This document provides an introduction to greetings, farewells, numbers, the alphabet, and spelling in English for international guests. It begins with common greetings and farewells used throughout the day and in different situations. It then discusses cardinal and ordinal numbers, providing lists of numbers and their spelling. The alphabet is presented next with the sound of each letter. Examples of spelling names and using numbers in telephone numbers are provided. The document concludes with a short practice activity asking to write out specific cardinal and ordinal numbers.
Things Fall Apart- LanguageRaj SolithThe document provides an overview of the Igbo language of Nigeria, including its origins and history. It discusses how Igbo spread during the slave trade period from the 1500s-1700s. It then examines elements of Igbo culture and language shown in Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart", including words, phrases, proverbs, folktales and songs. The document also includes basic Igbo vocabulary lessons on greetings, animals, vehicles and numbers.
Phonics Lesson 2Lindsey CottleFollowing an introduction, ensure the pronunciation of each initial sound is correct. Use the exercises and begin to learn the phonic sounds of each letter to enable you to read, write, speak and listen better!
Imperativeskerrie1996The document discusses the imperative form in French. The imperative is used to give orders and make suggestions. To form the imperative, leave out the subject pronouns "tu" and "vous" and, for "er" verbs, leave off the "s" in the "tu" form. There are exceptions for the verbs "avoir," "être," and "vouloir." To express a negative command, use "ne...pas" around the verb.
9.11.12 lecciónmjohnstonbgaThis document contains notes from a Spanish 1 class taught by Sr. Johnston on September 11, 2012. It includes vocabulary like greetings for different times of day, questions to ask someone you meet, and formal and informal forms of "you". The class activities included answering questions about studying Spanish, speed dating in Spanish to practice greetings and basic questions, and homework assigning students to complete a dialogue and questions in Spanish.
Semester 1 exam reviewMaestra AnselmoThis document provides a review for a Spanish 1 exam. It covers various topics in learning to tell time in Spanish, including using "son las" and "es la" followed by the time. It also reviews negatives, agreement and disagreement, adjectives, articles, verbs like estar, and vocabulary. The review is intended to help students summarize and reinforce the key concepts covered in the first semester as they prepare to be tested on this material.
Spanish grammarMarlonRamos16This document provides an overview of Spanish grammar including:
1) Common Spanish phrases and their English translations.
2) Details on the Spanish alphabet, gender of nouns, articles, plural forms, adjectives, numbers, pronouns, and interrogatives.
3) Explanations of possessives, indefinite pronouns, and how to form adverbs from adjectives in Spanish.
The document serves as a helpful reference guide for basic Spanish grammar concepts.
Using prepositions-exercisesAthenea2004This document provides exercises to practice the use of various English prepositions. It begins with examples and explanations of the differences between some commonly confused prepositions like "about" and "on", "above" and "over", "onto" and "on to", and "up". Then it provides a list of English prepositions and several exercises for learners to choose the correct preposition based on context. The exercises include filling in blanks, joining sentences, and choosing the right preposition for answers. The goal is to help learners master the difficult skill of using English prepositions properly.
For middle schoolMd Khaza Main UddinThis document provides tips and techniques for learning English effectively from the Jinning Education Center. It recommends writing a daily journal, reading books, rewriting class notes, watching TV and listening to the radio, keeping a vocabulary notebook, speaking English with friends, and thinking positively. It emphasizes that learning should be an active process involving different parts of the brain through various activities like guessing meanings from context and checking definitions.
Spoken I : Undergraduate studnets Dr. Dawit Dibekuluthis ppt is aimed to teach Spoken I coyrse for undergraduate students for BA degree in english language and literature
Na olelo pokolemalama777This document provides a collection of useful Hawaiian words, phrases, and expressions for greetings, farewells, congratulations, and other common interactions. It includes the Hawaiian terms for concepts like love, directional terms for mountain and ocean, colors, emotions, as well as greetings, farewells, birthday and anniversary wishes. Mispronunciations of some Hawaiian words and place names on Hawaii Island are also noted.
