Fast and accurate primary user detection with machine learning techniques for...nooriasukmaningtyas
Spectrum decision is an important and crucial task for the secondary user to avail the unlicensed spectrum for transmission. Managing the spectrum is an efficient one for spectrum sensing. Determining the primary user presence in the spectrum is an essential work for using the licensed spectrum of primary user. The information which lacks in managing the spectrum are the information about the primary user presence, accuracy in determining the existence of user in the spectrum, the cost for computation and difficult in finding the user in low signal-to noise ratio (SNR) values. The proposed system overcomes the above limitations. In the proposed system, the various techniques of machine learning like decision tree, support vector machines, naive bayes, ensemble based trees, nearest neighbours and logistic regression are used for testing the algorithm. As a first step, the spectrum sensing is done in two stages with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing and energy detection algorithm at the various values of SNR. The results generated from the above algorithm is used for database generation. Next, the different machine learning techniques are trained and compared for the results produced by different algorithms with the characteristics like speed, time taken for training and accuracy in prediction. The accuracy and finding the presence of the user in the spectrum at low SNR values are achieved by all the algorithms. The computation cost of the algorithm differs from each other. Among the tested techniques, k-nearest neighbour (KNN) algorithm produces the better performance in a minimized time.
The document discusses performance evaluation of local and cooperative spectrum sensing techniques in cognitive radio. It implements energy detection, one-order and two-order cyclostationary feature detection as local spectrum sensing techniques. It also implements cooperative spectrum sensing using an energy detector across multiple cognitive radios. Further, it presents a software-defined approach to dynamic spectrum management and sharing between primary and secondary users. Simulation results demonstrating the receiver operating characteristics of the techniques are also included.
Wide-band spectrum sensing with convolution neural network using spectral cor...IJECEIAES
Recognition of signals is a spectrum sensing challenge requiring simultaneous detection, temporal and spectral localization, and classification. In this approach, we present the convolution neural network (CNN) architecture, a powerful portrayal of the cyclo-stationarity trademark, for remote range detection and sign acknowledgment. Spectral correlation function is used along with CNN. In two scenarios, method-1 and method-2, the suggested approach is used to categorize wireless signals without any previous knowledge. Signals are detected and classified simultaneously in method-1. In method-2, the sensing and classification procedures take place sequentially. In contrast to conventional spectrum sensing techniques, the proposed CNN technique need not bother with a factual judgment process or past information on the signs separating qualities. The method beats both conventional sensing methods and signal-classifying deep learning networks when used to analyze real-world, over-the-air data in cellular bands. Despite the implementations emphasis on cellular signals, any signal having cyclo-stationary properties may be detected and classified using the provided approach. The proposed model has achieved more than 90% of testing accuracy at 15 dB.
Analytical framework for optimized feature extraction for upgrading occupancy...IJECEIAES
The adoption of the occupancy sensors has become an inevitable in commercial and non-commercial security devices, owing to their proficiency in the energy management. It has been found that the usages of conventional sensors is shrouded with operational problems, hence the use of the Doppler radar offers better mitigation of such problems. However, the usage of Doppler radar towards occupancy sensing in existing system is found to be very much in infancy stage. Moreover, the performance of monitoring using Doppler radar is yet to be improved more. Therefore, this paper introduces a simplified framework for enriching the event sensing performance by efficient selection of minimal robust attributes using Doppler radar. Adoption of analytical methodology has been carried out to find that different machine learning approaches could be further used for improving the accuracy performance for the feature that has been extracted in the proposed system of occuancy system.
cognitive radio network in which energy detection technique is widely used.Here described different spectrum sensing techniques in cognitive radio network
The document discusses using machine learning techniques for cooperative spectrum sensing in 5G cognitive radio networks. It proposes using unsupervised learning algorithms like K-means clustering to classify feature vectors representing radio channel energy levels and determine if a channel is available or unavailable. The algorithms are trained on feature vectors before online classification. The performance of different classification techniques is evaluated based on training time, classification delay, and ROC curves. The proposed approaches aim to improve spectrum sensing over existing techniques.
IRJET - Change Detection in Satellite Images using Convolutional Neural N...IRJET Journal
The document describes a method for detecting changes in satellite images using convolutional neural networks. It discusses how existing methods have limitations in terms of accuracy and speed. The proposed method uses preprocessing techniques like median filtering and non-local means filtering. It then applies convolutional neural networks to extracted compressed image features and classify detected changes. The method forms a difference image without explicitly training on change images, making it unsupervised. Testing achieved 91.63% accuracy in change detection, showing the effectiveness of the proposed convolutional neural network approach.
