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Janie P. Hawn
PO BOX 252
Mansfield, IL. 61854
E-mail- jphawn@yahoo.com
Job Objective: To secure employment in a secure organization that strives to meet customers needs as well
as expectations.
Work Experience:
03/12- Present Farmers Insurance
Michael Rumsey Agency
101 W. Tomaras Dr.
Savoy, IL 61874
Owner: Mike Rumsey
My responsibilities here as the Office Manager/Agent are to process all daily business, make changes on
customers policies, quote and write home, auto and life insurance for our customers. I amalso responsible
for answering phones and providing customer service to all of our customers. I have continued to be a top
producer in this office. I amcurrently a licensed insurance producer for the State of Illinois. I amcurrent in
my Property & Casualty as well as Life and Health license.
7/11-3/12 Country Financial
608 N CunninghamAve
Urbana, IL 61801
Owner: TomLessaris
My position was the Office Manager as well as Production Assistant and Life Assistant. It was my
responsibility to process all daily business, make changes on customers policies, answer phones, quote
and write home, auto, life and Health for our customers. I was the top producer in this office fromthe day I
began employment. The agent that I worked for was no longer able to pay my wages due to the economy.
7/10- 7/11 BobBone State Farm
1405 E Florida Ave
Urbana, Il 61801
Owner: Bob Bone
I was responsible for daily deposits, answering the phones, quoting and writing all customers insurance
needs. I processed our daily business, made changes on customers policies, quoted and wrote home, auto,
life and health for our customers. I was the top producer for 5 months in a row in Property and Casualty.
Here I was given the opportunity to become a licensed insurance producer by the State of Illinois. I learned
and grew working with Bob Bone and the office staff. There was no roomfor advancement in this office. I
left to grow in the insurance industry as well as become the Office Manager at Country and accept more
responsibility and pay.
6/99-09/09 The Pavilion Foundation
809 W. Church St.
Champaign, IL. 61820
Mercy DeJesus
My titles included, Staffing Coordinator I was responsible for scheduling over 100 employees. My staff
includes RNs, LPNs and MHTs. I was also responsible for the daily staffing of the RTC Unit,
Inpatient Adult and Youth Units. I was responsible for maintaining payroll information for verification
of hours worked by employees, as well as keeping overtime down to a minimum. I was required to be
on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week for staffing needs. I was also the Administrative Assistant to the
Director of Nursing. My duties included, attending all staff meetings and recording and typing minutes.
I have also backed up payroll and Human Resources when the positions have been open or staff was
out for medical reasons.
12/98  6/99 Bill Abbott Inc.
500 W. Bridge St.
Monticello, IL 61856
(217) 762-2176
Supervisor: Brenda Brown
Cashier, A/R Clerk, telephone, filing, keying payments for customer accounts, Microsoft word and Excel
were the programs that I worked with.
3/98  12/98 Bagelmens
402 E. Green St.
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 328- 6535
Owner: Garen Smith
General Manager, duties include ordering all food and coffees, scheduling, interviewing, training, hiring and
maintaining labor percentages as well as sales promotions. Customer Service, Microsoft Word/ Excel
and basic computer knowledge
12/95- 3/98 Coca Cola
2809 N. Lincoln Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 367-1761
Supervisor: Steve Burke
Secretary/Receptionist, Accounts Receivable, Inventory Clerk, Payroll, Driver for deliveries, Microsoft
2/91- 7/95 Carle Clinic Association
602 W. University Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 383-3235
Director: Marsha Creek
Patient Accounts Department, filed CHAMPUS/IPA Claims, worked directly with ICD-9, CPT-4 codes,
resolved patient complaints, Incentive Committee member, helped patients directly with filing
supplement insurance, providing insurance companies with additional information, typing of liens,
telephone, direct patient contact, and coding.
1/89- 8/97 Tupperware Home Parties
2606 E. University Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 367-8324
Sales Director: Mary &Ken Kerr
Executive Manager (earned minivan) planned unit meetings, organized and maintained party schedules, held
home parties, earned the High Sales as a Consultant award.
8/86  9/88 Burgess LawOffices
811 W. Springfield Ave.
Champaign, IL 61826
(217) 359-9666
James R. Burgess, Jr. (deceased)
Secretary for a two-person office, Dictaphone, typing, telephone, filing, and any and all daily functions
required in managing a law office.
Education: Wilma BoydCareer School
Pittsburgh, PA
Business  Completed 9/83
Urbana High School
Urbana, IL
Business  Graduated 6/83
Related Experiences:
I enjoy working with the public and I have excellent communication skills. I ama great problemsolver as
well as a fast learner. I work well with others. I also enjoy training and managing staff.
I always try to coordinate fun into the workplace by planning department activities such as Christmas
parties, garage sales, bus trips, fund raisers and entertainment.
