Foredrag fra Den Norske Dataforenings Ark 2012. Tema var casebeskrivelse fra prosjektet med 奪 gj淡re tilgjengelig for mobil ved bruk av Responsive Web Design.
Toledo, ubicada sobre un cerro en el r鱈o Tajo, es conocida como la ciudad de las tres culturas por la convivencia de cristianos, musulmanes y jud鱈os. Su arquitectura refleja esta mezcla de estilos, especialmente el mud辿jar. Lugares emblem叩ticos incluyen la catedral, la sinagoga del Tr叩nsito, el Alc叩zar y el cuadro El entierro del Conde Orgaz de El Greco en la iglesia de San Tom辿. Toledo tambi辿n es famosa por su artesan鱈a del acero
El documento describe la importancia del mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de herramientas, equipos y m叩quinas. Explica que el mantenimiento preventivo se realiza antes de que se da単en los objetos para evitar problemas, mientras que el mantenimiento correctivo se lleva a cabo despu辿s de que se da単a algo para arreglarlo. Tambi辿n se単ala la importancia de conocer c坦mo funcionan las herramientas y m叩quinas para usarlas adecuadamente y prolongar su vida 炭til.
L'edizione autunnale di Informaporto, periodico dell'amministrazione comunale di Porto Mantovano
Guia r叩pida de inicio de Microsoft - configurar office365 en windows phoneMICProductivity
Configurar Office 365 en Windows Phone proporciona instrucciones para configurar aplicaciones como Outlook, OneDrive, OneNote y Lync en un tel辿fono Windows Phone para acceder a cuentas de Office 365. Esto permite a los usuarios revisar correo electr坦nico, calendarios y documentos de Office, y comunicarse con colegas desde cualquier lugar.
The Sigma Alpha Mu Foundation awarded 128 scholarships and 82 academic awards in 2011-2012 totaling $172,300, which helped 210 students. This was a 24% increase in the number of scholarships/awards and 36% increase in dollars awarded from the previous year. New scholarships like the Glazer Family Jewish Studies Scholarship were created. The Foundation saw increased need but is striving to ensure students can afford their education through support from nearly 200 donors.
Encuentro 5: Primeros pasos para el uso de las TIC en la escuelaCarmen Leal
Encuentro 5: Curso de Capacitaci坦n Docente Dise単o de estrategias de ense単anzas enriquecidas: Los Primeros pasos pare el uso de las TIC en la escuela.
Lugar: Instituto de Ciencias Empresariales
Power Up Your Email Marketing - Presentation from Content Jam, Chicago 2013Lightspan Digital
All you want to know about email marketing from Content Jam.
Content Jam is a one-day conference for people who create or curate content for the web. Experts in content strategy and creation, SEO, analytics, promotion, and marketing automation will share their smartest tools and techniques. Youll learn how to create, manage, promote, share, and measure your content marketing efforts.
Youll be happy. Your boss will be happy. And most of all, your audience will be happy.
Givens overview of Crude, Natural Gas, NGLs at Argus 2012 conferencedavidgivens1898
Crude oil and natural gas liquid production is driving increased rig counts and natural gas output in the United States. While gas prices have diverged over the past three years, with natural gas prices significantly lower than oil, the higher energy content of natural gas liquids like propane and butane have kept their prices more closely linked to oil. Infrastructure constraints remain a challenge, especially in the Northeast where gas production has increased rapidly from the Marcellus shale. The growth of wet gas plays is also impacting pipeline flows and regional gas price differentials as production is transported over greater distances.
The search engine experience 2.0 - U of U MBA @DESB_UofUClark T. Bell
The Search Engine Experience 2.0 - U of U MBA.
This is a presentation I gave for some MBA - digital marketing students at the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City on October 20, 2014.
The presentation is on "The Search Engine Experience 2.0" which covers the history of Google, Inc., Search Engine Optimization, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Performance Optimization, Page Rank and Domain Authority.
You can also view this slide on my website -->
Este documento habla sobre los textos instructivos. Explica que los textos instructivos tienen el objetivo de guiar al receptor paso a paso en la realizaci坦n de una tarea o en el uso de un aparato de forma lineal y pautada. Da ejemplos como prospectos de medicamentos, reglamentos deportivos e instrucciones de IKEA. Tambi辿n describe las caracter鱈sticas del lenguaje de las instrucciones y propone actividades para analizar textos instructivos.