Improved performance of scs based spectrum sensing in cognitive radio using d...eSAT Journals
Tremendous growth in current wireless networks raises the demand of more frequency spectrum, over the finite availability of spectrum resource. Although, the research has specifies that the available primary users (i.e. licensed user) has not occupying the channel all the time. The most effective technology known as Cognitive radio giving promises for a solution of under utilization of available frequency spectrum in wireless communication. In cognitive radio network two types of wireless user can be define as primary user and secondary user. Primary users have highest priority to utilize the available band of frequency and secondary user can utilize these services only when the channel is vacant by primary user and there will be no any interference. The optimization of this may be implemented by a smart technique such as cognitive radio, which is fully automated intelligent wireless sensor tool having capability to sense, learn & adjust relevant operating parameters dynamically in radio atmosphere. This can be happen if we prefer the appropriate window technique to evaluate system parameter for sensing the availability of vacant band. We show that by comparing the different windows techniques, cognitive radios not only provide better spectrum opportunity but also provide the chance to huge number of wireless users.
Keywords: Primary user, Secondary user, Spectrum Sensing and Window technique etc.
Efficient Data Gathering with Compressive Sensing in Wireless Sensor NetworksIRJET Journal
This document discusses using compressive sensing for efficient data gathering in wireless sensor networks. It proposes using a random walk algorithm to collect random measurements along multiple random walks, allowing for non-uniform sampling unlike traditional compressive sensing theory. The random walk approach can help address constraints like path constraints in wireless sensor networks. It provides the mathematical foundations to reconstruct sparse signals from random measurements collected in a random walk manner using graph theory and l1 minimization. Simulation results show the random walk approach can significantly reduce communication costs and noise compared to other data gathering schemes.
IEEE International Conference PresentationAnmol Dwivedi
Paper Title "Real-Time Implementation of Phasor Measurement Unit Using NI CompactRIO".
Code Available on:
In this paper, we propose a novel energy efficient environment monitoring scheme for wireless
sensor networks, based on data mining formulation. The proposed adapting routing scheme for
sensors for achieving energy efficiency. The experimental validation of the proposed approach
using publicly available Intel Berkeley lab Wireless Sensor Network dataset shows that it is
possible to achieve energy efficient environment monitoring for wireless sensor networks, with a
trade-off between accuracy and life time extension factor of sensors, using the proposed
Experimental Study of Spectrum Sensing based on Energy Detection and Network ...Saumya Bhagat
This document describes an experimental study of spectrum sensing using energy detection and network cooperation. It aims to address issues like the required sensing time to achieve detection and false alarm probabilities, limitations due to noise uncertainty and interference, and performance improvements from network cooperation. The study implemented an energy detector on a wireless testbed and measured its performance in detecting modulated and sinewave signals in low SNR regimes. It also measured improvements from network cooperation, identifying threshold rules and effects of spatial separation between radios.
Enhanced signal detection slgorithm using trained neural network for cognitiv...IJECEIAES
Over the past few years, Cognitive Radio has become an important research area in the field of wireless communications. It can play an important role in dynamic spectrum management and interference identification. There are many spectrum sensing techniques proposed in literature for cognitive radio, but all those techniques detect only presence or absence of the primary user in the designated band and do not give any information about the used modulation scheme. In certain applications, in cognitive radio receiver, it is necessary to identify the modulation type of the signal so that the receiver parameters can be adjusted accordingly. Most of the modulated signals exhibit the property of Cyclostationarity that can be used for the purpose of correct detection of primary user and the modulation type. In this paper, we have proposed an enhanced signal detection algorithm for cognitive radio receiver which makes use of cyclostationarity property of the modulated signal to exactly detect, the modulation type of the received signal using a trained neural network. The algorithm gives better accuracy of signal detection even in low SNR conditions. The use of a trained neural network makes it more flexible and extendible for future applications
In this paper, we propose a novel energy efficient environment monitoring scheme for wireless sensor
networks, based on data mining formulation. The proposed adapting routing scheme for sensors for
achieving energy efficiency from temperature wireless sensor network data set. The experimental
validation of the proposed approach using publicly available Intel Berkeley lab Wireless Sensor Network
dataset shows that it is possible to achieve energy efficient environment monitoring for wireless sensor
networks, with a trade-off between accuracy and life time extension factor of sensors, using the proposed
Recognition of Epilepsy from Non Seizure Electroencephalogram using combinati...Atrija Singh
IC3: International IEEE Conference on Contemporary Computing
Noida India
Presented on 10th August 2017.
Topic : Recognition of Epilepsy from Non Seizure Electroencephalogram using combination of Linear SVM and Time Domain Attributes.