British AccentsaadiyapThe document provides information about various British accents including the Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Nottingham, Bristol, and Leeds accents. It discusses key features of each accent such as distinctive pronunciations of vowels and consonants. For example, it notes that the Manchester accent involves over-enunciation of vowel sounds and avoidance of ng coalescence, while the Liverpool accent replaces /θ/ with /f/ and may pronounce /k/ as /x/ at the ends of words.
Speaking everyday conversationsناصر جلیلیThis document provides an introduction and table of contents for the book "Everyday Conversations: Learning American English." It was produced by two bureaus within the U.S. Department of State to teach English as a foreign language. The book contains dialogues on common conversational topics like introductions, asking for directions, making plans, and discussing hobbies. It is intended for 6th to 7th grade English language learners.
English at basic level (1)vijipmu ChitraThis document contains information about listening skills, speaking skills, and writing skills. It includes sections on introducing someone, accepting and refusing invitations, expanding reading comprehension through techniques like tongue twisters, identifying stressed syllables, answering questions about images, filling in a story with missing words, and forming new words by combining parts of existing words. The document appears to be teaching materials for improving English language skills.
TH sounds aula sobre os sonso do inglês com esta ocorrência fonológicafranrocha22This document provides instruction on pronouncing various English sounds, including "th", "ch", "sh", long and short vowel sounds, consonant sounds like "l" and "r", and the vowel sounds represented by "oo" and "uh". It includes examples of words that demonstrate each sound, practice sentences to distinguish similar sounds, and tongue twisters for practice. Listeners are guided on how to form each sound with their mouth and tongue.
Wenerei wk9 term 1 13pdftakpThis document provides Maori language learning materials, including:
1) The Maori alphabet/syllables and a song about Maria
2) Directions for an activity on understanding location words like "runga" (on top) and "waho" (out)
3) A quiz for callers and a family song to conclude the lesson.
Dialogues for everyday_lifeHamer sharp galeriasThis document provides information about a publication titled "Everyday Conversations: Learning American English." It was produced by two bureaus within the U.S. Department of State to teach English as a foreign or second language to 6th-7th grade students. The publication contains dialogues covering various everyday situations like introductions, asking for directions, making plans, and more. It also includes notes to explain cultural context and language forms.
323249588-Friends-3.pdfAlexandraPinho2This document appears to be from an English language textbook for young Portuguese students. It includes sections on vocabulary, grammar, songs, stories and activities related to introducing oneself, classroom language, colors and school supplies. The textbook uses characters like April, Melody and Rudy to teach English concepts in a fun, engaging way for students.
ENGLISH GRAMMAR BY RAYMOND NGIMBIraymond ngimbiThis document provides an introduction to English grammar and conjugation at level 1. It covers the English alphabet, pronunciation of letters, spelling, titles, greetings, farewells, wishes, personal pronouns, the verb "to be", possessive adjectives, use of "there is" and "there are", talking about origin, destination, address, nationality, and cardinal numbers. The document is aimed at beginner English language learners and establishes foundational concepts for further grammar study.
Week 2jnorbikThis document contains the daily agenda and activities for a Spanish class. The agenda includes sections for "Para Empezar" (to begin), activities, assessments, and a "boleto" (ticket) for reflection. Some of the day's activities involve practicing the alphabet, greetings, introductions, classroom phrases, age and origins. Assessments include a reading assessment and a writing assessment where students introduce themselves. The document provides context and instructions for the class's daily lessons and goals to improve Spanish proficiency.
Material 4 and 5 basic englishmktabordaThis document contains an English lesson about various grammar topics:
- It discusses the present simple tense of regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs form the past tense by adding "-ed" while irregular verbs like "buy" completely change form.
- Possessive pronouns like "mine", "yours", and "theirs" are introduced, along with reflexive pronouns like "myself" and "herself".
- Adverbs of time such as "daily", "weekly", and "annually" are covered. Superlative forms using "-est" are also explained.
- The document provides vocabulary for days, months, seasons, jobs, and questions about time and weather.
Primera clase iiFabián Dennis Vega Here are the key points about using the present simple tense:
- We use it to talk about routines, habits, facts and scheduled events.
- For the verb "to be" we use am, is, are.
- For regular verbs (not ending in -ing, -ed) we add -s to the third person singular (he, she, it).
