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Sankara Reddy Y
Mobile: +91-8123360994
E-mail: sankarreddy18y@gmail.com
Passport No: H7053947
Career Objective
Looking for a challengingposition as where my knowledge and experience in Information systems can be potential
in improving organizational productivity and IT effective deliveries. I would like to be part of a Team that
dynamically works towards organization development and my career base as well.
 6.4 years of Customer Centric successful career,3 .4 years as a system admin and 3 years as a Desktop
Support Engineer
 Great understand of processes,work flow and culture of organization.
 Handled great responsibilities and havebeen appreciated by customers.
 Windows 2003,
 DNS, DHCP, DFS, AD- windows server,
Accenture Services Private Limited (Worked as an IT Operational Associate from June 2011 to Nov 2014)
Server support Engineer  L1
 Server OS installation and Hardeningas per Accenture standard to commission in Data centre for DELL
Servers like,R710, R720, R910.
 Responsiblefor Support & maintaining500+servers in Accenture locations
 Responsiblefor Installation,configuration and administration of windows 2003 servers
 Schedulingand installingMS patches for the windows 2003 servers
 Applyingsecurity permissions,creatinguser accounts,groups,OUs for AD & Fileserver services
 Support for Fileservers,DHCP, DNS servers, DFS server, Web sense servers
 Maintenance and administration of windows 2003 servers
 Participatingin resiliency testand power shutdown activities
 Logging caseand Coordinatingwith vendors for any Hardware issues
 Incidenttickets raised as when required with Dell vendor for HDD, RAM faulty parts replacement and
performed BIOS & Firmware upgrade
 Managing& Involved in Monthly activity likeCapacity PlanningActivity Report, Password ChangeActivity,
Patch Management Activity
Desktop Support: L2
 Installation,Configuration and troubleshootingof Exchange 2010 (Outlook Client)
 Generating the Bit Locker key for all windwos7 OS systems with respect to hostname and storingat
 Trouble shootingthe Meeting issues in Cisco WebEx and windows Lync 2013.
 Installingall kind of applications(Visual Studio,Ms Office2007/2010,Java,Adobe Acrobat, MS Visio and
Ms Project,Etc.) and troubleshootingthe issue.
 Coordinatingin Business Continuity Planning[BCP] testingwhich includes Disaster Recovery of IT
 Diagnosingand resolvingclientPC configuration and application issues through Cisco WebEx,Jabber and
windows Lync 2013 services.
 Installingand configuringcisco VPNapplication,troubleshootingthe profileissuein cisco VPN(Like: Gem
 Guidingnew comers for Troubleshootingon Windows 7 ,Windows Vista and XP OS related issues
 Managingactivities relatingto New ProjectInfra setup [Desktop and VLAN assignment],Project
Movements, Project Release & Ports reconciliations
 Configuration of Laptops and Desktops for end users.
 Responsiblefor ensuringcontinuous application supportto end users to meet business objectives.
 Troubleshootingthe applications issues and modifyingthe setting at IE and Java Console.
 Installation of all Data Cards and troubleshootingof various softwareand hardwarecomponents
 Troubleshootingfilepermissions,sharingand security permissions.
 Server Backup and Maintenanceas per the Backup Policy and Restoration.
 Loadingof Backup tapes in Auto loader and MaintainingVideo conferencingsystems.
 ManagingNetwork Printers and troubleshooting.
 Providefirstlevel support to users to perform operations.
 Escalatewhere necessary to Central support GTRC group.
 Maintaining ITInventory for Asset Management and Software License.
 ManagingService Request and providingadditional ITsupportwhen requested by projects.
 Getting resolutions to Medium, High and Critical Incidents within the agreed SLA and the clientUsingIT
InfrastructureManagement Tool Remedy.
 Responsibleto supportGlobal Teams and End users.
 Configuration of outlook in workstations and mobiledevices [Android, IPhone].
Triumph India Software Services(Worked as a systemadministrator from April2010 to March 2011)
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Coordinatingwith Team and assigningthe incidentto desktop engineers.
 AdministratingLAN which contains 500+clients includingdifferenttype of software Desktops and Laptops
(Office97, 2000, 2003 and 2007, OfficeXP, and PC Anywhere etc).
 Installing,Configuring& TroubleshootingMicrosoftOutlook-2003,2007 and Outlook Web-Access
 Installation,configuringand managingof Active Directory Servicein Windows 2003 server.
 Remote administration through Remote Desktop connection, VNC Viewer and Remote Admin tools.
 Installing,Configuringand ManagingOperatingsystems likeWindows 2000,Windows- XP,windows7 and
Windows 2003 Servers
 Configuration and Troubleshootingof Network Printers.
 Server and Client O.S Hardeningthrough Security and Antivirus patch updates
 PrintServer and Norton-Antivirus Console monitoring& administration
 Creating Users in Ad, Creating mail boxes and Setting mail box sizequota.
 Creating group and givingpermissions and User,group ID creation in MicrosoftExchange 2003.