Analysis and Comparison of Different Spectrum Sensing Technique for WLANijtsrd
This Paper explores basic two systems of spectrum sensing Cooperative System and Non Cooperative System. Non Cooperative System includes Energy detector, Match Filter and cyclostationary with a performance analysis of transmitter based detection. It also includes analysis of Match Filter and Cyclostationary under low and high SNR, validating the result and applied the technique for Wireless local Area Network WLAN . To identify the no. of detected signal, chi square equation has been solved and finds the threshold. It has been observed during analysis that energy rises at high SNR under AWGN and under high SNR no. of detected signal decreases gradually when the no. of sample increases. When no. of sample increases then the no. of detected signal increases. The results of the detection techniques are reliable in comparison. Energy detection provides good result under high SNR values. All of the simulation work is done in MATLAB software and finalized the best detection technique for spectrum sensing. Abrar Ahmed | Rashmi Raj "Analysis and Comparison of Different Spectrum Sensing Technique for WLAN" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-6 , October 2019, URL: Paper URL:
This document discusses cyclostationary feature detection for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio using various modulation schemes. It presents the block diagrams for cyclostationary feature detection without and with modulation. It simulates the detection using BPSK, QPSK, and 8-PSK modulation and analyzes the output cyclic spectral correlation function. The main results are that BPSK produces one primary and one secondary peak, QPSK produces one primary and two secondary peaks, and 8-PSK produces one primary and four secondary peaks in the output, allowing identification of the modulation scheme used.
An Ant colony optimization algorithm to solve the broken link problem in wire...IJERA Editor
Aco is a well known metahuristic in which a colony of artificial ants cooperates in explain Good solution to a combinational optimization problem. Wireless sensor consisting of nodes with limited power is deployed to gather useful information From the field. In wireless sensor network it is critical to collect the information in an energy efficient Manner.ant colony optimization, a swarm intelligence based optimization technique, is widely used In network routing. A novel routing approach using an ant colony optimization algorithm is proposed for wireless sensor Network consisting of stable nodes illustrative example details description and cooperative performance test result the proposed approach are included. The approach is also implementing to a small sized hardware component as a router chip simulation result show that proposed algorithm Provides promising solution allowing node designers to efficiency operate routing tasks.
IRJET- A Survey on Medical Image Interpretation for Predicting PneumoniaIRJET Journal
This document summarizes research on using machine learning and deep learning techniques to interpret medical images and predict pneumonia. It first discusses how medical image analysis is an active field for machine learning. It then reviews several related studies on using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transfer learning to classify chest x-rays and detect pneumonia. Specifically, it examines research on developing CNN models for pneumonia classification and using pre-trained CNN architectures like VGG16, VGG19, and ResNet with transfer learning. The document concludes that computer-aided diagnosis systems using deep learning can provide accurate predictions to assist radiologists in pneumonia diagnosis from chest x-rays.
Proactive Data Reporting of Wireless sensor Network using Wake Up Scheduling
In Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs), gather the data by using mobile sinks has become popular. Reduce the number of messages which is used for sink location broadcasting, efficient energy data forwarding, become accustomed to unknown earthly changes are achieved by a protocol which is projected by a SinkTrail. The forecast of mobile sinks蔵但測但蔵 location are done by using logical coordinate system. When sensor nodes don蔵但測但蔵t have any data to send, at that time they switch to sleep mode to save the energy and to increase the network lifetime. And due to this reason there is a chance of the involvement of nodes that are in sleeping state between the path sources to the mobile sink which is selected by the SinkTrail protocol. Before become the fully functional and process the information, these sleeping nodes can drop the some information. Due to this reason, it is vital to wake-up the sleeping nodes on the path earlier than the sender can start transferring of sensed data. In this paper, on-demand wake-up scheduling algorithm is projected which is used to activates sleeping node on the path before data delivery. Here, in this work the multi-hop communication in WSN also considers. By incorporating wake-up scheduling algorithm to perk up the dependability and improve the performance of on-demand data forwarding extends the SinkTrail solution in our work. This projected algorithm improves the quality of service of the network by dishonesty of data or reducing the loss due to sleeping nodes. The efficiency and the effectiveness projected solution are proved by the evaluation results.
Expert system design for elastic scattering neutrons optical model using bpnnijcsa
In present paper, a proposed expert system is designed to obtain a trained formulae for the optical model
parameters used in elastic scattering neutrons of light nuclei for (7Li), at energy range between [(1) to
(20)] MeV. A simple algorithm has used to design this expert system, while a multi-layer backwardpropagation
neural network (BPNN) is applied for training and testing the data used in this model. This
group of formulae may get a simple expert system occurring from governing formulae model, and predicts
the critical parameters usually resulted from the complicated computer coding methods. This expert system
may use in nuclear reactions yields in both fission and fusion nature who gives more closely results to the
real model.
This document summarizes a research paper that uses an artificial neural network approach to forecast stock market prices in India. The paper trains a feedforward neural network using a backpropagation algorithm on data from 5 Indian companies between 2004 and 2013. The network is tested in MATLAB to predict stock prices and calculate an error rate for accuracy. The neural network model is found to provide a computational method for predicting stock market movements based on historical price and volume data.
