may take up a lot of time and even delays in the research. Furthermore, there are ethical concerns as well in the primary collection of data (Hox & R. Boeigi, 2005).
Secondary data is the use of already collected data by the previous researchers and using the relevant information in the current research ...
The document discusses a study on how social comparison on social media affects self-esteem. It conducted a survey of college students about their social media use and habits of comparing themselves to others. The results showed that most students use social media daily, feel a sense of belonging from groups, and compare aspects of their lives like photos and activities to other students' profiles. A significant portion felt worse about themselves after viewing peers' posts that portrayed desirable social situations. The conclusion is that social media allows people to curate ideal versions of their lives, leading others to unconsciously compare and potentially feel inadequate about their own lives.
1. Social Medias Influence on the Restaurant Industry
Reginald Terry
North Carolina Central University
2. Social Medias Influence2
Table of Contents
I. Abstract
II. Introduction
III. Literature Reviews
IV. Methodology
A. Sampling Design
B. Data Collection
C. Design
D. Procedures
V. Results
VI. Conclusions
VII. References
VIII. Survey Questionnaire
3. Social Medias Influence3
This paper describes the influences of social media on the restaurant industry. Social
media is the most common form of gathering information and restaurants have utilized this to
their advantage by developing their own websites. Online review sites have also been used to help
consumers talk about their experiences and comment on them. A convenient sample of 20
respondents was taken of students, family and friends in the southeastern area of Durham NC.
They were distributed surveys and answered questions about their experiences using social media
and restaurants and returned the surveys to the researcher. The information gathered was analyzed
and the results found that several people in the group agreed that social media plays a significant
role in their restaurant decision making.
4. Social Medias Influence4
Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2015) defines social media as any form of electronic
communication such as websites for social networking and microblogging through which users
create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages and other content.
Social Media is used by almost everyone on the planet in some way, shape, or form. There are
many forms of social media. People either go online to sites like Facebook and Twitter to
converse with friends, LinkedIn and Monster to check for jobs, or Instagram and Pinterest to post
information and photos about their adventures. There are over 2.5 billion people using some form
of social media in every way shape or form. Everyone loves to eat. Whether they cook their food
at home or have take out or delivery, consumers eat a lot. When consumers use sites like
Foursquare or they can post reviews or photos of their experiences in different
restaurants. (2015) states that Americans eat out 4.8 times a week. This study is
investigating social medias role on the restaurant industry and how it influences customer
Literature Reviews
We use Social media in several different ways; to stay in touch with family and friends,
to share information, to communicate our interests. We also Also, social media utilize it to search
for products and services as well as purchase the same. Nunes and Lucian (2014) stated that
buying a product or good occurs rationally when individuals buy what is needed, paying and
acceptable value for it. Many use social media as a tool to search for varieties of different
restaurants to check out or experience. This has created an assortment of user generated sites that
people can search, upload photos, and comment on products and services that other people have
used. Hicks, Comp, Horovitz, Hovarter, Miki, and Bevan (2012) explained that the creation of
5. Social Medias Influence5
user generated sites have changed the face of communication, entertainment, and information.
When we go out to restaurants, we choose them for certain reasons, like the type of food, the
atmosphere and what our friends and family have tried before. We use social media to make sure
our decisions on each restaurant meets our specifications. We look for the best reviews that hold
positive feedback for restaurants that we decide to try. Park, Lee, and Han (2007) found that the
quality and quantity of online consumer reviews positively affects consumers purchase
intentions, and that consumers state of involvement has a moderating effect here. Review sites
give the consumer the chance to participate in the review of restaurants by allowing them to write
their own review or take photos and post online of their experience. Hicks et al. (2012) also found
that previous research determined that online review sites influence customers attitudes and
behaviors. In looking at the information, we come to certain questions that we need to ask.
Question 1 is what are the influences of using social media in the restaurant decision making?
When asking this question, the researcher has found that the answer is not as simple as we think.
So we narrow it down to create H1) Customers favorable reviews positively influence restaurant
choice decision.
Nunes et al. (2014) states that other researchers describe the importance of word of
mouth marketing, noting that consumers often look for friends and family for opinions and
information on products and services. This comes to our next question. Question 2 is what social
media sites influence customer participation in the restaurant decision making? And narrowing
that question down brings us to our second hypothesis. H2) Word of mouth communication from
family/friends positively influences restaurant search.
