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Nicholas Scott Criscione
3445 oxford blvd, St. Louis, MO, 63143
(314) 686-2151
e-mail: scott.criscione@gmail.com
Career Objective
Hard working student applying for an entry level position in the sports broadcasting field during my pursuit
of my Masters program.
Summary of Qualifications
 B.A.  Color Analysis  Digital Journalist
 News Anchor  WordPress  SEO
 Play-by-Play  Microsoft Office  Social Media
 Lindenwood University
Bachelors of Communication: Emphasis: TV/Radio, Radio
 Lindenwood University
Pursuit of Masters of Communication: Journalism 2014-present
Employment History
Broadca s t er/ Board operator  Lindenw o o d University Sports
Netw ork 2009- present
- Broadcast live games on radio and television
- Be versatile in both play- by- play and color analyst
- Host pre- game/ half time shows for radio and television stations
- Sports Broadcasted include: Football, Basketball, Rugby, and Soccer
Staff Writer - archauth ority.co m , Saint Louis, MO
2013- present
- Cover all major sports in the Saint Louis Area
- Write in-depth and unique stories on the local teams
On Air Talent/ Host  LUTV
2011- 2014
- News Anchor for the bi-daily LUTV News
- Hosted the weekly Coach Francis Show about the Womens Basketball
Team for TV
- Hosted Mens Basketball Halftime show for TV
- Co-Hosted NFL Draft Show

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  • 1. Nicholas Scott Criscione 3445 oxford blvd, St. Louis, MO, 63143 (314) 686-2151 e-mail: scott.criscione@gmail.com Career Objective Hard working student applying for an entry level position in the sports broadcasting field during my pursuit of my Masters program. Summary of Qualifications B.A. Color Analysis Digital Journalist News Anchor WordPress SEO Play-by-Play Microsoft Office Social Media Education Lindenwood University Bachelors of Communication: Emphasis: TV/Radio, Radio 2009-2014 Lindenwood University Pursuit of Masters of Communication: Journalism 2014-present Employment History Broadca s t er/ Board operator Lindenw o o d University Sports Netw ork 2009- present - Broadcast live games on radio and television - Be versatile in both play- by- play and color analyst - Host pre- game/ half time shows for radio and television stations - Sports Broadcasted include: Football, Basketball, Rugby, and Soccer Staff Writer - archauth ority.co m , Saint Louis, MO 2013- present - Cover all major sports in the Saint Louis Area - Write in-depth and unique stories on the local teams On Air Talent/ Host LUTV 2011- 2014 - News Anchor for the bi-daily LUTV News
  • 2. Page-2 - Hosted the weekly Coach Francis Show about the Womens Basketball Team for TV - Hosted Mens Basketball Halftime show for TV - Co-Hosted NFL Draft Show