- For questions and negatives we use do/does + verb.
- We don't use it for temporary actions or those happening now - we use the present continuous for those.
- With stative verbs like "know", "like" etc we don't use the present continuous.
- Time expressions like usually,
Materi buku look ahead sma x (10)pychan-ketapang. Dani : Excuse me, are you familiar with this picture?
Nano : Uhmmm, sorry, may I have you attention please?
Dani : This is a Greek god called Atlas. He is always described holding up the earth and the sky.
Nano : Oh, yes.
Dani : Do you know that he held the earth and the sky as a punishment from the Greek chief god, Zeus?
Nano : No, I don’t know about that. Tell me more about it.
Dani : Well, Atlas was the son of Titan, a Greek god and the sea nymph, Clymene.
Nano : Really?
Dani : Then one
Yes, i canNeeraj KumarThis document provides techniques for effectively learning English, including keeping a journal, reading books, rewriting class notes, watching TV/movies, keeping a vocabulary notebook, and speaking English with friends. It emphasizes taking an active approach to learning, such as guessing meanings from context while reading instead of looking up every word. A positive mindset is also important, saying "my English is improving" rather than focusing on current limitations. The goal is to make English learning fun and enjoyable.
descubriendo-el-mundo-a-traves-del-turismo-una-aventura-para-bachilleratoMisael Hernandez VEste documento presenta una introducción al turismo para estudiantes de bachillerato. Explica que el turismo permite descubrir el mundo a través de la cultura, la historia y la diversión. Define el turismo como viajar para conocer la cultura y belleza de otros lugares. También describe los beneficios del turismo y diferentes tipos como el turismo cultural, histórico y de naturaleza. Además, menciona algunos destinos populares y la importancia del turismo responsable.
turning-complaints-into-opportunities-a-guide-for-handling-hotel-guest-feedbackMisael Hernandez VThis guide provides tools for hotel staff to effectively handle guest complaints and turn them into opportunities. It recommends listening actively to complaints, apologizing and showing empathy, working with guests to find solutions, following up after resolving issues, training staff, responding to online reviews, and measuring success through guest satisfaction and complaint tracking. Handling complaints properly can improve a hotel's reputation, service, and guest loyalty.
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Using prepositions-exercisesAthenea2004This document provides exercises to practice the use of various English prepositions. It begins with examples and explanations of the differences between some commonly confused prepositions like "about" and "on", "above" and "over", "onto" and "on to", and "up". Then it provides a list of English prepositions and several exercises for learners to choose the correct preposition based on context. The exercises include filling in blanks, joining sentences, and choosing the right preposition for answers. The goal is to help learners master the difficult skill of using English prepositions properly.
For middle schoolMd Khaza Main UddinThis document provides tips and techniques for learning English effectively from the Jinning Education Center. It recommends writing a daily journal, reading books, rewriting class notes, watching TV and listening to the radio, keeping a vocabulary notebook, speaking English with friends, and thinking positively. It emphasizes that learning should be an active process involving different parts of the brain through various activities like guessing meanings from context and checking definitions.
Spoken I : Undergraduate studnets Dr. Dawit Dibekuluthis ppt is aimed to teach Spoken I coyrse for undergraduate students for BA degree in english language and literature
Na olelo pokolemalama777This document provides a collection of useful Hawaiian words, phrases, and expressions for greetings, farewells, congratulations, and other common interactions. It includes the Hawaiian terms for concepts like love, directional terms for mountain and ocean, colors, emotions, as well as greetings, farewells, birthday and anniversary wishes. Mispronunciations of some Hawaiian words and place names on Hawaii Island are also noted.
British AccentsaadiyapThe document provides information about various British accents including the Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Nottingham, Bristol, and Leeds accents. It discusses key features of each accent such as distinctive pronunciations of vowels and consonants. For example, it notes that the Manchester accent involves over-enunciation of vowel sounds and avoidance of ng coalescence, while the Liverpool accent replaces /θ/ with /f/ and may pronounce /k/ as /x/ at the ends of words.
