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Kamlesh Yadav 
Mobile: 09334882829 
E-mail :kamalmrigendra@gmail.com, kamlesh.yadav@live.com 
AArreeaa SSppeecciiaalliizzaattiioonn:: 
MMaajjoorr:: OOppeerraattiioonn 
MMiinnoorr:: MMaarrkkeettiinngg 
LLooccaattiioonn:-Anywhere North India 
TToottaall WWoorrkk EExxppeerriieennccee ::(( ++ 66..33 YYeeaarrss)) 
1.3 Present Working as ¡°Senior Executive-HRD¡± with Randstad India Ltd (Since 15-Oct-12 to 
till date ) Randstad is a diversified staffing & marketing operations company that provides Field Staff 
,In-house Services and technology based solutions to grow the business of the primary and secondary 
agreement based clients .... 
Roles and Responsibilities:- Client Servicing. 
? Responsible for revenue generation; ensuring individual & team targets are achieved. 
? Responsible for - Sales, Invoice and Collections related all activity of primary clients. 
? Client management and Account management 
? Ensuring sign-ups into billable clients generating consistent revenue 
? Responsible for ensuring timely deliverables & Manage end to end HRD cycle. 
? Collection of the invoices within stipulated period of time. 
? Coordination with other internal departments such as, recruitment, SSC, Finance etc. 
? Responsible for growth of business in the region 
? Responsible to understand the operating market & build a business plan accordingly. 
? Higher client engagement with local Flexi Primary and Secondary clients. 
? Team management & people development. 
? Responsible for effective implementation of the Field Steering model. 
? Ensuring that KRA's for members are set and conduct regular review with member performance & 
ensure that feedback is shared with members 
WWoorrkkeedd aass ¡°¡°RReeggiioonnaall AArreeaa CCoo--oorrddiinnaattoorr¡±¡± wwiitthh ¡°¡°HHiinndduussttaann UUnniilleevveerr LLttdd..¡±¡± ((11--AAuugg 22000088 ttoo 1155--SSeepp-- 
22001122)) oonn rroollee ooff TTeeaamm HHRR SSeerrvviicceess LLttdd ((aa RRaannddssttaadd ccoommppaannyy )).. 
Handling Daily Operations with 25 Supervisor¡¯s of 450 GT & MT stores across the North India. 
NNaattuurree ooff jjoobb ¨C¨C Responsible for Sales, In Store Execution, Brand promotion, Activation & Trade 
marketing Activation in Modern Trade (MT) for ¡°HUL Food Division¡±. Also handling Merchandising 
activities, POSM implementation, in-store Promotions & Execution for ¡°Ice Cream Division¡± in 
General Trade (GT).
For both channels (GT & MT) - It is primarily Implementation of Retail Service operation strategy 
into Action to drive Sales and Winning at POP. It also involves Provide training to field sales & 
Execution force & motivating them to work effectively. 
RRoollee && RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess:: 
¡¤ Manage and maintain the implementation of all field related Policies and Procedures. 
¡¤ Visit entire north India to setup new stores business staff. 
¡¤ Model and train effective wilderness educator skills to developing Field Staff. 
¡¤ Lead post-course performance evaluations with Field Staff. 
¡¤ Visit course groups regularly to provide support, address needs and manage risk. 
¡¤ Manage the "on-call" schedule and respond to field emergencies as needed. 
¡¤ Attend weekly Leadership Team and Logistics Team meetings and participate in team decisions 
and operations. 
¡¤ Recruit Field Staff and manage the application and interviewing process. 
¡¤ Facilitate skills-based trainings with Field Staff, including the annual Instructor Training and bi-weekly 
precourse trainings. 
¡¤ Deliver on agreed MT-GT Business Plan 
¡¤ Ensure Availability, Visibility (SOS) & Implementation in all store of both channels. 
