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23 years work experience in various aspects of IT, marketing, airport operation, ground handling, 
airline lounge and business management within the transportation industries 
Current Address 
29, Jalan Puncak Setiawangsa 5, 
Taman Setiawangsa, 
54200 Kuala Lumpur 
Tel (Home) : - 
Tel (Office) : 60  03  8777 5522 
Tel (Mobile) : 012-340 8651 
Email : azlan.atanjong@malaysiaairlines.com 
Personal Particulars 
Age : 46 years old Date of Birth : 03 August 1968 
Nationality : Malaysia Gender : Male 
Marital Status : Single IC No. : 680803  12 - 6283 
Educational Background 
Highest Education 
Level : Bachelor's Degree in 
Industrial Engineering 
: May 1991 
Name of 
: University of Arlington at Texas 
Location : United States of America 
Personal Background 
 A dynamic leader and a mentor to my subordinates. 
 A member of the myDJ Trans former group programme - a programme that is developed to 
groom future leaders in the organisation. 
 An iCAN Lead trainer in MAS  a training programme developed with the aim of creating a team 
with High Integrity, Connected, Competitive, Can Do and Accountable behaviours. 
 A person who is highly adaptable to new working environment ; as evidenced by my movement 
in the Company doing projects and leading different business units since the last 23 years. 
 A very experience leader and able to lead a team to achieve the goals ; as evidenced by the 
achievement listed in this CV. 
 Well verse with corporate governance process and adhered strictly to the governance process. 
 Analytical and process oriented leader  acquired through the involvement in various high profile 
IT and business projects. 
 Ability to understand the complexity of market segments due to the exposure in doing market 
 Ability to understand the complexity of airport operations and the associated cost structure. 
 Excellent communication and negotiation skill; involved in various discussion and negotiation 
with Ministry of Transport for Rural Air Service and BIMP-EAGA expansion for MASwings, a 
negotiator for FOCA ground handling contract in Malaysia. 
 Excellent project management skills.
Details of Experience Key responsibilities Significant achievement 
Division : Customer Service 
Department : Airport Services 
Number of employees : > 
Duration of employment : 
01 October 2012  Present 
Position : 
Vice President Airport 
Services (Ground Handling, 
Line & Lounge) 
Formulate strategy, set clear direction and 
provide strong leadership to develop a strong 
and disciplined team that is able to deliver 
consistent product and service with full 
compliance to all safety & security 
regulations, MAS corporate governance 
policies and process, Service Level 
Standards while increasing ancillary revenue 
and managing operational cost. Details are 
as follows : 
 Lead and develop resources to 
strategise the growth of a profitable 
ground handling and lounge business 
that will improve MAS ancillary revenue. 
 Lead contract negotiations together with 
Strategic Procurement for all new FOCA 
business contracts for ground and 
lounge services to optimise ancillary 
revenue and protect MAS interest. 
 Plan and direct engagement with FOCA 
to maintain business relationship and to 
enhance customer satisfaction. 
 Plan with Airport Services and Lounge 
team to ensure effective resource 
planning and efficient products and 
services delivery that are in full 
compliance with Service Level 
Agreement (SLA) signed with FOCA. 
 Lead and direct management of 3rd party 
ground handling and lounge contracts to 
ensure full compliance with all safety 
regulations and signed SLA as well as to 
take the necessary actions for any non-compliance. 
 Collaborate with Strategic Procurement 
(SP) to initiate tender process, evaluate 
proposal and negotiate for 3rd party 
ground handling & lounge services 
contract to ensure services by appointed 
3rd party lounge are meeting regulation 
requirements at the most reasonable 
cost and MAS desired Service Level 
 Establish and direct all Line and Lounge 
operations processes and business to 
support line station operations and to 
manage 3rd party services at station and 
ensure full compliance to all safety 
regulations and industry standards. 