 Configuringsend as permissions for user Mailboxes to send mail through Group Email addresses.
Wipro Info Tech(Worked as a Technical support engineer from Jan2008 to Jan 2010)
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Installingand ConfiguringSymantec 11.0.4014.26 Corporate Antivirus Edition.
 User Account Management, Creatinggroup and giving permissions.
 Installation,Configuration and troubleshootingof Exchange 2007 (Outlook) Client.
 Troubleshootingfilepermissions,sharingand security permissions.
 Server Backup and Maintenanceas per the Backup Policy and Restoration.
 Installingand ConfiguringDual bootOperatingsystems (Win Xp& Linux) in Laptops and Desktop for
Project purpose.
 InstallingLinux (RedHat4 and 5, Susie9.0,10 and 11) and configuration.
 ManagingNetwork Printers (HP LaserJet 2420,3050,Xerox 40c, 123 and Hp8050CM).
 Network printers troubleshooting.And maintainingVideo conferencingsystems.
 AdministratingLAN which contains 400+clients includingdifferenttype of software Desktops and Laptops
(Tivoli End Point, Lotus sametime client,Lotus SmartSuite, Office97, 2000 and 2003, OfficeXP, and PC
Anywhere etc).
 Responsiblefor MaintainingMulti locationssimultaneously.
 ConfiguringCustomized settings in Desktops for ODC Setups through Group Policy.
 Worked on implementing Group policies for Windows 2000,Xp& 2003 Machines.
 Installation,Configurationsand up gradations of all Patchs through WSUS Server.
 The clientUsingIT InfrastructureManagement Tool E Helpline.
 70-270 Installing,Configuring& AdministeringMicrosoftXP Professional.
 70-290 Managingand Maintaininga Microsoft速 Windows Server速 2003 Environment.
 70-291 Implementing, Managing,and Maintaininga Microsoft速 Windows Server速 2003 Network
 70-293 Planningand Maintaininga Microsoft速 Windows Server速 2003 Network
Educational qualification:
B.Sc (Computers) from Osmania University in April 2004.
Personal Profile:
Name : Y.Sankara Reddy.
Father Name : Y.Kuppaswamy Reddy.
Religion : Hindu.
Date of Birth : 28-06-1980.
Marital status : Single.
Nationality : Indian.
Sex : Male.
Languages known : English,Hindi,Telugu, Tamil,& Kannada.
Address : #92, 8th cross,Bhuvaneshwari Nagar,BSK 3rd Stage,
I hereby declarethat the information furnished aboveis true to the best of my knowledge.
Place :
Date :

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  • 1. Sankara Reddy Y Mobile: +91-8123360994 E-mail: sankarreddy18y@gmail.com Passport No: H7053947 Career Objective Looking for a challengingposition as where my knowledge and experience in Information systems can be potential in improving organizational productivity and IT effective deliveries. I would like to be part of a Team that dynamically works towards organization development and my career base as well. Summary 6.4 years of Customer Centric successful career,3 .4 years as a system admin and 3 years as a Desktop Support Engineer Great understand of processes,work flow and culture of organization. Handled great responsibilities and havebeen appreciated by customers. Skills Windows 2003, DNS, DHCP, DFS, AD- windows server, Accenture Services Private Limited (Worked as an IT Operational Associate from June 2011 to Nov 2014) Server support Engineer L1 Server OS installation and Hardeningas per Accenture standard to commission in Data centre for DELL Servers like,R710, R720, R910. Responsiblefor Support & maintaining500+servers in Accenture locations Responsiblefor Installation,configuration and administration of windows 2003 servers Schedulingand installingMS patches for the windows 2003 servers Applyingsecurity permissions,creatinguser accounts,groups,OUs for AD & Fileserver services Support for Fileservers,DHCP, DNS servers, DFS server, Web sense servers Maintenance and administration of windows 2003 servers Participatingin resiliency testand power shutdown activities Logging caseand Coordinatingwith vendors for any Hardware issues Incidenttickets raised as when required with Dell vendor for HDD, RAM faulty parts replacement and performed BIOS & Firmware upgrade Managing& Involved in Monthly activity likeCapacity PlanningActivity Report, Password ChangeActivity, Patch Management Activity Desktop Support: L2 Installation,Configuration and troubleshootingof Exchange 2010 (Outlook Client) Generating the Bit Locker key for all windwos7 OS systems with respect to hostname and storingat Server. Trouble shootingthe Meeting issues in Cisco WebEx and windows Lync 2013. Installingall kind of applications(Visual Studio,Ms Office2007/2010,Java,Adobe Acrobat, MS Visio and Ms Project,Etc.) and troubleshootingthe issue. Coordinatingin Business Continuity Planning[BCP] testingwhich includes Disaster Recovery of IT infrastructure. Diagnosingand resolvingclientPC configuration and application issues through Cisco WebEx,Jabber and windows Lync 2013 services. Installingand configuringcisco VPNapplication,troubleshootingthe profileissuein cisco VPN(Like: Gem India,Bangaloreprofiles,Etc.) Guidingnew comers for Troubleshootingon Windows 7 ,Windows Vista and XP OS related issues Managingactivities relatingto New ProjectInfra setup [Desktop and VLAN assignment],Project Movements, Project Release & Ports reconciliations
