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Richard E. McClain
5115 Fairview Court  Avon, Indiana 46123  317.560.1643  edreiman@hotmail.com
Managerial Qualifications
 Successful working on multiple projects under pressure to meet strict deadlines and budget requirements.
 Experienced hiring, training, and supervising new and experienced employees.
 Effectively manage complex and difficult situations.
 Able to work with all levels of management in a professional, diplomatic, and tactful manner.
 Rapidly analyze / recognize department problems and solutions.
 Proven leadership skills with time and task management.
 Efficient use of Word, Excel, Access, and Power Point for development of plans, proposals, budgets, financial
analyses and projections, as well as presentations.
 Thirteen years of Manager / Supervisor experience working with exempt, non-exempt, union and contract
 United Way Chairman for Duke Energy Indiana Campaign in 2013.
 Leadership role for Indiana Special Olympics in 2014.
 Indiana Leadership Development Network (LDN) Chair for Mentor team; 2014, 2013, 2012.
 Lead the North Area Safety Team in 2011 and 2012.
Professional Experience
Manager, Distribution Resource Planning, Scheduling, Analyst, Duke Energy Indiana, September 2012 to
As a Manager of Distribution Resource, Planning, Scheduling and Analysis, I am responsible for the strategic
direction and oversight of the Resource Planners, Schedulers, and Operations Analysts. I have overall responsibility
for the success of distribution work planning, resource planning, resource analysis and scheduling functions for
Duke Energy Indiana. I am accountable for the cost effective and productive use of all resources including company
and contractor crews, vehicles, equipment, tools and material inventory. I oversee approximately $146 million
annual capital construction and maintenance work plans for construction planning of resources.
I also provide leadership to the Process teams, serving as the cost category representative for O&M labor, contract
labor, fleet and material teams. I also monitor costs associated with resource types while developing communication
recommendations for savings and process improvements for Midwest Delivery Operations (MDO). I have a
significant role in supporting storm restoration plans for both major and minor storms, serving as the single point of
contact for resource acquisition, allocation and movement. I develop short and long term construction strategy,
forecasting and communicating resource needs, developing and implementing work plans, quantifying work plan
variances, and oversight of jurisdictional KPIs.
 Demonstrated ability to effectively interact at various levels within the Company.
 Demonstrated strong strategic thinking and problem solving skills.
 Demonstrated ability to work with other departments and achieve results.
 Demonstrated strong negotiation and influencing skills.
 Demonstrated excellent assessment, organizational, interpersonal, judgment, and oral and written
communication, skills.
 Demonstrated ability to effectively develop subordinates to achieve high levels of performance.
 Demonstrated ability to leverage technology to optimize work processes .
 Maintained a strong, effective customer focus and professional attitude.
 Receptive and adaptable to changing situations.
 Recommended and implemented ideas to help reduce labor and construction cost.
DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION, Kokomo, Indiana / Noblesville, Indiana
General Supervisor, April 1, 2006 to September 15, 2012
As a General Supervisor, I was responsible for Transmission and Distribution / Capital and Maintenance (T&D
/C&M) personnel. I was responsible for day-to-day operations in the operating center. I coordinated all
McClain Page 2
underground and overhead work, meeting with government entities on a regular basis to ensure the win-win
resolution issues. I coordinated work between external and internal customers and contractors for Dukes
Noblesville operating center. I communicated with customers ranging from residential, commercial, industrial and
governmental to ensure construction was completed.
 Implemented strategies to reduce both O&M and Capital costs within T&D / C&M.
 Implemented safety strategies to reduce the TICR for Duke Energy Indiana.
 Coordinated Duke Procedures by working with multiple departments to improve overall efficiencies.
 Streamlined work processes within the operations group to help improve the overall satisfaction of our
 Developed new procedures to control inventory and material costs.
 Regularly interacted with elected officials, corporations, and local businesses to maintain a professional
presence and commitment to the Duke Energy brand.
CINERGY CORPORATION, Bloomington, and Carmel, IN
Customer Project Supervisor, November 2003 to April 2006 (Bloomington) and July 2000 - June 2002 (Carmel)
As a Customer Project Supervisor, I was responsible for engineering personnel, engineering projects and day to day
management for several operating centers in Indiana. I coordinated between external and internal customers to
complete projects in a timely and cost effective manner.