 Identify and develop staff development 
program that shall provide staff with 
enhancement in knowledge, skill, 
competency, values and career 
 Ground Handling : 
o Total revenue increase 
by RM19.2m (+24.5% 
compared to 2012) to 
RM97.6m in 2013. 
o Number of FOCA 
increased by 7 new 
customers to 48 in 2013 
including Air Lanka. 
(KLAS Customer) 
o Leading GHM team for 
negotiation with Air 
France and won the 
o Winner of MH Anugerah 
2013 for the Mos t 
Improved Ancillary 
Revenue team. 
 Golden Lounge 
o Successfully negotiated 
contract with MAS 
Awana for F&B, 
Manpower and 
Housekeeping with a 
saving of RM5.83m for 
3 years contract from 
the original quotation 
(2012  2015) 
o MH Anugerah 2012 for 
Mos t Innovative 
Product  Hybrid Cabin 
Crew who works both 
on ground and on air. 
o Total revenue increase 
by RM5.3m (+108% 
compared to 2012) to 
RM10.2m in 2013 
o Introduced selling of 
access to Golden 
Lounge for Economy 
Class passengers 
o Introduced Last Minute 
o Completed negotiation 
with all oneworld 
carriers for lounge rates 
o Successfully closed 
SYD Golden Lounge 
and leverage on 
oneworld lounge  cost 
avoidance of MYR476K 
per annum 
o Switching BKK Lounge 
from TG to Louis 
Tavern Lounge 
resulting in cost savings 
of RM500K per year
Details of Experience Key responsibilities Significant achievement 
o 9% in reduction of 
Golden Lounge Food & 
Beverage cost 2013 
from the approved 
budget (RM40.30m to 
RM36.62m) system 
 Line Station 
o On Time Performance 
(Avoidable) reduction 
by 25% cases 
compared to 2012. 
o Launching of myDJ 
Station Manager 
programme to 
harness internal 
talents to become 
knowledgeable and 
well-rounded station 
o Go Team Leader for 
MH370 crisis in 
o Lead Team to take 
care of MH17 Next of 
Kin in Malaysia. 
o Implement Project 
Baseline to track and 
monitor ground 
handling expenses at 
line stations. 
o Team member of 
Customer Service 
Division Safety and 
Security Council that 
won MH Anugerah 
2013 for Bes t Safety 
Initiatives . 
Department : 
EIS A380 Project, Customer 
Number of employees : > 10 
Duration of employment : 
01 April 2012  30 Sep 2012 
Position : 
Senior Project Manager , 
Customer Experience 
 Specifically in the Entry Into Services 
(EIS A380) Project team focusing on 
Lounge Refurbishment & Revamped 
Service Concept as well as revamped 
Chef-On-Call Project to coincide with the 
launching of A380. 
 Focusing on the introduction of Hybrid 
Cabin Crew to raise the s tandard of 
services in Golden Lounge with the 
introduction of New Platinum Lounge 
offering Meet & Greet Services, fine 
dining services. 
 Work directly with various Project 
Manager/Owners in order to track all 
project activities in order to ensure 
smooth progress of Entry Into Service 
(EIS) A380 project implementation plan 
and timely deliverable of all projects. 
 Provide support to assist individual 
Project Manager/Owner and team 
 Focusing on the introduction 
of Hybrid Cabin Crew to ris e 
the standard of services in 
Golden Lounge with the 
introduction of New Platinum 
Lounge offering Meet & 
Greet Services, fine dining 
 Leading the implementation 
of various new customer 
experiences in MAS 
particularly in the area of call 
centre, ticket office, Food & 
Beverage and airport 
Details of Experience Key responsibilities Significant achievement 
members to plan and implement projects 
through the discipline of project 
 To be One Stop reference point for any 
project or initiatives under Customer 
Experience Division 
Department : eBusiness 
Number of employees : 25++ 
Duration of employment : 
01 October 2011  
31 March 2012 
Position : 
Senior Manager  Head of 
eBusiness, Customer 
 Oversee the development and 
operational of the Malaysia Airlines 
Internet Booking engine 
 Ensure that the enhancement and 
development works to improve customer 
experience online at the purchase stage 
 Ensure that the operational of the 
Internet Booking engine is smooth and 
any operational issues are being 
addressed to ensure availability as well 
as accessibility of the booking engine to 
online customers 
 Oversee the development and 
operational of the Malaysia Airlines 
website which host the Internet Booking 
Engine to ensure the platform is 
operationally stable and competitive to 
attract customers 
 Oversee the development and operation 
of social media platform to ensure 
communication and marketing activities 
can be disseminated to the customers 
on time 
 Oversee the operation of eBusiness by 
providing external and internal customer 
support with regards to online booking, 
eTicket, web check-in, mobile check-in 
and etc. 
