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Dr. Ankur Awadhiya, I.F.S.
B. Tech, IIT Kanpur (2009)
Ph.D, IIT Kanpur (2015)
I.F.S. O鍖cer, Indian Forest Service, 2014 batch, M.P. Cadre
Professional details
Dec 2014-present IFS(P) at Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun
Sep-Dec 2014 IFS(OT) at 89th
Foundation Course, Lal Bahadur Shastri Na-
tional Academy of Administration, Mussoorie
1. Awarded the Directors Gold Medal for securing the highest ag-
gregate marks by the honourable President of India.
2. Awarded the Directors Gold Medal in Indian History and Culture
by the honourable President of India.
3. Awarded the Directors Gold Medal in Public Administration by
the honourable President of India.
4. Awarded First prize in Declamation Contest.
5. Awarded First prize in Photography Competition.
6. Awarded Second prize in Painting Competition.
7. Awarded Second prize in Movie Making Competition.
2014-present Indian Forest Service O鍖cer, Madhya Pradesh Cadre
2009-2014 Ph.D, Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, IIT Kanpur
CPI: 10 / 10
Thesis title: Studies in Agarose-based bioplastic material (Degree
awarded at Convocation of 2015)
1. Awarded the Ranjan Kumar Memorial Award for the best so-
cially relevant project in the graduating class.
2. Indian patent app. no. 906/DEL/2015 (31 Mar 2015)
3. International patent app. no. PCT/IB2015/053216 (02 May 2015)
2005-2009 B. Tech, Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, IIT Kanpur
CPI: 9.2 / 10
1. Department Rank: 1
2. Grade A in all the departmental and humanities courses.
3. Awarded the General Pro鍖ciency medal of IIT Kanpur for
best academic performance in the discipline.
4. Awarded the Sri Binay Kumar Sinha Award of IIT Kanpur
for the best B. Tech project across all departments in the institute.
5. Awarded the Pro鍖ciency medal of IIT Kanpur for best project
work in the BSBE department.
6. Awarded the Academic excellence award of IIT Kanpur for
best academic performance.
Class 12 (2005) CBSE Board, D.A.V. Public School, Bilaspur, C.G.
Percentage: 91.0%
Class Rank: 1
Class 10 (2003) CBSE Board, D.A.V. Public School, Bilaspur, C.G.
Percentage: 91.6%
Class Rank: 1
Other accomplishments / Extra-curriculars
 Secured All India Rank 25 in IFS examination 2013.
 Received CBSE merit certi鍖cates and laureate certi鍖cates in classes 10th
and 12th
for top
position in board exams.
 Awarded KVPY fellowship by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.
 Awarded NTSE scholarship with 1st rank in the state.
 Twice selected in Indian National Biology Olympiad; secured 97% marks in National
Mathematics Olympiad.
 Quali鍖ed National Standard Examinations in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
 Achieved AIR 3 in National Science Olympiad.
 Taught children from underprivileged sections of the society. The work received a recommenda-
tion under the National Service Scheme.
 Secured 1st position in Smart Manager contest in Techkriti 2007, and 1st position in
Vyakhya (lecturing contest) in Techkriti 2008 at IIT Kanpur. The topic was: Dolly,
Molly, Polly. . . What next? (Cloning)
 Achieved AIR 2 in All India Sanskrit Competitive exam conducted by Arya Vidya Sabha,
DAV - the largest nongovernmental educational body in India, and received a scholarship for the
 Received awards in quizzes, essay, drawing, debate, declamation, speech, painting and movie mak-
ing competitions at school, institute and academy levels.
 I was invited to attend the Republic Day parade in the Prime Ministers box due to my
educational achievements.
 My summer internship work earned the Best Summer Innovation award at IIT Kanpur.
Positions of responsibility
 Treasurer for India Day, West Zone at LBSNAA, Mussoorie.
 Overall coordinator for Fete Counsellor Group at LBSNAA, Mussoorie.
 Tutor for ESO219: Introduction to Biology (2010-11, 2011-12).
 Teaching assistant for BSE631: Developmental Biology II (2010-11).
 Teaching assistant for BSE292: Molecular Biology Lab (2009-10, 2010-11).
 Teaching assistant for ESO219: Introduction to Biology (2009-10).
 Coordinator, Seminar courses: BSE701 and BSE702.
 Post-graduate admission coordinator student.
 Member, Mess committee, Seventh Hall of Residence, IIT Kanpur.
 Worked as Accounts Secretary of the Physics society, where I was involved in collection
and channelization of 鍖nancial resources for the optimal working of the society at IIT Kanpur.
Also worked as Junior Marketing Executive for Megabucks, an international business and
entrepreneurship festival hosted by IIT Kanpur.
Misc. training
2009 - 2014 Ph.D project: Studies in Agarose-based bioplastic material.
Developed and fabricated an inexpensive, biodegradable and biocompat-
ible bioplastic for packaging and drug-delivery applications.
