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Greg Whitmore
Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com
Certified Welding inspector/ Certificate 10 & 2214 Welding supervisor/ Qualified Boilermaker
Personal information Gregory Whitmore
17 Scriha Street
North Mackay
Phone No 07 49420947
Date of Birth 9 April 1978
Personal Statement
I am a Hardworking and reliable certified welding inspector and competent tradesman. I have over
15 years’ experience in the mining and construction industry in that time I have gained my
certification in welding inspecting as well as the certificate 10 and 2214 structural supervisor tickets.
I have a positive team approach and enjoy working in a team situation and also have the ability to
work efficiently on an individual basis. I take pride in the final product and in maintaining a high
level of safety and good time keeping record. I am always looking to learn more in my job I have
completed all the training to become a senior welding inspector
Greg Whitmore
Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com
Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) 0391 - Welding Technology Institute of Australia (WTIA)
International Welding inspector Basic (IWI B) AU/IWI B/00480 - Welding Technology Institute of
Australia (WTIA)
Senior Welding Inspector (IWI S) study completed - Welding Technology Institute of Australia
Certificate 10 2214 Structural Supervisor Certificate No 21227 - Welding Technology Institute of
Australia (WTIA)
Qualified Boilermaker Trade Certificate No 9617293 – Apprenticeship Swift Engineering Mackay
CN100 Certificate III in Engineering Fabrication (Heavy) - Swift Engineering and Mackay Tafe
Certificate IV in Engineering MEM5.26AA Apply Welding Principles – Mackay Tafe and WTIA
8G Pressure Welding Ticket – Mackay Tafe and WTIA Approved
Certificate IV in Engineering Auto Cad - Mackay Tafe
Certificate IV OHS - Australian Business Training Solutions
S1 S2 S3 Supervisor
Core Unit WHSO Officer Course
NSCA Health & Safety Reprehensive
Sap Training
First Aid Certificate
Working at Heights
Confined Space Ticket
Construction Blue Card
Mine Inductions
BMA Core Induction (Attainment)
BMA Peak Downs Site Induction
BMA Goonyella Riverside Site Induction
BMA Hay Point Induction
Greg Whitmore
Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com
Welding Technology Institute of Australia (WTIA)
QC Welding Inspector/ Supervisor
Aurizon rail 12Th
February 2015 to Current
Employed by Aurizon to QA welding inspector/ Supervisor for the fatigue wagon program. My duties
involved qualifications and test, welder log/Register maintenance. WPS/PQR development and test
and final WPS submittal for review and acceptance for AS 1554.1, AS 1554.5, AS 1554.6. As well as
ITP witness and hold points visual inspections and sign off which includes weld fit up, pre heat
maintenance. Developing required weld maps that provide traceability of the weld. Organise and
witness NDE on the fatigue program. Part of my role was to help set up training programs for the
new apprentice Boilermakers to learn the fundamentals of Boiler making.
Independent Inspector
Applus Velosi 20th
November 2014- 12th
February 2015
Employed by Applus Velosi to do independent inspection on behave of Jacobs to Inspect Vibrating
Screens that where assembled as BAE Engineering. I had to do Visual Inspections of the welding to
check that that they applied to Australian standard AS 1554.1 as well as Dimensional checks. I also
had to witness the ITP as to prove that they were being followed, Review Material certificates,
Confirm Delivery dates, and Report PO status against schedule, Review MDR Documents and then do
a Final inspection of packing and paint and to issue a release certificate to the client.
Also in this time with Applus Velosi I was employed to do an independent inspection on behave of
JKC Ichthys Onshore LNG Facilities Project in Darwin. I had to go to Cromford pipe in Mackay and
inspect 450mm pipe SDR 9 PE100 PN 20 Poly pipe to check the raw material test certificate, Material
identification, Visual and dimensional checks, Packing inspection and cleanliness and dryness and
finally issue an inspection release certificate to JKC.
