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Stephen MacNeil
I adopt a mixed-methods approach to understand how
designers and students develop conceptual frameworks.
I use these insights to build tools that aid the processes
of learning and design. Research Keywords: HCI, Educa-
tion, Visualization, Machine Learning, Design Cognition.
+1 (908) 500 4515
Charlotte, NC
May 2012 B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University.
Concentration: Circuits, signal processing, and embedded programming
May 2016 M.S. Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 3.94/4.
Concentration: Visualization and Computer Graphics
May 2018
Ph.D. Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 3.95/4.
Topic: Modeling the design process to provide tools that clarify design decisions.
Summer '16 University of Tokyo, Advisor: Dr. Koji Yatani.
Employed need-finding analysis to determine how new students engage in the
design process. Created a web-based tool that supports these novice designers
after their initial ideation phase.
ReactJS Redux Babel ES7 ES6 MongoDB
2013-2014 UNC at Charlotte, Advisor: Dr. Jamie Payton.
Led development for NSF BRIDGES. It allows students in a data-structures course
to query live, real-world data-sets and have their data-structures visualized.
Express D3 Twitter API Javascript MongoDB
Summer '13 UNC at Charlotte, Advisor: Dr. Celine Latulipe.
For a Media Computation course, code is compiled, run on a virtual machine, and
output images are graded against gold-model images by mean-square error.
Wordpress PHP MySQL
2011-2013 Purdue University, Advisor: Dr. Niklas Elmqvist.
Visualization Mosaics are composite visualizations created from simpler representa-
tions paired with interaction techniques to reduce dimensional complexity. Approach
formalized with a grammar for creating mosaics. Published in the CGF [3] and re-
ceived $50,000 grant from Google based on preliminary results.
Summer '09 Cordis (Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals), Advisor: Dr. Vladimir Veselov.
Java UI for automated validation form generation via Oracle/Maximo database.
Summer '08 Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceuticals, Raritan, NJ.
Web / Wiki Development CSS Javascript Confluence Cold Fusion
Data Mining and Server Migration Toad SQL Pipeline Pilot
Application Tracking Pipeline Pilot Excel HTML SQL
2013-present pagerank-js: a javascript library for ranking nodes in a directed graph.
Source Code: http://github.com/pagerank
2013-present kmeansjs: a javascript library for k-means clustering.
Source Code: http://github.com/kmeans
Fall '16 Data Structures and Algorithms, ITCS 2214, UNC at Charlotte.
search sorting algorithm complexity hashing graph theory media computation
Spring '16 STARS Service and Leadership Course, ITCS 1610/3610, UNC at Charlotte.
Flipped classroom style course modeled as a startup incubator
leadership management psychology service learning agile methodology
Spring '13 Introduction to Programming II Lab, ITCS 1213, UNC at Charlotte.
Reinforced concepts taught in class, led the lab section, and graded assignments.
object-oriented paradigm polymorphism inheritance abstraction java
Fall '12 Computer Organization and Architecture Lab, ITCS 3182, UNC at Charlotte.
Reinforced concepts taught in class, led the lab section, and graded assignments
switches ALUs registers buses MIPS ISA memory functional parallelism
[1] Stephen MacNeil, Celine Latulipe, and Aman Yadav. Learning in distributed low-stakes
teams. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual International Conference on International
Computing Education Research, ICER 15, pages 227236, New York, NY, USA, 2015.
ACM. [26% acceptance rate].
[2] Stephen MacNeil, Celine Latulipe, Bruce Long, and Aman Yadav. Exploring lightweight
teams in a distributed learning environment. In Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical
Symposium on Computing Science Education, SIGCSE 16, pages 193198, New York,
NY, USA, 2016. ACM. [35% acceptance rate].
[3] Stephen MacNeil and Niklas Elmqvist. Visualization mosaics for multivariate visual
exploration. Computer Graphics Forum, 32(6):3850, September 2013.
[4] Stephen MacNeil and Celine Latulipe. Leveraging context to create opportunistic
co-located learning environments. In Proceedings of the 47th ACM technical symposium
on Computer science education (SIGCSE 16). ACM, 2016.