¡¤ Prepare work plan (Call Cycle) for entire team and ensure complete adherence of work plan to 
ensure Operational Effectiveness (Promotions, Launches, etc.) & Point-Of-Purchase Standards are 
¡¤ Set parameters for merchandising activities, POSM implementation & execution. 
¡¤ Preparing and analyzing Business Reports, facilitating Concern People to maximize effectiveness 
at the work Place. 
¡¤ Understand the Market trend & Keep Close eye On Competitive Activities. 
¡¤ Giving Input to Customer Marketing & Brand Team and Plan Promotional Activities. 
¡¤ Manpower Budgeting, Supervise Warehouse Operations, Managing Team Expenses & incentive 
¡¤ Training, Monitoring & Developing the working of Team of Area Marketer to get Best Output from 
them in Store Execution. 
11..11 WWoorrkkeedd aass KKeeyy AAccccoouunntt EExxeeccuuttiivvee--NNoorrtthh aatt TTeeaamm HHRR SSeerrvviicceess LLttdd..,, NNeeww DDeellhhii 
11tthh AAuugg 22000077 ttoo 3300tthh JJuullyy 22000088 wwiitthh aa pprroodduucctt ooff HHiinndduussttaann UUnniilleevveerr PPuurreeiitt DDiivviissiioonn .. 
Handling End to End Operation work for 350 Stores across the North India . 
Job Profile and Responsibilities. 
? Promotional Activities.-Recruit Field Staff like Product Consultant, Sales representative, Food Ambassador, 
Merchandiser and Go down Staff and Setup business activities in stores . 
? Visit entire north India to setup new Store Business 
? Manpower Budgeting, Supervise Warehouse Operations, Managing Team Expenses & incentive calculation. 
? Training, Monitoring & Developing the working of Team of Area Marketer to get Best Output from them in 
Store Execution. 
? Incentive calculation & payout with salary. 
? Monitoring team performance by day to day Market Visits- Feedback collect to the Field Team 
? Manage and maintain the implementation of all field related Policies and Procedures. 
? Model and train effective wilderness educator skills to developing Field Staff.
? Visit course groups regularly to provide support, address needs and manage risk. 
? Manage the "on-call" schedule and respond to field emergencies as needed. 
? Attend weekly Leadership Team and Logistics Team meetings and participate in team decisions and 
? Facilitate skills-based trainings with Field Staff, including the annual Instructor Training and bi-weekly recourse 
? Ensure Availability, Visibility (SOS) & Implementation in all stores for both channels. 
? Prepare work plan (Call Cycle) for entire team and ensure complete adherence of work plan to ensure 
Operational Effectiveness (Promotions, Launches, etc.) & Point-Of-Purchase Standards are met. 
? Set parameters for merchandising activities, POSM implementation & execution. 
? Preparing and analyzing Business Reports, facilitating Concern People to maximize effectiveness at the work 
? Understand the Market trend & Keep Close eye On Competitive Activities. 
1. Worked as Lab Instructor with NIIT Dhanbad Center 04th April 2005 to 05th April 2006. 
Job Profile and Responsibilities. 
? Handling internet/intranet department 
? co-ordination with students ensure smooth operations at all 
? Times and maintaining proper decorum & mansion. 
? discipline by implementing & modifying . 
AAccaaddeemmiicc Passed 12th from JSEB in 2002-2004. Subject: Commerce (, Business 
BSC (it) from Kavenpu University in 2005-2008.Subject: Software 
Technical Advance Diploma in information Technology from NIIT. 
Computer Knowledge: MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet 
C++, Java, Advance Java, VB .Net, ASP .Net, SQLServer. 
Date Of Birth 22-Dec-1984. 
Father¡¯s Name 
Father¡¯s Profession 
Mr. Paras Yadav. 
Own Business of Milk Dairy. 
Mother¡¯s Name 
Mother¡¯s Profession 
Mrs. Urmila Devi. 
House Maker. 
Hobbies Meeting peoples, Reading motivational books. Travelling Places. 
