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Putnam P. Texel
17257 Gulf Pine Circle, West Palm Beach, Florida 33414
Voice: (561) 795-5160 Cell: (561) 346-4241 email: ptexel@gmail.com
Ph.D. Engineering Management, Walden University
(GPA 4.0/4.0)
M.S. (Magna Cum Laude) Mathematics Fairleigh Dickinson University. October 1968.
(Completed under Honors Research Teaching Fellowship)
B.A. (Cum Laude) Mathematics Fairleigh Dickinson University. June 1967.
Numerous computer related industry seminars (e.g. Ada, Java, J2EE, JSP, UML, C++,
VxWorks, AdaTEST95)
2013. Golden Key International Honor Society
2006. Award of Special Recognition. U.S. Air Force Spacelift Range System Contract.
2004. Adjunct Faculty Member of the Year Award. Keiser College.
1998. Certificate of Appreciation. Joint Simulation System Joint Program Office.
1987. Recognition of Service Award. The Northwest Inland Empire Chapter of the
Association of Computing Machinery (ACM).
1985. ACM Outstanding Service Award. Princeton Chapter of the Association of
Computing Machinery (ACM).
1980. Employee Excellence Award. Control Data Corporation.
December 2010 - February 2015
Ph.D. student/candidate. Ph.D. conferred February 2015.
Dissertation title: "Exploring Government Contractor Experiences Assessing and
Reporting Software Development Status."
October 1984 - July 2009
An independent contractor with 25 years of experience providing software education and
consulting services to DOD contractors. Additionally acted as software project and
technical lead for floundering and failing software efforts. Responsible for successful
delivery and deployment of three embedded software systems. Acted as liaison between
my clients and my clients' client. Developed and delivered PDR and CDR presentations
Putnam P. Texel
Page Two
as well as supported side bar software meetings (internally for client and externally for
An agent of change from functional software development processes and products to
Object-Oriented software development processes and products based on the Ada (83, 95
and 2005) programming language for U.S. military services and their contractors.
Projects included MIS as well as real-time embedded applications. As an agent of
change one must be able to lead early adaptors as well as perform any task on the project:
maintaining MS Project schedules and hiring/firing staff to creating design/code,
writing/reviewing software specific documents, and/or implementing/running test
artifacts. As an agent of change one must ensure the success of the first effort of a client
by focusing on the staff, the process, the methodology, the products to be produced, and
the software development toolset. Negotiated and managed sub-contracts as required.
Provided tutorials and technical papers (see pg. 4-5) nationally and internationally at
various activities including but not limited to ACM SigAda, CASE Forum in Sydney
Australia, NATO Transition to Ada in The Hague Netherlands, Ada-Europe in
Edinburgh, Scotland and various activities in and around the UK. Former Chairperson of
the ACM SigAda Education Committee and the Jersey Shore Local SigAda. Author of 3
texts (See pg. 4-5).
Languages Utilized: UML, Ada83, Ada95, Ada 2005, Java, JSP, JavaScript, JDBC, C++,
Tools Utilized: DOORS, IBM/Rational Rose, GNATPro, CVS, SVN, AdaTEST95,
oXygen XML Editor, MS Project, MS Office, Bugzilla
Putnam P Texel LLC (2005 to 2010), President.
Provided instruction in Ada83, Ada95 and Object-Oriented technology processes and
products based on [TEX97] (See Page 4). Major client was ITT Systems Division, PAFB,
ITT Systems Division (2005-2009)
Project and Technical Lead for Antenna Designate 1 (AD1). AD1 is an antenna pointing
system used by Range Operators to track launched objects on the Western Range. AD1
receives, parses and validates a 240 bit HSD frame (serial data) from multiple sites,
manages site prioritization, converts HSD data to Az/El for transmission to the antenna,
reports antenna positioning and status data to the operator and executes every 10Hz (0.1
second). AD1 supports pre-mission configuration and post-mission report generation.