Speaking everyday conversationsناصر جلیلیThis document provides an introduction and table of contents for the book "Everyday Conversations: Learning American English." It was produced by two bureaus within the U.S. Department of State to teach English as a foreign language. The book contains dialogues on common conversational topics like introductions, asking for directions, making plans, and discussing hobbies. It is intended for 6th to 7th grade English language learners.
English at basic level (1)vijipmu ChitraThis document contains information about listening skills, speaking skills, and writing skills. It includes sections on introducing someone, accepting and refusing invitations, expanding reading comprehension through techniques like tongue twisters, identifying stressed syllables, answering questions about images, filling in a story with missing words, and forming new words by combining parts of existing words. The document appears to be teaching materials for improving English language skills.
TH sounds aula sobre os sonso do inglês com esta ocorrência fonológicafranrocha22This document provides instruction on pronouncing various English sounds, including "th", "ch", "sh", long and short vowel sounds, consonant sounds like "l" and "r", and the vowel sounds represented by "oo" and "uh". It includes examples of words that demonstrate each sound, practice sentences to distinguish similar sounds, and tongue twisters for practice. Listeners are guided on how to form each sound with their mouth and tongue.
Wenerei wk9 term 1 13pdftakpThis document provides Maori language learning materials, including:
1) The Maori alphabet/syllables and a song about Maria
2) Directions for an activity on understanding location words like "runga" (on top) and "waho" (out)
3) A quiz for callers and a family song to conclude the lesson.
Dialogues for everyday_lifeHamer sharp galeriasThis document provides information about a publication titled "Everyday Conversations: Learning American English." It was produced by two bureaus within the U.S. Department of State to teach English as a foreign or second language to 6th-7th grade students. The publication contains dialogues covering various everyday situations like introductions, asking for directions, making plans, and more. It also includes notes to explain cultural context and language forms.
323249588-Friends-3.pdfAlexandraPinho2This document appears to be from an English language textbook for young Portuguese students. It includes sections on vocabulary, grammar, songs, stories and activities related to introducing oneself, classroom language, colors and school supplies. The textbook uses characters like April, Melody and Rudy to teach English concepts in a fun, engaging way for students.
ENGLISH GRAMMAR BY RAYMOND NGIMBIraymond ngimbiThis document provides an introduction to English grammar and conjugation at level 1. It covers the English alphabet, pronunciation of letters, spelling, titles, greetings, farewells, wishes, personal pronouns, the verb "to be", possessive adjectives, use of "there is" and "there are", talking about origin, destination, address, nationality, and cardinal numbers. The document is aimed at beginner English language learners and establishes foundational concepts for further grammar study.
Week 2jnorbikThis document contains the daily agenda and activities for a Spanish class. The agenda includes sections for "Para Empezar" (to begin), activities, assessments, and a "boleto" (ticket) for reflection. Some of the day's activities involve practicing the alphabet, greetings, introductions, classroom phrases, age and origins. Assessments include a reading assessment and a writing assessment where students introduce themselves. The document provides context and instructions for the class's daily lessons and goals to improve Spanish proficiency.
Material 4 and 5 basic englishmktabordaThis document contains an English lesson about various grammar topics:
- It discusses the present simple tense of regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs form the past tense by adding "-ed" while irregular verbs like "buy" completely change form.
- Possessive pronouns like "mine", "yours", and "theirs" are introduced, along with reflexive pronouns like "myself" and "herself".
- Adverbs of time such as "daily", "weekly", and "annually" are covered. Superlative forms using "-est" are also explained.
- The document provides vocabulary for days, months, seasons, jobs, and questions about time and weather.
Primera clase iiFabián Dennis Vega Here are the key points about using the present simple tense:
- We use it to talk about routines, habits, facts and scheduled events.
- For the verb "to be" we use am, is, are.
- For regular verbs (not ending in -ing, -ed) we add -s to the third person singular (he, she, it).
- For questions and negatives we use do/does + verb.
- We don't use it for temporary actions or those happening now - we use the present continuous for those.
- With stative verbs like "know", "like" etc we don't use the present continuous.
- Time expressions like usually,
Materi buku look ahead sma x (10)pychan-ketapang. Dani : Excuse me, are you familiar with this picture?
Nano : Uhmmm, sorry, may I have you attention please?