La autopsia es un procedimiento m辿dico que emplea disecci坦n para obtener informaci坦n sobre la causa de muerte de una persona. Existen diferentes tipos como la autopsia cl鱈nica, forense y fetal. La autopsia proporciona beneficios como determinar la causa real de muerte, errores de diagn坦stico y aspectos m辿dico-legales. El procedimiento de la autopsia incluye examen externo e interno del cuerpo, identificaci坦n del individuo, toma de muestras y establecimiento de la causa y forma de muerte.
El marketing se basaba en 4 p卒s pero se olvid坦 de la p m叩s importante: las personas. El marketing de hoy es un marketing de emociones y sensaciones. Hoy el marketing debe ofrecer soluciones globales a seres humanos integrales
Este documento describe una pesadora multiproducto DAUMAR PA 25. La m叩quina permite ajustes autom叩ticos para diferentes tipos de producci坦n y conserva la memoria de ajustes anteriores. Viene en acabado inoxidable y su cadencia puede variar entre 25 y 45 pesadas por minuto, o m叩s si se usa la versi坦n de doble cinta de salida. Incluye un elevador vertical o largo para adaptarse al espacio disponible.
Proposal For Equalization Levy On Specified TransactionsKunal Gandhi
This document proposes an "Equalization Levy" on specified digital transactions to address tax challenges arising from new digital business models. It summarizes the work of a committee examining taxation of the digital economy. The committee noted that existing international tax rules based on physical presence are outdated for digital businesses. It recommends adopting an Equalization Levy of 6-8% on large digital transactions over Rs. 1 lakh to source jurisdictions, to be imposed separately from income tax. This would help address unfair tax avoidance by digital multinationals and their competitive advantage over Indian businesses.
This document outlines the Adventure Leader Preparation Series (A.L.P.S.), a leadership program created by the Outdoor Club to develop new leaders. A.L.P.S. teaches outdoor skills and prepares participants to become Trip Leaders or run for officer positions. It began in 2009 to address a lack of young leaders as veterans graduated. The first group of A.L.P.S. graduates later became Trip Leaders and helped the Outdoor Club win awards that year for leadership and as organization of the year. The ideal A.L.P.S. coordinator is described as strong-minded, dedicated, creative, and able to set a positive tone for the program.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre las soluciones de colaboraci坦n visual Freestorm de SMART, incluyendo pantallas interactivas, software de colaboraci坦n y opciones para colaboraci坦n remota. Describe cinco componentes clave de la colaboraci坦n visual y una variedad de productos como sistemas de pizarra interactiva, pantallas planas interactivas, software y accesorios. El objetivo es transformar la forma en que las personas colaboran permitiendo la participaci坦n natural, la captura de ideas y la colaboraci坦n remota.
This document discusses tools for working with data from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument. It describes the MISR data products, which are large HDF files containing multiple image blocks. Tools covered include HDFScan for viewing metadata, MISRView for analyzing imagery within IDL, ERDAS Imagine for GIS analysis with raster and vector data overlay, and L1B2_to_geotiff for converting to geotiff format to use in other software. The tools address different user needs from simple data browsing to advanced analysis and allow scientists to access and work with MISR's large, complex Earth science data products.
Pla Director del Servei de Prevenci坦 i Extinci坦 d'Incendis i Salvament presentat al plenari del Consell Municipal de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona del 28 de novembre de 2014.
El proyecto "Ponte en Ruta" pretende crear un punto de encuentro en l鱈nea para poner en contacto a personas que deseen compartir veh鱈culos para ir al trabajo u ocio, con el objetivo de optimizar los desplazamientos y ahorrar gastos mientras se contribuye a mejorar el medio ambiente.
The document outlines the scope of work and responsibilities of a town planner. It discusses the general scope of work such as formulating plans and analyzing proposed communities and facilities. It also describes the tasks involved in different stages of construction such as finding and surveying sites, setting goals and objectives, and analyzing issues. Finally, it mentions the types of drawings required like zoning maps, site plans, transportation plans, and master plans.
SORAL-GERMANY est le sp辿cialiste de la fourniture de pi竪ces automobiles Europ辿enne, Japonaises et Cor辿ennes multimarques depuis de nombreuses ann辿es en Martinique.
La qualit辿 de nos pi竪ces et la comp辿tence de nos vendeurs est une exigence de tous les instants, qui nous sommes s短rs, r辿pondra pleinement vos besoins.