DOORS was utilized for managing requirements. IBM/Rational Rose provided the tool
support for the UML representation of the domain analysis and software design. AD1, a
distributed system, was designed and implemented in Ada95 using AdaCORE GnatPro
for the number crunching functionality and Wind River Tilcon Graphics Suite for the
development and deployment of the Operator interface in C. IPLs AdaTEST95 was
utilized to test the software at both the unit and use case level. CVS was the CM tool of
choice while Bugzilla tracked and managed software defects/issues. Performed the
liaison/reporting duties between ITT and their Client, the U.S. Air Force. In addition to
performing as Technical Lead, designed and implemented code, mentored staff, wrote the
Software Development Plan (SDP), the Software Design Description (SDD) and set the
structure/format and wrote tests for the Software Test Description (STD) used for
software system testing. Managed QA interface as well as interfaced with IV&V
Putnam P. Texel
Page Three
Project and Technical Lead for Antenna Designate 2 (AD2). AD2 was a follow on
contract to the successful completion of AD1. AD2, based on AD1, handled 240 bit
HDD frames, various sized LSD frames (to accommodate orbiting objects), and CS5
timing data on the Eastern Range. The functionality of AD2 more than tripled the
functionality of AD1 and again executed every 10Hz. XML technology was introduced
on AD2 to maintain data. The oXygen XML Editor was used to create XML files as well
as to determine whether the XML file is well-formed and valid (if applicable). CM was
upgraded to SVN. Ada2005 Components were utilized. Helped pass the baton to an
ITT staffer. The contract came to a successful conclusion in October 2009.
P. P. Texel & Company, Inc. (1984 to 2004), President.
Designed and developed a curriculum of 5 management and 7 technical courses (for
education in Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object-Oriented Design (OOD) and
Object-Based Programming (OOP) with Ada83) based on Information Mapping and
Reusable Educational Components (REC). REC enabled basic components to be utilized
for both Management and Technical Training with additional Components added for
Technical Training. This approach ensured the same message was being delivered to
both management and technical personnel as well as enabled rapid client requested
courseware customization. Delivered the curriculum both nationally and internationally.
The quality of the curriculum and its supporting courseware provided the foundation for
the growth of the company, leading to the development of 3 divisions: Education &
Training, Software Development and Consulting.
The Software Development Division provided software engineering design and
development services to various programs (e.g. V-22 AFT/OFT, A-12 OFT/MT, SICBM
The Consulting Division provided QA and IV&V support to such programs as V-22
Clients included but are not limited to Boeing, British Aerospace, Flight Safety
International, GTE, General Dynamics, Grumman, Harris Corporation, McDonnell
Douglas, Motorola, NASA, NATO, N&P Building Society, Raytheon, Rockwell
International, Siemens, TRW, US Air Force, US Army, U.S. Marines.
Putnam P. Texel
Page Four
Instructional Experience
Part Time Instructor. New England Institute of Technology (2004-2005). Provided
instruction in e-Commerce client side (HTML, JavaScript) and server side (Java, JSP)
design and implementation using XML for input and output data.
Part Time Instructor. Kaiser University (2004-2005). Provided instruction in
Intermediate Algebra and College Mathematics. Recipient of the Adjunct Faculty
Member of the Year Award 2004.
Assistant Professor. Fairleigh Dickinson University (1969-1972). Retained as Assistant
Professor upon completing M.S. Provided instruction in both Mathematics (e.g. Calculus,
Differential Equations) and Computer Science (e.g. FORTRAN and assembly language)
[TEX97] Use Cases Combined With Booch/OMT/UML: Process & Products. (With
C.B. Williams) Prentice Hall. 1997. [ISBN 0-13-727405-X]
Ada Supplement to Accompany Concepts in Data Structures & Software Development
(G. Michael Schneider and Steven Brunell) West Publishing Company. 1991.
[ISBN 0-314-82978-4]
Introduction to Ada Programming: Programming with Packages. Wadsworth Publishing
Company. 1986. [ISBN 0-534-06348-9]
Measure, Metric, and Indicator: An Object-Oriented Approach for Consistency.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE SoutheastCon. April 2013.
Use Cases Combined With Booch/OMT/UML: Process & Products. Proceedings of
the Rational Users Group (RUG) Conference. February 1997.
Use Cases and Categories: The Basis for Object-Oriented Project Infrastructure.
Proceedings of the ASEET Symposium. June 1996.
Ada_Education := Design_Concepts + Ada_Constructs; Proceedings of the ACM
SIGCSE Symposium. 1992.
Putnam P. Texel
Page Five
Case Study: Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis (OORA) Applied to AFATDS.
Proceedings of the First Technical Symposium of AMP. (With S. Levine). 1989.
Software Engineering Applied to Curriculum Development. (with L. Blackmon). Ada:
Managing the Transition. Proceedings of the Ada-Europe International Conference.
The Real Issues in Ada Education. Proceedings of NATOs Transition to Ada. 1986.
The U.S. Army Model Ada Training Curriculum. Proceedings of the 2nd
Conference on Ada Technology.
The CECOM Summer Faculty Research Program. Proceedings of the 2nd
Conference on Ada Technology.
Ada + Style := Reliability; Control Data PSI Excerpts. (With T. Walsh). 1981.
Comparing Designs: A Methodology for Teaching Software Engineering.
Proceedings of the 2nd
Annual ASEET Symposium. 1987.

