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I have 16 years experience of performing QC / welding inspection on piping, steel structures, above
ground oil storage tanks, column trays installation and maintain its quality in the field of process industry
(Power, oil & gas, Chemical & petrochemical and construction pharmaceutical plant) under various clients
& honors of Singapore as a suitable position of me, Superintendent QC / Senior QC Inspector / QAQC
Engineer / QC Welding Inspector, Technician QC (7 years) during of direct employment by PEC LTD
During of my work on various projects in Singapore, I have developed, demonstrated and complied project specification
requirementsby my Knowledge, Experience, skills to the specific tasks, applied professional attitude, habits to the team
membersfor execution jobs on time, provided on jobs planning, training, supervising, monitoring, commitment to execute
tasks on time with safe team works practices to the projects. Established good communication systems with each level of
projects and accomplished the most effective & successive projects of Singapore for PEC LTD.
Name : Md Kafil Uddin
Date of Birth : April 02 1966
Gender & Marital Status : Male & Married
Nationality : Bangladeshi
NRIC / FIN No. : S2757450E
Contact no. HP91249304
Email address Kafil.uddin547877@gmail.com
Period : Level and Location of study
1986 (1984-85) :
Secondary School Certification,Dhaka Board,Bangladesh
1988 (1986-87) : Higher Secondary Certification,Dhaka Board,Bangladesh
1990 (1988-89) : Degree in Commerce Course Completed, University of Dhaka,Bangladesh
Period : Level of Certification
2011 : Certification Scheme for Welding& Inspection Personnel (Level 2 : 3.1)
2009 : Certified AssociateWeldingInspector (CAWI)
2009 : SingaporeWork Force Skills Qualification on Performing Welding Inspection
2001 : Certified AssociateWeldingInspector (CAWI)
2006 Certified ASNT-TC-1A Level II Personnel in PT, MT, RI ,VT
Period : Level of Training and conducted by
2011 : Certification Scheme for Welding& Inspection Personnel Level 2:3.1 by TWI
2009 : Certification of WeldingInspection AWS-CWI 3.1 by SWS
2001 : Certification of WeldingInspection AWS-CWI 3.1 by SWS
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2006 : Certification of ASNT-TC-1A Level-II Personnel in PT,MT,RI,VT by Renu Eng Pte Ltd.
1996 : Certification of ASNT-TC-1A Level-II Personnel in PT, MT by Setsco Technology.
1995 : Supervision of Metal ScaffoldingErection,CIDB
Period : Level of Certification and awarded by
2011 : Supervision of Oil / Petrochemical Industry Safety by MOM Singapore.
2011 : Manhole Safety Induction Course for Supervisor by MOM Singapore.
2009 : Supervision of BuildingConstruction Safety by MOM Singapore.
Period : Employer
Sept.1992 till Sept.2002 : PEC PTE LTD, Singapore.
Sept.2003 till Jun 2005 : PT.PEC, Batam, Indonesia.
Jul 2005 till Jan 2016 : PEC LTD. Singapore.
Position : Period or duration and year of experience.
Superintendent,QC : Jul 2013 till Jan 2016 at PEC LTD. of Singapore, Experience 2 and 遜 years.
Senior Inspector,QC : Jul 2008 till Jun 2013 at PEC LTD. of Singapore, Experience 5 years.
Inspector,QC : Jul 2005 till Jun 2008 at PEC LTD. of Singapore,Experience 3 years.
Inspector,QC Sept 2003 till Jun 2005 at PT. PEC, Indonesia, Experience 1 year and 10 months.
Technician, QC Sept.2002 till Sept 2002 at PEC PTE LTD of Singapore, Experience 10 years.
*Summary of handling measuring instruments:
Experience on measuringinstruments used as follows,
Vanier calipers,ID micrometer, OD micrometer, Baroscopic gauge,digital heightgauge, dial gauge,thread gauge, roughness
tester, hardness tester, weld gauge, hi-lo gauge, gap gauge, bevel angle gauge, elcometer gauge, holiday tester, ohmmeter
gauge, temperature gauge, pressuregauge, water level, ultrasonic thicknessgauge,densitometer,
* Knowledge of codes and standards used:
1. ASME B31.1, B31.3, 16.5
3. API 650, 653,510, 570, 610,1104
5. AWS D1.1
*Experienced on Senior QC Inspector / Superintendent, QC
Leaded a group of QC engineers, QC Senior Inspector,QC Inspectors & QC Technicians for the various projects in Singapore.
Ensured their assignments followed by their knowledge & experience.
Monitored their daily activities on inspection againstof their assignment.
Advised them about quality technical which they were encounter at site duringof their daily routineinspections.
Prepared WPS & witnessed WPQT
Witnessed mechanical testfor WPQTR in various laboratories in Singapore.
Reviewed mechanical testreports and sign of together with our clients for approval.
Coordination & communication between internal and external for quality issues.
Liaised with clients to settle quality issues of the projects immediately.
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Attended weekly meeting with in-houseand clients.
Feed backed all quality issues and technical advised for settlements of issues.
Updated to the projectManager, construction teams and clients aboutwelders availabilities forthe project, their qualification
againstof various materials, thickness & diameters,weldingperformance report againstof acceptance & rejection rate and
advised action plan for reduce the rejection risk per weekly.
Take full responsibilities of projects quality matters and answer to the clients if there are any incompliancequality issues of the
Quotations reviewed and approved for third party NDE serviceproviders.
Reviewed third partiesinvoiceand approved for payments.
*Experienced on prepared documents for project (Weld related):
Prepared weldingprocedure specification (WPS) & WeldingProcedure Qualification records(PQR),welding consumablematerial
control procedure and its record form for baking,issuance,receiving,re-baking,disposal,balancesheet, welders qualification
certificates,welders identification cardsbaseon their qualification rangeon pipe diameter, pipe/plate thickness and mater ials,
welders qualification summary list,welders performance report by RT per joint,films and defect basis,weld revaluation control
procedure and its action plan.
*Experienced on prepared documentsfor project (Quality procedure related):
Prepared quality procedurefor piping fabrication,installation and its ITP,inspection reports form & test packs,steelstructure
fabrication,installation and its ITP,report form, check listand test packs,welded steeltank for oil storagefabrication,
installation and its ITP,report forms and test packs,Equipment installation (tank,agitator,motor & pump, mill,compressor,
exhaust fan,heat exchanger, cooler, metering cube) and its ITP, inspection report form, check listand test packs ,Duct system
fabrication,installation,testingand its ITP, report forms, check listand test packs,pressure test procedure for Hydro, Air and
Service test, water flow test procedure for pipingand Air flow test for duct system, inspection reportform, check listforms and
test packs,material control procedure for piping,steel structure, tank, duck, insulation and its receiving,issuance,inventory
and inspection report forms, hot tap procedure on liveequipment and its ITP, inspection reportforms, checklistformand test
packs,non-conformation control procedure and its record form, NDE procedure (PT, MT, VT) and its inspection reportforms,
project Quality action plan, project quality plan, Insulation and cladding fabrication, installation and its ITP,inspection report
forms and check listforms,blasting & painting procedure and its ITP & inspection report forms.