Parfaitement adapt辿 au march辿 local, notre stock de pi竪ces est permanent et cons辿quent. Des commandes en express sont 辿galement possibles pour tous types de pi竪ces (tolerie, electronique etc...) afin que vous ne soyez pas immobilis辿s trop longtemps.
Facilit辿s de paiement voir en magasin.
SORAL-GERMANY c'est la qualit辿 au juste prix .
InfoBeans - World of WOW! - Pictures of Crystal IT Park Facility, SEZ Indorejainarpit23
The document describes the facilities at Crystal IT Park, SEZ, Indore. It provides pictures and descriptions of various work and recreational areas at the facility, including the Front Desk, Terrace Garden, Development Center, International Business Team Office, Brainstorm video conferencing room, Refuel massage chair area, tPods casual discussion area, Free Spot open discussion zone, Imagine gaming room, Flex Reflex game center, Cue Ping Caf辿 cafeteria and recreational room, Idea Edge audiovisual learning space, and Crazy Den hang out space. The facility is designed to provide engineers a workspace that is more than double industry standard, as well as various relaxation areas to recharge.
Ozone and nitrogen oxides are strong oxidizing agents. Ozone is used to detect carbon-carbon double bonds in organic chemistry and also causes the bleaching effect seen with indigo dye. Nitrogen oxides, composed mainly of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, are also aggressive agents. A quaternary ammonium softener can be used to protect indigo dyed fabrics from fading caused by ozone and nitrogen oxides.
Presentasjon fra Epinovas frokostseminar 15. desember 2011.
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Encuentro 5: Primeros pasos para el uso de las TIC en la escuelaCarmen Leal
Encuentro 5: Curso de Capacitaci坦n Docente Dise単o de estrategias de ense単anzas enriquecidas: Los Primeros pasos pare el uso de las TIC en la escuela.
Lugar: Instituto de Ciencias Empresariales
Power Up Your Email Marketing - Presentation from Content Jam, Chicago 2013Lightspan Digital
All you want to know about email marketing from Content Jam.
Content Jam is a one-day conference for people who create or curate content for the web. Experts in content strategy and creation, SEO, analytics, promotion, and marketing automation will share their smartest tools and techniques. Youll learn how to create, manage, promote, share, and measure your content marketing efforts.
Youll be happy. Your boss will be happy. And most of all, your audience will be happy.
Givens overview of Crude, Natural Gas, NGLs at Argus 2012 conferencedavidgivens1898
Crude oil and natural gas liquid production is driving increased rig counts and natural gas output in the United States. While gas prices have diverged over the past three years, with natural gas prices significantly lower than oil, the higher energy content of natural gas liquids like propane and butane have kept their prices more closely linked to oil. Infrastructure constraints remain a challenge, especially in the Northeast where gas production has increased rapidly from the Marcellus shale. The growth of wet gas plays is also impacting pipeline flows and regional gas price differentials as production is transported over greater distances.
The search engine experience 2.0 - U of U MBA @DESB_UofUClark T. Bell
The Search Engine Experience 2.0 - U of U MBA.
This is a presentation I gave for some MBA - digital marketing students at the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City on October 20, 2014.
The presentation is on "The Search Engine Experience 2.0" which covers the history of Google, Inc., Search Engine Optimization, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Performance Optimization, Page Rank and Domain Authority.
You can also view this slide on my website -->
Este documento habla sobre los textos instructivos. Explica que los textos instructivos tienen el objetivo de guiar al receptor paso a paso en la realizaci坦n de una tarea o en el uso de un aparato de forma lineal y pautada. Da ejemplos como prospectos de medicamentos, reglamentos deportivos e instrucciones de IKEA. Tambi辿n describe las caracter鱈sticas del lenguaje de las instrucciones y propone actividades para analizar textos instructivos.
La autopsia es un procedimiento m辿dico que emplea disecci坦n para obtener informaci坦n sobre la causa de muerte de una persona. Existen diferentes tipos como la autopsia cl鱈nica, forense y fetal. La autopsia proporciona beneficios como determinar la causa real de muerte, errores de diagn坦stico y aspectos m辿dico-legales. El procedimiento de la autopsia incluye examen externo e interno del cuerpo, identificaci坦n del individuo, toma de muestras y establecimiento de la causa y forma de muerte.