Dani : This is a Greek god called Atlas. He is always described holding up the earth and the sky.
Nano : Oh, yes.
Dani : Do you know that he held the earth and the sky as a punishment from the Greek chief god, Zeus?
Nano : No, I don’t know about that. Tell me more about it.
Dani : Well, Atlas was the son of Titan, a Greek god and the sea nymph, Clymene.
Nano : Really?
Dani : Then one
Yes, i canNeeraj KumarThis document provides techniques for effectively learning English, including keeping a journal, reading books, rewriting class notes, watching TV/movies, keeping a vocabulary notebook, and speaking English with friends. It emphasizes taking an active approach to learning, such as guessing meanings from context while reading instead of looking up every word. A positive mindset is also important, saying "my English is improving" rather than focusing on current limitations. The goal is to make English learning fun and enjoyable.
descubriendo-el-mundo-a-traves-del-turismo-una-aventura-para-bachilleratoMisael Hernandez VEste documento presenta una introducción al turismo para estudiantes de bachillerato. Explica que el turismo permite descubrir el mundo a través de la cultura, la historia y la diversión. Define el turismo como viajar para conocer la cultura y belleza de otros lugares. También describe los beneficios del turismo y diferentes tipos como el turismo cultural, histórico y de naturaleza. Además, menciona algunos destinos populares y la importancia del turismo responsable.
turning-complaints-into-opportunities-a-guide-for-handling-hotel-guest-feedbackMisael Hernandez VThis guide provides tools for hotel staff to effectively handle guest complaints and turn them into opportunities. It recommends listening actively to complaints, apologizing and showing empathy, working with guests to find solutions, following up after resolving issues, training staff, responding to online reviews, and measuring success through guest satisfaction and complaint tracking. Handling complaints properly can improve a hotel's reputation, service, and guest loyalty.
Administración Empresa clasificación Misael Hernandez VEste documento presenta una introducción a conceptos fundamentales sobre la empresa. Define la empresa, describe sus objetivos principales y algunos indicadores clave para su éxito. Además, explica los valores institucionales que deben guiar a una empresa y clasifica las empresas por tamaño, finalidad, actividad económica, objetivos, régimen jurídico y cultura organizacional. Por último, resume brevemente la historia de la empresa desde los talleres artesanales hasta la revolución industrial.
Escuela clásica y marxista segundo parcial EconomíaMisael Hernandez VEste documento describe las principales aportaciones del pensamiento económico de la Escuela Clásica y la Escuela Marxista. Resume que la Escuela Clásica defendió la libertad de producción y mercado, y se opuso a la intervención gubernamental, mientras que la Escuela Marxista analizó las contradicciones del capitalismo y predijo que llevarían al socialismo. Explica conceptos clave como la teoría del valor, la plusvalía y la concentración de capitales de ambas escuelas.
Material de estudio tema 1 antecedentes del turismoMisael Hernandez VEste material fue realizado por la academia de Servicios turísticos para tratar el primer tema del grupo 302
Concepto de administración.Misael Hernandez VEl documento presenta diferentes definiciones de administración dadas por varios autores, las cuales coinciden en que se trata de un proceso destinado a coordinar recursos y lograr objetivos a través del esfuerzo de otros. También describe los elementos, características e importancia de la administración.
Examen final 402 turismo lengua inglesa 2021aMisael Hernandez VKaren is planning her dream vacation to Greece. She will go with her best friend and sister. Karen will fly from Mexico City to Paris and then directly to Athens, Greece. She plans to stay in Greece for two weeks. During her trip, Karen hopes to visit landmarks like the Temple of Olympian Zeus and the Parthenon. She will pack light clothing like shorts, sandals, and a hat since she plans to do a lot of walking. Karen wants to take many pictures with her new camera and enjoy her time with friends and family rather than buy souvenirs, as she has heard things are expensive in Greece.
Formato para presentar plan de negocioMisael Hernandez VEste documento presenta un formato para elaborar un plan de negocio, incluyendo secciones para la planificación estratégica, análisis de mercado, estudio técnico de producción, estudio económico y flujo de caja. Proporciona detalles sobre cómo analizar el entorno empresarial, público objetivo, competidores, estrategias de mercadeo, especificaciones y procesos técnicos, costos, inversiones y proyecciones financieras necesarias para desarrollar un plan de negocio completo.