 Implemented strategies to reduce both O&M and Capital costs.
 Improved overall efficiencies.
 Streamlined work processes within the engineering group to help improve the overall efficiencies and
satisfaction of our customers.
 Developed new procedures to control inventory and material costs.
 Regularly interacted with government, corporations, and businesses to maintain a professional presence and
commitment to the Duke Energy brand.
Field Supervisor, June 2002 - November 2003
As a Field Supervisor, I was responsible for day-to-day operation of our Noblesville operating center. I coordinated
all underground work between customers and contractors for both the Carmel and Noblesville operating centers. I
communicated with customers ranging from residential to government entities on a regular basis to resolve mutual
 Recommended and implemented ideas to help reduce overall construction costs
 Implemented new process to reduce crew travel costs.
 Improved work procedures to help reduce O & M and Capital costs.
 Realigned existing service territories to better serve our customer needs and operation production.
 Implemented new service trench procedures to help reduce maintenance cost without adversely affecting
service to our customers.
Customer Project Coordinator, March 1998  June 2002
As a CPC, I acted as the company representative for new and existing customers that required services to meet their
energy needs. I coordinated the various aspects of the plan for installation: design, material delivery and monetary
contributions, through the use of INDUS, Passport, CIS, Microsoft Office, and several other software programs.
 Implemented AutoCad software to reduce overall drawing time for Cinergy.
 Supervised underground and overhead crews when Field Supervisors were absent.
 Coordinated engineering and construction standards and procedures by attending Technical Advisory
Committees in various towns and cities.
 Designed residential, commercial and industrial layouts using Cinergys standards and NIPIT procedures
for the most cost-effective installation.
 Managed multiple projects with various degrees of difficulty, from start to finish.
McClain Page 2
Indiana Wesleyan University, Masters of Business Administration, 2001
Indiana State University, Bachelor of Science, 1998
Indiana Vocational Technical College, Associated of Science, 1989

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Resume 10-1-15(2)

  • 1. Richard E. McClain 5115 Fairview Court Avon, Indiana 46123 317.560.1643 edreiman@hotmail.com Managerial Qualifications Successful working on multiple projects under pressure to meet strict deadlines and budget requirements. Experienced hiring, training, and supervising new and experienced employees. Effectively manage complex and difficult situations. Able to work with all levels of management in a professional, diplomatic, and tactful manner. Rapidly analyze / recognize department problems and solutions. Proven leadership skills with time and task management. Efficient use of Word, Excel, Access, and Power Point for development of plans, proposals, budgets, financial analyses and projections, as well as presentations. Thirteen years of Manager / Supervisor experience working with exempt, non-exempt, union and contract personnel. United Way Chairman for Duke Energy Indiana Campaign in 2013. Leadership role for Indiana Special Olympics in 2014. Indiana Leadership Development Network (LDN) Chair for Mentor team; 2014, 2013, 2012. Lead the North Area Safety Team in 2011 and 2012. Professional Experience DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION, Plainfield, Indiana Manager, Distribution Resource Planning, Scheduling, Analyst, Duke Energy Indiana, September 2012 to Present As a Manager of Distribution Resource, Planning, Scheduling and Analysis, I am responsible for the strategic direction and oversight of the Resource Planners, Schedulers, and Operations Analysts. I have overall responsibility for the success of distribution work planning, resource planning, resource analysis and scheduling functions for Duke Energy Indiana. I am accountable for the cost effective and productive use of all resources including company and contractor crews, vehicles, equipment, tools and material inventory. I oversee approximately $146 million annual capital construction and maintenance work plans for construction planning of resources. I also provide leadership to the Process teams, serving as the cost category representative for O&M labor, contract labor, fleet and material teams. I also monitor costs associated with resource types while developing communication recommendations for savings and process improvements for Midwest Delivery Operations (MDO). I have a significant role in supporting storm restoration plans for both major and minor storms, serving as the single point of contact for resource acquisition, allocation and movement. I develop short and long term construction strategy, forecasting and communicating resource needs, developing and implementing work plans, quantifying