*Experienced on reviewed documents (Project related):
Review project contracttechnical documents and customers specification for scopeof work and its quality requirement, Review
prequalified weldingprocedure specification (WPS) and procedure qualification records (PQR),welder qualification certificates
prior to submitto clientapproval for the specific projectwork, selection of WPS & PQR againstof use materials of projects.
*Experienced on review drawings (Project related):
Reviewed ProjectPlan,P & ID, General arrangement, and Equipments arrangement and Fabrication drawingsprior,duringand
after fabrication and installation period.
**Experienced on QA/QC Engineer or QA/QC Inspector/ welding inspector
* Experienced on materialsInspection:
Performed material receivinginspection againstof PO, DO & materials mill certificates followed by codes, standards and project
specifications,ensurecorrectthe type of materials, length, size,thickness,heat number were meet the design,project
specifications and final acceptancecriteria.Reviewed materials mill certificates and ensurethe chemical & mechanical
properties within the acceptancerange as per codes, standards and clients specifications. Offered to clientthrough application
for inspection for their inspection & verification on material receivingand final acceptance. Prepared material receiving
inspection report prior to final inspection by client and signed off as final accepted after inspection by both internal and client
* Experienced on materials shop blasting Inspection:
Performed blastinginspection against of approved WPS, codes, standards and projectspecifications to ensureblasted materials
anchor profilerecorded and meet the projectspecifications requirements,ensure surfacecleaned by air blow prior to prime
coat of paint.
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* Experienced on materials shop painting inspection:
Performed inspection on paint prior to apply to the materials againstof manufacturer data sheets, codes, standards, project
specifications & requirements to ensure correct type of paintwere used for the specific materials followed by paintsystem
againstof design temperatures. Ensure humiditys, dew point, metals temperatures were recorded & acceptableas per wps,
paintmanufacturer recommendations and project specification requirements. Ensured metals surfacecleaned by air blowprior
to apply primecoat of paint. Checked paints dry films thickness followed by curingtimes and records them. Ensure dry films
thickness as per project specification requirements.
*Experienced on review welding related documents for the project:
Reviewed weldingprocedure specifications(WPS),weldingprocedure specificationsrecords (PQR) ,Welders qualification
certificates againstof various basemetals,filler metals,pipediameter & thickness,Prepared WPS and its test samples,
conducted WQT, witnessed & recorded the results,test samples send for NDE and mechanical test,witnessed various
mechanical tests and reviewed test records for ensured its mechanical & chemical properties were met the materials
specifications for final acceptance& qualified the specific WPS.
*Experienced on prepared welders test & documents:
Scheduled welders qualification test,prepared test samples,send notification to clientfor their witness,conducted & witnessed
the test and reviewed test records. Carried out visual inspection for final acceptanceprior to send them for NDT. Prepared
welders qualification certificates,welders identification cardsand welders qualificationssummary listagainstof their
qualification for projectuse.
*Experienced on Fabrication activitiesInspection:
Reviewed fabrication drawings to ensurematerials been used are within the specifications of clientprior to fabrication,Ensure
dimensions,fit-ups,welding& weldment are meet the approved WPS, codes,standards,design and clientspecifications&
*Experienced on Welding activities inspection:
(Check prior, during & after welding)
Ensured base& filler materials werematching properly,dimensions were correct as per fabrication drawings, fit-ups were meet
approved WPS, welders identification number was correct, welder was qualified for the specific weld joint,correct & approved
WPS were using.
Ensured welding process,current, amperage, voltage, heat input,gas flow rate, ,root pass & inter pass temperature, inter pass,
hot & cover pass cleaning,weld sizewere meeting codes, standards,specification and clients requirements.
Carried out visual inspection, prepared inspection reports and signs off by both in-house& clientas weld visual accepted.
*Experienced on Weld visual inspection:
Ensured final welds were clean properly followed by hand/power brush for not missingdefects on welds,
Ensure the welder identification was correctand correctWPS been used for the weld joint.
Ensure weld profiles were free of spatters,slags,under cuts, cold laps,crater cracks,tie-in on stop start,porosity,blow holes,
cracks etc.
Ensured sizeof weld, weld reinforcement high, width of the welds were meeting codes, standards, specifications & approved
*Experienced on sort NDE requirement & Examination:
Reviewed fabrication drawings for its lineor pipeclassto determine the type of NDE required and total number of NDE
requirements of the specific project,countdown total number of joints were availableand total number of joints NDE required
againstof welder, type weld, sizeweld, process of welds and carried outthem accordingly as per plan.
*Experienced on NDE examinations which involved third party (RT, PT, MT, UT, and PMI) Inspection:
Scheduled for NDT as per plan.
Booked third party for NDT test and inspection as per priority.
Prepared NDT requesting and send to third party for their plan & preparation.
Identified the test objects at the site or workshop.
Applied NDT permit for test & inspection atsiteor workshop.
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Ensured their assessment& facilitiesatthe workshop or job site were availablefor them to carry out test & inspection.
Coordinated with third party and plantowner prior,during, after test & inspection.
Informed plantowner after completion of test & inspection and reinstated the area for others to use.
Received reports and checked againstof request.
*Experienced on review test reports & RT films:
Reviewed test reports and RT films againstof request and separated them by accepted, rejected and reshoot films,signed off
inspection reports and send for clientreview & final acceptance.
Prepared logbook for RT repair,reshoot and tracer welds control.
Prepared repair tracer papers and pass to welding supervisor for repair them immediately.
Prepared NDT request for repair & reshoot joints followed by the same NDT methods and clear repair & reshoot immediately
which will avoid the delay causeof project schedule.
*Experienced on check & monitor on PWHT Activities:
Review fabrication drawings for lineor pipeclass to determine the PWHT requirements of the specific project,countdown total
number of joints were availableand total number of joints PWHTrequired againstof lineclassand carried outaccordingly.
*Experienced on scheduling for PWHT,
Booked third party for PWHT activities and inspection,
Prepared PWHT requesting and send to third party for their plan & preparation,
Identified the PWHT objects at the site or workshop,
Applied PWHT permit for test & inspection atsite or workshop,
Ensured their assessment& facilitiesatthe workshop or job site were availablefor them to carry out test & inspection,
Ensured proper & correct object hock up for PWHT
Ensured equipments, temperature recorder, chartpaper and temperatures were correct as per specifications.
Checked temperatures, heating rate & time, soakingtime and coolingrate.
Carried out hardness test as per specifications.
Received reports and checked againstof request,
Reviewed test reports, chartpaper & sign them off and submitto clientfor their review and final acceptance.
*Experienced on perform mechanical pipe line check:
Reviewed test packageand its test limitfollowed by P&ID, plan drawing,construction ISO drawingand ensure the latest
revisions drawingswere availableprior to carry outlinecheck.
Ensured linelocation,elevation,materials been used within the specifications.
Punched listingall themechanical outstanding items of works baseon construction drawings followed by punch category
Verified all thepunch items which have been remedial work done by the construction and sigh off them as accepted & cleared.