Bio-inspired algorithm for decisioning wireless access point installation IJECEIAES
This paper presents the bio-inspired algorithms for decisioning wireless access point (AP) installation. In order to achieve the desired coverage capability of APs, the bio-inspired algorithms are applied for robust competition and optimization. The main objective is to determine the optimal number of APs with the high coverage capability in the concerning area using the genetic and ant colony optimization algorithms. Received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and line-of-sight (LoS) gradient approach are the most important parameters for AP installation depending on the AP signal strength. Practical experiments are tested on the embedded system using Xilinx Kria KR260 and Raspberry Pi Zero 2W boards at the tested room size about 16 m wide and 40 m long inside the building. Xilinx Kria KR260 board is used to calculate the number of AP installation and localization compared to Xcode. Then, Raspberry Pi Zero 2W board is the representation of wireless AP for measuring the signal in the testing area. Experiment results show that maximum received signals strength is equal to -35 dBm at 6 m and there are six APs installation with high coverage area and maximum received signal strength at the area of 1640 m 2 .
Multi-Objective Soft Computing Techniques for Dynamic Deployment in WSNIRJET Journal
This document discusses using multi-objective soft computing techniques like genetic algorithms for dynamic deployment in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to maximize coverage area while minimizing energy consumption. It proposes a framework called Coverage and Energy Balancing Sensor Problem (CEBSP) that uses a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol to optimize both coverage and energy consumption by deploying fewer sensor nodes. The document reviews related work applying genetic algorithms and clustering to improve WSN deployment, coverage, and energy efficiency.
Philip "Sam" Davis is pursuing a PhD in electrical engineering from New Mexico State University with a focus on signal processing, embedded programming, and machine learning. He has extensive academic and research experience in these areas, including coursework, research projects analyzing EEG signals to predict human perceptions, and internships. His skills include signal processing, machine learning, embedded systems, and software/hardware design. He is currently finishing his dissertation and has published several papers in the field.
Adaptive Monitoring and Localization of Faulty Node in a Wireless Sensor Netw...Onyebuchi nosiri
This document describes a study that developed an adaptive monitoring and localization system for faulty nodes in a wireless sensor network. Sensor nodes were deployed to monitor temperature and carbon monoxide levels. An algorithm was created to detect faulty nodes based on a received signal strength threshold of -100 dBm. When a node fell below this threshold, its address was checked against a database to locate the faulty node. The results showed the sensor nodes could capture a temperature range of 25-51属C and carbon monoxide levels of 0.01-30 g/m3. When comparing transmitted and received data, a 93.25% correlation validated data integrity. An artificial neural network and logistic regression model were also developed to route data transmission between nodes in the
Adaptive Monitoring and Localization of Faulty Node in a Wireless Sensor Netw...Onyebuchi nosiri
This document summarizes a study that developed an adaptive monitoring system using a wireless sensor network to detect faulty nodes. Sensor nodes were deployed to monitor temperature and carbon monoxide levels in an indoor environment. An algorithm was developed to detect faulty nodes based on a received signal strength threshold of -100 dBm. Data transmitted from the sensor nodes was visualized using a C-sharp interface. The results showed the sensor nodes could capture a temperature range of 25-51属C and carbon monoxide levels of 0.01-30 g/m3. Comparing data at the source and destination showed a 93.25% correlation, validating the integrity of the data received.
Improved performance of scs based spectrum sensing in cognitive radio using d...eSAT Journals
Tremendous growth in current wireless networks raises the demand of more frequency spectrum, over the finite availability of spectrum resource. Although, the research has specifies that the available primary users (i.e. licensed user) has not occupying the channel all the time. The most effective technology known as Cognitive radio giving promises for a solution of under utilization of available frequency spectrum in wireless communication. In cognitive radio network two types of wireless user can be define as primary user and secondary user. Primary users have highest priority to utilize the available band of frequency and secondary user can utilize these services only when the channel is vacant by primary user and there will be no any interference. The optimization of this may be implemented by a smart technique such as cognitive radio, which is fully automated intelligent wireless sensor tool having capability to sense, learn & adjust relevant operating parameters dynamically in radio atmosphere. This can be happen if we prefer the appropriate window technique to evaluate system parameter for sensing the availability of vacant band. We show that by comparing the different windows techniques, cognitive radios not only provide better spectrum opportunity but also provide the chance to huge number of wireless users.
Keywords: Primary user, Secondary user, Spectrum Sensing and Window technique etc.
Efficient Data Gathering with Compressive Sensing in Wireless Sensor NetworksIRJET Journal
This document discusses using compressive sensing for efficient data gathering in wireless sensor networks. It proposes using a random walk algorithm to collect random measurements along multiple random walks, allowing for non-uniform sampling unlike traditional compressive sensing theory. The random walk approach can help address constraints like path constraints in wireless sensor networks. It provides the mathematical foundations to reconstruct sparse signals from random measurements collected in a random walk manner using graph theory and l1 minimization. Simulation results show the random walk approach can significantly reduce communication costs and noise compared to other data gathering schemes.