work plan variances, and oversight of jurisdictional KPIs. Demonstrated ability to effectively interact at various levels within the Company. Demonstrated strong strategic thinking and problem solving skills. Demonstrated ability to work with other departments and achieve results. Demonstrated strong negotiation and influencing skills. Demonstrated excellent assessment, organizational, interpersonal, judgment, and oral and written communication, skills. Demonstrated ability to effectively develop subordinates to achieve high levels of performance. Demonstrated ability to leverage technology to optimize work processes . Maintained a strong, effective customer focus and professional attitude. Receptive and adaptable to changing situations. Recommended and implemented ideas to help reduce labor and construction cost. DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION, Kokomo, Indiana / Noblesville, Indiana General Supervisor, April 1, 2006 to September 15, 2012 As a General Supervisor, I was responsible for Transmission and Distribution / Capital and Maintenance (T&D /C&M) personnel. I was responsible for day-to-day operations in the operating center. I coordinated all
  • 2. McClain Page 2 underground and overhead work, meeting with government entities on a regular basis to ensure the win-win resolution issues. I coordinated work between external and internal customers and contractors for Dukes Noblesville operating center. I communicated with customers ranging from residential, commercial, industrial and governmental to ensure construction was completed. Implemented strategies to reduce both O&M and Capital costs within T&D / C&M. Implemented safety strategies to reduce the TICR for Duke Energy Indiana. Coordinated Duke Procedures by working with multiple departments to improve overall efficiencies. Streamlined work processes within the operations group to help improve the overall satisfaction of our customers. Developed new procedures to control inventory and material costs. Regularly interacted with elected officials, corporations, and local businesses to maintain a professional presence and commitment to the Duke Energy brand. CINERGY CORPORATION, Bloomington, and Carmel, IN Customer Project Supervisor, November 2003 to April 2006 (Bloomington) and July 2000 - June 2002 (Carmel) As a Customer Project Supervisor, I was responsible for engineering personnel, engineering projects and day to day management for several operating centers in Indiana. I coordinated between external and internal customers to complete projects in a timely and cost effective manner. Implemented strategies to reduce both O&M and Capital costs. Improved overall efficiencies. Streamlined work processes within the engineering group to help improve the overall efficiencies and satisfaction of our customers. Developed new procedures to control inventory and material costs. Regularly interacted with government, corporations, and businesses to maintain a professional presence and commitment to the Duke Energy brand. CINERGY CORPORATION, Noblesville, IN Field Supervisor, June 2002 - November 2003 As a Field Supervisor, I was responsible for day-to-day operation of our Noblesville operating center. I coordinated all underground work between customers and contractors for both the Carmel and Noblesville operating centers. I communicated with customers ranging from residential to government entities on a regular basis to resolve mutual issues. Recommended and implemented ideas to help reduce overall construction costs Implemented new process to reduce crew travel costs. Improved work procedures to help reduce O & M and Capital costs. Realigned existing service territories to better serve our customer needs and operation production. Implemented new service trench procedures to help reduce maintenance cost without adversely affecting service to our customers. CINERGY CORPORATION, Noblesville, IN Customer Project Coordinator, March 1998 June 2002 As a CPC, I acted as the company representative for new and existing customers that required services to meet their energy needs. I coordinated the various aspects of the plan for installation: design, material delivery and monetary contributions, through the use of INDUS, Passport, CIS, Microsoft Office, and several other software programs. Implemented AutoCad software to reduce overall drawing time for Cinergy. Supervised underground and overhead crews when Field Supervisors were absent. Coordinated engineering and construction standards and procedures by attending Technical Advisory Committees in various towns and cities. Designed residential, commercial and industrial layouts using Cinergys standards and NIPIT procedures for the most cost-effective installation. Managed multiple projects with various degrees of difficulty, from start to finish. Education
  • 3. McClain Page 2 Indiana Wesleyan University, Masters of Business Administration, 2001 Indiana State University, Bachelor of Science, 1998 Indiana Vocational Technical College, Associated of Science, 1989