Prepared NDE pack for the specific testpack and compiled all the QC records and review weldingdata.
Submitted the test pack for clientreview and their punch lists.
Cleared clients punches,sign off as punches were accepted & cleared,plan for pressuretest.
*Experienced on pipe line Pressure test (Hydro/Air) inspection:
Reviewed test pack for ensure all theA category punches have been cleared both in-house& clients.
Ensured lineprepare for pressureor servicetest followed by operation,design, test pressureand clients specification.
Ensured all the test blinds arein place.
Ensured all instrumentations items areremove from the test loop for avoidingdamageduringpressuretest.
Ensured test manifold,high pointvents and drain installed properly and as per test design.
Ensured pressuregauges are used for test which within the correctrange as per specification.
Ensured pressuregauges are calibrated and within the expiry date and certificates areavailablein the test pack during the test
Ensured pressureholdingtimes aremeet specificationsand record them in the test pack followed by start& end, required &
actual pressureduringof testing.
Ensured Inspectall the line,weld joints,flangejoints & mechanical joints visually againstof test limit.
Ensured pipe lines areleak free duringof pressuretest.
Ensured pressures arereleased and mediums are drain accordingly.
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Sign off test reports after final acceptanceof pressuretest both in-house& clients.
*Experienced on pipe line Flush & Air blow inspection:
Reviewed test pack for ensure pressuretest has been carried out and accepted by both in-house& clients.
Ensured lineprepares for flushing& air blowfollowed by blushing& air blowpressurewhich meet the cl ients specification.
Ensured enough mediums flow duringflushing& air blow.
Ensured lineinternally cleans as per clients specification.
Ensured lineblown by air after water flushing.
Ensured clients satisfactory on flush & air blowand sign off inspection reports by both in-house& clients.
*Experienced on line spot blasting & painting at site painting inspection:
Ensured sitespots blasting arecarried outas per clients specificationsrequirement.
Ensured sitepaintingarecarried out as per clients specificationsrequirement.
Reviewed test pack for ensure sitepaintinghas been carried out and accepted by both in-house& clients.
Ensured paintingreports are signed off by both in-house& clients prior to insulatethe line.
*Experienced on line Insulation atsite inspection:
Reviewed test pack for ensure the requirement of insulation asper clients specification.
Ensured the type & thickness of insulation to be used of this linefollowed by linetemperatures and clients specifications.
Ensured the application of adhesivematerials in between insulation jointeach others are properly applied and as per clients
Ensured the banding& claddingmaterialsareused with the clients specificationsrequirement.
Ensured insulation bandingsaredone properly & band distancebetween each others followed by clients specificationsbefore
Ensured the claddingis installed properly and provided enough bandingfollowed by correct length between each others.
Ensured external cleaning of the lineand no damaged on cladding.
Ensured the clients inspection is carried out on claddingand sign off all inspection reports by both in-house& clients
*Experienced on pipe line reinstatement inspection:
Reviewed test pack for ensure all theinspection has been carried out and reports signed off by both in-house& clients.
(Hydro test, air test, flushing,steam blow, piggingblow, air blow,high point vents seal weld & PT, bolts torque, painting,
insulation,cladding,loop check,pop test etc.)
Ensured all the blinds areremoved, permanent gaskets, instruments are installed,all theflangejoints aretorqued and sign of
inspection reports by both in-house and clients.
Ensured all earth lugs connected and verified.
Ensured to sign off work or test pack by both in-houseand clients before ithanded over to pre-commission team.
*Experienced on flange assurance inspection:
Ensured specimens were aligned vertically or horizontally as per specification requirements.
Ensured flange materials,type, ratingas per specification requirements.
Ensured bolts & nuts materials,type, length as per specification requirements.
Ensured bolts treads were applied moly coat or lubricated.
Ensured gasket materials,type, ratingas per specification requirements.
Ensured flange were angularly aligned.
Ensured flange holes to holes were aligned and free of off set.
Ensured flange serrated faces were cleaned and free of mechanical demerged.
Ensured bolts & nuts were fasteningproperly and threads protrusion was equal shared as per specification requirements.
Ensured gasket installed properly and free of offset.
Ensured bolts tightening sequence as per approved WPS.
Ensured bolts hand tighten firstthen apply initial torqued valueas per specification requirements.
Ensured second, third and over all torque carried out as per specification requirements.
Ensured torque wrench was calibrated and correctrange used as per specification requirements.
Ensured flange assurancereportwas prepared, signed by both in house and clientinspectors.
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**Experiencedonlive equipment/hot tap/golden/closure jointswelding inspection:
a. Experienced on document review for live equipment / hot tap / golden / closure joints welding
Reviewed approved job pack and itsWPS, PQR, ITP, Welders qualification certificates,and clients specification requirements
prior to carried out all subsequenceinspectionsof specific liveequipment welding and hot tappingtasks.
b. Experienced on location identification inspection:
Ensured positivethree parties identification of exact location of works followed by P&ID, plan drawingand 3D drawing.
Ensured correct mark-up carried-outfollowed by drawings specific dimensions.
Ensured surfaceto be free of insulation & paint.
Ensured surfacebeen carried out UT, Lamination and NDE examinations.
Ensured surfaceof weld location free of defects and meet the specific required thickness.
c. Experienced on stub fabrication and inspection:
Ensured materials as per clients specifications.
Ensured stubs fit-up as per WPS.
Ensured welders were qualified for specific weld joint.
Ensured weldment was met the clients specification.
Ensured weldment was carried out NDE and accepted per clients requirement.
d. Experienced on Valve & its hydro test inspection:
Ensured the valvetype, ratingand materials correctas per clients specification requirements.
Ensured valvebeen hydro tested & accepted followed by approved test pressureon its shell,back and front seat and marked -
up and measured the valveID and length between flange face to valve seat and informed vendor for their preparation.
e. Experienced on live equipment prior welding inspection:
Ensured approved WPS, PQR, welder qualification certificates were availablein the pack at sitefor reference and verify.
Ensured welder was qualified for specific welds againstof materials,diameter,thickness and process.
Ensured NDE technicians was qualified for specific NDE methods been used and their qualification certificates in place in the
Ensured stub fit-up inspection was carried outand accepted prior to startwelding on root pass as per approved WPS.
Ensured welding equipment was calibrated.
f. Experienced on live equipment during welding inspection:
Ensured welding parameters (current, voltage, amperage, travel speed & heat input) were as per approved WPS and heat input
was calculated and recorded in the log sheet.
Ensured NDE was carried outon root, hot & cover passes and its accepted,
Ensured stub hydro test was carried outfollowed by approved test pressureand accepted prior to installed reinforcement pads
or saddles with or without backingringas per specification requirements.
Ensured visual inspection was carried outon finished and completed welds and accepted a s per clients specification
requirements which were free of undercuts, slags,spatters,crater cracks ,porosity,blowholes etc.
Ensured NDE was carried outon finished and completed welds and accepted.
g. Experienced on hot tap valve installation inspection:
Ensured hot tap valves flange serrated face was cleaned and free of any mechanical damaged,correct tag number, rating,type
and seat hydro test direction as per specifications.