El marketing se basaba en 4 p卒s pero se olvid坦 de la p m叩s importante: las personas. El marketing de hoy es un marketing de emociones y sensaciones. Hoy el marketing debe ofrecer soluciones globales a seres humanos integrales
Este documento describe una pesadora multiproducto DAUMAR PA 25. La m叩quina permite ajustes autom叩ticos para diferentes tipos de producci坦n y conserva la memoria de ajustes anteriores. Viene en acabado inoxidable y su cadencia puede variar entre 25 y 45 pesadas por minuto, o m叩s si se usa la versi坦n de doble cinta de salida. Incluye un elevador vertical o largo para adaptarse al espacio disponible.
Proposal For Equalization Levy On Specified TransactionsKunal Gandhi
This document proposes an "Equalization Levy" on specified digital transactions to address tax challenges arising from new digital business models. It summarizes the work of a committee examining taxation of the digital economy. The committee noted that existing international tax rules based on physical presence are outdated for digital businesses. It recommends adopting an Equalization Levy of 6-8% on large digital transactions over Rs. 1 lakh to source jurisdictions, to be imposed separately from income tax. This would help address unfair tax avoidance by digital multinationals and their competitive advantage over Indian businesses.
This document outlines the Adventure Leader Preparation Series (A.L.P.S.), a leadership program created by the Outdoor Club to develop new leaders. A.L.P.S. teaches outdoor skills and prepares participants to become Trip Leaders or run for officer positions. It began in 2009 to address a lack of young leaders as veterans graduated. The first group of A.L.P.S. graduates later became Trip Leaders and helped the Outdoor Club win awards that year for leadership and as organization of the year. The ideal A.L.P.S. coordinator is described as strong-minded, dedicated, creative, and able to set a positive tone for the program.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre las soluciones de colaboraci坦n visual Freestorm de SMART, incluyendo pantallas interactivas, software de colaboraci坦n y opciones para colaboraci坦n remota. Describe cinco componentes clave de la colaboraci坦n visual y una variedad de productos como sistemas de pizarra interactiva, pantallas planas interactivas, software y accesorios. El objetivo es transformar la forma en que las personas colaboran permitiendo la participaci坦n natural, la captura de ideas y la colaboraci坦n remota.
This document discusses tools for working with data from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument. It describes the MISR data products, which are large HDF files containing multiple image blocks. Tools covered include HDFScan for viewing metadata, MISRView for analyzing imagery within IDL, ERDAS Imagine for GIS analysis with raster and vector data overlay, and L1B2_to_geotiff for converting to geotiff format to use in other software. The tools address different user needs from simple data browsing to advanced analysis and allow scientists to access and work with MISR's large, complex Earth science data products.
Pla Director del Servei de Prevenci坦 i Extinci坦 d'Incendis i Salvament presentat al plenari del Consell Municipal de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona del 28 de novembre de 2014.
El proyecto "Ponte en Ruta" pretende crear un punto de encuentro en l鱈nea para poner en contacto a personas que deseen compartir veh鱈culos para ir al trabajo u ocio, con el objetivo de optimizar los desplazamientos y ahorrar gastos mientras se contribuye a mejorar el medio ambiente.
The document outlines the scope of work and responsibilities of a town planner. It discusses the general scope of work such as formulating plans and analyzing proposed communities and facilities. It also describes the tasks involved in different stages of construction such as finding and surveying sites, setting goals and objectives, and analyzing issues. Finally, it mentions the types of drawings required like zoning maps, site plans, transportation plans, and master plans.
SORAL-GERMANY est le sp辿cialiste de la fourniture de pi竪ces automobiles Europ辿enne, Japonaises et Cor辿ennes multimarques depuis de nombreuses ann辿es en Martinique.
La qualit辿 de nos pi竪ces et la comp辿tence de nos vendeurs est une exigence de tous les instants, qui nous sommes s短rs, r辿pondra pleinement vos besoins.
Parfaitement adapt辿 au march辿 local, notre stock de pi竪ces est permanent et cons辿quent. Des commandes en express sont 辿galement possibles pour tous types de pi竪ces (tolerie, electronique etc...) afin que vous ne soyez pas immobilis辿s trop longtemps.
Facilit辿s de paiement voir en magasin.
SORAL-GERMANY c'est la qualit辿 au juste prix .