Manual de Guia para la elaboración de un plan de negocios, autor EMPRETECMisael Hernandez VSegunda guía para la elaboración de un plan de negocios con fines escolares, no es de mi autoria, los creadores son empretec.
Antología final de Administración 601 y 6002Misael Hernandez VEl documento describe el proceso administrativo y sus etapas. El proceso administrativo consta de planeación, organización, dirección y control. La planeación implica establecer objetivos y cursos de acción futuros para lograrlos. La organización involucra definir la estructura y asignación de tareas de una empresa. La dirección se refiere a guiar los esfuerzos hacia el cumplimiento de los objetivos. El control evalúa el desempeño para asegurar que se cumplan los planes.
Positions at a restaurantMisael Hernandez VThe document outlines the key positions found in restaurants, from front of house roles like host, server, and bartender to back of house roles like cooks, dishwashers, and chefs. It describes typical job duties and requirements for over 20 common restaurant roles. The positions range from entry-level jobs like dishwasher to managerial roles like general manager and executive chef. While staffing needs vary by restaurant, the document provides a comprehensive overview of the types of skilled workers required to operate a successful food service business.
Escuela keynesiana y Neoclásica Misael Hernandez VEl documento resume las teorías keynesiana y neoclásica. La teoría keynesiana se centra en las políticas macroeconómicas desde la demanda y fue desarrollada por John Maynard Keynes en respuesta a la Gran Depresión. La escuela neoclásica se basa en la utilidad marginal y el equilibrio de mercado, y fue influenciada por pensadores como Alfred Marshall, Carl Menger y Léon Walras.
Cajero de recepción parte 2Misael Hernandez VEste documento proporciona información sobre las responsabilidades y procedimientos de un cajero de recepción en un hotel. Detalla los pasos para realizar el informe de caja al final de cada turno, incluyendo pagos, devoluciones, cuentas por cobrar y ajustes. También cubre procedimientos para sobrantes y faltantes, manejo de cajas de seguridad, arqueos, timadores, asaltos y atención a quejas.
Material de estudio 2. reservacionesMisael Hernandez VEste documento describe las responsabilidades y funciones del departamento de reservaciones de un hotel. El departamento se encarga de llevar el control de las habitaciones reservadas, evitar sobreventas, aplicar políticas de reservación, elaborar reportes, y manejar depósitos, reembolsos y comisiones. También se encarga de funciones como el control de habitaciones disponibles, realizar y modificar reservaciones, y controlar depósitos y reembolsos.
Supervisor de recepcion parcial 2 502Misael Hernandez VEl documento describe las responsabilidades y tareas de un supervisor de recepción en un hotel. Un supervisor supervisa las operaciones de caja y recepción para asegurar una gestión eficiente de los recursos monetarios. Entre sus roles se incluyen supervisar el manejo de dinero por los recepcionistas, asegurar la productividad laboral, y administrar problemas y cuestiones. El supervisor y su equipo deben buscar el mejor servicio al cliente al ingresar y procesar sus cuentas de hotel.
502 upervisión de las condiciones de registro y estancia del huésped internac...Misael Hernandez VEste documento proporciona información sobre la supervisión de las condiciones de registro y estancia de huéspedes internacionales en inglés. Se cubren tres temas: 1) vocabulario sobre objetos en una habitación de hotel, 2) problemas comunes durante las estancias en hoteles, y 3) ofrecer soluciones a los problemas de los huéspedes de manera adecuada. Se incluye una lista de objetos comunes en habitaciones de hotel y sus traducciones al inglés, así como problemas potenciales y formas de abordarlos con cortes
Atencion al huesped internacional de habla inglesa parcial 2 3012Misael Hernandez VParte del segundo parcial de la capacitación en servicios turísticos, para el grupo 302 en la asignatura de atención al huésped de habla inglesa
Departamento de Reservaciones Servicios TurísticosMisael Hernandez VEl documento habla sobre el departamento de reservaciones en un hotel. Explica que este departamento se encarga de coordinar y administrar las solicitudes de reservación de habitaciones. Describe los diferentes tipos de reservaciones, como las garantizadas, comisionables, de grupos, VIP y allotment. También cubre temas como la llegada de una reservación, los reportes elaborados por el departamento y la importancia de mantener una actitud de excelencia en el servicio.
