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Asha Abraham
8505 Summerdale Rd, #384
San Diego, CA- 92126
Cell: 858-260-9923
Registerednurse with2+yearsexperience seekingachallengingpositioninareputedorganization
to applymynursingskills andinprocessexpandmyknowledge torender highqualityhealthcare.
As a USD graduate in Executive Nurse LeadershipandanMSN in ObstetricsandGynecology,Iwould
strive tomake most of my educationand utilize mydiverse experience inthe fieldof bedside
nursing,researchandclinical education toprovide highestlevel of patientcare.
Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and Newborns, San Diego, CA
Intern (Executive Nurse Leader) (May2015- Aug 2015)
 Attendprofessional practice councilsandqualitycouncilstoassessthe progresstowards
achievingthe qualityindicatorsandfindanareaof improvementforthe EBPproject.
 EBP projectsdone onthe impact of teach-backeducationondischarge teachingtoimprove
the nursesknowledge,attitudesandpractice (KAP)of teach- backas comparedto the
currentpractice inthe postpartumunitinSharp Mary Birch Hospital.
 Participate inthe magnetcertificationprocess
 Partake incharge nurse meetings,bed huddlesandhospital departmental meetings
identifyingstrategiestoimprove nursingpractice and promote aculture of safety
partneringwiththe patientsandothermembersof the team
 Engage in the continuingeducationprogramsconductedbythe hospitalforthe employees
to helprefresh/increase theirknowledgeof professional conceptsandstandardsaswell as
enhance teamworkandcommunication.
Holy Family College of Nursing, New Delhi, India
Tutor (Nursing) (Feb 2012 - Apr 2013)
 Prepare anddeliverlecturestoundergraduate orgraduate studentsontopicssuchas
midwifery,gynecology,environmentalsciencesandmedical surgical topicssuchasfluidand
 Plan,evaluate,andrevisecurricula,course content,course materials,andmethodsof
 Supervise students'laboratoryandclinical workanddemonstratepatientcare inclinical
unitsof hospitals.
 Evaluate andgrade students'classwork,laboratoryandclinicwork,assignments,and
 Keepabreastof developments inthe fieldbyreadingcurrentliterature,talkingwith
colleagues,andparticipatinginprofessional conferences.
 Advise studentsonacademicandvocational curriculaandoncareerissues.
 Mentor juniorandadjunctfacultymembers.
National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi, India
Consultant (Nursing) (Jun 2011 - Dec 2011)
 Provide expertconsultationondatacollectedfromnursingprofessionalsacrossthe
country,analysisandcompilationfora WorldHealthOrganization(WHO) fundedprojecton
 Collaborate withinvestigatorstoprepare presentationsorreportsof clinical study
 Maintaincontact withsponsorstoschedule andcoordinate site visitsandtoanswer
questionsaboutissuessuchasincomplete data.
 Arrange for researchstudysitesanddeterminestaff orequipmentavailability.
 Contact outside healthcare providersandcommunicate withsubjectstoobtainfollow-up
Escorts Heart Institute and Research centre, New Delhi, India
Recovery Room Nurse (Aug 2008 - Jul 2009)
 Setup and monitormedical equipmentanddevicessuchascardiac monitors,mechanical
ventilatorsandalarms,oxygen deliverydevices,transducers,andpressure lines.
 Evaluate patients'vital signsandlaboratorydatato determineemergencyintervention
 Monitorpatientsforchangesinstatus and indicationsof conditionssuchassepsisorshock
and institute appropriate interventions.
to transfusionreactions.
 Monitorpatients'fluidintake andoutputtodetectemergingproblemssuchasfluidand
 Collaborate withotherhealthcare professionalstodevelopandrevisetreatmentplans
basedon identifiedneedsandassessmentdata.
Masters in Executive Nurse Leadership (MSN), Aug 2015
Hahn School of Nursing, University of SanDiego (SanDiego, CA)
Masters in Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing (MSN), May 2011
RufaidaCollege of Nursing,JamiaHamdard University (New Delhi, India)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), May 2008
Rajkumari AmritKaurCollege of Nursing,Delhi University (NewDelhi, India)
Registered Nurse with California Board of Nursing, License Number 95059010.
 Basic Life Support by American Heart Association
 Neonatal Resuscitation Program certification
Abraham A, Chhugani M and Tamang E.K., A study to assess the opinion of nurse educators and
studentnursestowardsthe developmentof directentrygraduate programinmidwifery in selected
schools and colleges of Delhi and to develop a syllabus for the direct entry graduate program in
midwifery International Journal of Nursing Education, Jul  Dec 2013, 5(2).
Bagga R., Tiwari R., Jaiswal V and Abraham A, " The changing faces of nursing and midwifery from
the ancient to the post - independence period in India " Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing
education, Jan Jun 2013, 14(1).