Patent has been applied for.
July 2008 - April 2009 B. Tech project: Design and fabrication of novel systems for water
Developed and fabricated a cost e鍖ective system for the removal of mi-
crobes and arsenic from drinking water.
This project was awarded the Best B. Tech project Award.
2008 Development of a procedure to dissociate cells to facilitate their analysis
AND Optimization of a robust and automated method for cell quanti鍖ca-
tion, at Dr. Reddys Laboratories Limited, Biologics Development
Center, Hyderabad.
My solution has been implemented in the R&D section of the
industry and also earned the Best Summer Innovation award
at IIT Kanpur.
2007 Identi鍖cation of genes speci鍖cally expressed in articular cartilage, under
the supervision of Dr. Amitabha Bandyopadhyay, IIT Kanpur.
These genes are potentially important in curing degenerative dis-
eases like arthritis.
2006 Attended National Initiative for Undergraduate Science, HBCSE,
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
2006 Cloning of MsDps2 gene from Mycobacterium smegmatis and determina-
tion of molecular mass of MsDps protein; a KVPY project executed
under Dr. Dipankar Chatterji at IISc, Bangalore.
2005 Study of variation in the Seebeck coe鍖cient of Silicon samples with dop-
ing and temperature, a KVPY project executed under Dr. V.
Venkataraman at IISc, Bangalore.
Seminars and talks given: Partial list
Life extending molecules playing advocates of death in cancers.
Modelling intestinal cancer in Drosophila.
Stoichiometry and energetics of microbial metabolism.
Multi-wavelength anomalous di鍖raction.
Oligonucleotide arrays.
Cryogels and Smart Polymers.
Dolly, Molly and Polly: What next? (A talk on possibilities of cloning)
Remote Sensing and Human Health.
Languages known
Hindi (鍖uent)
English (鍖uent)
French (certi鍖cate course)
Computer skills
I am comfortable on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX platforms, and have experience in the fol-
lowing languages and packages:
Java (Course work at IIT Kanpur)
C, C++ (Certi鍖cate courses at IIT Kanpur)
Fluent, Gambit, MATLAB (Course work at IIT Kanpur)
HTML, PHP, My SQL (Certi鍖cate course at IIT Kanpur)
ArcGIS and ERDAS packages (Course work at IGNFA, Dehradun)
Bash scripting and server setups (I developed and deployed backup servers, search engines,
webservers and lab management system during my graduate studies.)
Date of birth: 05 May, 1987
Citizenship: Indian
Marital status: Unmarried
List of publications & References
Available on request.

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Resume Ankur Awadhiya

  • 1. Dr. Ankur Awadhiya, I.F.S. B. Tech, IIT Kanpur (2009) Ph.D, IIT Kanpur (2015) I.F.S. O鍖cer, Indian Forest Service, 2014 batch, M.P. Cadre Professional details Dec 2014-present IFS(P) at Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun Sep-Dec 2014 IFS(OT) at 89th Foundation Course, Lal Bahadur Shastri Na- tional Academy of Administration, Mussoorie Highlights 1. Awarded the Directors Gold Medal for securing the highest ag- gregate marks by the honourable President of India. 2. Awarded the Directors Gold Medal in Indian History and Culture by the honourable President of India. 3. Awarded the Directors Gold Medal in Public Administration by the honourable President of India. 4. Awarded First prize in Declamation Contest. 5. Awarded First prize in Photography Competition. 6. Awarded Second prize in Painting Competition. 7. Awarded Second prize in Movie Making Competition. 2014-present Indian Forest Service O鍖cer, Madhya Pradesh Cadre Education 2009-2014 Ph.D, Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, IIT Kanpur CPI: 10 / 10 Thesis title: Studies in Agarose-based bioplastic material (Degree awarded at Convocation of 2015) Highlights 1. Awarded the Ranjan Kumar Memorial Award for the best so- cially relevant project in the graduating class. 2. Indian patent app. no. 906/DEL/2015 (31 Mar 2015) 3. International patent app. no. PCT/IB2015/053216 (02 May 2015) 2005-2009 B. Tech, Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, IIT Kanpur CPI: 9.2 / 10 Highlights 1. Department Rank: 1 2. Grade A in all the departmental and humanities courses. 3. Awarded the General Pro鍖ciency medal of IIT Kanpur for best academic performance in the discipline. 4. Awarded the Sri Binay Kumar Sinha Award of IIT Kanpur for the best B. Tech project across all departments in the institute. 5. Awarded the Pro鍖ciency medal of IIT Kanpur for best project work in the BSBE department. 6. Awarded the Academic excellence award of IIT Kanpur for best academic performance. Class 12 (2005) CBSE Board, D.A.V. Public School, Bilaspur, C.G. Percentage: 91.0% Class Rank: 1 Class 10 (2003) CBSE Board, D.A.V. Public School, Bilaspur, C.G. Percentage: 91.6% Class Rank: 1 1