Ensured correct gaskets,bolts & nuts and valves wheel direction was correct.
Ensured hot tap valves bolts tightening were done followed by correct sequence specified.
Ensured air leak test carried out and accepted prior to install hottap equipment for drill hole.
Ensured hole cut piece received and keep for future reference and reinstatewith permanent blind,paintingand insulation.
Ensured the signed off the test pack or hot tap work as job completed.
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**Experienced on supervision and inspection of column trays installation: JAC project
Reviewed all kinds of related projectdocuments for column traysinstallation,ITP,traysplan drawings,lay-outdrawings,
fabrication drawings and JAC specificationsrequirements prior to involvement of employment assignment to actual works of JAC
project for carry out specific tasks. JAC was assigned me to clear hold pointsupervision and witnessed inspection for ensured
every trays was installed as per JAC specification requirements.
Ensured trays were clean and free of rustprior to insetinto the column.
Ensured internal column reinforcement ringclean & level checked prior to trays installed on it.
Ensured trays orientation was correct as per trays lay-outdrawings.
Ensured all the trays parts were installed as per lay-outdrawings.
Ensured all the bolts& nuts were fasten as per lay-outdrawings.
Ensured all the bolts & nuts were hand tight firstthen carried-outtorqued followed by JAC project torque value.
Ensured trays levelingwas met the JAC specification requirements.
Ensured housekeeping carried outprior to next tray installation.
Ensured all levels distributions pipeswere installed as per lay-outdrawings.
Ensured all tray manholepiece was in placewith faster fixed bolts & nuts.
Ensured all traysmanholepiece was installed as per JAC specification requirements.
Ensured water leak test carried outas per JAC specification requirements.
Ensured housekeeping carried outprior to column box-up.
Ensured all the serrated surfaceof nozzles perfect without any mechanical damaged,cleaned by thinner, correct gaskets,bol ts
& nuts with moly coatapplied,hand tighten then torqued followed by JAC bolts torque specifications.
**Experienced on supervision and inspection on horizontal drums box-up: JAC project
Reviewed all kinds of related projectdocuments for Drums internal parts installation,ITP, drumsplan drawings,lay-out
drawings,fabrication drawingsand JAC specifications requirements prior to involvement of employment assignmentto actual
works of JAC projectfor carry out specific tasks.JAC was assigned me to clear hold pointsupervision and witnessed inspection
for ensured every drum was internal parts installed as per JAC specification requirements.
Ensuredall drumsinternal partswere installationasperspecificdrumsinternal lay-outdrawings,internal surfaceof
drumswere rustfree,clean,housekeeping,nozzlesserratedface perfectwithnomechanical damaged,cleaned
withthinner,correctgaskets,bolts&nutsand hand tightenfollowedbycorrectsequence of boltstightening
Period : Jan 2015 till Nov 2015
Vopak terminals SingaporePte ltd., SINGAPORE
Position Held : Superintendent, QC
Period : Aug 2014 till Dec 2014
Exxon-Mobil Asia Pacific,SINGAPORE
Position Held : Superintendent, QC
Period : Jul 2013 till Jul 2014
Jurong Aromatic Complex
Position Held : Superintendent, QC
Period : Nov 2012 till Jun 2013
PAC(Exxon-Mobil Asia Pacific) Maintenance
Position Held : Lead QA/QC Inspector
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Period : Jan 2012 till Oct2012
Asia Specialty Polymer Line / INVISTA
Position Held : Lead QA/QC Inspector
Period : Jan 2011 till Dec 2011
Position Held : Senior QC Inspector on storagetanks
Period : Nov 2009 till Dec2010
Project : SPT(Singapore Parallel Train)/EXXON-MOBIL-FWP
Position Held : Senior QC Inspector
Period : Jun 2009 till Oct2009
Project : ECC(Process-2)/SHELL
Position Held : Lead Inspector on pipingpressuretest
Period : Sept. 2008 till Jun 2009
Project : Vopak Phase4
Position Held : Lead QC Inspector
Period : March 2008 till Dec 2008
Project : Vopak Phase3
Position Held : Lead QC Inspector
Period : Oct 2007 to February 2008
Horizon(Proposed Bulk Liquid Products Terminal Phase3)
Position Held : QC Inspector
Period : Jun 2007 to Sept.2007
Project : GSK/MGS(Projects and Maintenance)
Position Held : QC / WeldingInspector
Period : Jan 2006 to May 2007
Project : EXXONMOBIL/SCP(Projects and Maintenance)-JEC
Position Held : QC / WeldingInspector
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Period : Sept. 2005 to Dec.2005
Project : SHELL(Stack Flue CAN & Duct Routing for SRU 3, 5 & 6
Position Held : Lead QC inspector
Period : August 2005 to Nov 2005
Project : SHELL (PlatformSplitter Unit (PSU) PIPERACK A)
Position Held : Lead QC inspector
Period : May 2005 to August 2005
Project : Auto Transmission Fluid (ATF)
Position Held : Lead QC inspector
Period : Sept.2003 to Nov.2004
Project : Trans Thai Malaysia onshorepipelinesystemmetering skids
Position Held : Lead QC inspector
Period : May 2001 to Sept. 2002
Project : Organic Synthesis Plant-1(Singapore)-FIZZER
Position Held : QC inspector
Period : Jan 2001 to April 2001
Project : Seraya-2 (Singapore)-SHELL
Position Held : QC / NDE inspector (for shop fabrication)
Period : May 2000 to Dec 2000
Project : SCC / SOP start-up commissioning(Singapore)-EXXONMOBIL
Position Held : QC inspector
Period : August 1999 to April 2000
Project : Condensate Splitter Unit (Singapore)-SHELL
Position Held : QC inspector
Period : Jan 1999 to July 1999
Project : De-bottle Necking Maintenance Shut-down (Singapore)-PCS-1
Position Held : QC inspector
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Period : August 1997 to Dec 1998
Project : Sea Oxo (Singapore)-EAST MAN CHEMICAL
Position Held : QC / NDE inspector (for shop fabrication & field installation)
Period : Dec 1996 to July 1997
Project : Mobil 300 TBD Maintenance shut-down-JGC
Position Held : QC technician
Period : Nov 1995 to Nov 1996
Project : PCS-II Extension-JGC
Position Held : QC technician
Period : Jan 1994 to Oct 1995
Project : SRC / RCC Project-JGC
Position Held : AssistanceQC technician
Period : Sept.1992 to Dec 1993
Project : Mobil Aromatic & off-site Project-ASIA BADGER
Position Held : Weldingconsumablecontroller / Store keeper
All the statements above are correct and true of my knowledge.