InfoBeans - World of WOW! - Pictures of Crystal IT Park Facility, SEZ Indorejainarpit23
The document describes the facilities at Crystal IT Park, SEZ, Indore. It provides pictures and descriptions of various work and recreational areas at the facility, including the Front Desk, Terrace Garden, Development Center, International Business Team Office, Brainstorm video conferencing room, Refuel massage chair area, tPods casual discussion area, Free Spot open discussion zone, Imagine gaming room, Flex Reflex game center, Cue Ping Caf辿 cafeteria and recreational room, Idea Edge audiovisual learning space, and Crazy Den hang out space. The facility is designed to provide engineers a workspace that is more than double industry standard, as well as various relaxation areas to recharge.
Ozone and nitrogen oxides are strong oxidizing agents. Ozone is used to detect carbon-carbon double bonds in organic chemistry and also causes the bleaching effect seen with indigo dye. Nitrogen oxides, composed mainly of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, are also aggressive agents. A quaternary ammonium softener can be used to protect indigo dyed fabrics from fading caused by ozone and nitrogen oxides.
Encuentro 5: Primeros pasos para el uso de las TIC en la escuelaCarmen Leal
1. BI
Hva gj淡r du n奪r over 20.000 nettsider skal
tilgjengeliggj淡res for mobil og iPad, og over
40 redakt淡rer skal i tillegg holde nettstedet
2. Vi er
Aud Marie Hauge rjan Clausen
Frontendutvikler og uu-r奪dgiver Daglig leder i Northern Beat
i Epinova Tidligere r奪dgiver og
Gjesteforeleser p奪 HiOA prosjektleder i Epinova og IXD
Master i informatikk Informasjonsviter,
markedsf淡ring, kommunikasjon
og webdesign
3. Hvor jobber vi
Epinova AS
Startet i 2007
30 ansatte
Etablererprisen 2012
Northern Beat AS
Strategi, konsept, id辿 og design
Startet i 2012
6 ansatte
4. Litt om bakgrunnen
Behov for 奪 v脱re tilgjengelig p奪 mobil
Innovativ skole
Ung m奪lgruppe
Statistikk viste 淡kende mobil bruk
5. Litt om de involverte
Yvonne Hansen Spesialr奪dgiver BI
Goril Karstad Senior kommunikasjonsr奪dgiver BI
rjan Clausen R奪dgiver (Epinova n奪 Northern Beat)
Thomas Gr淡ndal Designer (IXD n奪 Skalar)
Roger Guttormsen Frontendutvikler (IXD n奪 Skalar)
Utviklingsteam Epinova
Arild Henrichesen EPiServer Ekspert
Aud Marie Hauge Ekspert brukervennlighet og universell utforming
Karl Granli Ekspert brukervennlighet og universell utforming
Karoline Klever EPiServer Ekspert
ge Rein奪s EPiServer Ekspert
6. Prosessen
Bestilling fra BI vi m奪 p奪 mobil!
V奪r respons
Med hva?
Til hvem?
Strategi og m奪lgrupper
Brukere og innhold
Interaksjonsdesign og grafisk design
7. V奪r p奪stand f淡r vi begynte
Nettstedet p奪 mobil og nettstedet p奪 desktop skal ikke v脱re like
Behovet er ikke det samme
Innholdet m奪 v脱re mer selgende og mer teaser-aktig research gj淡r
man p奪 desktop
Vi lager et lite mobilt nettsted med kult design og lite innhold
Det ble ikke slik hadde tenkt
8. Strategi og m奪lgrupper
Leste statistikk
Leste sp淡rreunders淡kelser
Sjekket av mot BIs strategi
Satt opp m奪l
Selge studie og kurs
Informere om fag og forskning
Gi nyttig informasjon
Avdekket prim脱r- og sekund脱rm奪lgrupper
9. Brukerne og innhold
Vi koblet sammen innhold, flyttet innhold til andre
Helt ny struktur p奪 nettstedet
SEO vennlig
Fokus p奪 ord og uttrykk
Fjernet gammelt innhold
10. Emnekart for 奪 forst奪 studentene
Venner L奪ne-
By kassen
鍖nansier Fagopp-
ing bygging
Tids- ring
punkt Anner- S淡knads- Kontakt
Rykte kjennels skjema Oppstart "bachelor"
Gjenno Jobb- e
mf淡ring Kriterier mulighet
for valg monial
av skole Fordypni
Klasse- Spesialise
rom Karriere
Hva er
Kurstype bachelor?
Hvorfor Sosialt
Nett- bachelor?