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Resume April 2015

  • 1. Resume Putnam P. Texel 17257 Gulf Pine Circle, West Palm Beach, Florida 33414 Voice: (561) 795-5160 Cell: (561) 346-4241 email: ptexel@gmail.com EDUCATION Ph.D. Engineering Management, Walden University (GPA 4.0/4.0) M.S. (Magna Cum Laude) Mathematics Fairleigh Dickinson University. October 1968. (Completed under Honors Research Teaching Fellowship) B.A. (Cum Laude) Mathematics Fairleigh Dickinson University. June 1967. Numerous computer related industry seminars (e.g. Ada, Java, J2EE, JSP, UML, C++, VxWorks, AdaTEST95) AWARDS 2013. Golden Key International Honor Society 2006. Award of Special Recognition. U.S. Air Force Spacelift Range System Contract. 2004. Adjunct Faculty Member of the Year Award. Keiser College. 1998. Certificate of Appreciation. Joint Simulation System Joint Program Office. 1987. Recognition of Service Award. The Northwest Inland Empire Chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). 1985. ACM Outstanding Service Award. Princeton Chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). 1980. Employee Excellence Award. Control Data Corporation. SUMMARY December 2010 - February 2015 Ph.D. student/candidate. Ph.D. conferred February 2015. Dissertation title: "Exploring Government Contractor Experiences Assessing and Reporting Software Development Status." October 1984 - July 2009 An independent contractor with 25 years of experience providing software education and consulting services to DOD contractors. Additionally acted as software project and technical lead for floundering and failing software efforts. Responsible for successful delivery and deployment of three embedded software systems. Acted as liaison between my clients and my clients' client. Developed and delivered PDR and CDR presentations
  • 2. Putnam P. Texel Page Two as well as supported side bar software meetings (internally for client and externally for stakeholders). An agent of change from functional software development processes and products to Object-Oriented software development processes and products based on the Ada (83, 95 and 2005) programming language for U.S. military services and their contractors. Projects included MIS as well as real-time embedded applications. As an agent of change one must be able to lead early adaptors as well as perform any task on the project: maintaining MS Project schedules and hiring/firing staff to creating design/code, writing/reviewing software specific documents, and/or implementing/running test artifacts. As an agent of change one must ensure the success of the first effort of a client by focusing on the staff, the process, the methodology, the products to be produced, and the software development toolset. Negotiated and managed sub-contracts as required. Provided tutorials and technical papers (see pg. 4-5) nationally and internationally at various activities including but not limited to ACM SigAda, CASE Forum in Sydney Australia, NATO Transition to Ada in The Hague Netherlands, Ada-Europe in Edinburgh, Scotland and various activities in and around the UK. Former Chairperson of the ACM SigAda Education Committee and the Jersey Shore Local SigAda. Author of 3 texts (See pg. 4-5). TECHNICAL SKILLS Languages Utilized: UML, Ada83, Ada95, Ada 2005, Java, JSP, JavaScript, JDBC, C++, HTML, CSS, XML, DTD, XSLT. Assembly Tools Utilized: DOORS, IBM/Rational Rose, GNATPro, CVS, SVN, AdaTEST95, oXygen XML Editor, MS Project, MS Office, Bugzilla EXPERIENCE Putnam P Texel LLC (2005 to 2010), President. Provided instruction in Ada83, Ada95 and Object-Oriented technology processes and products based on [TEX97] (See Page 4). Major client was ITT Systems Division, PAFB, FL. ITT Systems Division (2005-2009) Project and Technical Lead for Antenna Designate 1 (AD1). AD1 is an antenna pointing system used by Range Operators to track launched objects on the Western Range. AD1 receives, parses and validates a 240 bit HSD frame (serial data) from multiple sites, manages site prioritization, converts HSD data to Az/El for transmission to the antenna, reports antenna positioning and status data to the operator and executes every 10Hz (0.1 second). AD1 supports pre-mission configuration and post-mission report generation. DOORS was utilized for managing requirements. IBM/Rational Rose provided the tool
