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A Golf Course Management Education Can Be Further Categorized to Include - Type Academic Continuing Informal  Specialty Agronomic Business/Financial Management Human Resource Management Construction Methods and Principals The Rules of Golf Equipment Management Etc
Stephen A. Smith, CGCS Educational Background Includes - A.S. Degree  Turfgrass Management, The Stockbridge School of Agriculture, 3.98 GPA B.S. Degree  Computer and Information Management, Central New England College of Technology, 3.35 GPA Certified Golf Course Superintendent (CGCS) 2002 - present Attend Annual Regional Turfgrass Conference and Trade Shows Attend Numerous GCSAA National Conference and Trade Shows Complete Many Industry Seminars Sponsored by  Golf Course Superintendents Association of America United States Golf Association American Society of Golf Course Architects Connecticut State Golf Association Transcript available upon request
Golf Course Management Experience Can Also Be Categorized Employment Experience Level of Maintenance for the Property Length of Employment Scope of Responsibilities Increase In Practical Knowledge Agronomic Business Human Resource Member or Customer Interaction Golf Course Setup and Conditioning Equipment Fleet Management and Maintenance Forecasting/Long Range Planning
Stephen Smith, CGCS Extensive Employment Experience Golf Course Superintendent Rock Ridge Country Club, Newtown, CT Golf Course Superintendent Lake Waramaug Country Club, New Preston, CT Assistant Golf Course Superintendent Sleepy Hollow Country Club, Sleepy Hollow, NY Second Assistant Golf Course Superintendent Old Oaks Country Club, Purchase, NY Turfgrass Student Intern The Stanwich Club, Greenwich, CT Computer Systems Engineer Digital Equipment Corporation
The Practical Experiences Accumulated Over The Years Has Given Stephen a Simple Insight Of All Aspects Of The Field  Through the experiences I have gained at various courses, I have learned that there are many ways to produce an excellent product.  In order to produce this product, it is important to develop procedures and programs that you believe in, and to constantly evaluate their effectiveness.  When a program is developed, and put in place, the employer will have an understanding of what to expect from their property.  If the expectations are not of the level the employer requires, the program can be modified to meet these needs.
Through The Green     I believe that a course should play firm, fair, and consistent.  My goal is to provide smooth and quick greens, lush roughs, dense tees and fairways, and groomed bunkers.  Pin placements are setup to challenge the golfer, with equal amounts of easy, moderate, and difficult locations.  Every day the golfer faces a new, but similar challenge.
Through The Grounds Property conditioning starts at the entrance and continues through the golf course, the club house grounds, and other facilities.  With my attention to detail, I ensure that the members and guests always know that they are at a special place from the moment they enter the grounds.
Procedures, Programs, and Projects A successful golf course superintendent understands that their focus needs to change based on the current situation.  Situations can be broken down into three basic categories. Procedures are the daily routine tasks Programs are repetitive jobs designed to maintain or improve an area, such as greens or  bunkers Projects are non routine tasks such as construction projects
The Importance of Procedures Procedures are the day to tasks performed in a repetitive nature.  A golf course superintendent needs to have these well defined to ensure consistent conditions and employee performance.  They include such things as  Mowing Watering Raking Bunkers Adjusting Mowers Traveling the Property Etc
PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS   A great golf course superintendent will design and implement programs to improve the property on a cumulative basis.  There are many procedural modifications which will yield immediate results, however only through running programs can great conditions be maintained over a long period of time.
PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS     By developing programs a golf course superintendent can allocate resources to specific areas (greens, tees, fairways, rough, bunkers, etc).  The programs can also be adapted to the needs of varying  clubs.  Each club has a different financial makeup and by defining and designing programs, goals can be outlined, and reached.
Examples of Programs Include Aeration Vertical Mowing Topdressings Overseeding  Root Pruning Capital Improvements Equipment Projects Etc
Projects on the Other Hand Are  property improvements that are one time in nature.  There can be different phases requiring more than one year to complete, but the same work to the same area is not repeated.  They can utilize capital or operational finances.
Over my 20 years in the golf business I have accumulated valuable experience.  My demonstration of agronomic and business management practices, as well as my attention to detail, have been praised by members of the clubs where I have been employed.