6. Social Medias Influence6
Word of mouth can be influential in many ways. It can describe and give information
about a particular experience and allow the customer to make that decision whether or not to
purchase that good or service. Rosen (2001) believes that the best way to advertise or sell
products and services is the one where consumers commented among themselves. And this brings
us to our question 3 which is what social media sites are influential in allowing customer
feedback and customer satisfaction surveys? Which in turn creates our final hypothesis, H3)
Word of mouth communication positively influence restaurant revisit.
Sampling Design
The population for this research is from the southeastern region of the United States. The
sample selected from this region is primarily from the Central Piedmont area of North Carolina in
the southeastern region. From this sample, a convenient sample of 20 students, family, friends and
co-workers from the southeast region of Durham, NC was selected. They consisted of 12 females
and 8 males with 8 of the sample in the range of 18-23 years of age, 3 between the age of 24-29, 2
between the age of 30-35, and 7 that were over the age of 36.
Explanation of data collection method
The method for collecting the data for the research will consist of using a survey
questionnaire asking basic questions about their use of social media sites, their use of posting
photos and reviews, reading reviews from online review sites, and word of mouth communication
all in the decision making process for choosing a restaurant. The first 12 questions will contain a
5 point Likert scale of measurement starting with 1 representing Strongly Agree to 5
representing Strongly Disagree asking the respondents about their decision making process and
7. Social Medias Influence7
usage of social media sites. The last 4 questions are about the demographics of the respondents.
These surveys will be handed out and the respondents will complete and return to the researcher.
Design & Procedures
The plan of the research is to see if social media positively influences peoples decision
in choosing a restaurant. The population chosen was from the southeastern region of the United
States. The sample selected was from the central part of North Carolina and they were students,
family, friends and co-workers from the southeastern area of Durham, NC. The data collected will
consist of answers from a survey with questions about their choice of online review sites, what
they look for when they are choosing a restaurant, and several demographic questions. The
participants was given the questionnaire by the researcher and asked to fill it out to the best of
their ability. Once completed they returned the survey to the researcher to be recorded. They were
chosen conveniently by the researcher and assured confidentiality for their answers.
There was 20 participants in the final sample for this study. They consisted of 12 females
and 8 males with 8 of the sample in the range of 18-23 years of age, 3 between the age of 24-29, 2
between the age of 30-35, and 7 that were over the age of 36.
The participants answered 12 survey questions pertaining to their use of social media and
decisions of specific restaurants and how it influenced that decision. They were also asked
questions about their age, and how many times a month they ate at restaurants.
The results were as follows: In looking at H1: Customers favorable reviews positively
influence restaurant choice decision. They were asked questions about their decision using several
8. Social Medias Influence8
forms of online review sites like TripAdvisor and and if they write a review or post
photos on the sites. The results show that the reviews positively influence the consumers
restaurant decision.
Items Mean Response by Percentage
Online review sites like
2.7 20.0 30.0 15.0 30.0 5.0
Online review sites like
2.65 15.0 45.0 10.0 20.0 10.0
Writing a review on sites
3.6 5.0 15.0 15.0 45.0 20.0
Post photos on review sites 3.8 5.0 20.0 0.0 40.0 35.0
In H2: Word of mouth communication from family/friends positively influences
restaurant search. The respondents were asked questions pertaining to talking with friends about
their experiences and asking questions about the quality of food and pricing, and the atmosphere
of the restaurant. The results show that word of mouth communication can positively influence
restaurant searching
Items Mean Response by Percentage
Talking to friends about their experience 1.5 45.0 55.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Ask questions about the quality of food 3.2 5.0 25.0 30.0 20.0 20.0
Ask questions about the pricing 3.3 0.0 30.0 25.0 30.0 15.0
Ask questions about the atmosphere 3.1 10.0 25.0 30.0 15.0 20.0
And in looking at the last hypothesis, H3: Word of mouth communication positively
influence restaurant revisit. The respondents were asked questions about the ambience of the
restaurant, recommending friends and family to their selection, and online reviews about the food
quality. The results show that word of mouth communication positively influences restaurant
9. Social Medias Influence9
Items Mean Response by Percentage
Ambience of restaurant to
appeal to senses
1.5 45.0 55.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Recommend it to your
family and friends
1.5 50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Quality of food based on
online reviews
2.4 20.0 45.0 15.0 15.0 5.0
The results of this study were clearly similar to the expectations. The first hypothesis
suggested that customers favorable reviews positively influence restaurant choice decision and
the data showed that many of the respondents utilized social media in their decision making
process and used various sites to check for reviews and write reviews about their experience. In
the second hypothesis, the respondents agreed that word of mouth communication positively
influences restaurant search. And they strongly agreed on the word of mouth communication
positively influences restaurant revisit. This researcher suggests that they can continue to look at
the online reviews and somehow come up with an easier way to track the usage of reviews. The
consumer puts reviews up and people read and comment on each review so if they can track the
amount of reviews that people read or comment on then the data would increase and the consumer
influence would be greater.
