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Kimberley A. Bonanni
1782 Sheffield Drive
Blue Bell, PA 19422
(215) 869-3536
Use my experience and training to cultivate, sustain, and enhance the growth and development
of teaching staff. As well as, ensure students have success academically and socially in an
institution dedicated to bringing out the best in all students. Excel at analyzing student data,
school needs and curriculum to generate new ideas to improve student outcome. Highly
adaptable to ever changing circumstances with a belief that all children can achieve.
Professional Experience
St Martin of Tours School, Assistant Principal, Director of Intensive Support July 2014-present
 Supervise a staff of 21, including special education teachers, regular education teachers
and special program teachers and ancillary service providers while coordinating
educational services
 Restructured special education program at St Martin of Tours school and designed
guidebook for use across the system
 Evaluate and observe staff members and provided timely feedback
 Train and monitor educational and support staff to ensure adherence to state regulations,
policies, and procedures
 Provide effective guidance to parents with regards to the special education process
 Ensure compliance with all state mandates and expectations, as well as was the lead with
the CST process
 Wrote IEPS using TIENET
 Partner with the Principal to create a positive behavior system
 Conduct meetings with staff and parents
 Work with the Chief Education Officer to create a budget for the special education
 Worked with School District of Philadelphia in use of Equitable Participation
 Created and Developed summer Professional Development for 15 Independence Mission
Schools network
 Attended Restorative Practices Training in Bethlehem PA
 Implemented PBIS and Restorative Practices
Richard Allen Preparatory Charter School, Literacy Teacher August 2013-July, 2014
 Reading and Writing Instructor for 7th and 8th grade students
 Assisted in DRA testing for 7th and 8th grade students
 Special Education case manager for 8th grade students on my Learning Community
Achievement House Cyber Charter School, Reading Specialist August 2011-August 2013
Achievement House Cyber Charter School. Center Director in Partnership March 2012-2013
 Instructed 7th, 10th and 11th grade students reading 2 or more grade levels below in a
cyber environment
 Assisting regular education teachers in modifying reading materials for students reading
below grade level
 Selected materials to be used in instruction, modified materials for special education
 Created curriculum for reading program that would be accessible for all students
 Design benchmarks related to instruction
 Maintain constant contact with students to insure success
 Served as Center Director for new program in Chester
 Insured appropriate testing, placement and needed materials for center students
 Acted as liason between AHCCS and center
 Attended weekly meetings to discuss student and staff needs at Chester center
 Promoted to Center Director for Centers as they begin their partnerships
St. Joseph University Adjunct Professor August 2011-present
Adjunct Professor, Language and Culture, School of Education
 Instructed online and evening classes to both undergraduate and graduate education
 Designed curriculum and assessments to meet course requirements
 Evaluated student performance in the class
Penndale Middle School, Reading Specialist September 2008-2011
 Instructed 7th, 8th, 9th grade students who were reading below grade level
 Individualized plans for students based on standardized test scores and class performance
 Differentiated instruction for special education students in both self-contained and
inclusion classes
 Met with parents and other professionals to discuss progress and make recommendations
 90% of my students advanced one-two reading levels in one year of instruction.