  • 2. Configuration of Laptops and Desktops for end users. Responsiblefor ensuringcontinuous application supportto end users to meet business objectives. Troubleshootingthe applications issues and modifyingthe setting at IE and Java Console. Installation of all Data Cards and troubleshootingof various softwareand hardwarecomponents Troubleshootingfilepermissions,sharingand security permissions. Server Backup and Maintenanceas per the Backup Policy and Restoration. Loadingof Backup tapes in Auto loader and MaintainingVideo conferencingsystems. ManagingNetwork Printers and troubleshooting. Providefirstlevel support to users to perform operations. Escalatewhere necessary to Central support GTRC group. Maintaining ITInventory for Asset Management and Software License. ManagingService Request and providingadditional ITsupportwhen requested by projects. Getting resolutions to Medium, High and Critical Incidents within the agreed SLA and the clientUsingIT InfrastructureManagement Tool Remedy. Responsibleto supportGlobal Teams and End users. Configuration of outlook in workstations and mobiledevices [Android, IPhone]. Triumph India Software Services(Worked as a systemadministrator from April2010 to March 2011) Roles & Responsibilities: Coordinatingwith Team and assigningthe incidentto desktop engineers. AdministratingLAN which contains 500+clients includingdifferenttype of software Desktops and Laptops (Office97, 2000, 2003 and 2007, OfficeXP, and PC Anywhere etc). Installing,Configuring& TroubleshootingMicrosoftOutlook-2003,2007 and Outlook Web-Access Installation,configuringand managingof Active Directory Servicein Windows 2003 server. Remote administration through Remote Desktop connection, VNC Viewer and Remote Admin tools. Installing,Configuringand ManagingOperatingsystems likeWindows 2000,Windows- XP,windows7 and Windows 2003 Servers Configuration and Troubleshootingof Network Printers. Server and Client O.S Hardeningthrough Security and Antivirus patch updates PrintServer and Norton-Antivirus Console monitoring& administration Creating Users in Ad, Creating mail boxes and Setting mail box sizequota. Creating group and givingpermissions and User,group ID creation in MicrosoftExchange 2003. Configuringsend as permissions for user Mailboxes to send mail through Group Email addresses. Wipro Info Tech(Worked as a Technical support engineer from Jan2008 to Jan 2010) Roles & Responsibilities: Installingand ConfiguringSymantec 11.0.4014.26 Corporate Antivirus Edition. User Account Management, Creatinggroup and giving permissions. Installation,Configuration and troubleshootingof Exchange 2007 (Outlook) Client. Troubleshootingfilepermissions,sharingand security permissions. Server Backup and Maintenanceas per the Backup Policy and Restoration. Installingand ConfiguringDual bootOperatingsystems (Win Xp& Linux) in Laptops and Desktop for Project purpose. InstallingLinux (RedHat4 and 5, Susie9.0,10 and 11) and configuration. ManagingNetwork Printers (HP LaserJet 2420,3050,Xerox 40c, 123 and Hp8050CM). Network printers troubleshooting.And maintainingVideo conferencingsystems. AdministratingLAN which contains 400+clients includingdifferenttype of software Desktops and Laptops (Tivoli End Point, Lotus sametime client,Lotus SmartSuite, Office97, 2000 and 2003, OfficeXP, and PC Anywhere etc). Responsiblefor MaintainingMulti locationssimultaneously. ConfiguringCustomized settings in Desktops for ODC Setups through Group Policy. Worked on implementing Group policies for Windows 2000,Xp& 2003 Machines. Installation,Configurationsand up gradations of all Patchs through WSUS Server. The clientUsingIT InfrastructureManagement Tool E Helpline.
  • 3. Certifications: 70-270 Installing,Configuring& AdministeringMicrosoftXP Professional. 70-290 Managingand Maintaininga Microsoft速 Windows Server速 2003 Environment. 70-291 Implementing, Managing,and Maintaininga Microsoft速 Windows Server速 2003 Network Infrastructure. 70-293 Planningand Maintaininga Microsoft速 Windows Server速 2003 Network Infrastructure. Educational qualification: B.Sc (Computers) from Osmania University in April 2004. Personal Profile: Name : Y.Sankara Reddy. Father Name : Y.Kuppaswamy Reddy. Religion : Hindu. Date of Birth : 28-06-1980. Marital status : Single. Nationality : Indian. Sex : Male. Languages known : English,Hindi,Telugu, Tamil,& Kannada. Address : #92, 8th cross,Bhuvaneshwari Nagar,BSK 3rd Stage, Bangalore-85 Declaration I hereby declarethat the information furnished aboveis true to the best of my knowledge. Place : Date : (SANKARA REDDY. Y )