 Manage cus tomers  iss ues and 
problems through trouble shooting and 
reporting of problems to service 
providers in order to resolve issues on 
timely manner 
 Manage and control the departmental 
budget to ensure development and 
maintenance plan can be executed 
according to the Business plan. 
 Oversee and ensure that all new 
projects and operation of the unit adhere 
to the company corporate governance 
and central procurement process. 
 Oversee and ensure all Standard 
Operating Procedures manual and 
Corporate Approving Authority Manual 
are in place and adhere to the 
companys corporate governance 
 In position for only 5 
months and currently 
leading the replacement of 
MAS booking engine which 
is expected to be cutover 
on 28 May 2012.
Details of Experience Key responsibilities Significant achievement 
Company name : 
MASwings (Subsidiary of 
Malaysia Airlines Berhad) 
Number of employees : > 
Duration of employment : 
01 March 2009  31 October 
Position : 
Senior Manager  Head of 
 Plan, formulate and strategize the 
overall business plan for the Company 
to maximize revenue generation in the 
most cost efficient ways. The Business 
areas under the Commercial purview are 
as follows: 
o Network & routes development 
o Pricing & Inventory 
o Distribution channels and cost 
o Marketing activities 
o eCommerce development and 
o Ancillary and charter business 
 Engagement, syndication and 
communication with all relevant internal 
and external stakeholders to secure 
support towards efficient and effective 
implementation of the overall business 
o Internal - Regional Offices, Call 
Centre and NRM 
o External - MOT, MOF, PMB, 
State Tourism and travel 
 Monitor, analyze and manage overall 
route performance P & L, yield, Revenue 
per Average Seat Kilometre (RASK), 
Cost (CASK), load factor, relevant 
bus iness risks and competitors in the 
marketplace, and develop effective 
action plans. 
 Plan and manage commercial divisional 
expenditure and ensure all divisional 
expenses are within approved budget 
 Ensure overall Commercial 
management and operations are in 
compliance with established policies and 
procedures and any other regulatory 
requirements across the Company. 
 Revenue growth of more 
than 30% between 2009  
 Passenger growth of more 
than 35% between 2009 - 
 Completing the aircraft 
renewal programme from 
F50 to ATR72-500 
 Setting up Revenue 
Management Unit to 
optimise the revenue 
 Driving the expansion of 
MASwings to the BIMP-EAGA 
Department : 
Online Channel (MAS) 
Staff : 20+ 
Duration of employment : 
2004  28 Feb 2009 
Position : 
Manager Online Channel Unit, 
 Leading the eCommerce operations to 
ensure the growth of the online business 
in MAS : 
o Setting business goals to achieve 
Sales KPI of MYR500million by 2008 
o Identify online business opportunity 
and execute the online business 
expansion plan. 
o Identify the business risks and 
develop action plan to mitigate the 
o Manage the operations of the online 
booking engine to ensure 24 X 7 
services availability. 
 Successfully in setting up 
the Online Channel 
(eCommerce Unit) in MAS 
to manage the online 
business within MAS. 