Fokus FAQ P奪bygging Teste-
studier Spesial Intern-ship Utveksling
Fag Double monial
+1 modell Campus
krav Jobb-
n Opptaks- muligheter
Utplasse Fakultet info
Bachelor- Hvorfor
Jobbmul ring H淡yskol program valgte jeg
Utveksli Studie-
igheter e oppsett/ Teste- Bachelor Bi
ng kalender monial
S淡knads- 奪rsstudie
skjema L奪ne-
Finansie- Utveksling Bachelor
Fagopp- Eksamen Studie- Fadderuke
Kontakt hovedfag milj淡
FAQ For Aktiviteter
Sommer- virksom-
Hva er
Sommer- program heter
master? (.edu)
(.edu) Klasserom
master? Master- Generell Faq R奪dgiver
program Anerkjenn Pakke-
Publika- info
Anerkjenn sjoner Fokus else tilbud
else Studie-
Internasjo milj淡 Internasjo
Prosjekter L奪ne-
For kassen
virksom- Hvordan
Forskere Intern-ship s淡ke
muligheter BI's
Hvorfor Pakke-
valgte jeg Faq tilbud
Teste- L奪ne-
monial kassen Karriere
Campus s淡ke
Karriere Studie-
11. Interaksjonsdesign og grafisk design
Laget wireframes
Mobil og desktop
Brukertestet wireframes
Designet noe for
Mobil og desktop
14. Grensesnittutvikling
Tok et teknologivalg
Responsive Web Design
Bygget et system for sidemalene
Viktig for redakt淡rene 奪 ikke tenke mobil
Tett dialog mellom frontend og designer
Webdesignet responderer p奪 st淡rrelsen til skjermen som
Innholdet og HTML er lik, men utseende endrer seg
Man bruker hovedsakelig
CSS, men ogs奪
JavaScript til f.eks.
Ikke spisset innhold
Ett sidetre
25. Leelas Adaptive Images
1. Lav terskel - krever ingen endring av kode, redaksjonelt innhold
eller design
2. Ytelse - Asynkrom lasting av bilder
3. Skalering - automatisk skalering av alle bilder p奪 alle flater
4. Caching laster ikke bilde p奪 nytt om ingen endring har skjedd
27. Adaptive Images
Skalering av bilder for b奪de desktop og mobil
Ytelse - Asynkrom lasting av bilder
30. Utvikling
Vi konvertere sidemal for sidemal
Flyttet innhold fra gammel struktur til ny struktur
Fjernet innhold
La til nytt innhold
Holdt kurs og samling med BIs redakt淡rer
Bygget l淡sningen p奪 en slik m奪te at redakt淡rene i stor
grad ikke trenger 奪 tenke p奪 mobilvisning
31. Resultatet
40% mer av innholdet p奪 30% f脱rre klikk
Bes淡kstid gikk opp
Farmandprisen 2012
Nettstedet vant gull under Farmandprisen
Beste nettsted 2012, i kategorien "pen klasse".
Gulltaggen 2012 var shortlistet til Gulltaggen 2012 i klassen
"Beste informasjonstjeneste".
32. Hva l脱rte vi?
Lite erfaring fra lignende prosesser
B奪de vi og kunden, og ikke bare BI, men de fleste kundene som
starter mobilprosjekt
Ikke anta noe i alle fall ikke si det h淡yt ;-)
Gj淡r designet sammen med grensesnittutviklingen, lag et
system, tenk mobil tidlig/f淡rst/parallelt
Ha tett dialog med SEO
Editor's Notes
#15: Bygd eit system for sidemalane -Stikkord:Lett 奪 vedlikeholdeLett 奪 bygge videre p奪BreakpointsTett dialog mellom frontend og designer - Frontender og designer lagde mye design sammen i HTML og CSS
#21: - Litt om uu, og ulike behov som endre skriftst淡rrelse, lesebreidde
#25: - Skalering av bileter som gjer at einikkje m奪 laste meir enn n淡dvendigWurfl teneste som gjev all info ein treng om brukaren som t.d skjerm, flate etcDersom s淡ker p奪 adaptive images finnes dette fra f淡r, men kanskje ikke sofistikert nok
#26: Bileta blir lagra p奪 server. Dersom du har g奪tt inn med mobil , tdiphone 4, ios4 s奪 genereres bilde ikkjeend奪ein gong n奪r eg kjem inn - Bileta blir skalert p奪 server, kun 1 gong per bruker. Laster nytt bileteberre om det har skjedd ei eindringBy default i heile l淡ysinga, kan ogs奪 brukes i l淡sninger selv om l淡sning ikke er responsiv