QC Welding Inspector
McConnell Dowell 20th
October 2013 – 19th
November 2014
Employed as a Welding Inspector for the BHP Hay Point wharf expansion. My duties involve welder
qualifications and test, welder log/Register maintenance. WPS/PQR development and test and final
WPS submittal for review and acceptance for AS 1554.1, AS 1554.6, AS 1665. AS 3992. AS.4037. As
well as ITP witness and hold points visual inspections and sign off which includes weld fit up, pre heat
Greg Whitmore
Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com
maintenance. Developing required weld maps that provide traceability of the weld. Process NDE
reports into their respective work packages for MDR submission.
Leading Hand/ Supervisor
McConnell Dowell 12th
June 2012 – 20th
October 2013
Employed as a Leading Hand/Supervisor Boilermaker on the Jack up Barge Sante Fe on the Hay Point
Expansion. Boilermaker duties include installation of headstocks, Dolphins, Driving Piles, As well as
doing Barge maintenance fixing water pipes, Hydraulic pipes, installation of a new fire suppression
system for the barge also over saw any major works done to the barge like repairs to the legs, or the
hull. Also helped with major works on the new Berth in fitting out transfer towers with conveyor
rollers and new piping systems for the transfer towers and ship loader to AS 4037 Standard.
Construction Supervisor
Alba Group 6th
January 2010 – 12th
June 2012
Employed as a construction supervisor in the building of Bucyrus MT 4400 ac dump trucks we
successfully built 23 new AC 4400 dump trucks for Downier EDI at North Goonyella. I was in control
of all Quality control and welding inspection of all Dump Trucks that were built to AS 1554.1 and all
welders had to be qualified to AS2980. I was in evolved in developing WPS, ITP, PQR, for the
boilermakers as well as making sure the procedures were followed. As well as helping in quoting of
jobs and playing a role in the health and safety of the build site. As well as Managing the complete
over haul of a Horizontal Auger from weld repairs to paint and customer relations. Took on the
manager’s position when the Manager was away for Holidays or Personal Leave.
Leading Hand
Quantum Fabrication March 2010 – 6th
Employed as a Leading Hand Looking after the workshop in all light and heavy fabrication.
Fabrication of stainless steel chutes mild steel conveyors, alloy guarding, Site work at Dalrymple Bay
coal terminal, Bucket repairs. Fabrication of new water pipes for wash plants ranging from small
diameter pipe to large pipes. As well as new fire systems, and new compressed air lines. I also took
control of the Boilermakers welder qualifications and tests. All Boilermakers as tested to AS 2980.
Haynes Mechanical January 2009 – Mar 2009
Currently employed as a Boilermaker in the repairs of D10, D9, and D11. All mining trucks needing
repairs or modifications required. As well as Light and Heavy fabrication.
Greg Whitmore
Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com
Leading Hand
Inbye Mining January 2008 - Jan 2009
Employed as Leading Hand of the Boilermaker. I currently look after around twelve Boilermakers in
the fabrication of Underground equipment. Repairs to the Long wall roof supports. All aspect of
Structural Steel Welding. I also looked after welder qualifications and weld test all boilermaker are
tested to AS 2980.
Boilermaker/Leading Hand
John Holland April 2006 – January 2008
Employed in the Fabrication of Mining Equipment and all aspects of Light to Heavy Fabrication.
Currently working at DBCT for John Hollands. Building the Fenders and Dolphins as well as welding
the Head Stocks with the Welding Wire 233. Leading Hand night shift at Mackay workshop in
Fabricating shuts for Abbot Point.
Team Engineering Mackay Oct 2005 – April 2006
Employed in the Fabrication of Mining Equipment. Fabrication of Stainless Steel Chutes. Pressing of
16mm Stainless Steel Square to Round, Digger arms, and Stacker reclaimer bucket wheels. Shutdown
work at Hap Point Coal terminal. All aspects of Light to Heavy Fabrication.
Boilermaker/Leading Hand
GPX Engineering Ltd – London England June 2003 – October 2005
Employed as a Leading Hand on Rail repair work on the London Underground at Upminister Depots,
Ealing Common and Hammersmith Depots and various other depots. I have ST1 safety Training
Certificate – Track Accustom and Green Card to work on the London Underground.