 Successfully consolidated 
various Malaysia Airlines 
websites worldwide under 
 Conducting virtual MAS 
Travel Fair online and 
many online campaigns to 
support the eCommerce 
marketing campaigns and
Details of Experience Key responsibilities Significant achievement 
o Manage the operations of the online 
business to ensure customer 
 Lead a team to look for a suitable 
payment solution that would enable 
MAS to expand the online business 
goals. The jobs involved the following 
responsibilities : 
o Preparation of project Reques t for 
Propos al (RFP) document. 
o Evaluation of the solutions 
proposal submitted by the potential 
o Evaluation of the vendors financial 
o Preparation of management and 
tender recommendation for 
selection approval. 
o Preparation of the contract 
negotiation framework. 
o Preparation of project scoping and 
deliverables timeline. 
o Execution of the MAS Enterprise 
Payment Gateway operations. 
 Expansion of the MAS Enterprise 
Payment Gateway to cover International 
payment methods that is vital to the 
business goals  American Express, 
China Union Pay, JCB, Direct Debit and 
 Managing the development of the MAS 
website : 
o Leading the MAS website team to 
ensure that marketing 
communication plans are distributed 
to the target market on timely basis. 
o Managing the maintenance and 
updating of marketing and corporate 
contents to ensure timely distribution 
to the online audience. 
o Managing the website and domain 
name hosting to ensure business 
 Managing the website vendor to 
ensure that MAS business objectives 
are executed within timeline and 
budget agreed. 
business expansion plan - 
circa 2006 & 2007. 
 Installing new payment 
gateway with multiple 
Malaysian Banks acquirers 
to reduce Merchant 
Discount rate by leveraging 
on On-Us  credit cards that 
offer lower rate. 
 Introduce M2U and 
CIMBclicks as new form of 
online payment. 
Department : 
Distribution (MAS) 
Number of employees : 9 
Duration of employment : 
2003  2004 
Position : 
 Part of the team members to look for a 
suitable solution for MAS first online 
booking. The jobs involved the following 
responsibilities : 
 Preparation of project Reques t for 
Propos al (RFP) document. 
 Evaluation of the solutions proposal 
submitted by the potential vendors. 
 Successfully launching the 
first online booking engine 
for Malaysia Airlines using 
KOMMAS platform 
systemwide with 
eTicket/paper ticket 
fulfillment and CITIBANK 
payment gateway with the 
ability to process more than
Details of Experience Key responsibilities Significant achievement 
Senior Executive  Project 
Lead Internet Booking project 
 Evaluation of the vendors financial 
 Preparation of management and tender 
recommendation for selection approval. 
 Preparation of the contract negotiation 
 Preparation of project scoping and 
deliverables timeline. 
 Project budget management. 
 Business functionality testing and 
system cutover. 
20 Currencies. 
 Implement change 
management process and 
training in all MAS Ticket 
office & Call Centre to 
support online transaction. 
Department : 
Market Research Department 
Number of employees : 10 
Duration of employment : 
1996  2003 
Position : 
Senior Executive  Market 
Research (Quantitative) 
 Leading the MAS Quantitative Research 
unit in Customer Insight and Product 
Research Department. 
 Provide continuous market survey 
results on MAS existing product and 
services performance. 
 Provide recommendations for remedial 
actions on service gaps identified in the 
 Provide cus tomers insight in the 
development of new product. 
 Conduct viability study on new business 
models in order to provide 
recommendations to management. 
 Part of the Change Acceleration Process 
team to improve products and services 
 Part of the Quick Hits team to improve 
MAS ground services. 
 Leading the team in benchmarking study 
to improve services of the airline vis --vis 
the competitors . 
 Successfully implemented 
the SPSS application as 
part of the system 
modernisation for the 
quantitative research 
 Preparing 6th Freedom 
study for traffic transiting in 
SIN and to assess market 
share that MH lost as a 
result of passengers using 
other carriers via 
 Completing brand 
assessment study to 
position MAS in the 
International Market in 
 Completing assessment of 
First and Business Class 
seats for MAS New Service 
Delivery in 1995. 