Computer skills
web React, Redux, ES6, ES7 database MongoDB, MySQL
graphics D3, OpenGL, Tableau backend Express, Sails, Nodejs
statistics R, Matlab embedded MIPS, VHDL, C
languages Clojure, Javascript, Python specialty multi-paradigm programming
August 2015 ICER Learning in Distributed Low-Stakes Teams Omaha, Nebraska
March 2016 SIGCSE Distributed Low-Stakes Teams in the Wild Memphis, Tennessee
Academic Honors
2014-2016 GAANN Fellowship UNC at Charlotte
Spring 2014 Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Society Member UNC at Charlotte
Fall 2014 3rd Place CCI Flash Talk Competition UNC at Charlotte
2012-2015 GASP Award Graduate Assistant Support Plan UNC at Charlotte
2016-Present Executive Officer STARS UNC at Charlotte
2015-Present Web & Social Media Chair UNCC HCI Lab UNC at Charlotte
2014-2015 Web & Social Media Chair UIST 2015
2014-2015 Founder Learning Sciences Reading Group UNC at Charlotte
2008 President Sigma Pi Fraternity Purdue University
Apr 24, 2016 Table Organizer NC Science and Technology Expo UNC at Charlotte
Mar 19, 2016 Table Organizer Julia Robinson Math and Science Festival UNC at Charlotte
Dec 2, 2015 Co-organizer CEI Workshop: Learning in Lightweight Teams UNC at Charlotte
Research Mentorship: Students Supervised
Summer '15 Kyla Bouldin, The Ohio State University.
 Dr. Celine Latulipe, UNC at Charlotte.
 Dr. Jamie Payton, UNC at Charlotte.
 Dr. Mary Lou Maher, UNC at Charlotte.
 Dr. Niklas Elmqvist, University of Maryland iSchool.
 Dr. Vladimir Veselov, Amazon - Loebner Medal (2012 Turing Test)
 Keith McCormick, Johnson & Johnson

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Resume / CV for Stephen MacNeil

  • 1. Stephen MacNeil I adopt a mixed-methods approach to understand how designers and students develop conceptual frameworks. I use these insights to build tools that aid the processes of learning and design. Research Keywords: HCI, Educa- tion, Visualization, Machine Learning, Design Cognition. +1 (908) 500 4515 smacnei2@uncc.edu stevemacn.github.io stevemacn1 stevemacn stephen_macneil stephen_macneil Charlotte, NC Education May 2012 B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University. Concentration: Circuits, signal processing, and embedded programming May 2016 M.S. Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 3.94/4. Concentration: Visualization and Computer Graphics May 2018 (Expected) Ph.D. Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 3.95/4. Topic: Modeling the design process to provide tools that clarify design decisions. Experience RESEARCH Summer '16 University of Tokyo, Advisor: Dr. Koji Yatani. Employed need-finding analysis to determine how new students engage in the design process. Created a web-based tool that supports these novice designers after their initial ideation phase. ReactJS Redux Babel ES7 ES6 MongoDB 2013-2014 UNC at Charlotte, Advisor: Dr. Jamie Payton. Led development for NSF BRIDGES. It allows students in a data-structures course to query live, real-world data-sets and have their data-structures visualized. Express D3 Twitter API Javascript MongoDB Summer '13 UNC at Charlotte, Advisor: Dr. Celine Latulipe. For a Media Computation course, code is compiled, run on a virtual machine, and output images are graded against gold-model images by mean-square error. Wordpress PHP MySQL 2011-2013 Purdue University, Advisor: Dr. Niklas Elmqvist. Visualization Mosaics are composite visualizations created from simpler representa- tions paired with interaction techniques to reduce dimensional complexity. Approach formalized with a grammar for creating mosaics. Published in the CGF [3] and re- ceived $50,000 grant from Google based on preliminary results. INDUSTRY Summer '09 Cordis (Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals), Advisor: Dr. Vladimir Veselov. Java UI for automated validation form generation via Oracle/Maximo database. Java Oracle Ant XML HSSF XSSF VSS SEPTEMBER 10, 2016 STEPHEN MACNEIL | CURRICULUM VITAE 1