IEEE International Conference PresentationAnmol Dwivedi
Paper Title "Real-Time Implementation of Phasor Measurement Unit Using NI CompactRIO".
Code Available on:
In this paper, we propose a novel energy efficient environment monitoring scheme for wireless
sensor networks, based on data mining formulation. The proposed adapting routing scheme for
sensors for achieving energy efficiency. The experimental validation of the proposed approach
using publicly available Intel Berkeley lab Wireless Sensor Network dataset shows that it is
possible to achieve energy efficient environment monitoring for wireless sensor networks, with a
trade-off between accuracy and life time extension factor of sensors, using the proposed
Experimental Study of Spectrum Sensing based on Energy Detection and Network ...Saumya Bhagat
This document describes an experimental study of spectrum sensing using energy detection and network cooperation. It aims to address issues like the required sensing time to achieve detection and false alarm probabilities, limitations due to noise uncertainty and interference, and performance improvements from network cooperation. The study implemented an energy detector on a wireless testbed and measured its performance in detecting modulated and sinewave signals in low SNR regimes. It also measured improvements from network cooperation, identifying threshold rules and effects of spatial separation between radios.
Enhanced signal detection slgorithm using trained neural network for cognitiv...IJECEIAES
Over the past few years, Cognitive Radio has become an important research area in the field of wireless communications. It can play an important role in dynamic spectrum management and interference identification. There are many spectrum sensing techniques proposed in literature for cognitive radio, but all those techniques detect only presence or absence of the primary user in the designated band and do not give any information about the used modulation scheme. In certain applications, in cognitive radio receiver, it is necessary to identify the modulation type of the signal so that the receiver parameters can be adjusted accordingly. Most of the modulated signals exhibit the property of Cyclostationarity that can be used for the purpose of correct detection of primary user and the modulation type. In this paper, we have proposed an enhanced signal detection algorithm for cognitive radio receiver which makes use of cyclostationarity property of the modulated signal to exactly detect, the modulation type of the received signal using a trained neural network. The algorithm gives better accuracy of signal detection even in low SNR conditions. The use of a trained neural network makes it more flexible and extendible for future applications
In this paper, we propose a novel energy efficient environment monitoring scheme for wireless sensor
networks, based on data mining formulation. The proposed adapting routing scheme for sensors for
achieving energy efficiency from temperature wireless sensor network data set. The experimental
validation of the proposed approach using publicly available Intel Berkeley lab Wireless Sensor Network
dataset shows that it is possible to achieve energy efficient environment monitoring for wireless sensor
networks, with a trade-off between accuracy and life time extension factor of sensors, using the proposed
Recognition of Epilepsy from Non Seizure Electroencephalogram using combinati...Atrija Singh
IC3: International IEEE Conference on Contemporary Computing
Noida India
Presented on 10th August 2017.
Topic : Recognition of Epilepsy from Non Seizure Electroencephalogram using combination of Linear SVM and Time Domain Attributes.
Analysis and Comparison of Different Spectrum Sensing Technique for WLANijtsrd
This Paper explores basic two systems of spectrum sensing Cooperative System and Non Cooperative System. Non Cooperative System includes Energy detector, Match Filter and cyclostationary with a performance analysis of transmitter based detection. It also includes analysis of Match Filter and Cyclostationary under low and high SNR, validating the result and applied the technique for Wireless local Area Network WLAN . To identify the no. of detected signal, chi square equation has been solved and finds the threshold. It has been observed during analysis that energy rises at high SNR under AWGN and under high SNR no. of detected signal decreases gradually when the no. of sample increases. When no. of sample increases then the no. of detected signal increases. The results of the detection techniques are reliable in comparison. Energy detection provides good result under high SNR values. All of the simulation work is done in MATLAB software and finalized the best detection technique for spectrum sensing. Abrar Ahmed | Rashmi Raj "Analysis and Comparison of Different Spectrum Sensing Technique for WLAN" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-6 , October 2019, URL: Paper URL:
This document discusses cyclostationary feature detection for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio using various modulation schemes. It presents the block diagrams for cyclostationary feature detection without and with modulation. It simulates the detection using BPSK, QPSK, and 8-PSK modulation and analyzes the output cyclic spectral correlation function. The main results are that BPSK produces one primary and one secondary peak, QPSK produces one primary and two secondary peaks, and 8-PSK produces one primary and four secondary peaks in the output, allowing identification of the modulation scheme used.