Department : 
MAS Management Information 
Service Department (MISD) 
Duration of employment : 
15 October 1991  1996 
Position : 
System Analyst  Group IT 
 System development and maintenance. 
 Internal customer servicing mainly to 
understand business requirements in 
order develop a robust solution that will 
enhance system and business efficiency. 
 Scope of works involved the following : 
o Maintenance and development of MAS 
mainframe Flight Schedule System 
o Part of the project team to revitalize the 
MAS Flight Schedule through 
replacement of the operations module 
from mainframe to workstation. 
 Part of the project team that developed 
KLIA Point of Sales (POS) system for 
KLIA retail outlets  joint venture with 
XYBASE Sdn. Bhd. 
 Successfully implemented 
new flight schedule 
operation system on work 
station as part of the 
system modernisation in 
Name : Dato Mohd Salleh Ahmad Tabrani 
Telephone : 017-3359137 
Email : Salleh.tabrani@malaysiaairlines.com 
Position : Director of Customer Service and ex-Managing Director MASwings 
Company : Malaysia Airlines Berhad 
Relationship : Superior 
Name : En. Md Saat Abd Samad 
Telephone : 6019-2258001 
Email : - 
Position : Retired (last position in MAS as General Manager Abacus) 
Company : 
Relationship : Former (Direct) superior

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  • 1. RESUME OF AZLAN A TANJONG 23 years work experience in various aspects of IT, marketing, airport operation, ground handling, airline lounge and business management within the transportation industries Current Address Address : 29, Jalan Puncak Setiawangsa 5, Taman Setiawangsa, 54200 Kuala Lumpur Tel (Home) : - Tel (Office) : 60 03 8777 5522 Tel (Mobile) : 012-340 8651 Email : azlan.atanjong@malaysiaairlines.com Personal Particulars Age : 46 years old Date of Birth : 03 August 1968 Nationality : Malaysia Gender : Male Marital Status : Single IC No. : 680803 12 - 6283 Educational Background Highest Education Level : Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering Graduation Date : May 1991 Name of Institution : University of Arlington at Texas Location : United States of America Personal Background A dynamic leader and a mentor to my subordinates. A member of the myDJ Trans former group programme - a programme that is developed to groom future leaders in the organisation. An iCAN Lead trainer in MAS a training programme developed with the aim of creating a team with High Integrity, Connected, Competitive, Can Do and Accountable behaviours. A person who is highly adaptable to new working environment ; as evidenced by my movement in the Company doing projects and leading different business units since the last 23 years. A very experience leader and able to lead a team to achieve the goals ; as evidenced by the achievement listed in this CV. Well verse with corporate governance process and adhered strictly to the governance process. Analytical and process oriented leader acquired through the involvement in various high profile IT and business projects. Ability to understand the complexity of market segments due to the exposure in doing market research. Ability to understand the complexity of airport operations and the associated cost structure. Excellent communication and negotiation skill; involved in various discussion and negotiation with Ministry of Transport for Rural Air Service and BIMP-EAGA expansion for MASwings, a negotiator for FOCA ground handling contract in Malaysia. Excellent project management skills.