Steel Force Construction – Manchester England June 2002- June 2003
Steel Fabrication on High Rise building, Plantation 1 Fenchurch Street, London. All aspects of
Structural Steel welding, arc air gouging, beam welding. As well as installation of access stairs, Lifts. I
also helped the steel erectors in the installation of beams and columns.
REB Engineering Mackay January 2001- June 2002
Employed as a Boilermaker to be part of a regular maintenance crew at German Creek Coal Mine
repairing the wash plant, replacing wear plates, welding chutes etc. Also in the Mackay workshop
repairing underground mining equipment, cranes, draglines buckets and other coal mining
Greg Whitmore
Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com
G&S Engineering January 2000 – January 2001
Fabrication and installation of a Stacker Reclaimer for Callide Mine. I was also used to maintain the
wash plant in regular maintenance and upgrades, change out of shaker screens, slurry pipes,
Handrails, columns
Apprentice Boilermaker
Swift Engineering Pty Ltd Mackay January 1996 – January 2000
Experienced all aspects of Boiler making as carried out in a large Heavy Engineering Workshop,
particularly the repair and fabrication of mining Equipment, Mig & Stick Welding, Arc Air Gouging,
Pressing, Rolling, able to work from Drawings, Worked with Tradesmen on Plant & Equipment at
Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal, South Walker Coal Mine and Coppabella Coal Mine.
Senior Certificate - St Patricks College Mackay QLD. 1994-1995
Junior Certificate - Mercy College Mackay QLD 1991 – 1993
Tennis, Football, Golf,
Greg Whitmore
Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com
Adrian Drew
Construction Superintendent (Downer Infrastructure East)
Athol Macintyre
Billy Heremaia
McConnell Dowell
Paul McNeil
McConnell Dowell
QC Welding Inspector
Mitchell Devonshire
Hay Point Project ESH Manager/Marine
ESH Manager Bechtel Mining & Metals
Greg Whitmore
Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com
Peter Ferris
Supervisor/ Manager
BAE Engineering Mackay

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  • 1. Greg Whitmore Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com Certified Welding inspector/ Certificate 10 & 2214 Welding supervisor/ Qualified Boilermaker Personal information Gregory Whitmore 17 Scriha Street North Mackay MACKAY QLD 4740 Phone No 07 49420947 Married Australian Date of Birth 9 April 1978 Personal Statement I am a Hardworking and reliable certified welding inspector and competent tradesman. I have over 15 years’ experience in the mining and construction industry in that time I have gained my certification in welding inspecting as well as the certificate 10 and 2214 structural supervisor tickets. I have a positive team approach and enjoy working in a team situation and also have the ability to work efficiently on an individual basis. I take pride in the final product and in maintaining a high level of safety and good time keeping record. I am always looking to learn more in my job I have completed all the training to become a senior welding inspector
  • 2. Greg Whitmore Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) 0391 - Welding Technology Institute of Australia (WTIA) International Welding inspector Basic (IWI B) AU/IWI B/00480 - Welding Technology Institute of Australia (WTIA) Senior Welding Inspector (IWI S) study completed - Welding Technology Institute of Australia (WTIA) Certificate 10 2214 Structural Supervisor Certificate No 21227 - Welding Technology Institute of Australia (WTIA) Qualified Boilermaker Trade Certificate No 9617293 – Apprenticeship Swift Engineering Mackay CN100 Certificate III in Engineering Fabrication (Heavy) - Swift Engineering and Mackay Tafe Certificate IV in Engineering MEM5.26AA Apply Welding Principles – Mackay Tafe and WTIA Approved 8G Pressure Welding Ticket – Mackay Tafe and WTIA Approved Certificate IV in Engineering Auto Cad - Mackay Tafe Certificate IV OHS - Australian Business Training Solutions Training S1 S2 S3 Supervisor Core Unit WHSO Officer Course NSCA Health & Safety Reprehensive Sap Training First Aid Certificate Working at Heights Confined Space Ticket Construction Blue Card MISC Card Mine Inductions BMA Core Induction (Attainment) BMA Peak Downs Site Induction BMA Goonyella Riverside Site Induction BMA Hay Point Induction