Gender Male 
Marital Status 
Language Known 
English, Hindi, Bhojpuri, Maithali, Bengoli.

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  • 1. Kamlesh Yadav Mobile: 09334882829 E-mail :kamalmrigendra@gmail.com, kamlesh.yadav@live.com AArreeaa SSppeecciiaalliizzaattiioonn:: MMaajjoorr:: OOppeerraattiioonn MMiinnoorr:: MMaarrkkeettiinngg LLooccaattiioonn:-Anywhere North India TToottaall WWoorrkk EExxppeerriieennccee ::(( ++ 66..33 YYeeaarrss)) 1.3 Present Working as ¡°Senior Executive-HRD¡± with Randstad India Ltd (Since 15-Oct-12 to till date ) Randstad is a diversified staffing & marketing operations company that provides Field Staff ,In-house Services and technology based solutions to grow the business of the primary and secondary agreement based clients .... Roles and Responsibilities:- Client Servicing. ? Responsible for revenue generation; ensuring individual & team targets are achieved. ? Responsible for - Sales, Invoice and Collections related all activity of primary clients. ? Client management and Account management ? Ensuring sign-ups into billable clients generating consistent revenue ? Responsible for ensuring timely deliverables & Manage end to end HRD cycle. ? Collection of the invoices within stipulated period of time. ? Coordination with other internal departments such as, recruitment, SSC, Finance etc. ? Responsible for growth of business in the region ? Responsible to understand the operating market & build a business plan accordingly. ? Higher client engagement with local Flexi Primary and Secondary clients. ? Team management & people development. ? Responsible for effective implementation of the Field Steering model. ? Ensuring that KRA's for members are set and conduct regular review with member performance & ensure that feedback is shared with members WWoorrkkeedd aass ¡°¡°RReeggiioonnaall AArreeaa CCoo--oorrddiinnaattoorr¡±¡± wwiitthh ¡°¡°HHiinndduussttaann UUnniilleevveerr LLttdd..¡±¡± ((11--AAuugg 22000088 ttoo 1155--SSeepp-- 22001122)) oonn rroollee ooff TTeeaamm HHRR SSeerrvviicceess LLttdd ((aa RRaannddssttaadd ccoommppaannyy )).. Handling Daily Operations with 25 Supervisor¡¯s of 450 GT & MT stores across the North India. NNaattuurree ooff jjoobb ¨C¨C Responsible for Sales, In Store Execution, Brand promotion, Activation & Trade marketing Activation in Modern Trade (MT) for ¡°HUL Food Division¡±. Also handling Merchandising activities, POSM implementation, in-store Promotions & Execution for ¡°Ice Cream Division¡± in General Trade (GT).
  • 2. For both channels (GT & MT) - It is primarily Implementation of Retail Service operation strategy into Action to drive Sales and Winning at POP. It also involves Provide training to field sales & Execution force & motivating them to work effectively. RRoollee && RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess:: ¡¤ Manage and maintain the implementation of all field related Policies and Procedures. ¡¤ Visit entire north India to setup new stores business staff. ¡¤ Model and train effective wilderness educator skills to developing Field Staff. ¡¤ Lead post-course performance evaluations with Field Staff. ¡¤ Visit course groups regularly to provide support, address needs and manage risk. ¡¤ Manage the "on-call" schedule and respond to field emergencies as needed. ¡¤ Attend weekly Leadership Team and Logistics Team meetings and participate in team decisions and operations. ¡¤ Recruit Field Staff and manage the application and interviewing process. ¡¤ Facilitate skills-based trainings with Field Staff, including the annual Instructor Training and bi-weekly precourse trainings. ¡¤ Deliver on agreed MT-GT Business Plan ¡¤ Ensure Availability, Visibility (SOS) & Implementation in all store of both channels. ¡¤ Prepare work plan (Call Cycle) for entire team and ensure complete adherence of work plan to ensure Operational