  • 2. Details of Experience Key responsibilities Significant achievement Division : Customer Service Department : Airport Services Number of employees : > 2,400 Duration of employment : 01 October 2012 Present Position : Vice President Airport Services (Ground Handling, Line & Lounge) Formulate strategy, set clear direction and provide strong leadership to develop a strong and disciplined team that is able to deliver consistent product and service with full compliance to all safety & security regulations, MAS corporate governance policies and process, Service Level Standards while increasing ancillary revenue and managing operational cost. Details are as follows : Lead and develop resources to strategise the growth of a profitable ground handling and lounge business that will improve MAS ancillary revenue. Lead contract negotiations together with Strategic Procurement for all new FOCA business contracts for ground and lounge services to optimise ancillary revenue and protect MAS interest. Plan and direct engagement with FOCA to maintain business relationship and to enhance customer satisfaction. Plan with Airport Services and Lounge team to ensure effective resource planning and efficient products and services delivery that are in full compliance with Service Level Agreement (SLA) signed with FOCA. Lead and direct management of 3rd party ground handling and lounge contracts to ensure full compliance with all safety regulations and signed SLA as well as to take the necessary actions for any non-compliance. Collaborate with Strategic Procurement (SP) to initiate tender process, evaluate proposal and negotiate for 3rd party ground handling & lounge services contract to ensure services by appointed 3rd party lounge are meeting regulation requirements at the most reasonable cost and MAS desired Service Level Agreement. Establish and direct all Line and Lounge operations processes and business to support line station operations and to manage 3rd party services at station and ensure full compliance to all safety regulations and industry standards. Identify and develop staff development program that shall provide staff with enhancement in knowledge, skill, competency, values and career progression Ground Handling : o Total revenue increase by RM19.2m (+24.5% compared to 2012) to RM97.6m in 2013. o Number of FOCA increased by 7 new customers to 48 in 2013 including Air Lanka. (KLAS Customer) o Leading GHM team for negotiation with Air France and won the contract. o Winner of MH Anugerah 2013 for the Mos t Improved Ancillary Revenue team. Golden Lounge o Successfully negotiated contract with MAS Awana for F&B, Manpower and Housekeeping with a saving of RM5.83m for 3 years contract from the original quotation (2012 2015) o MH Anugerah 2012 for Mos t Innovative Product Hybrid Cabin Crew who works both on ground and on air. o Total revenue increase by RM5.3m (+108% compared to 2012) to RM10.2m in 2013 o Introduced selling of access to Golden Lounge for Economy Class passengers o Introduced Last Minute Upgrade o Completed negotiation with all oneworld carriers for lounge rates o Successfully closed SYD Golden Lounge and leverage on oneworld lounge cost avoidance of MYR476K per annum o Switching BKK Lounge from TG to Louis Tavern Lounge resulting in cost savings of RM500K per year
  • 3. Details of Experience Key responsibilities Significant achievement o 9% in reduction of Golden Lounge Food & Beverage cost 2013 from the approved budget (RM40.30m to RM36.62m) system wide. Line Station o On Time Performance (Avoidable) reduction by 25% cases compared to 2012. o Launching of myDJ Station Manager programme to harness internal talents to become knowledgeable and well-rounded station head. o Go Team Leader for MH370 crisis in Beijing. o Lead Team to take care of MH17 Next of Kin in Malaysia. o Implement Project Baseline to track and monitor ground handling expenses at line stations. o Team member of Customer Service Division Safety and Security Council that won MH Anugerah 2013 for Bes t Safety Initiatives . Department : EIS A380 Project, Customer Experience Number of employees : > 10 Duration of employment : 01 April 2012 30 Sep 2012 Position : Senior Project Manager , Customer Experience Specifically in the Entry Into Services (EIS A380) Project team focusing on Lounge Refurbishment & Revamped Service Concept as well as revamped Chef-On-Call Project to coincide with the launching of A380. Focusing on the introduction of Hybrid Cabin Crew to raise the s tandard of services in Golden Lounge with the introduction of New Platinum Lounge offering Meet & Greet Services, fine dining services. Work directly with various Project Manager/Owners in order to track all project activities in order to ensure smooth progress of Entry Into Service (EIS) A380 project implementation plan and timely deliverable of all projects. Provide support to assist individual Project Manager/Owner and team Focusing on the introduction of Hybrid Cabin Crew to ris e the standard of services in Golden Lounge with the introduction of New Platinum Lounge offering Meet & Greet Services, fine dining services. Leading the implementation of various new customer experiences in MAS particularly in the area of call centre, ticket office, Food & Beverage and airport operation.