Principales Aportaciones al Pensamiento EconómicoMisael Hernandez VEl documento resume las principales aportaciones de pensadores griegos como Aristóteles, Platón y Jenofonte al pensamiento económico hasta el siglo XVI. Explica que los griegos fueron los primeros en tratar de entender el funcionamiento de la economía y desarrollar conceptos como la división del trabajo. También menciona las primeras aportaciones de los hebreos y las doctrinas del mercantilismo y la fisiocracia que surgieron entre los siglos XVI y XVIII.
Economía clase 3 Agentes Económicos, Factores de Producción y sectores económ...Misael Hernandez VLos agentes económicos básicos son las familias, las empresas y el estado. Las familias consumen, ahorran y ofrecen trabajo. Las empresas combinan factores de producción como la tierra, el trabajo y el capital para producir bienes y servicios. El estado regula la economía y ofrece bienes públicos.
descubriendo-el-mundo-a-traves-del-turismo-una-aventura-para-bachilleratoMisael Hernandez V
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Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny JeniferA powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Imagínate que viajas alrededor del
mundo y llegas a un país en donde todos
sus habitantes hablan inglés, te sientes
feliz de estar allí porque estás
conociendo y visitando lugares
hermosos, además, puedes saludar y
despedirte en inglés y te das cuenta que
te puedes comunicarte con las personas
sin ningún temor en el mismo idioma.
• Good morning. - Buenos días.
• Good afternoon. - Buenas tardes.
• Good evening. - Buenas noches.
• Hello. (más formal), Hi. (menos
formal), Hey. (muy informal) - Hola.
• Hey! - ¡Oye!/¡Oiga!/¡Oigan!/¡Oíd! (aquí
no es saludo sino una forma de atraer la
atención de alguien)
• How's it going? - ¿Qué tal?/¿Cómo te
va? (o más informalmente What’s up?)
• How are you? - ¿Cómo estás?/¿Cómo
está Ud.?
• How are you all? - ¿Cómo
estáS?/¿Cómo están Uds.?
• I am.../I'm... - estoy...
• you are.../you're... - estás.../Ud. está...
• he is.../he's... - él está...
• she is.../she's... - ella está
• we are.../we're... - estamos...
• pretty good/quite well - bastante bien
• not very good/not very well - no muy
• okay/so-so - regular
• terrible/really bad - terrible
• Fine, and you?/Good, and you? - Bien,
¿y tú?/Bien, ¿y usted?
• Fine, and you all? - Bien, Bien, ¿y
• See you soon. - Hasta pronto.
• See you then. - Hasta entonces.
• Take care. -
Cuídate./Cuídese./Cuidaos./Cuídense. (o
más informalmente Take it easy.)
• So long- Hasta luego
• sir - señor (sin el apellido)
• ma'am* - señora/señorita (sin el
apellido) a veces también madam en
• yes - sí
• no - no
• I think so./I believe so. - Creo que sí.
• I don't think so./I don't believe so. -
Creo que no.
• maybe/perhaps - tal vez/quizá(s)
• Welcome (to)...! -
nvenidas (a)...!
• Come in!/Please, come in! -
¡Pasa!/¡Pase!/¡Pasad!/¡Pasen! (para
entrar en la casa)
• Please, make yourself right at home! -
¡Estás en tu casa!/¡Está Ud. en su casa!
• thank you/thanks - gracias
• thank you very much/thanks a
lot/thank you so much - muchas gracias
• thanks a million! - ¡mil gracias!
• I'm very grateful. - Estoy muy
• You're welcome. - De nada.
• No, thank you! - ¡No, gracias a ti!¡No,
gracias a Ud.!¡Al contrario! (debes
pronunciar la palabra "you" con mucho
énfasis para que esta frase no sea
confundida con "No, thank you" [No,
• It was nothing./Don't mention it. - No
hay de qué.
• My pleasure./The pleasure was mine. -
Un placer./El gusto fue mío.