  • 3. Greg Whitmore Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com Affiliations Welding Technology Institute of Australia (WTIA) PROESSIONAL EXPERIENCE QC Welding Inspector/ Supervisor Aurizon rail 12Th February 2015 to Current Employed by Aurizon to QA welding inspector/ Supervisor for the fatigue wagon program. My duties involved qualifications and test, welder log/Register maintenance. WPS/PQR development and test and final WPS submittal for review and acceptance for AS 1554.1, AS 1554.5, AS 1554.6. As well as ITP witness and hold points visual inspections and sign off which includes weld fit up, pre heat maintenance. Developing required weld maps that provide traceability of the weld. Organise and witness NDE on the fatigue program. Part of my role was to help set up training programs for the new apprentice Boilermakers to learn the fundamentals of Boiler making. Independent Inspector Applus Velosi 20th November 2014- 12th February 2015 Employed by Applus Velosi to do independent inspection on behave of Jacobs to Inspect Vibrating Screens that where assembled as BAE Engineering. I had to do Visual Inspections of the welding to check that that they applied to Australian standard AS 1554.1 as well as Dimensional checks. I also had to witness the ITP as to prove that they were being followed, Review Material certificates, Confirm Delivery dates, and Report PO status against schedule, Review MDR Documents and then do a Final inspection of packing and paint and to issue a release certificate to the client. Also in this time with Applus Velosi I was employed to do an independent inspection on behave of JKC Ichthys Onshore LNG Facilities Project in Darwin. I had to go to Cromford pipe in Mackay and inspect 450mm pipe SDR 9 PE100 PN 20 Poly pipe to check the raw material test certificate, Material identification, Visual and dimensional checks, Packing inspection and cleanliness and dryness and finally issue an inspection release certificate to JKC. QC Welding Inspector McConnell Dowell 20th October 2013 – 19th November 2014 Employed as a Welding Inspector for the BHP Hay Point wharf expansion. My duties involve welder qualifications and test, welder log/Register maintenance. WPS/PQR development and test and final WPS submittal for review and acceptance for AS 1554.1, AS 1554.6, AS 1665. AS 3992. AS.4037. As well as ITP witness and hold points visual inspections and sign off which includes weld fit up, pre heat
  • 4. Greg Whitmore Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com maintenance. Developing required weld maps that provide traceability of the weld. Process NDE reports into their respective work packages for MDR submission. Leading Hand/ Supervisor McConnell Dowell 12th June 2012 – 20th October 2013 Employed as a Leading Hand/Supervisor Boilermaker on the Jack up Barge Sante Fe on the Hay Point Expansion. Boilermaker duties include installation of headstocks, Dolphins, Driving Piles, As well as doing Barge maintenance fixing water pipes, Hydraulic pipes, installation of a new fire suppression system for the barge also over saw any major works done to the barge like repairs to the legs, or the hull. Also helped with major works on the new Berth in fitting out transfer towers with conveyor rollers and new piping systems for the transfer towers and ship loader to AS 4037 Standard. Construction Supervisor Alba Group 6th January 2010 – 12th June 2012 Employed as a construction supervisor in the building of Bucyrus MT 4400 ac dump trucks we successfully built 23 new AC 4400 dump trucks for Downier EDI at North Goonyella. I was in control of all Quality control and welding inspection of all Dump Trucks that were built to AS 1554.1 and all welders had to be qualified to AS2980. I was in evolved in developing WPS, ITP, PQR, for the boilermakers as well as making sure the procedures were followed. As well as helping in quoting of jobs and playing a role in the health and safety of the build site. As well as Managing the complete over haul of a Horizontal Auger from weld repairs to paint and customer relations. Took on the manager’s position when the Manager was away for Holidays or Personal Leave. Leading Hand Quantum Fabrication March 2010 – 6th January Employed as a Leading Hand Looking after the workshop in all light and heavy fabrication. Fabrication of stainless steel chutes mild steel conveyors, alloy guarding, Site work at Dalrymple Bay coal terminal, Bucket repairs. Fabrication of new water pipes for wash plants ranging from small diameter pipe to large pipes. As well as new fire systems, and new compressed air lines. I also took control of the Boilermakers welder qualifications and tests. All Boilermakers as tested to AS 2980. Boilermaker Haynes Mechanical January 2009 – Mar 2009 Currently employed as a Boilermaker in the repairs of D10, D9, and D11. All mining trucks needing repairs or modifications required. As well as Light and Heavy fabrication.