 80% advanced one level on their PSSA in one year of instruction
 Designed and presented an in-service session to colleagues on differentiated instruction
Abington Junior High School Reading Specialist February 2008- June 2008
St. Malachy School 3rd grade Teacher August 1994June 1997
Ascension of Our Lord School 2nd grade Teacher August 1991June 1993
Other Work Experience:
Montgomery County SPCA Humane Educator August 2000-February 2008
 Designed and presented various humane education programs in schools throughout the
 Created various outreach programs
 Met with media to discuss varied topics pertaining to animals and the SPCA
St. Joseph University, 2014
Educational Leadership with principal, Curriculum Director and Special Education
Supervisor certification
University of Pennsylvania, 1991
Master of Science in Education, Reading & Language Arts
La Salle University, 1989
Bachelor of Arts in Elementary and Special Education
Instructional I-Educational Leadership
Instructional II Reading Specialist, Elementary Education, Special Education
Reading historical fiction, quilting, horseback riding, dog training, singing, drama

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  • 1. Kimberley A. Bonanni 1782 Sheffield Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 869-3536 raykimb@earthlink.net Use my experience and training to cultivate, sustain, and enhance the growth and development of teaching staff. As well as, ensure students have success academically and socially in an institution dedicated to bringing out the best in all students. Excel at analyzing student data, school needs and curriculum to generate new ideas to improve student outcome. Highly adaptable to ever changing circumstances with a belief that all children can achieve. . Professional Experience St Martin of Tours School, Assistant Principal, Director of Intensive Support July 2014-present Supervise a staff of 21, including special education teachers, regular education teachers and special program teachers and ancillary service providers while coordinating educational services Restructured special education program at St Martin of Tours school and designed guidebook for use across the system Evaluate and observe staff members and provided timely feedback Train and monitor educational and support staff to ensure adherence to state regulations, policies, and procedures Provide effective guidance to parents with regards to the special education process Ensure compliance with all state mandates and expectations, as well as was the lead with the CST process Wrote IEPS using TIENET Partner with the Principal to create a positive behavior system Conduct meetings with staff and parents Work with the Chief Education Officer to create a budget for the special education department Worked with School District of Philadelphia in use of Equitable Participation Created and Developed summer Professional Development for 15 Independence Mission Schools network Attended Restorative Practices Training in Bethlehem PA Implemented PBIS and Restorative Practices Richard Allen Preparatory Charter School, Literacy Teacher August 2013-July, 2014 Reading and Writing Instructor for 7th and 8th grade students Assisted in DRA testing for 7th and 8th grade students Special Education case manager for 8th grade students on my Learning Community
  • 2. Achievement House Cyber Charter School, Reading Specialist August 2011-August 2013 Achievement House Cyber Charter School. Center Director in Partnership March 2012-2013 Instructed 7th, 10th and 11th grade students reading 2 or more grade levels below in a cyber environment Assisting regular education teachers in modifying reading materials for students reading below grade level Selected materials to be used in instruction, modified materials for special education students Created curriculum for reading program that would be accessible for all students Design benchmarks related to instruction Maintain constant contact with students to insure success Served as Center Director for new program in Chester Insured appropriate testing, placement and needed materials for center students Acted as liason between AHCCS and center Attended weekly meetings to discuss student and staff needs at Chester center Promoted to Center Director for Centers as they begin their partnerships St. Joseph University Adjunct Professor August 2011-present Adjunct Professor, Language and Culture, School of Education Instructed online and evening classes to both undergraduate and graduate education students Designed curriculum and assessments to meet course requirements Evaluated student performance in the class Penndale Middle School, Reading Specialist September 2008-2011 Instructed 7th, 8th, 9th grade students who were reading below grade level Individualized plans for students based on standardized test scores and class performance Differentiated instruction for special education students in both self-contained and inclusion classes Met with parents and other professionals to discuss progress and make recommendations 90% of my students advanced one-two reading levels in one year of instruction. 80% advanced one level on their PSSA in one year of instruction Designed and presented an in-service session to colleagues on differentiated instruction Abington Junior High School Reading Specialist February 2008- June 2008 St. Malachy School 3rd grade Teacher August 1994June 1997 Ascension of Our Lord School 2nd grade Teacher August 1991June 1993
  • 3. Other Work Experience: Montgomery County SPCA Humane Educator August 2000-February 2008 Designed and presented various humane education programs in schools throughout the county Created various outreach programs Met with media to discuss varied topics pertaining to animals and the SPCA Education St. Joseph University, 2014 Educational Leadership with principal, Curriculum Director and Special Education Supervisor certification University of Pennsylvania, 1991 Master of Science in Education, Reading & Language Arts La Salle University, 1989 Bachelor of Arts in Elementary and Special Education Certifications: Instructional I-Educational Leadership Instructional II Reading Specialist, Elementary Education, Special Education Interests Reading historical fiction, quilting, horseback riding, dog training, singing, drama