  • 2. Other accomplishments / Extra-curriculars Secured All India Rank 25 in IFS examination 2013. Received CBSE merit certi鍖cates and laureate certi鍖cates in classes 10th and 12th for top position in board exams. Awarded KVPY fellowship by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. Awarded NTSE scholarship with 1st rank in the state. Twice selected in Indian National Biology Olympiad; secured 97% marks in National Mathematics Olympiad. Quali鍖ed National Standard Examinations in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Achieved AIR 3 in National Science Olympiad. Taught children from underprivileged sections of the society. The work received a recommenda- tion under the National Service Scheme. Secured 1st position in Smart Manager contest in Techkriti 2007, and 1st position in Vyakhya (lecturing contest) in Techkriti 2008 at IIT Kanpur. The topic was: Dolly, Molly, Polly. . . What next? (Cloning) Achieved AIR 2 in All India Sanskrit Competitive exam conducted by Arya Vidya Sabha, DAV - the largest nongovernmental educational body in India, and received a scholarship for the same. Received awards in quizzes, essay, drawing, debate, declamation, speech, painting and movie mak- ing competitions at school, institute and academy levels. I was invited to attend the Republic Day parade in the Prime Ministers box due to my educational achievements. My summer internship work earned the Best Summer Innovation award at IIT Kanpur. Positions of responsibility Treasurer for India Day, West Zone at LBSNAA, Mussoorie. Overall coordinator for Fete Counsellor Group at LBSNAA, Mussoorie. Tutor for ESO219: Introduction to Biology (2010-11, 2011-12). Teaching assistant for BSE631: Developmental Biology II (2010-11). Teaching assistant for BSE292: Molecular Biology Lab (2009-10, 2010-11). Teaching assistant for ESO219: Introduction to Biology (2009-10). Coordinator, Seminar courses: BSE701 and BSE702. Post-graduate admission coordinator student. Member, Mess committee, Seventh Hall of Residence, IIT Kanpur. Worked as Accounts Secretary of the Physics society, where I was involved in collection and channelization of 鍖nancial resources for the optimal working of the society at IIT Kanpur. Also worked as Junior Marketing Executive for Megabucks, an international business and entrepreneurship festival hosted by IIT Kanpur. 2
  • 3. Misc. training 2009 - 2014 Ph.D project: Studies in Agarose-based bioplastic material. Developed and fabricated an inexpensive, biodegradable and biocompat- ible bioplastic for packaging and drug-delivery applications. Patent has been applied for. July 2008 - April 2009 B. Tech project: Design and fabrication of novel systems for water puri鍖cation. Developed and fabricated a cost e鍖ective system for the removal of mi- crobes and arsenic from drinking water. This project was awarded the Best B. Tech project Award. 2008 Development of a procedure to dissociate cells to facilitate their analysis AND Optimization of a robust and automated method for cell quanti鍖ca- tion, at Dr. Reddys Laboratories Limited, Biologics Development Center, Hyderabad. My solution has been implemented in the R&D section of the industry and also earned the Best Summer Innovation award at IIT Kanpur. 2007 Identi鍖cation of genes speci鍖cally expressed in articular cartilage, under the supervision of Dr. Amitabha Bandyopadhyay, IIT Kanpur. These genes are potentially important in curing degenerative dis- eases like arthritis. 2006 Attended National Initiative for Undergraduate Science, HBCSE, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. 2006 Cloning of MsDps2 gene from Mycobacterium smegmatis and determina- tion of molecular mass of MsDps protein; a KVPY project executed under Dr. Dipankar Chatterji at IISc, Bangalore. 2005 Study of variation in the Seebeck coe鍖cient of Silicon samples with dop- ing and temperature, a KVPY project executed under Dr. V. Venkataraman at IISc, Bangalore. Seminars and talks given: Partial list Life extending molecules playing advocates of death in cancers. Modelling intestinal cancer in Drosophila. Stoichiometry and energetics of microbial metabolism. Multi-wavelength anomalous di鍖raction. Oligonucleotide arrays. Cryogels and Smart Polymers. Dolly, Molly and Polly: What next? (A talk on possibilities of cloning) Remote Sensing and Human Health. Languages known Hindi (鍖uent) English (鍖uent) French (certi鍖cate course) Computer skills I am comfortable on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX platforms, and have experience in the fol- lowing languages and packages: Java (Course work at IIT Kanpur) C, C++ (Certi鍖cate courses at IIT Kanpur) 3
  • 4. Fluent, Gambit, MATLAB (Course work at IIT Kanpur) HTML, PHP, My SQL (Certi鍖cate course at IIT Kanpur) ArcGIS and ERDAS packages (Course work at IGNFA, Dehradun) LATEX Bash scripting and server setups (I developed and deployed backup servers, search engines, webservers and lab management system during my graduate studies.) Personal Date of birth: 05 May, 1987 Citizenship: Indian Marital status: Unmarried List of publications & References Available on request. 4