Available upon request

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  • 1. Janie P. Hawn PO BOX 252 Mansfield, IL. 61854 217-202-5682 E-mail- jphawn@yahoo.com Job Objective: To secure employment in a secure organization that strives to meet customers needs as well as expectations. Work Experience: 03/12- Present Farmers Insurance Michael Rumsey Agency 101 W. Tomaras Dr. Savoy, IL 61874 (217)363-3030 Owner: Mike Rumsey My responsibilities here as the Office Manager/Agent are to process all daily business, make changes on customers policies, quote and write home, auto and life insurance for our customers. I amalso responsible for answering phones and providing customer service to all of our customers. I have continued to be a top producer in this office. I amcurrently a licensed insurance producer for the State of Illinois. I amcurrent in my Property & Casualty as well as Life and Health license. 7/11-3/12 Country Financial 608 N CunninghamAve Urbana, IL 61801 (217)363-4425 Owner: TomLessaris My position was the Office Manager as well as Production Assistant and Life Assistant. It was my responsibility to process all daily business, make changes on customers policies, answer phones, quote and write home, auto, life and Health for our customers. I was the top producer in this office fromthe day I began employment. The agent that I worked for was no longer able to pay my wages due to the economy. 7/10- 7/11 BobBone State Farm 1405 E Florida Ave Urbana, Il 61801 (217)384-5727 Owner: Bob Bone I was responsible for daily deposits, answering the phones, quoting and writing all customers insurance needs. I processed our daily business, made changes on customers policies, quoted and wrote home, auto, life and health for our customers. I was the top producer for 5 months in a row in Property and Casualty. Here I was given the opportunity to become a licensed insurance producer by the State of Illinois. I learned and grew working with Bob Bone and the office staff. There was no roomfor advancement in this office. I left to grow in the insurance industry as well as become the Office Manager at Country and accept more responsibility and pay. 6/99-09/09 The Pavilion Foundation
  • 2. 809 W. Church St. Champaign, IL. 61820 (217)373-1765 Mercy DeJesus My titles included, Staffing Coordinator I was responsible for scheduling over 100 employees. My staff includes RNs, LPNs and MHTs. I was also responsible for the daily staffing of the RTC Unit, Inpatient Adult and Youth Units. I was responsible for maintaining payroll information for verification of hours worked by employees, as well as keeping overtime down to a minimum. I was required to be on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week for staffing needs. I was also the Administrative Assistant to the Director of Nursing. My duties included, attending all staff meetings and recording and typing minutes. I have also backed up payroll and Human Resources when the positions have been open or staff was out for medical reasons. 12/98 6/99 Bill Abbott Inc. 500 W. Bridge St. Monticello, IL 61856 (217) 762-2176 Supervisor: Brenda Brown Cashier, A/R Clerk, telephone, filing, keying payments for customer accounts, Microsoft word and Excel were the programs that I worked with. 3/98 12/98 Bagelmens 402 E. Green St. Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 328- 6535 Owner: Garen Smith OUT OF BUSINESS General Manager, duties include ordering all food and coffees, scheduling, interviewing, training, hiring and maintaining labor percentages as well as sales promotions. Customer Service, Microsoft Word/ Excel and basic computer knowledge 12/95- 3/98 Coca Cola 2809 N. Lincoln Ave. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 367-1761 Supervisor: Steve Burke Secretary/Receptionist, Accounts Receivable, Inventory Clerk, Payroll, Driver for deliveries, Microsoft Word/Excel 2/91- 7/95 Carle Clinic Association 602 W. University Ave. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 383-3235 Director: Marsha Creek Patient Accounts Department, filed CHAMPUS/IPA Claims, worked directly with ICD-9, CPT-4 codes, resolved patient complaints, Incentive Committee member, helped patients directly with filing supplement insurance, providing insurance companies with additional information, typing of liens, telephone, direct patient contact, and coding. 1/89- 8/97 Tupperware Home Parties 2606 E. University Ave.
  • 3. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 367-8324 Sales Director: Mary &Ken Kerr Executive Manager (earned minivan) planned unit meetings, organized and maintained party schedules, held home parties, earned the High Sales as a Consultant award. 8/86 9/88 Burgess LawOffices 811 W. Springfield Ave. Champaign, IL 61826 (217) 359-9666 James R. Burgess, Jr. (deceased) Secretary for a two-person office, Dictaphone, typing, telephone, filing, and any and all daily functions required in managing a law office. Education: Wilma BoydCareer School Pittsburgh, PA Business Completed 9/83 Urbana High School Urbana, IL Business Graduated 6/83 Related Experiences: I enjoy working with the public and I have excellent communication skills. I ama great problemsolver as well as a fast learner. I work well with others. I also enjoy training and managing staff. I always try to coordinate fun into the workplace by planning department activities such as Christmas parties, garage sales, bus trips, fund raisers and entertainment. References: Available upon request