 Societyof Midwives(India)
 White RibbonAllianceforSafe Motherhood
 NursingResearchSocietyof India
 TrainedNursesAssociationof India
 Healthcare InformationandManagementSystemsSociety
 ExpertinMicrosoftoffice (Word,Excel, PowerPoint,Publisher)

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  • 1. Asha Abraham 8505 Summerdale Rd, #384 San Diego, CA- 92126 Cell: 858-260-9923 asha.abraham13@gmail.com CAREER OBJECTIVE:- Registerednurse with2+yearsexperience seekingachallengingpositioninareputedorganization to applymynursingskills andinprocessexpandmyknowledge torender highqualityhealthcare. As a USD graduate in Executive Nurse LeadershipandanMSN in ObstetricsandGynecology,Iwould strive tomake most of my educationand utilize mydiverse experience inthe fieldof bedside nursing,researchandclinical education toprovide highestlevel of patientcare. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and Newborns, San Diego, CA Intern (Executive Nurse Leader) (May2015- Aug 2015) Attendprofessional practice councilsandqualitycouncilstoassessthe progresstowards achievingthe qualityindicatorsandfindanareaof improvementforthe EBPproject. EBP projectsdone onthe impact of teach-backeducationondischarge teachingtoimprove the nursesknowledge,attitudesandpractice (KAP)of teach- backas comparedto the currentpractice inthe postpartumunitinSharp Mary Birch Hospital. Participate inthe magnetcertificationprocess Partake incharge nurse meetings,bed huddlesandhospital departmental meetings identifyingstrategiestoimprove nursingpractice and promote aculture of safety partneringwiththe patientsandothermembersof the team Engage in the continuingeducationprogramsconductedbythe hospitalforthe employees to helprefresh/increase theirknowledgeof professional conceptsandstandardsaswell as enhance teamworkandcommunication. Holy Family College of Nursing, New Delhi, India Tutor (Nursing) (Feb 2012 - Apr 2013) Prepare anddeliverlecturestoundergraduate orgraduate studentsontopicssuchas midwifery,gynecology,environmentalsciencesandmedical surgical topicssuchasfluidand electrolyteimbalance Plan,evaluate,andrevisecurricula,course content,course materials,andmethodsof instruction. Supervise students'laboratoryandclinical workanddemonstratepatientcare inclinical unitsof hospitals. Evaluate andgrade students'classwork,laboratoryandclinicwork,assignments,and papers. Keepabreastof developments inthe fieldbyreadingcurrentliterature,talkingwith colleagues,andparticipatinginprofessional conferences. Advise studentsonacademicandvocational curriculaandoncareerissues. Mentor juniorandadjunctfacultymembers. National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi, India Consultant (Nursing) (Jun 2011 - Dec 2011) Provide expertconsultationondatacollectedfromnursingprofessionalsacrossthe country,analysisandcompilationfora WorldHealthOrganization(WHO) fundedprojecton NursingandMidwiferyinIndia
  • 2. Collaborate withinvestigatorstoprepare presentationsorreportsof clinical study procedures,results,andconclusions. Maintaincontact withsponsorstoschedule andcoordinate site visitsandtoanswer questionsaboutissuessuchasincomplete data. Arrange for researchstudysitesanddeterminestaff orequipmentavailability. Contact outside healthcare providersandcommunicate withsubjectstoobtainfollow-up information. Escorts Heart Institute and Research centre, New Delhi, India Recovery Room Nurse (Aug 2008 - Jul 2009) Assesspatients'painlevelsandsedationrequirements. Setup and monitormedical equipmentanddevicessuchascardiac monitors,mechanical ventilatorsandalarms,oxygen deliverydevices,transducers,andpressure lines. Evaluate patients'vital signsandlaboratorydatato determineemergencyintervention needs. Monitorpatientsforchangesinstatus and indicationsof conditionssuchassepsisorshock and institute appropriate interventions. Administerbloodandbloodproducts,monitoringpatientsforsignsandsymptomsrelated to transfusionreactions. Monitorpatients'fluidintake andoutputtodetectemergingproblemssuchasfluidand electrolyteimbalances. Collaborate withotherhealthcare professionalstodevelopandrevisetreatmentplans basedon identifiedneedsandassessmentdata. EDUCATION Masters in Executive Nurse Leadership (MSN), Aug 2015 Hahn School of Nursing, University of SanDiego (SanDiego, CA) Masters in Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing (MSN), May 2011 RufaidaCollege of Nursing,JamiaHamdard University (New Delhi, India) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), May 2008 Rajkumari AmritKaurCollege of Nursing,Delhi University (NewDelhi, India) REGISTERATION Registered Nurse with California Board of Nursing, License Number 95059010. CERTIFICATIONS Basic Life Support by American Heart Association Neonatal Resuscitation Program certification PUBLICATIONS Abraham A, Chhugani M and Tamang E.K., A study to assess the opinion of nurse educators and studentnursestowardsthe developmentof directentrygraduate programinmidwifery in selected schools and colleges of Delhi and to develop a syllabus for the direct entry graduate program in midwifery International Journal of Nursing Education, Jul Dec 2013, 5(2). Bagga R., Tiwari R., Jaiswal V and Abraham A, " The changing faces of nursing and midwifery from the ancient to the post - independence period in India " Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing education, Jan Jun 2013, 14(1).
  • 3. MEMBERSHIP Societyof Midwives(India) White RibbonAllianceforSafe Motherhood NursingResearchSocietyof India TrainedNursesAssociationof India Healthcare InformationandManagementSystemsSociety ADDITIONAL SKILLS ExpertinMicrosoftoffice (Word,Excel, PowerPoint,Publisher) ExcellentCommunicationandPeopleSkills