Sincerely yours,
,Md kafil uddin

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Resume of md kafil uddin (piping)

  • 1. Page 1 of 11 RESUME I have 16 years experience of performing QC / welding inspection on piping, steel structures, above ground oil storage tanks, column trays installation and maintain its quality in the field of process industry (Power, oil & gas, Chemical & petrochemical and construction pharmaceutical plant) under various clients & honors of Singapore as a suitable position of me, Superintendent QC / Senior QC Inspector / QAQC Engineer / QC Welding Inspector, Technician QC (7 years) during of direct employment by PEC LTD Singapore. During of my work on various projects in Singapore, I have developed, demonstrated and complied project specification requirementsby my Knowledge, Experience, skills to the specific tasks, applied professional attitude, habits to the team membersfor execution jobs on time, provided on jobs planning, training, supervising, monitoring, commitment to execute tasks on time with safe team works practices to the projects. Established good communication systems with each level of projects and accomplished the most effective & successive projects of Singapore for PEC LTD. *PERSONAL INFORMATION Name : Md Kafil Uddin Date of Birth : April 02 1966 Gender & Marital Status : Male & Married Nationality : Bangladeshi NRIC / FIN No. : S2757450E Contact no. HP91249304 Email address Kafil.uddin547877@gmail.com *EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Period : Level and Location of study 1986 (1984-85) : Secondary School Certification,Dhaka Board,Bangladesh 1988 (1986-87) : Higher Secondary Certification,Dhaka Board,Bangladesh 1990 (1988-89) : Degree in Commerce Course Completed, University of Dhaka,Bangladesh *TECHNICAL CERTIFICATION BACK GROUND Period : Level of Certification 2011 : Certification Scheme for Welding& Inspection Personnel (Level 2 : 3.1) 2009 : Certified AssociateWeldingInspector (CAWI) 2009 : SingaporeWork Force Skills Qualification on Performing Welding Inspection 2001 : Certified AssociateWeldingInspector (CAWI) 2006 Certified ASNT-TC-1A Level II Personnel in PT, MT, RI ,VT *TECHNICAL TRAINING / SEMINAR ATTENDED BACKGROUND Period : Level of Training and conducted by 2011 : Certification Scheme for Welding& Inspection Personnel Level 2:3.1 by TWI 2009 : Certification of WeldingInspection AWS-CWI 3.1 by SWS 2001 : Certification of WeldingInspection AWS-CWI 3.1 by SWS
  • 2. Page 2 of 11 2006 : Certification of ASNT-TC-1A Level-II Personnel in PT,MT,RI,VT by Renu Eng Pte Ltd. 1996 : Certification of ASNT-TC-1A Level-II Personnel in PT, MT by Setsco Technology. 1995 : Supervision of Metal ScaffoldingErection,CIDB *SAFETY RELATED TRAINING & CERTIFICATION BACK GROUND: Period : Level of Certification and awarded by 2011 : Supervision of Oil / Petrochemical Industry Safety by MOM Singapore. 2011 : Manhole Safety Induction Course for Supervisor by MOM Singapore. 2009 : Supervision of BuildingConstruction Safety by MOM Singapore. *SUMMARY OF EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Period : Employer Sept.1992 till Sept.2002 : PEC PTE LTD, Singapore. Sept.2003 till Jun 2005 : PT.PEC, Batam, Indonesia. Jul 2005 till Jan 2016 : PEC LTD. Singapore. *POSITIONAL HISTORY AND EXPERIENCE: Position : Period or duration and year of experience. Superintendent,QC : Jul 2013 till Jan 2016 at PEC LTD. of Singapore, Experience 2 and 遜 years. Senior Inspector,QC : Jul 2008 till Jun 2013 at PEC LTD. of Singapore, Experience 5 years. Inspector,QC : Jul 2005 till Jun 2008 at PEC LTD. of Singapore,Experience 3 years. Inspector,QC Sept 2003 till Jun 2005 at PT. PEC, Indonesia, Experience 1 year and 10 months. Technician, QC Sept.2002 till Sept 2002 at PEC PTE LTD of Singapore, Experience 10 years. *Summary of handling measuring instruments: Experience on measuringinstruments used as follows, Vanier calipers,ID micrometer, OD micrometer, Baroscopic gauge,digital heightgauge, dial gauge,thread gauge, roughness tester, hardness tester, weld gauge, hi-lo gauge, gap gauge, bevel angle gauge, elcometer gauge, holiday tester, ohmmeter gauge, temperature gauge, pressuregauge, water level, ultrasonic thicknessgauge,densitometer, * Knowledge of codes and standards used: 1. ASME B31.1, B31.3, 16.5 2. ASME SECTION II,BPVC. V & IX 3. API 650, 653,510, 570, 610,1104 5. AWS D1.1 *Experienced on Senior QC Inspector / Superintendent, QC Leaded a group of QC engineers, QC Senior Inspector,QC Inspectors & QC Technicians for the various projects in Singapore. Ensured their assignments followed by their knowledge & experience. Monitored their daily activities on inspection againstof their assignment. Advised them about quality technical which they were encounter at site duringof their daily routineinspections. Prepared WPS & witnessed WPQT Witnessed mechanical testfor WPQTR in various laboratories in Singapore. Reviewed mechanical testreports and sign of together with our clients for approval. Coordination & communication between internal and external for quality issues. Liaised with clients to settle quality issues of the projects immediately.
  • 3. Page 3 of 11 Attended weekly meeting with in-houseand clients. Feed backed all quality issues and technical advised for settlements of issues. Updated to the projectManager, construction teams and clients aboutwelders availabilities forthe project, their qualification againstof various materials, thickness & diameters,weldingperformance report againstof acceptance & rejection rate and advised action plan for reduce the rejection risk per weekly. Take full responsibilities of projects quality matters and answer to the clients if there are any incompliancequality issues of the project. Quotations reviewed and approved for third party NDE serviceproviders. Reviewed third partiesinvoiceand approved for payments. *Experienced on prepared documents for project (Weld related): Prepared weldingprocedure specification (WPS) & WeldingProcedure Qualification records(PQR),welding consumablematerial control procedure and its record form for baking,issuance,receiving,re-baking,disposal,balancesheet, welders qualification certificates,welders identification cardsbaseon their qualification rangeon pipe diameter, pipe/plate thickness and mater ials, welders qualification summary list,welders performance report by RT per joint,films and defect basis,weld revaluation control procedure and its action plan. *Experienced on prepared documentsfor project (Quality procedure related): Prepared quality procedurefor piping fabrication,installation and its ITP,inspection reports form & test packs,steelstructure fabrication,installation and its ITP,report form, check listand test packs,welded steeltank for oil storagefabrication, installation and its ITP,report forms and test packs,Equipment installation (tank,agitator,motor & pump, mill,compressor, exhaust fan,heat exchanger, cooler, metering cube) and its ITP, inspection report form, check listand test packs ,Duct system fabrication,installation,testingand its ITP, report forms, check listand test packs,pressure test procedure for Hydro, Air and Service test, water flow test procedure for pipingand Air flow test for duct system, inspection reportform, check listforms and test packs,material control procedure for piping,steel structure, tank, duck, insulation and its receiving,issuance,inventory and inspection report forms, hot tap procedure on liveequipment and its ITP, inspection reportforms, checklistformand test packs,non-conformation control procedure and its record form, NDE procedure (PT, MT, VT) and its inspection reportforms, project Quality action plan, project quality plan, Insulation and cladding fabrication, installation and its ITP,inspection report forms and check listforms,blasting & painting procedure and its ITP & inspection report forms. *Experienced on reviewed documents (Project related): Review project contracttechnical documents and customers specification for scopeof work and its quality requirement, Review prequalified weldingprocedure specification (WPS) and procedure qualification records (PQR),welder qualification certificates prior to submitto clientapproval for the specific projectwork, selection of WPS & PQR againstof use materials of projects. *Experienced on review drawings (Project related): Reviewed ProjectPlan,P & ID, General arrangement, and Equipments arrangement and Fabrication drawingsprior,duringand after fabrication and installation period. **Experienced on QA/QC Engineer or QA/QC Inspector/ welding inspector * Experienced on materialsInspection: Performed material receivinginspection againstof PO, DO & materials mill certificates followed by codes, standards and project specifications,ensurecorrectthe type of materials, length, size,thickness,heat number were meet the design,project specifications and final acceptancecriteria.Reviewed materials mill certificates and ensurethe chemical & mechanical properties within the acceptancerange as per codes, standards and clients specifications. Offered to clientthrough application for inspection for their inspection & verification on material receivingand final acceptance. Prepared material receiving inspection report prior to final inspection by client and signed off as final accepted after inspection by both internal and client representative. * Experienced on materials shop blasting Inspection: Performed blastinginspection against of approved WPS, codes, standards and projectspecifications to ensureblasted materials anchor profilerecorded and meet the projectspecifications requirements,ensure surfacecleaned by air blow prior to prime coat of paint.