  • 2. Summer '08 Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceuticals, Raritan, NJ. Web / Wiki Development CSS Javascript Confluence Cold Fusion Data Mining and Server Migration Toad SQL Pipeline Pilot Application Tracking Pipeline Pilot Excel HTML SQL OPEN SOURCE 2013-present pagerank-js: a javascript library for ranking nodes in a directed graph. https://www.npmjs.com/package/pagerank-js Source Code: http://github.com/pagerank 2013-present kmeansjs: a javascript library for k-means clustering. https://www.npmjs.com/package/kmeansjs Source Code: http://github.com/kmeans TEACHING Fall '16 Data Structures and Algorithms, ITCS 2214, UNC at Charlotte. ASSISTANT LAB INSTRUCTOR - 87 STUDENTS search sorting algorithm complexity hashing graph theory media computation Spring '16 STARS Service and Leadership Course, ITCS 1610/3610, UNC at Charlotte. INSTRUCTOR OF RECORD - 12 STUDENTS Flipped classroom style course modeled as a startup incubator leadership management psychology service learning agile methodology Spring '13 Introduction to Programming II Lab, ITCS 1213, UNC at Charlotte. UNSUPERVISED LAB INSTRUCTOR - 3 SECTIONS OF 20-25 STUDENTS Reinforced concepts taught in class, led the lab section, and graded assignments. object-oriented paradigm polymorphism inheritance abstraction java Fall '12 Computer Organization and Architecture Lab, ITCS 3182, UNC at Charlotte. UNSUPERVISED LAB INSTRUCTOR - 60 STUDENTS Reinforced concepts taught in class, led the lab section, and graded assignments switches ALUs registers buses MIPS ISA memory functional parallelism Publications PAPERS [1] Stephen MacNeil, Celine Latulipe, and Aman Yadav. Learning in distributed low-stakes teams. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual International Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 15, pages 227236, New York, NY, USA, 2015. ACM. [26% acceptance rate]. [2] Stephen MacNeil, Celine Latulipe, Bruce Long, and Aman Yadav. Exploring lightweight teams in a distributed learning environment. In Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education, SIGCSE 16, pages 193198, New York, NY, USA, 2016. ACM. [35% acceptance rate]. [3] Stephen MacNeil and Niklas Elmqvist. Visualization mosaics for multivariate visual exploration. Computer Graphics Forum, 32(6):3850, September 2013. POSTERS / OTHER PUBLICATIONS [4] Stephen MacNeil and Celine Latulipe. Leveraging context to create opportunistic co-located learning environments. In Proceedings of the 47th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education (SIGCSE 16). ACM, 2016. SEPTEMBER 10, 2016 STEPHEN MACNEIL | CURRICULUM VITAE 2
  • 3. Computer skills web React, Redux, ES6, ES7 database MongoDB, MySQL graphics D3, OpenGL, Tableau backend Express, Sails, Nodejs statistics R, Matlab embedded MIPS, VHDL, C languages Clojure, Javascript, Python specialty multi-paradigm programming Talks August 2015 ICER Learning in Distributed Low-Stakes Teams Omaha, Nebraska March 2016 SIGCSE Distributed Low-Stakes Teams in the Wild Memphis, Tennessee Academic Honors 2014-2016 GAANN Fellowship UNC at Charlotte Spring 2014 Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Society Member UNC at Charlotte Fall 2014 3rd Place CCI Flash Talk Competition UNC at Charlotte 2012-2015 GASP Award Graduate Assistant Support Plan UNC at Charlotte Service 2016-Present Executive Officer STARS UNC at Charlotte 2015-Present Web & Social Media Chair UNCC HCI Lab UNC at Charlotte 2014-2015 Web & Social Media Chair UIST 2015 2014-2015 Founder Learning Sciences Reading Group UNC at Charlotte 2008 President Sigma Pi Fraternity Purdue University Volunteer Apr 24, 2016 Table Organizer NC Science and Technology Expo UNC at Charlotte Mar 19, 2016 Table Organizer Julia Robinson Math and Science Festival UNC at Charlotte Dec 2, 2015 Co-organizer CEI Workshop: Learning in Lightweight Teams UNC at Charlotte Research Mentorship: Students Supervised Summer '15 Kyla Bouldin, The Ohio State University. References ACADEMIC Dr. Celine Latulipe, UNC at Charlotte. Dr. Jamie Payton, UNC at Charlotte. Dr. Mary Lou Maher, UNC at Charlotte. Dr. Niklas Elmqvist, University of Maryland iSchool. INDUSTRY Dr. Vladimir Veselov, Amazon - Loebner Medal (2012 Turing Test) Keith McCormick, Johnson & Johnson SEPTEMBER 10, 2016 STEPHEN MACNEIL | CURRICULUM VITAE 3