  • 4. Details of Experience Key responsibilities Significant achievement members to plan and implement projects through the discipline of project Management. To be One Stop reference point for any project or initiatives under Customer Experience Division Department : eBusiness Number of employees : 25++ Duration of employment : 01 October 2011 31 March 2012 Position : Senior Manager Head of eBusiness, Customer Experience Oversee the development and operational of the Malaysia Airlines Internet Booking engine Ensure that the enhancement and development works to improve customer experience online at the purchase stage Ensure that the operational of the Internet Booking engine is smooth and any operational issues are being addressed to ensure availability as well as accessibility of the booking engine to online customers Oversee the development and operational of the Malaysia Airlines website which host the Internet Booking Engine to ensure the platform is operationally stable and competitive to attract customers Oversee the development and operation of social media platform to ensure communication and marketing activities can be disseminated to the customers on time Oversee the operation of eBusiness by providing external and internal customer support with regards to online booking, eTicket, web check-in, mobile check-in and etc. Manage cus tomers iss ues and problems through trouble shooting and reporting of problems to service providers in order to resolve issues on timely manner Manage and control the departmental budget to ensure development and maintenance plan can be executed according to the Business plan. Oversee and ensure that all new projects and operation of the unit adhere to the company corporate governance and central procurement process. Oversee and ensure all Standard Operating Procedures manual and Corporate Approving Authority Manual are in place and adhere to the companys corporate governance standard. In position for only 5 months and currently leading the replacement of MAS booking engine which is expected to be cutover on 28 May 2012.
  • 5. Details of Experience Key responsibilities Significant achievement Company name : MASwings (Subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines Berhad) Number of employees : > 1,200 Duration of employment : 01 March 2009 31 October 2011 Position : Senior Manager Head of Commercial Plan, formulate and strategize the overall business plan for the Company to maximize revenue generation in the most cost efficient ways. The Business areas under the Commercial purview are as follows: o Network & routes development o Pricing & Inventory management o Distribution channels and cost management o Marketing activities o eCommerce development and expansion o Ancillary and charter business Engagement, syndication and communication with all relevant internal and external stakeholders to secure support towards efficient and effective implementation of the overall business plan: o Internal - Regional Offices, Call Centre and NRM o External - MOT, MOF, PMB, State Tourism and travel industry Monitor, analyze and manage overall route performance P & L, yield, Revenue per Average Seat Kilometre (RASK), Cost (CASK), load factor, relevant bus iness risks and competitors in the marketplace, and develop effective action plans. Plan and manage commercial divisional expenditure and ensure all divisional expenses are within approved budget Ensure overall Commercial management and operations are in compliance with established policies and procedures and any other regulatory requirements across the Company. Revenue growth of more than 30% between 2009 2011 Passenger growth of more than 35% between 2009 - 2011 Completing the aircraft renewal programme from F50 to ATR72-500 Setting up Revenue Management Unit to optimise the revenue generation. Driving the expansion of MASwings to the BIMP-EAGA destinations Department : Online Channel (MAS) Staff : 20+ Duration of employment : 2004 28 Feb 2009 Position : Manager Online Channel Unit, Distribution Leading the eCommerce operations to ensure the growth of the online business in MAS : o Setting business goals to achieve Sales KPI of MYR500million by 2008 o Identify online business opportunity and execute the online business expansion plan. o Identify the business risks and develop action plan to mitigate the risks. o Manage the operations of the online booking engine to ensure 24 X 7 services availability. Successfully in setting up the Online Channel (eCommerce Unit) in MAS to manage the online business within MAS. Successfully consolidated various Malaysia Airlines websites worldwide under the www.malaysiaairlines.com. Conducting virtual MAS Travel Fair online and many online campaigns to support the eCommerce marketing campaigns and