10. Social Medias Influence10
Hicks, A., Comp, S., Horovitz, J., Hovarter, M., Miki, M., & Bevan, J. L. (2012). Why people
use An exploration of uses and gratifications. Computers in Human Behavior,
28, 2274-2279.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (2015). Retrieved from Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
Nunes, M. C., & Lucian, R. (2014). A Study on the Influence of Word of Mouth Communication
in the Facebook Audience of Restaurants. International Business Research, 7(11), 1-24.
Ong, B. S. (2012). The Perceived Influence of User Reviews in the Hospitality Industry. Journal
of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 21, 463-485.
Rosen, E. (2001). R Marketing boca a boca: como fazer com que os clientes falem de sua
empresa, seus produtos e servi巽os. Futura.
Social Media &Restaurant Questionnaire
The purpose of this survey is to determine how you make a decision on a restaurant based on
your knowledge of social media sites and consumer online surveys. Please circle one answer per
question using the 5 pt. scale that ranges from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.
1. In choosing a restaurant, you look for the quality of food based on online reviews.
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
2. When youre making a decision about a restaurant, you check the online review sites like
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
11. Social Medias Influence11
3. When making a decision about a restaurant, you choose online review sites like
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
4. After eating at a restaurant, you go to the online review websites like and write
a review of the restaurant.
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
5. While in the restaurant, you post photos on other review sites about the experience.
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
6. While in the restaurant, you write reviews about your experience on the online sites.
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
7. After your experience at that restaurant, you recommend it to your friends.
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
8. In choosing a restaurant, you talk to friends about their experiences in that restaurant.
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
9. In choosing a restaurant, you ask questions about the quality of food to online friends.
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
10. In choosing a restaurant, you ask questions about the pricing to online friends.
12. Social Medias Influence12
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
11. In choosing a restaurant, you ask questions about the atmosphere to online friends.
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
12. When choosing a restaurant, you want the ambience of the restaurant to appeal to your
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Demographic Questions
1. What is your gender?
2. What is your race/ethnicity?
African American/Black
Latin American/ Hispanic
3. What is your age range?
4. How many times do you eat out in a month?
14. Social Medias Influence14
1. Title Page 2 2
2. Abstract (遜 page) 5 5
3. Introduction (遜 page) 10 10
4. Literature Review and Hypothesis (1遜 pages) 11 15
5. Methodology (1遜 pages) 15 15
6. Result (3pages) 25 35
7. Conclusion (遜 page) 3 5
8. References 3 3
9. Survey Questionnaire (minimum10 sample questionnaires) 5 5
10. Spelling, grammar, clarity, structure, font size, paragraph
consistent visual layout, length
4 5
TOTAL 83 100
Overall, this paper is great! See grading rubric throughout paper and comments for specific areas
where you earned or lost points on the overall paper grade.
Good cover (title) page, good short summary of abstract and strong introduction.
The following areas are needed to improve;
Those literatures are not strongly supported your all hypothesis and research questions. Every
question that you added at questionnaire, you need to find support literatures.
Good Methodology and summary of samples.
You didnt explain correct info of the results.
Based on your questionnaire scale (1strongly agree, 5-stronly disagree). Thus, mean score is
lower than 2.5, it should be considered as not supported your research hypothesis of the items.
Conclusion, you also write your research limitation and suggestion of the future research.
There are several grammatical mistakes.
Bonus Point: more than 10 questions (+1)
more than 10 survey samples (+1)
2 additional literatures (+1)
Grade = 86/100