
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
12021-87 St. NW Edmonton T5B 3N4
780 271 9230/jyotsbon-trace@hotmail.com
OBJECTIVE: to obtain a position as a Medical Laboratory Assistant
Skills Summary
 EfficientinBlood collection, sample preparation,Staining, Storage,AnalyticProblemSolving
 Responsible andaccountable foroveralloperationof Laband BloodBank,ensuredquality
 Abilitytoworkinflexiblehoursandshiftdutiesandmeetdeadline underpressure
 Recognize and accurately follow applicationof patientconfidentialityandmedical ethics
 Achievementof agoodteam work relationshipwithSupervisor,Staff, Patient
 Strongcomputerskills:Microsoftoffice,Excel,dataentry, Ablemed,typingspeed40wpm
Social Network: LinkedIn, Twitter
Clinical Microbiology(SAIT) Present
 Clinical Chemistry pass (MichenerInstitute)
 Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technician (Medix Collegeof Healthcare) 2013
 Canadian Equivalency: {Bachelors degree (FourYears)} by WES 2010
 Bachelor of Science inBiochemistry  India 1990
 CSMLs  MLA certificate (OSMT-MLA 2013) 2015
 First Aid and CPR Certificate (Alberta) 2016
 MembershipwithCSMLS 2016
 Driver Licence (Alberta) Class5
Professional Experience
Laboratory Technician (DDMM Heart Institute India) 1996-2008
 More than fouryearsof bloodcollection experience forpediatric,adultandbedside patient
 Accuracy in loggedsamples,drawingorder, Preparedslide fortestandstore accordingto test
 Properlyfolloweddaily routine testlikeCBC, Urine,Stool,際際滷staining,andbodyfluid HEstain
 Dailychecked instrumentwithstandardsolutionand accuratelyrecorded inlabsystem
 Stainand mounted histologyslideforpathologist,Securelystore slides,filterstainif need,
Maintainclarityof solution,proficientinproblemsolving,transportsampleasrule of TDG
 Under supervisionof pathologistprepareddocumentforreport,dispatched intime manner
 Excellentinfilingreport,record andothernecessarydocument storedpropersequence
 Checkedall reagentexpiry, weeklyandmonthly stockandorderedforLab andbloodbank
 FollowedSOP, Clean,Sanitize,maintain, Organizelaboratory,properlydisposedwaste
 Problemsolvingcapacityinwork withminimumsupervision,discuses andtake helpif needed
 Usedproperprecautionforprotectionof myself, staff withknowledgeof health-safetyconcern
 Operated Centrifuge, Cell counter, RA-50 semi auto analyzer, Coagulation meter, Electrolyte-
 Cleaned Maintained all laboratory equipment with daily, weekly maintenance and kept ready for
testby checkingstandardsolutionandcomparingitsvalues andsolvedproblemrelatedtotest
WHO Program: Community Health survey  measured Blood Pressure and BMI
 Measured B.P. and Height, Weight and calculated BMI
 Proven in organization, Scheduling time with different community, companies.
 Leading team, Explained, Teach about Healthy lifestyle, Risk for Heart, educate
through power point presentation, Flyer and Collect data.