  • 5. Greg Whitmore Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com Leading Hand Inbye Mining January 2008 - Jan 2009 Employed as Leading Hand of the Boilermaker. I currently look after around twelve Boilermakers in the fabrication of Underground equipment. Repairs to the Long wall roof supports. All aspect of Structural Steel Welding. I also looked after welder qualifications and weld test all boilermaker are tested to AS 2980. Boilermaker/Leading Hand John Holland April 2006 – January 2008 Employed in the Fabrication of Mining Equipment and all aspects of Light to Heavy Fabrication. Currently working at DBCT for John Hollands. Building the Fenders and Dolphins as well as welding the Head Stocks with the Welding Wire 233. Leading Hand night shift at Mackay workshop in Fabricating shuts for Abbot Point. Boilermaker Team Engineering Mackay Oct 2005 – April 2006 Employed in the Fabrication of Mining Equipment. Fabrication of Stainless Steel Chutes. Pressing of 16mm Stainless Steel Square to Round, Digger arms, and Stacker reclaimer bucket wheels. Shutdown work at Hap Point Coal terminal. All aspects of Light to Heavy Fabrication. Boilermaker/Leading Hand GPX Engineering Ltd – London England June 2003 – October 2005 Employed as a Leading Hand on Rail repair work on the London Underground at Upminister Depots, Ealing Common and Hammersmith Depots and various other depots. I have ST1 safety Training Certificate – Track Accustom and Green Card to work on the London Underground. Boilermaker Steel Force Construction – Manchester England June 2002- June 2003 Steel Fabrication on High Rise building, Plantation 1 Fenchurch Street, London. All aspects of Structural Steel welding, arc air gouging, beam welding. As well as installation of access stairs, Lifts. I also helped the steel erectors in the installation of beams and columns. Boilermaker REB Engineering Mackay January 2001- June 2002 Employed as a Boilermaker to be part of a regular maintenance crew at German Creek Coal Mine repairing the wash plant, replacing wear plates, welding chutes etc. Also in the Mackay workshop repairing underground mining equipment, cranes, draglines buckets and other coal mining equipment.
  • 6. Greg Whitmore Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com Boilermaker G&S Engineering January 2000 – January 2001 Fabrication and installation of a Stacker Reclaimer for Callide Mine. I was also used to maintain the wash plant in regular maintenance and upgrades, change out of shaker screens, slurry pipes, Handrails, columns Apprentice Boilermaker Swift Engineering Pty Ltd Mackay January 1996 – January 2000 Experienced all aspects of Boiler making as carried out in a large Heavy Engineering Workshop, particularly the repair and fabrication of mining Equipment, Mig & Stick Welding, Arc Air Gouging, Pressing, Rolling, able to work from Drawings, Worked with Tradesmen on Plant & Equipment at Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal, South Walker Coal Mine and Coppabella Coal Mine. EDUACATION Senior Certificate - St Patricks College Mackay QLD. 1994-1995 Junior Certificate - Mercy College Mackay QLD 1991 – 1993 INTEREST AND ACTIVITIES Tennis, Football, Golf,
  • 7. Greg Whitmore Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com REFERENCES Adrian Drew Construction Superintendent (Downer Infrastructure East) 0429012644 Athol Macintyre Supervisor Downier 0447201389 Billy Heremaia Supervisor McConnell Dowell 0417736412 Paul McNeil McConnell Dowell QC Welding Inspector 0408966567 Mitchell Devonshire Hay Point Project ESH Manager/Marine ESH Manager Bechtel Mining & Metals 0427464771
  • 8. Greg Whitmore Mackay 4740 ï‚  Mobile: 0423318176 ï‚  Email: gregwhitmore@hotmail.com Peter Ferris Supervisor/ Manager BAE Engineering Mackay 0427083626