An Ant colony optimization algorithm to solve the broken link problem in wire...IJERA Editor
Aco is a well known metahuristic in which a colony of artificial ants cooperates in explain Good solution to a combinational optimization problem. Wireless sensor consisting of nodes with limited power is deployed to gather useful information From the field. In wireless sensor network it is critical to collect the information in an energy efficient Manner.ant colony optimization, a swarm intelligence based optimization technique, is widely used In network routing. A novel routing approach using an ant colony optimization algorithm is proposed for wireless sensor Network consisting of stable nodes illustrative example details description and cooperative performance test result the proposed approach are included. The approach is also implementing to a small sized hardware component as a router chip simulation result show that proposed algorithm Provides promising solution allowing node designers to efficiency operate routing tasks.
IRJET- A Survey on Medical Image Interpretation for Predicting PneumoniaIRJET Journal
This document summarizes research on using machine learning and deep learning techniques to interpret medical images and predict pneumonia. It first discusses how medical image analysis is an active field for machine learning. It then reviews several related studies on using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transfer learning to classify chest x-rays and detect pneumonia. Specifically, it examines research on developing CNN models for pneumonia classification and using pre-trained CNN architectures like VGG16, VGG19, and ResNet with transfer learning. The document concludes that computer-aided diagnosis systems using deep learning can provide accurate predictions to assist radiologists in pneumonia diagnosis from chest x-rays.
Proactive Data Reporting of Wireless sensor Network using Wake Up Scheduling
In Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs), gather the data by using mobile sinks has become popular. Reduce the number of messages which is used for sink location broadcasting, efficient energy data forwarding, become accustomed to unknown earthly changes are achieved by a protocol which is projected by a SinkTrail. The forecast of mobile sinks蔵但測但蔵 location are done by using logical coordinate system. When sensor nodes don蔵但測但蔵t have any data to send, at that time they switch to sleep mode to save the energy and to increase the network lifetime. And due to this reason there is a chance of the involvement of nodes that are in sleeping state between the path sources to the mobile sink which is selected by the SinkTrail protocol. Before become the fully functional and process the information, these sleeping nodes can drop the some information. Due to this reason, it is vital to wake-up the sleeping nodes on the path earlier than the sender can start transferring of sensed data. In this paper, on-demand wake-up scheduling algorithm is projected which is used to activates sleeping node on the path before data delivery. Here, in this work the multi-hop communication in WSN also considers. By incorporating wake-up scheduling algorithm to perk up the dependability and improve the performance of on-demand data forwarding extends the SinkTrail solution in our work. This projected algorithm improves the quality of service of the network by dishonesty of data or reducing the loss due to sleeping nodes. The efficiency and the effectiveness projected solution are proved by the evaluation results.
Expert system design for elastic scattering neutrons optical model using bpnnijcsa
In present paper, a proposed expert system is designed to obtain a trained formulae for the optical model
parameters used in elastic scattering neutrons of light nuclei for (7Li), at energy range between [(1) to
(20)] MeV. A simple algorithm has used to design this expert system, while a multi-layer backwardpropagation
neural network (BPNN) is applied for training and testing the data used in this model. This
group of formulae may get a simple expert system occurring from governing formulae model, and predicts
the critical parameters usually resulted from the complicated computer coding methods. This expert system
may use in nuclear reactions yields in both fission and fusion nature who gives more closely results to the
real model.
This document summarizes a research paper that uses an artificial neural network approach to forecast stock market prices in India. The paper trains a feedforward neural network using a backpropagation algorithm on data from 5 Indian companies between 2004 and 2013. The network is tested in MATLAB to predict stock prices and calculate an error rate for accuracy. The neural network model is found to provide a computational method for predicting stock market movements based on historical price and volume data.
Bio-inspired algorithm for decisioning wireless access point installation IJECEIAES
This paper presents the bio-inspired algorithms for decisioning wireless access point (AP) installation. In order to achieve the desired coverage capability of APs, the bio-inspired algorithms are applied for robust competition and optimization. The main objective is to determine the optimal number of APs with the high coverage capability in the concerning area using the genetic and ant colony optimization algorithms. Received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and line-of-sight (LoS) gradient approach are the most important parameters for AP installation depending on the AP signal strength. Practical experiments are tested on the embedded system using Xilinx Kria KR260 and Raspberry Pi Zero 2W boards at the tested room size about 16 m wide and 40 m long inside the building. Xilinx Kria KR260 board is used to calculate the number of AP installation and localization compared to Xcode. Then, Raspberry Pi Zero 2W board is the representation of wireless AP for measuring the signal in the testing area. Experiment results show that maximum received signals strength is equal to -35 dBm at 6 m and there are six APs installation with high coverage area and maximum received signal strength at the area of 1640 m 2 .
Multi-Objective Soft Computing Techniques for Dynamic Deployment in WSNIRJET Journal
This document discusses using multi-objective soft computing techniques like genetic algorithms for dynamic deployment in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to maximize coverage area while minimizing energy consumption. It proposes a framework called Coverage and Energy Balancing Sensor Problem (CEBSP) that uses a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol to optimize both coverage and energy consumption by deploying fewer sensor nodes. The document reviews related work applying genetic algorithms and clustering to improve WSN deployment, coverage, and energy efficiency.