Medical Center Doctor Office (Brampton, ON.) - Feb. 2015  April 2015
 Open electronichealthsystem, createdtestandpatientrecords,preparedlabel, applyontubes
 Welcome patient, allowed him comfortable position, verifying name and DOB, and verbal
concert fortakingblood,Preparedarm sanitize inproperdirectionanddraw bloodinorder
 PreparedpatientforECG,take ECG, preparedpatientsheetandsenditto Doctor
 Complete paymentdocumentin computersystemfortest asunderreferreddoctorname
 Collectothersample likeurine,sputum, Stool,followedstorage rule asSOP
 Prepare transportbag,Take care forrequisitionform, carefullyfinished all precisework
 Properlyreportedurine striptest,attacheditinfile,strictly cleanlabareaandhandwash
 Helpfortakingvital signfor adult,babyand recordedinsystem, frontdeskguidedpatient
CommunityWork Experience (unpaid)
 Laboratory Assistant (Internship byMedix College),Life labs- July 2013
 Greetedpatientandhelptoentertheirname inlabsystembyverifyingOHIPcard
 Scan requisition andcopingandfax it,arrangingand filleditatendof the day answeronphone
 Guided patientforprocedure of sample collection,provide verbaland writtennotes
 Filledall dailyrequirementinall cubical,arrangementandkeepitclean,sterilizebench
 Accurate Patientidentification,labelled, Phlebotomy, mixinganddraw inorder
 Sample Sorting, Serum/Plasma separation, stored at cooled temperature, Prepared for
 CreatedPatientassessno.,enteredtest,clearedpayment,preparedlabeledfortest insystem
 Followedsanitized,handwashingforeachcollection,usedPPEduringsample sorting
 PerformedECG, checkedwithsupervisorandsendittoPhysician
Office Assistant(Volunteer), TorontoGeneral Hospital - (April 2009 to June 2009)
 Greeted patient at Diagnostic Test Center desk, guided them, provided information and assisted
and scannedtheirOHIPcard inhospital Microsoft
 Createdandmaintain documentationrecordsof all phlebotomyprocedure
 Filed patient request forms, Reports, Files, 際際滷s in sequence like number, year and
alphabeticallyatHistologylab際際滷Libraryand MolecularLab forCancer department
 Received outsides post for cancer patient slides and blocks, issued to doctors for second opinion
for reportingpurpose andwhenreturnpreparedpostforpatient
 Completeddocumentationforslidesbeingborrow andreview bypathologist
Work Experience
CustomerService Representative,Cashier(Restaurant) - 2010 to 2014
CustomerService Representative,Cashier(Loblaw) - 2015
Cashier(Wal-Mart- Edmonton) - Present
 Sell creditcardand requestdonation forBloodBank

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  • 1. JYOTSPIN CHRISTIAN 12021-87 St. NW Edmonton T5B 3N4 780 271 9230/jyotsbon-trace@hotmail.com OBJECTIVE: to obtain a position as a Medical Laboratory Assistant Skills Summary EfficientinBlood collection, sample preparation,Staining, Storage,AnalyticProblemSolving Responsible andaccountable foroveralloperationof Laband BloodBank,ensuredquality Abilitytoworkinflexiblehoursandshiftdutiesandmeetdeadline underpressure Recognize and accurately follow applicationof patientconfidentialityandmedical ethics Achievementof agoodteam work relationshipwithSupervisor,Staff, Patient Strongcomputerskills:Microsoftoffice,Excel,dataentry, Ablemed,typingspeed40wpm Social Network: LinkedIn, Twitter EDUCATION: Clinical Microbiology(SAIT) Present Clinical Chemistry pass (MichenerInstitute) Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technician (Medix Collegeof Healthcare) 2013 Canadian Equivalency: {Bachelors degree (FourYears)} by WES 2010 Bachelor of Science inBiochemistry India 1990 Certificate: CSMLs MLA certificate (OSMT-MLA 2013) 2015 First Aid and CPR Certificate (Alberta) 2016 MembershipwithCSMLS 2016 Driver Licence (Alberta) Class5 Professional Experience Laboratory Technician (DDMM Heart Institute India) 1996-2008 More than fouryearsof bloodcollection experience forpediatric,adultandbedside patient Accuracy in loggedsamples,drawingorder, Preparedslide fortestandstore accordingto test Properlyfolloweddaily routine testlikeCBC, Urine,Stool,際際滷staining,andbodyfluid HEstain Dailychecked