• Please. - Por favor.
• Gladly! - ¡Con mucho gusto!
• Congratulations! -
• Of course! - ¡Cómo no!/¡Claro!/¡Claro que
sí!/¡Por supuesto!/¡Desde luego!
• I'm sorry. - Lo
siento./Perdón./Disculpe. (o más
informalmente Sorry)
• I'm very sorry. - Lo siento mucho.
• Excuse me. - Perdón./Con permiso.
• It's okay./It's all right. - Está bien.
• Everything's okay/all right. - Todo
está bien.
• During the day, when we see someone
we know, we usually exchange
Hi Less
• We usually say something as we leave:
Good night More formal
Good bye
Bye bye
Bye Less formal
See you later
See you
• Now, when we are going to use Good morning,
Good afternoon and Good evening:
• Good morning. It is generally used from 5:00
a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
• Good afternoon. It is appropriate for a period
from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
• Good evening. It is often used after 6 p.m. or
when the sun goes down.
• Good night.It is used when people leave a place
or go to bed.
We are going to use Good
night, when we are leaving
someone at the end of the
day, before going home or
going to bed.
19. 2. NUMBERS
• In English we have Cardinal and
Ordinal numbers.
• One, two, three, four, five, etc.
are cardinal numbers.
• First, second, third, fourth, fifth…
are ordinal numbers.
1. One 11. Eleven 30. Thirty
2. Two 12. Twelve 40. Forty
3. Three 13. Thirteen 50. Fifty
4. Four 14. Fourteen 60. Sixty
5. Five 15. Fifteen 70. Seventy
6. Six 16. Sixteen 80. Eighty
7. Seven 17. Seventeen 90. Ninety
8. Eight 18. Eighteen 100. One hundred
9. Nine 19. Nineteen
10. Ten 20. Twenty
• You can normally create ordinal
numbers by adding -TH to the end of a
cardinal number. For example:
• Four – Fourth
• Sixteen – Sixteenth
• The main exceptions are with the
numbers 1, 2, and 3. They are:
• one – first
• two – second
• three – third
• Dates
• We use ordinal numbers when giving
a date.
• Her birthday is on the 29th. (Twenty-
• Their Independence Day is on
the 4th of July. (Fourth of July)
• The alphabet is the set of 26 letters
(from A to Z) that we use to represent
English in writing:
• It is very important to understand
that the letters of the alphabet do NOT
always represent the same sounds of
Letter Sound Letter Sound Letter Sound
A ei K kei U iu
B bi L el V vi
C si M em W dobol iu
D di N en X eks
E i O ou Y wai
F ef P pi Z zi/zed
G dzi Q kiu
H eitch R ar
I ai S es
J dzei T ti
27. • After practicing the pronunciation of
the alphabet, practice this conversation
with your brother, sister or mother at
A: What is your name?
B: My name is Raul.
A: Is that R-A-U-L?
B: Yes, it is correct.
A: Please, can you spell your last name?
B: It is G-A-R-C-I-A.
• Cardinal numbers are used for
telephone numbers. Write the telephone
numbers (use your notebook.) Practice
telling them.
a) two-one-two, five-six-three, six-one-one-five 212-563-6115
b) eight-five-four, two-two-one, nine-three-oh-four
c) four-six-seven, five-five-five, three-eight-two-oh
d) nine-one-three, six-five-seven, one-one-two-three
e) eight-two-nine, one-five-three, six-two-three-two
f) one-five-one, five-five-five, five-six-eight-six
g)nine-six-seven, oh-four-oh-, eight-one-eight-three
h) seven-two-three, four-one-five, nine-six-seven-eight
i) five-four-one, six-six-six, eight-nine-seven-two
j) four-nine-nine, seven-four-three, one-oh-seven-two
• Smith
• Karen
• Lisa
• Brown
• Sophia
• Shawn
• Taylor
• Mary
Activity 3.Practice. How do
you spell these names and
last names?
• Write down the correct form of these
cardinal and ordinal numbers. Use your
a)77 b) 12th
c)25 d) 3rd
e)22nd f) 14
g) 19th h) 37
i) 55 j) 89
k) 10 l) 25th