  • 4. Page 4 of 11 * Experienced on materials shop painting inspection: Performed inspection on paint prior to apply to the materials againstof manufacturer data sheets, codes, standards, project specifications & requirements to ensure correct type of paintwere used for the specific materials followed by paintsystem againstof design temperatures. Ensure humiditys, dew point, metals temperatures were recorded & acceptableas per wps, paintmanufacturer recommendations and project specification requirements. Ensured metals surfacecleaned by air blowprior to apply primecoat of paint. Checked paints dry films thickness followed by curingtimes and records them. Ensure dry films thickness as per project specification requirements. *Experienced on review welding related documents for the project: Reviewed weldingprocedure specifications(WPS),weldingprocedure specificationsrecords (PQR) ,Welders qualification certificates againstof various basemetals,filler metals,pipediameter & thickness,Prepared WPS and its test samples, conducted WQT, witnessed & recorded the results,test samples send for NDE and mechanical test,witnessed various mechanical tests and reviewed test records for ensured its mechanical & chemical properties were met the materials specifications for final acceptance& qualified the specific WPS. *Experienced on prepared welders test & documents: Scheduled welders qualification test,prepared test samples,send notification to clientfor their witness,conducted & witnessed the test and reviewed test records. Carried out visual inspection for final acceptanceprior to send them for NDT. Prepared welders qualification certificates,welders identification cardsand welders qualificationssummary listagainstof their qualification for projectuse. *Experienced on Fabrication activitiesInspection: Reviewed fabrication drawings to ensurematerials been used are within the specifications of clientprior to fabrication,Ensure dimensions,fit-ups,welding& weldment are meet the approved WPS, codes,standards,design and clientspecifications& requirements. *Experienced on Welding activities inspection: (Check prior, during & after welding) Ensured base& filler materials werematching properly,dimensions were correct as per fabrication drawings, fit-ups were meet approved WPS, welders identification number was correct, welder was qualified for the specific weld joint,correct & approved WPS were using. Ensured welding process,current, amperage, voltage, heat input,gas flow rate, ,root pass & inter pass temperature, inter pass, hot & cover pass cleaning,weld sizewere meeting codes, standards,specification and clients requirements. Carried out visual inspection, prepared inspection reports and signs off by both in-house& clientas weld visual accepted. *Experienced on Weld visual inspection: Ensured final welds were clean properly followed by hand/power brush for not missingdefects on welds, Ensure the welder identification was correctand correctWPS been used for the weld joint. Ensure weld profiles were free of spatters,slags,under cuts, cold laps,crater cracks,tie-in on stop start,porosity,blow holes, cracks etc. Ensured sizeof weld, weld reinforcement high, width of the welds were meeting codes, standards, specifications & approved WPS. *Experienced on sort NDE requirement & Examination: Reviewed fabrication drawings for its lineor pipeclassto determine the type of NDE required and total number of NDE requirements of the specific project,countdown total number of joints were availableand total number of joints NDE required againstof welder, type weld, sizeweld, process of welds and carried outthem accordingly as per plan. *Experienced on NDE examinations which involved third party (RT, PT, MT, UT, and PMI) Inspection: Scheduled for NDT as per plan. Booked third party for NDT test and inspection as per priority. Prepared NDT requesting and send to third party for their plan & preparation. Identified the test objects at the site or workshop. Applied NDT permit for test & inspection atsiteor workshop.
  • 5. Page 5 of 11 Ensured their assessment& facilitiesatthe workshop or job site were availablefor them to carry out test & inspection. Coordinated with third party and plantowner prior,during, after test & inspection. Informed plantowner after completion of test & inspection and reinstated the area for others to use. Received reports and checked againstof request. *Experienced on review test reports & RT films: Reviewed test reports and RT films againstof request and separated them by accepted, rejected and reshoot films,signed off inspection reports and send for clientreview & final acceptance. Prepared logbook for RT repair,reshoot and tracer welds control. Prepared repair tracer papers and pass to welding supervisor for repair them immediately. Prepared NDT request for repair & reshoot joints followed by the same NDT methods and clear repair & reshoot immediately which will avoid the delay causeof project schedule. *Experienced on check & monitor on PWHT Activities: Review fabrication drawings for lineor pipeclass to determine the PWHT requirements of the specific project,countdown total number of joints were availableand total number of joints PWHTrequired againstof lineclassand carried outaccordingly. *Experienced on scheduling for PWHT, Booked third party for PWHT activities and inspection, Prepared PWHT requesting and send to third party for their plan & preparation, Identified the PWHT objects at the site or workshop, Applied PWHT permit for test & inspection atsite or workshop, Ensured their assessment& facilitiesatthe workshop or job site were availablefor them to carry out test & inspection, Ensured proper & correct object hock up for PWHT Ensured equipments, temperature recorder, chartpaper and temperatures were correct as per specifications. Checked temperatures, heating rate & time, soakingtime and coolingrate. Carried out hardness test as per specifications. Received reports and checked againstof request, Reviewed test reports, chartpaper & sign them off and submitto clientfor their review and final acceptance. *Experienced on perform mechanical pipe line check: Reviewed test packageand its test limitfollowed by P&ID, plan drawing,construction ISO drawingand ensure the latest revisions drawingswere availableprior to carry outlinecheck. Ensured linelocation,elevation,materials been used within the specifications. Punched listingall themechanical outstanding items of works baseon construction drawings followed by punch category includingNDT. Verified all thepunch items which have been remedial work done by the construction and sigh off them as accepted & cleared. Prepared NDE pack for the specific testpack and compiled all the QC records and review weldingdata. Submitted the test pack for clientreview and their punch lists. Cleared clients punches,sign off as punches were accepted & cleared,plan for pressuretest. *Experienced on pipe line Pressure test (Hydro/Air) inspection: Reviewed test pack for ensure all theA category punches have been cleared both in-house& clients. Ensured lineprepare for pressureor servicetest followed by operation,design, test pressureand clients specification. Ensured all the test blinds arein place. Ensured all instrumentations items areremove from the test loop for avoidingdamageduringpressuretest. Ensured test manifold,high pointvents and drain installed properly and as per test design. Ensured pressuregauges are used for test which within the correctrange as per specification. Ensured pressuregauges are calibrated and within the expiry date and certificates areavailablein the test pack during the test inspection. Ensured pressureholdingtimes aremeet specificationsand record them in the test pack followed by start& end, required & actual pressureduringof testing. Ensured Inspectall the line,weld joints,flangejoints & mechanical joints visually againstof test limit. Ensured pipe lines areleak free duringof pressuretest. Ensured pressures arereleased and mediums are drain accordingly.