instrumentwithstandardsolutionand accuratelyrecorded inlabsystem Stainand mounted histologyslideforpathologist,Securelystore slides,filterstainif need, Maintainclarityof solution,proficientinproblemsolving,transportsampleasrule of TDG Under supervisionof pathologistprepareddocumentforreport,dispatched intime manner Excellentinfilingreport,record andothernecessarydocument storedpropersequence Checkedall reagentexpiry, weeklyandmonthly stockandorderedforLab andbloodbank FollowedSOP, Clean,Sanitize,maintain, Organizelaboratory,properlydisposedwaste Problemsolvingcapacityinwork withminimumsupervision,discuses andtake helpif needed Usedproperprecautionforprotectionof myself, staff withknowledgeof health-safetyconcern EquipmentOperation/Maintenance Operated Centrifuge, Cell counter, RA-50 semi auto analyzer, Coagulation meter, Electrolyte- Analyzer,Blood-GasAnalyzer,ElisaReaderandwasher,Microscope,AutoPipettes Cleaned Maintained all laboratory equipment with daily, weekly maintenance and kept ready for testby checkingstandardsolutionandcomparingitsvalues andsolvedproblemrelatedtotest
  • 2. WHO Program: Community Health survey measured Blood Pressure and BMI Measured B.P. and Height, Weight and calculated BMI Proven in organization, Scheduling time with different community, companies. Leading team, Explained, Teach about Healthy lifestyle, Risk for Heart, educate through power point presentation, Flyer and Collect data. CANADIANWORK EXPERIENCE: Medical Center Doctor Office (Brampton, ON.) - Feb. 2015 April 2015 Open electronichealthsystem, createdtestandpatientrecords,preparedlabel, applyontubes Welcome patient, allowed him comfortable position, verifying name and DOB, and verbal concert fortakingblood,Preparedarm sanitize inproperdirectionanddraw bloodinorder PreparedpatientforECG,take ECG, preparedpatientsheetandsenditto Doctor Complete paymentdocumentin computersystemfortest asunderreferreddoctorname Collectothersample likeurine,sputum, Stool,followedstorage rule asSOP Prepare transportbag,Take care forrequisitionform, carefullyfinished all precisework Properlyreportedurine striptest,attacheditinfile,strictly cleanlabareaandhandwash Helpfortakingvital signfor adult,babyand recordedinsystem, frontdeskguidedpatient CommunityWork Experience (unpaid) Laboratory Assistant (Internship byMedix College),Life labs- July 2013 Greetedpatientandhelptoentertheirname inlabsystembyverifyingOHIPcard Scan requisition andcopingandfax it,arrangingand filleditatendof the day answeronphone Guided patientforprocedure of sample collection,provide verbaland writtennotes Filledall dailyrequirementinall cubical,arrangementandkeepitclean,sterilizebench Accurate Patientidentification,labelled, Phlebotomy, mixinganddraw inorder Sample Sorting, Serum/Plasma separation, stored at cooled temperature, Prepared for transport CreatedPatientassessno.,enteredtest,clearedpayment,preparedlabeledfortest insystem Followedsanitized,handwashingforeachcollection,usedPPEduringsample sorting PerformedECG, checkedwithsupervisorandsendittoPhysician Office Assistant(Volunteer), TorontoGeneral Hospital - (April 2009 to June 2009) Greeted patient at Diagnostic Test Center desk, guided them, provided information and assisted and scannedtheirOHIPcard inhospital Microsoft Createdandmaintain documentationrecordsof all phlebotomyprocedure Filed patient request forms, Reports, Files, 際際滷s in sequence like number, year and alphabeticallyatHistologylab際際滷Libraryand MolecularLab forCancer department Received outsides post for cancer patient slides and blocks, issued to doctors for second opinion for reportingpurpose andwhenreturnpreparedpostforpatient Completeddocumentationforslidesbeingborrow andreview bypathologist Work Experience CustomerService Representative,Cashier(Restaurant) - 2010 to 2014 CustomerService Representative,Cashier(Loblaw) - 2015 Cashier(Wal-Mart- Edmonton) - Present Skills:Correctlyoperatedcashregister,Checkoutgoods,solvedproblem, FriendlyandcourteouslygreetandcommunicationwithCustomer Sell creditcardand requestdonation forBloodBank