  • 3. support for the UML representation of the domain analysis and software design. AD1, a distributed system, was designed and implemented in Ada95 using AdaCORE GnatPro for the number crunching functionality and Wind River Tilcon Graphics Suite for the development and deployment of the Operator interface in C. IPLs AdaTEST95 was utilized to test the software at both the unit and use case level. CVS was the CM tool of choice while Bugzilla tracked and managed software defects/issues. Performed the liaison/reporting duties between ITT and their Client, the U.S. Air Force. In addition to performing as Technical Lead, designed and implemented code, mentored staff, wrote the Software Development Plan (SDP), the Software Design Description (SDD) and set the structure/format and wrote tests for the Software Test Description (STD) used for software system testing. Managed QA interface as well as interfaced with IV&V Contractor. Putnam P. Texel Page Three Project and Technical Lead for Antenna Designate 2 (AD2). AD2 was a follow on contract to the successful completion of AD1. AD2, based on AD1, handled 240 bit HDD frames, various sized LSD frames (to accommodate orbiting objects), and CS5 timing data on the Eastern Range. The functionality of AD2 more than tripled the functionality of AD1 and again executed every 10Hz. XML technology was introduced on AD2 to maintain data. The oXygen XML Editor was used to create XML files as well as to determine whether the XML file is well-formed and valid (if applicable). CM was upgraded to SVN. Ada2005 Components were utilized. Helped pass the baton to an ITT staffer. The contract came to a successful conclusion in October 2009. P. P. Texel & Company, Inc. (1984 to 2004), President. Designed and developed a curriculum of 5 management and 7 technical courses (for education in Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object-Oriented Design (OOD) and Object-Based Programming (OOP) with Ada83) based on Information Mapping and Reusable Educational Components (REC). REC enabled basic components to be utilized for both Management and Technical Training with additional Components added for Technical Training. This approach ensured the same message was being delivered to both management and technical personnel as well as enabled rapid client requested courseware customization. Delivered the curriculum both nationally and internationally. The quality of the curriculum and its supporting courseware provided the foundation for the growth of the company, leading to the development of 3 divisions: Education & Training, Software Development and Consulting. The Software Development Division provided software engineering design and development services to various programs (e.g. V-22 AFT/OFT, A-12 OFT/MT, SICBM OFP, LSD-41 CLASS MPCSOT). The Consulting Division provided QA and IV&V support to such programs as V-22 AFT/OFT, ATACC, AFATDS, LSD-41 CLASS MPCSOT.
  • 4. Clients included but are not limited to Boeing, British Aerospace, Flight Safety International, GTE, General Dynamics, Grumman, Harris Corporation, McDonnell Douglas, Motorola, NASA, NATO, N&P Building Society, Raytheon, Rockwell International, Siemens, TRW, US Air Force, US Army, U.S. Marines. Putnam P. Texel Page Four Instructional Experience Part Time Instructor. New England Institute of Technology (2004-2005). Provided instruction in e-Commerce client side (HTML, JavaScript) and server side (Java, JSP) design and implementation using XML for input and output data. Part Time Instructor. Kaiser University (2004-2005). Provided instruction in Intermediate Algebra and College Mathematics. Recipient of the Adjunct Faculty Member of the Year Award 2004. Assistant Professor. Fairleigh Dickinson University (1969-1972). Retained as Assistant Professor upon completing M.S. Provided instruction in both Mathematics (e.g. Calculus, Differential Equations) and Computer Science (e.g. FORTRAN and assembly language) courses. PUBLICATIONS: BOOKS [TEX97] Use Cases Combined With Booch/OMT/UML: Process & Products. (With C.B. Williams) Prentice Hall. 1997. [ISBN 0-13-727405-X] Ada Supplement to Accompany Concepts in Data Structures & Software Development (G. Michael Schneider and Steven Brunell) West Publishing Company. 1991. [ISBN 0-314-82978-4] Introduction to Ada Programming: Programming with Packages. Wadsworth Publishing Company. 1986. [ISBN 0-534-06348-9] PUBLICATIONS: TECHNICAL PAPERS
  • 5. Measure, Metric, and Indicator: An Object-Oriented Approach for Consistency. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE SoutheastCon. April 2013. Use Cases Combined With Booch/OMT/UML: Process & Products. Proceedings of the Rational Users Group (RUG) Conference. February 1997. Use Cases and Categories: The Basis for Object-Oriented Project Infrastructure. Proceedings of the ASEET Symposium. June 1996. Ada_Education := Design_Concepts + Ada_Constructs; Proceedings of the ACM SIGCSE Symposium. 1992. Putnam P. Texel Page Five Case Study: Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis (OORA) Applied to AFATDS. Proceedings of the First Technical Symposium of AMP. (With S. Levine). 1989. Software Engineering Applied to Curriculum Development. (with L. Blackmon). Ada: Managing the Transition. Proceedings of the Ada-Europe International Conference. 1986. The Real Issues in Ada Education. Proceedings of NATOs Transition to Ada. 1986. The U.S. Army Model Ada Training Curriculum. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Ada Technology. The CECOM Summer Faculty Research Program. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Ada Technology. Ada + Style := Reliability; Control Data PSI Excerpts. (With T. Walsh). 1981. Comparing Designs: A Methodology for Teaching Software Engineering. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual ASEET Symposium. 1987.