  • 6. Page 6 of 11 Sign off test reports after final acceptanceof pressuretest both in-house& clients. *Experienced on pipe line Flush & Air blow inspection: Reviewed test pack for ensure pressuretest has been carried out and accepted by both in-house& clients. Ensured lineprepares for flushing& air blowfollowed by blushing& air blowpressurewhich meet the cl ients specification. Ensured enough mediums flow duringflushing& air blow. Ensured lineinternally cleans as per clients specification. Ensured lineblown by air after water flushing. Ensured clients satisfactory on flush & air blowand sign off inspection reports by both in-house& clients. *Experienced on line spot blasting & painting at site painting inspection: Ensured sitespots blasting arecarried outas per clients specificationsrequirement. Ensured sitepaintingarecarried out as per clients specificationsrequirement. Reviewed test pack for ensure sitepaintinghas been carried out and accepted by both in-house& clients. Ensured paintingreports are signed off by both in-house& clients prior to insulatethe line. *Experienced on line Insulation atsite inspection: Reviewed test pack for ensure the requirement of insulation asper clients specification. Ensured the type & thickness of insulation to be used of this linefollowed by linetemperatures and clients specifications. Ensured the application of adhesivematerials in between insulation jointeach others are properly applied and as per clients specifications. Ensured the banding& claddingmaterialsareused with the clients specificationsrequirement. Ensured insulation bandingsaredone properly & band distancebetween each others followed by clients specificationsbefore cladding. Ensured the claddingis installed properly and provided enough bandingfollowed by correct length between each others. Ensured external cleaning of the lineand no damaged on cladding. Ensured the clients inspection is carried out on claddingand sign off all inspection reports by both in-house& clients *Experienced on pipe line reinstatement inspection: Reviewed test pack for ensure all theinspection has been carried out and reports signed off by both in-house& clients. (Hydro test, air test, flushing,steam blow, piggingblow, air blow,high point vents seal weld & PT, bolts torque, painting, insulation,cladding,loop check,pop test etc.) Ensured all the blinds areremoved, permanent gaskets, instruments are installed,all theflangejoints aretorqued and sign of inspection reports by both in-house and clients. Ensured all earth lugs connected and verified. Ensured to sign off work or test pack by both in-houseand clients before ithanded over to pre-commission team. *Experienced on flange assurance inspection: Ensured specimens were aligned vertically or horizontally as per specification requirements. Ensured flange materials,type, ratingas per specification requirements. Ensured bolts & nuts materials,type, length as per specification requirements. Ensured bolts treads were applied moly coat or lubricated. Ensured gasket materials,type, ratingas per specification requirements. Ensured flange were angularly aligned. Ensured flange holes to holes were aligned and free of off set. Ensured flange serrated faces were cleaned and free of mechanical demerged. Ensured bolts & nuts were fasteningproperly and threads protrusion was equal shared as per specification requirements. Ensured gasket installed properly and free of offset. Ensured bolts tightening sequence as per approved WPS. Ensured bolts hand tighten firstthen apply initial torqued valueas per specification requirements. Ensured second, third and over all torque carried out as per specification requirements. Ensured torque wrench was calibrated and correctrange used as per specification requirements. Ensured flange assurancereportwas prepared, signed by both in house and clientinspectors.
  • 7. Page 7 of 11 **Experiencedonlive equipment/hot tap/golden/closure jointswelding inspection: a. Experienced on document review for live equipment / hot tap / golden / closure joints welding inspection: Reviewed approved job pack and itsWPS, PQR, ITP, Welders qualification certificates,and clients specification requirements prior to carried out all subsequenceinspectionsof specific liveequipment welding and hot tappingtasks. b. Experienced on location identification inspection: Ensured positivethree parties identification of exact location of works followed by P&ID, plan drawingand 3D drawing. Ensured correct mark-up carried-outfollowed by drawings specific dimensions. Ensured surfaceto be free of insulation & paint. Ensured surfacebeen carried out UT, Lamination and NDE examinations. Ensured surfaceof weld location free of defects and meet the specific required thickness. c. Experienced on stub fabrication and inspection: Ensured materials as per clients specifications. Ensured stubs fit-up as per WPS. Ensured welders were qualified for specific weld joint. Ensured weldment was met the clients specification. Ensured weldment was carried out NDE and accepted per clients requirement. d. Experienced on Valve & its hydro test inspection: Ensured the valvetype, ratingand materials correctas per clients specification requirements. Ensured valvebeen hydro tested & accepted followed by approved test pressureon its shell,back and front seat and marked - up and measured the valveID and length between flange face to valve seat and informed vendor for their preparation. e. Experienced on live equipment prior welding inspection: Ensured approved WPS, PQR, welder qualification certificates were availablein the pack at sitefor reference and verify. Ensured welder was qualified for specific welds againstof materials,diameter,thickness and process. Ensured NDE technicians was qualified for specific NDE methods been used and their qualification certificates in place in the pack. Ensured stub fit-up inspection was carried outand accepted prior to startwelding on root pass as per approved WPS. Ensured welding equipment was calibrated. f. Experienced on live equipment during welding inspection: Ensured welding parameters (current, voltage, amperage, travel speed & heat input) were as per approved WPS and heat input was calculated and recorded in the log sheet. Ensured NDE was carried outon root, hot & cover passes and its accepted, Ensured stub hydro test was carried outfollowed by approved test pressureand accepted prior to installed reinforcement pads or saddles with or without backingringas per specification requirements. Ensured visual inspection was carried outon finished and completed welds and accepted a s per clients specification requirements which were free of undercuts, slags,spatters,crater cracks ,porosity,blowholes etc. Ensured NDE was carried outon finished and completed welds and accepted. g. Experienced on hot tap valve installation inspection: Ensured hot tap valves flange serrated face was cleaned and free of any mechanical damaged,correct tag number, rating,type and seat hydro test direction as per specifications. Ensured correct gaskets,bolts & nuts and valves wheel direction was correct. Ensured hot tap valves bolts tightening were done followed by correct sequence specified. Ensured air leak test carried out and accepted prior to install hottap equipment for drill hole. Ensured hole cut piece received and keep for future reference and reinstatewith permanent blind,paintingand insulation. Ensured the signed off the test pack or hot tap work as job completed.