STEPHEN A. SMITH, CGCS 30 STOCKYARD COURT NEW MILFORD, CT 06776 860 354 9725 [email_address] References are available upon request

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  • 3. A Golf Course Management Education Can Be Further Categorized to Include - Type Academic Continuing Informal Specialty Agronomic Business/Financial Management Human Resource Management Construction Methods and Principals The Rules of Golf Equipment Management Etc
  • 4. Stephen A. Smith, CGCS Educational Background Includes - A.S. Degree Turfgrass Management, The Stockbridge School of Agriculture, 3.98 GPA B.S. Degree Computer and Information Management, Central New England College of Technology, 3.35 GPA Certified Golf Course Superintendent (CGCS) 2002 - present Attend Annual Regional Turfgrass Conference and Trade Shows Attend Numerous GCSAA National Conference and Trade Shows Complete Many Industry Seminars Sponsored by Golf Course Superintendents Association of America United States Golf Association American Society of Golf Course Architects Connecticut State Golf Association Transcript available upon request
  • 5. Golf Course Management Experience Can Also Be Categorized Employment Experience Level of Maintenance for the Property Length of Employment Scope of Responsibilities Increase In Practical Knowledge Agronomic Business Human Resource Member or Customer Interaction Golf Course Setup and Conditioning Equipment Fleet Management and Maintenance Forecasting/Long Range Planning
  • 6. Stephen Smith, CGCS Extensive Employment Experience Golf Course Superintendent Rock Ridge Country Club, Newtown, CT Golf Course Superintendent Lake Waramaug Country Club, New Preston, CT Assistant Golf Course Superintendent Sleepy Hollow Country Club, Sleepy Hollow, NY Second Assistant Golf Course Superintendent Old Oaks Country Club, Purchase, NY Turfgrass Student Intern The Stanwich Club, Greenwich, CT Computer Systems Engineer Digital Equipment Corporation
  • 7. The Practical Experiences Accumulated Over The Years Has Given Stephen a Simple Insight Of All Aspects Of The Field Through the experiences I have gained at various courses, I have learned that there are many ways to produce an excellent product. In order to produce this product, it is important to develop procedures and programs that you believe in, and to constantly evaluate their effectiveness. When a program is developed, and put in place, the employer will have an understanding of what to expect from their property. If the expectations are not of the level the employer requires, the program can be modified to meet these needs.
  • 8. Through The Green I believe that a course should play firm, fair, and consistent. My goal is to provide smooth and quick greens, lush roughs, dense tees and fairways, and groomed bunkers. Pin placements are setup to challenge the golfer, with equal amounts of easy, moderate, and difficult locations. Every day the golfer faces a new, but similar challenge.
  • 9. Through The Grounds Property conditioning starts at the entrance and continues through the golf course, the club house grounds, and other facilities. With my attention to detail, I ensure that the members and guests always know that they are at a special place from the moment they enter the grounds.
  • 10. Procedures, Programs, and Projects A successful golf course superintendent understands that their focus needs to change based on the current situation. Situations can be broken down into three basic categories. Procedures are the daily routine tasks Programs are repetitive jobs designed to maintain or improve an area, such as greens or bunkers Projects are non routine tasks such as construction projects
  • 11. The Importance of Procedures Procedures are the day to tasks performed in a repetitive nature. A golf course superintendent needs to have these well defined to ensure consistent conditions and employee performance. They include such things as Mowing Watering Raking Bunkers Adjusting Mowers Traveling the Property Etc
  • 12. PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS A great golf course superintendent will design and implement programs to improve the property on a cumulative basis. There are many procedural modifications which will yield immediate results, however only through running programs can great conditions be maintained over a long period of time.
  • 13. PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS By developing programs a golf course superintendent can allocate resources to specific areas (greens, tees, fairways, rough, bunkers, etc). The programs can also be adapted to the needs of varying clubs. Each club has a different financial makeup and by defining and designing programs, goals can be outlined, and reached.
  • 14. Examples of Programs Include Aeration Vertical Mowing Topdressings Overseeding Root Pruning Capital Improvements Equipment Projects Etc
  • 15. Projects on the Other Hand Are property improvements that are one time in nature. There can be different phases requiring more than one year to complete, but the same work to the same area is not repeated. They can utilize capital or operational finances.
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  • 24. Over my 20 years in the golf business I have accumulated valuable experience. My demonstration of agronomic and business management practices, as well as my attention to detail, have been praised by members of the clubs where I have been employed.
  • 25.
  • 26. STEPHEN A. SMITH, CGCS 30 STOCKYARD COURT NEW MILFORD, CT 06776 860 354 9725 [email_address] References are available upon request