  • 6. Details of Experience Key responsibilities Significant achievement o Manage the operations of the online business to ensure customer satisfaction. Lead a team to look for a suitable payment solution that would enable MAS to expand the online business goals. The jobs involved the following responsibilities : o Preparation of project Reques t for Propos al (RFP) document. o Evaluation of the solutions proposal submitted by the potential vendors. o Evaluation of the vendors financial standings. o Preparation of management and tender recommendation for selection approval. o Preparation of the contract negotiation framework. o Preparation of project scoping and deliverables timeline. o Execution of the MAS Enterprise Payment Gateway operations. Expansion of the MAS Enterprise Payment Gateway to cover International payment methods that is vital to the business goals American Express, China Union Pay, JCB, Direct Debit and etc. Managing the development of the MAS website : o Leading the MAS website team to ensure that marketing communication plans are distributed to the target market on timely basis. o Managing the maintenance and updating of marketing and corporate contents to ensure timely distribution to the online audience. o Managing the website and domain name hosting to ensure business continuity. Managing the website vendor to ensure that MAS business objectives are executed within timeline and budget agreed. business expansion plan - circa 2006 & 2007. Installing new payment gateway with multiple Malaysian Banks acquirers to reduce Merchant Discount rate by leveraging on On-Us credit cards that offer lower rate. Introduce M2U and CIMBclicks as new form of online payment. Department : Distribution (MAS) Number of employees : 9 Duration of employment : 2003 2004 Position : Part of the team members to look for a suitable solution for MAS first online booking. The jobs involved the following responsibilities : Preparation of project Reques t for Propos al (RFP) document. Evaluation of the solutions proposal submitted by the potential vendors. Successfully launching the first online booking engine for Malaysia Airlines using KOMMAS platform systemwide with eTicket/paper ticket fulfillment and CITIBANK payment gateway with the ability to process more than
  • 7. Details of Experience Key responsibilities Significant achievement Senior Executive Project Lead Internet Booking project Evaluation of the vendors financial standings. Preparation of management and tender recommendation for selection approval. Preparation of the contract negotiation framework. Preparation of project scoping and deliverables timeline. Project budget management. Business functionality testing and system cutover. 20 Currencies. Implement change management process and training in all MAS Ticket office & Call Centre to support online transaction. Department : Market Research Department (MAS) Number of employees : 10 Duration of employment : 1996 2003 Position : Senior Executive Market Research (Quantitative) Leading the MAS Quantitative Research unit in Customer Insight and Product Research Department. Provide continuous market survey results on MAS existing product and services performance. Provide recommendations for remedial actions on service gaps identified in the survey. Provide cus tomers insight in the development of new product. Conduct viability study on new business models in order to provide recommendations to management. Part of the Change Acceleration Process team to improve products and services deliverables. Part of the Quick Hits team to improve MAS ground services. Leading the team in benchmarking study to improve services of the airline vis --vis the competitors . Successfully implemented the SPSS application as part of the system modernisation for the quantitative research Preparing 6th Freedom study for traffic transiting in SIN and to assess market share that MH lost as a result of passengers using other carriers via Singapore. Completing brand assessment study to position MAS in the International Market in 1996. Completing assessment of First and Business Class seats for MAS New Service Delivery in 1995. Department : MAS Management Information Service Department (MISD) Duration of employment : 15 October 1991 1996 Position : System Analyst Group IT System development and maintenance. Internal customer servicing mainly to understand business requirements in order develop a robust solution that will enhance system and business efficiency. Scope of works involved the following : o Maintenance and development of MAS mainframe Flight Schedule System o Part of the project team to revitalize the MAS Flight Schedule through replacement of the operations module from mainframe to workstation. Part of the project team that developed KLIA Point of Sales (POS) system for KLIA retail outlets joint venture with XYBASE Sdn. Bhd. Successfully implemented new flight schedule operation system on work station as part of the system modernisation in MAS.
  • 8. References Name : Dato Mohd Salleh Ahmad Tabrani Telephone : 017-3359137 Email : Salleh.tabrani@malaysiaairlines.com Position : Director of Customer Service and ex-Managing Director MASwings Company : Malaysia Airlines Berhad Relationship : Superior Name : En. Md Saat Abd Samad Telephone : 6019-2258001 Email : - Position : Retired (last position in MAS as General Manager Abacus) Company : Relationship : Former (Direct) superior