Philip "Sam" Davis is pursuing a PhD in electrical engineering from New Mexico State University with a focus on signal processing, embedded programming, and machine learning. He has extensive academic and research experience in these areas, including coursework, research projects analyzing EEG signals to predict human perceptions, and internships. His skills include signal processing, machine learning, embedded systems, and software/hardware design. He is currently finishing his dissertation and has published several papers in the field.
Adaptive Monitoring and Localization of Faulty Node in a Wireless Sensor Netw...Onyebuchi nosiri
This document describes a study that developed an adaptive monitoring and localization system for faulty nodes in a wireless sensor network. Sensor nodes were deployed to monitor temperature and carbon monoxide levels. An algorithm was created to detect faulty nodes based on a received signal strength threshold of -100 dBm. When a node fell below this threshold, its address was checked against a database to locate the faulty node. The results showed the sensor nodes could capture a temperature range of 25-51属C and carbon monoxide levels of 0.01-30 g/m3. When comparing transmitted and received data, a 93.25% correlation validated data integrity. An artificial neural network and logistic regression model were also developed to route data transmission between nodes in the
Adaptive Monitoring and Localization of Faulty Node in a Wireless Sensor Netw...Onyebuchi nosiri
This document summarizes a study that developed an adaptive monitoring system using a wireless sensor network to detect faulty nodes. Sensor nodes were deployed to monitor temperature and carbon monoxide levels in an indoor environment. An algorithm was developed to detect faulty nodes based on a received signal strength threshold of -100 dBm. Data transmitted from the sensor nodes was visualized using a C-sharp interface. The results showed the sensor nodes could capture a temperature range of 25-51属C and carbon monoxide levels of 0.01-30 g/m3. Comparing data at the source and destination showed a 93.25% correlation, validating the integrity of the data received.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
Research Presentation for those who are dong M.Tech
1. 1
Six Monthly Progress Presentation
Design and Implementation of Spectrum sensing Techniques
in Cognitive Radio Systems
(From 15th
December 2020 to 15th
June 2021)
Presented By
Neelam Dewangan
Under the Supervision of
Dr. Arun Kumar (Supervisor), Associate Professor , BIT Durg
Dr. R.N.Patel (Co-Supervisor), Associate Professor, NIT Raipur
2. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 2
Scope of the Work
To conduct an extensive study of the techniques for Spectrum sensing in
Cognitive Radio
To investigate the scope of performance improvement of Spectrum
sensing and propose intelligent optimization techniques for Spectrum
sensing schemes
3. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 3
The main objective of this research is to design efficient techniques for
cooperative spectrum sensing that are capable of discovering multiple
spectrum access opportunities in a single sensing period to increase the
achievable cooperative gain while limiting the incurred cooperation
overhead and sensing errors
Second objective is to investigate the performance of optimized technique
over different channels.
Developing an optimal decision fusion rule that considers the correlation
between the cooperating secondary users local decisions.
4. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 4
Flowchart of Methodology
Current work
5. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 5
Sl. No Month & Year No. of days attended Work done by research scholar
1 January 2021 12 (Telephonic/ online
Implementation of Python based algorithm (linear regression analysis and
logistic regression) for Machine Learning and verification with standard
2 February 2021 14 (Telephonic/ online
Implementation and verification of results of Paper (a part of paper ) : J.
Tian et al., "A Machine Learning-Enabled Spectrum Sensing Method for
OFDM Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no.
11, pp. 11374-11378, Nov. 2019
3 March 2021 13 (Telephonic/ online
Dataset Generation for OFDM based Cognitive Radio
4 April 2021 04 (Telephonic/ online
Simulation of Energy Detector in Python with datasets generated through
Monte Carlo Simulations
5 May 2021 11 (Telephonic/ online
Simulation of Cyclostationary Detector in Python with datasets generated
through Monte Carlo Simulations
6 June 2021 05 (Telephonic/ online
Implementation and verification of results of Paper (a part of paper ) : Y.
Arjoune and N. Kaabouch, "On Spectrum Sensing, a Machine Learning
Method for Cognitive Radio Systems," 2019 IEEE International Conference on
Electro Information Technology (EIT), 2019, pp. 333-338
Six Month Progress (15th
December 2020 to 15th
June 2021)
6. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 6
Python Implementation of Linear Regression Model
Linear regression is a statistical method for modeling relationship between
a dependent variable with a given set of independent variables.
we consider dependent variables as response and independent variables
as features for simplicity
It is assumed that the two variables are linearly related
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Y 1 3 2 5 7 8 8 9 10 12
Table : Data Set for Linear Regression
7. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 7
Feature vector x = [x1, x2, ., xn],
Response vector y = [y1, y2, ., yn]
Regression Line is given as
h(xi) represents the predicted response value for ith
硫0 and 硫 1 are regression coefficients and represent y-intercept and slope of regression line respectively.