Effectiveness (Promotions, Launches, etc.) & Point-Of-Purchase Standards are met. ¡¤ Set parameters for merchandising activities, POSM implementation & execution. ¡¤ Preparing and analyzing Business Reports, facilitating Concern People to maximize effectiveness at the work Place. ¡¤ Understand the Market trend & Keep Close eye On Competitive Activities. ¡¤ Giving Input to Customer Marketing & Brand Team and Plan Promotional Activities. ¡¤ Manpower Budgeting, Supervise Warehouse Operations, Managing Team Expenses & incentive calculation. ¡¤ Training, Monitoring & Developing the working of Team of Area Marketer to get Best Output from them in Store Execution. 11..11 WWoorrkkeedd aass KKeeyy AAccccoouunntt EExxeeccuuttiivvee--NNoorrtthh aatt TTeeaamm HHRR SSeerrvviicceess LLttdd..,, NNeeww DDeellhhii 11tthh AAuugg 22000077 ttoo 3300tthh JJuullyy 22000088 wwiitthh aa pprroodduucctt ooff HHiinndduussttaann UUnniilleevveerr PPuurreeiitt DDiivviissiioonn .. Handling End to End Operation work for 350 Stores across the North India . Job Profile and Responsibilities. ? Promotional Activities.-Recruit Field Staff like Product Consultant, Sales representative, Food Ambassador, Merchandiser and Go down Staff and Setup business activities in stores . ? Visit entire north India to setup new Store Business ? Manpower Budgeting, Supervise Warehouse Operations, Managing Team Expenses & incentive calculation. ? Training, Monitoring & Developing the working of Team of Area Marketer to get Best Output from them in Store Execution. ? Incentive calculation & payout with salary. ? Monitoring team performance by day to day Market Visits- Feedback collect to the Field Team ? Manage and maintain the implementation of all field related Policies and Procedures. ? Model and train effective wilderness educator skills to developing Field Staff.
  • 3. ? Visit course groups regularly to provide support, address needs and manage risk. ? Manage the "on-call" schedule and respond to field emergencies as needed. ? Attend weekly Leadership Team and Logistics Team meetings and participate in team decisions and operations. ? Facilitate skills-based trainings with Field Staff, including the annual Instructor Training and bi-weekly recourse trainings. ? Ensure Availability, Visibility (SOS) & Implementation in all stores for both channels. ? Prepare work plan (Call Cycle) for entire team and ensure complete adherence of work plan to ensure Operational Effectiveness (Promotions, Launches, etc.) & Point-Of-Purchase Standards are met. ? Set parameters for merchandising activities, POSM implementation & execution. ? Preparing and analyzing Business Reports, facilitating Concern People to maximize effectiveness at the work Place. ? Understand the Market trend & Keep Close eye On Competitive Activities. 1. Worked as Lab Instructor with NIIT Dhanbad Center 04th April 2005 to 05th April 2006. Job Profile and Responsibilities. ? Handling internet/intranet department ? co-ordination with students ensure smooth operations at all ? Times and maintaining proper decorum & mansion. ? discipline by implementing & modifying . QQUUAALLIIFFIICCAATTIIOONN AAccaaddeemmiicc Passed 12th from JSEB in 2002-2004. Subject: Commerce (, Business Organization). BSC (it) from Kavenpu University in 2005-2008.Subject: Software Engineering.. Technical Advance Diploma in information Technology from NIIT. Computer Knowledge: MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet C++, Java, Advance Java, VB .Net, ASP .Net, SQLServer. PERSONAL DETAILS Date Of Birth 22-Dec-1984. Father¡¯s Name Father¡¯s Profession Mr. Paras Yadav. Own Business of Milk Dairy. Mother¡¯s Name Mother¡¯s Profession Mrs. Urmila Devi. House Maker. Hobbies Meeting peoples, Reading motivational books. Travelling Places. Gender Male Marital Status Married Language Known English, Hindi, Bhojpuri, Maithali, Bengoli.