  • 8. Page 8 of 11 **Experienced on supervision and inspection of column trays installation: JAC project Reviewed all kinds of related projectdocuments for column traysinstallation,ITP,traysplan drawings,lay-outdrawings, fabrication drawings and JAC specificationsrequirements prior to involvement of employment assignment to actual works of JAC project for carry out specific tasks. JAC was assigned me to clear hold pointsupervision and witnessed inspection for ensured every trays was installed as per JAC specification requirements. Ensured trays were clean and free of rustprior to insetinto the column. Ensured internal column reinforcement ringclean & level checked prior to trays installed on it. Ensured trays orientation was correct as per trays lay-outdrawings. Ensured all the trays parts were installed as per lay-outdrawings. Ensured all the bolts& nuts were fasten as per lay-outdrawings. Ensured all the bolts & nuts were hand tight firstthen carried-outtorqued followed by JAC project torque value. Ensured trays levelingwas met the JAC specification requirements. Ensured housekeeping carried outprior to next tray installation. Ensured all levels distributions pipeswere installed as per lay-outdrawings. Ensured all tray manholepiece was in placewith faster fixed bolts & nuts. Ensured all traysmanholepiece was installed as per JAC specification requirements. Ensured water leak test carried outas per JAC specification requirements. Ensured housekeeping carried outprior to column box-up. Ensured all the serrated surfaceof nozzles perfect without any mechanical damaged,cleaned by thinner, correct gaskets,bol ts & nuts with moly coatapplied,hand tighten then torqued followed by JAC bolts torque specifications. **Experienced on supervision and inspection on horizontal drums box-up: JAC project Reviewed all kinds of related projectdocuments for Drums internal parts installation,ITP, drumsplan drawings,lay-out drawings,fabrication drawingsand JAC specifications requirements prior to involvement of employment assignmentto actual works of JAC projectfor carry out specific tasks.JAC was assigned me to clear hold pointsupervision and witnessed inspection for ensured every drum was internal parts installed as per JAC specification requirements. Ensuredall drumsinternal partswere installationasperspecificdrumsinternal lay-outdrawings,internal surfaceof drumswere rustfree,clean,housekeeping,nozzlesserratedface perfectwithnomechanical damaged,cleaned withthinner,correctgaskets,bolts&nutsand hand tightenfollowedbycorrectsequence of boltstightening specifications. SUMMARY OF PROJECT ACCOMPLISHED OF SINGAPORE Period : Jan 2015 till Nov 2015 Project Location : : LPG Vopak terminals SingaporePte ltd., SINGAPORE Position Held : Superintendent, QC Period : Aug 2014 till Dec 2014 Project Location : : JLXP TURN AROUND (FW) Exxon-Mobil Asia Pacific,SINGAPORE Position Held : Superintendent, QC Period : Jul 2013 till Jul 2014 Project Location : : Jurong Aromatic Complex JAC,SINGAPORE Position Held : Superintendent, QC Period : Nov 2012 till Jun 2013 Project Location : : PAC(Exxon-Mobil Asia Pacific) Maintenance PEC LTD,SINGAPORE Position Held : Lead QA/QC Inspector
  • 9. Page 9 of 11 Period : Jan 2012 till Oct2012 Project Location : : Asia Specialty Polymer Line / INVISTA PEC LTD,SINGAPORE Position Held : Lead QA/QC Inspector Period : Jan 2011 till Dec 2011 Project Location : : PIPE RACK & UTILITIES PIPING RETICULATION SYSTEM / TPU-WP PEC LTD,SINGAPORE Position Held : Senior QC Inspector on storagetanks Period : Nov 2009 till Dec2010 Project : SPT(Singapore Parallel Train)/EXXON-MOBIL-FWP Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : Senior QC Inspector Period : Jun 2009 till Oct2009 Project : ECC(Process-2)/SHELL Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : Lead Inspector on pipingpressuretest Period : Sept. 2008 till Jun 2009 Project : Vopak Phase4 Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : Lead QC Inspector Period : March 2008 till Dec 2008 Project : Vopak Phase3 Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : Lead QC Inspector Period : Oct 2007 to February 2008 Project Location : : Horizon(Proposed Bulk Liquid Products Terminal Phase3) PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : QC Inspector Period : Jun 2007 to Sept.2007 Project : GSK/MGS(Projects and Maintenance) Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : QC / WeldingInspector Period : Jan 2006 to May 2007 Project : EXXONMOBIL/SCP(Projects and Maintenance)-JEC Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : QC / WeldingInspector
  • 10. Page 10 of 11 Period : Sept. 2005 to Dec.2005 Project : SHELL(Stack Flue CAN & Duct Routing for SRU 3, 5 & 6 Location : PEC PTE LTD, INDONESIA-BATAM-SHELL Position Held : Lead QC inspector Period : August 2005 to Nov 2005 Project : SHELL (PlatformSplitter Unit (PSU) PIPERACK A) Location : PEC PTE LTD, INDONESIA-BATAM Position Held : Lead QC inspector Period : May 2005 to August 2005 Project : Auto Transmission Fluid (ATF) Location : PEC PTE LTD, INDONESIA-BATAM Position Held : Lead QC inspector Period : Sept.2003 to Nov.2004 Project : Trans Thai Malaysia onshorepipelinesystemmetering skids Location : PEC PTE LTD, INDONESIA-BATAM Position Held : Lead QC inspector Period : May 2001 to Sept. 2002 Project : Organic Synthesis Plant-1(Singapore)-FIZZER Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : QC inspector Period : Jan 2001 to April 2001 Project : Seraya-2 (Singapore)-SHELL Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : QC / NDE inspector (for shop fabrication) Period : May 2000 to Dec 2000 Project : SCC / SOP start-up commissioning(Singapore)-EXXONMOBIL Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : QC inspector Period : August 1999 to April 2000 Project : Condensate Splitter Unit (Singapore)-SHELL Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : QC inspector Period : Jan 1999 to July 1999 Project : De-bottle Necking Maintenance Shut-down (Singapore)-PCS-1 Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : QC inspector
  • 11. Page 11 of 11 Period : August 1997 to Dec 1998 Project : Sea Oxo (Singapore)-EAST MAN CHEMICAL Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : QC / NDE inspector (for shop fabrication & field installation) Period : Dec 1996 to July 1997 Project : Mobil 300 TBD Maintenance shut-down-JGC Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : QC technician Period : Nov 1995 to Nov 1996 Project : PCS-II Extension-JGC Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : QC technician Period : Jan 1994 to Oct 1995 Project : SRC / RCC Project-JGC Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : AssistanceQC technician Period : Sept.1992 to Dec 1993 Project : Mobil Aromatic & off-site Project-ASIA BADGER Location : PEC PTE LTD, SINGAPORE Position Held : Weldingconsumablecontroller / Store keeper All the statements above are correct and true of my knowledge. Sincerely yours, ,Md kafil uddin