竜i is residual error in ith
Cost Function or square error is given by :
where SSxy is the sum of cross-deviations of y and x:
and SSxx is the sum of squared deviations of x.
8. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 8
Plot 1 : Scatter Plot of dataset (Linear Regression)
Estimated coefficients: 硫0 = -0.0586206896552 硫1 = 1.45747126437
Plot 2 : Plot of regression line dataset (Linear
9. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 9
Python Implementation of Logistic Regression Model
Logistic regression is basically a supervised classification algorithm.
In a classification problem, the target variable(or output), y, can take only
discrete values for given set of features(or inputs), X
As Linear regression assumes that the
data follows a linear function,
Logistic regression models the
data using the sigmoid function.
Table : Data Set for Linear Regression
10. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 10
The dataset has p feature variables and n observations.
The feature matrix is represented as:
Here, denotes the values of feature for observation.
The observation, can be represented as:
11. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 11
Output :
Plot 3: Regression line dataset (Linear Regression)
Accuracy : 0.89
12. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 12
Implementation and verification of results of Paper : J. Tian et al., "A Machine Learning-Enabled
Spectrum Sensing Method for OFDM Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no.
11, pp. 11374-11378, Nov. 2019, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2019.2943997.
This paper proposes class assisted prediction method based on Na誰ve Bayes
classifiers on OFDM systems.
This paper also studies accuracy of different algorithms against different training
13. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 13
Implementation of Na誰ve Bayes Classifiers
Bayes Theorem finds the probability of an event occurring given the probability of another event that has
already occurred. Bayes theorem is stated mathematically as the following equation:
where A and B are events and P(B) ? 0.
Basically, we are trying to find probability of event A, given the event B is true. Event B is also termed
as evidence.
P(A) is the priori of A (the prior probability, i.e. Probability of event before evidence is seen). The evidence
is an attribute value of an unknown instance(here, it is event B).
P(A|B) is a posteriori probability of B, i.e. probability of event after evidence is seen.
Why to choose Bayes Classifiers ?
They are extremely fast for both training and prediction
They provide straightforward probabilistic prediction
They are often very easily interpretable
They have very few (if any) tunable parameters
14. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 14
1: Iterations = 250
2: SNR value from -5dB to -15dB
3: ModType = BPSK (It stores the modulation type. It can have one of the
four values BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM).
4: Generate OFDM signal
(i) T = OFDM(ModType)
(ii) S = Power Adjustment(T, SNR value) + WGN
(iii) Assign Signal label
5: Generate Noise
(i) N = WGN
(ii) Assign Noise label
6: Dataset = concatenate(Dataset, S, N)
7: Update ModType
8: Until all ModTypes go to step 4
9: Update SNR value
10: Until all SNR values go to step 3
11: Iterations = Iterations - 1
12: Go to step 2 if iterations 0
Dataset Generation Algorithm
Reference : Hassaan Bin Ahmad et al. Ensemble Classifier Based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
Volume 2019 |Article ID 9250562 |
15. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 15
Energy Detection
Energy detection is a non-coherent detection scheme which do not need
prior knowledge about the primary user .
Energy of the receiving signal in the presence of primary user is calculated
If the received signal is above threshold then it is deduced that Primary
user is present.
Also , the output of energy detector is compared with threshold and the
signal is detected .
16. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 16
Fig :Detector performance with 1000 statistics Fig :Detector performance with 10000 statistics
Simulation Results for Energy Detector
17. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 17
Fig :Detector statistics with 1000 statistics Fig :Detector statistics with 10000 statistics
18. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 18
Fig :Detector performance with 1000 statistics Fig :Detector performance with 10000 statistics
Simulation Results for Cyclostationary Detector
19. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 19
Implementation and verification of results of Paper : Y. Arjoune and N. Kaabouch, "On Spectrum
Sensing, a Machine Learning Method for Cognitive Radio Systems," 2019 IEEE International Conference
on Electro Information Technology (EIT), 2019, pp. 333-338, doi: 10.1109/EIT.2019.8834099
This paper concludes that spectrum sensing methods based on a machine learning theory for
cognitive radio networks provides a more reliable solution as compared to traditional
methods like Energy detection, cyclostationary and matched filter.
It also states that the random forest model outperforms all the other machine learning
Currently working on Random Forest model , implementation of traditional methods has
been done.
20. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 20
Road Map for the duration of 15th
June 2021 to 15th
December 2021
June July August September October November December
Dataset verification
Implementation ML algorithms with
verified datasets
Compilation of results
Preparation and submission of
paper for various journals and
21. Design and Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Systems Presented by : Neelam Dewangan 21