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Stacy Boyd Wright
2813 Tallowood Court, Plano, TX 75074  (972) 839-3131  wrights75074@yahoo.com
Professional Summary
Over 20 years of experience in the environmental health and environmental fields. Areas of expertise include budget management
and environmental compliance. Interacted frequently with regulatory agencies and served on stakeholder groups and committees.
TRRP, MSD, & 330 MSW experience Indoor air quality
Emergency planning and response Storm water compliance
Hazardous material response Industrial wastewater pretreatment
TCEQ, TDSHS and EPA Interaction Air permit review and compliance
SPCC Compliance Radiation safety and monitoring
Waste Management Contractor management
Budget management Employee training
Work History
Director of Environmental Health Services 12/2007 to 11/2014
City of Farmers Branch  Farmers Branch, Texas
Assistant Director 09/2007 to 12/2007
City of Richardson Health Department  Richardson, Texas
Environmental Health Manager 09/2004 to 09/2007
City of Farmers Branch  Farmers Branch, Texas
 Appointed by Governor Rick Perry to the Texas Environmental Excellence Awards Blue Ribbon Panel.
 Coordinated the assessment, investigation, remediation, and site closure of city properties.
 Selected to serve on EPA working groups to review the national storm water program and PCB regulations.
 Managed twelve (12) environmental health programs including storm water, and industrial wastewater pretreatment.
 Testified before TCEQ Commission to preserve municipal control of Municipal Settings Designation program.
 Provided oversight of ten employees and 1 million dollar annual budget.
 Managed intra-city environmental affairs including environmental inspections, indoor air quality, waste management,
hazardous material response/remediation and various environmental issues within the city.
 Prepared and presented reports, budgets, and proposals for administration and city council.
 Interacted frequently with the TCEQ, EPA, and TDSHS on permits, proposed regulations, and served on committees.
 Responded to biological, chemical, and zoonosis issues in the city.
 Developed scope of work for environmental projects, reviewed proposals, and provided contractor oversight.
 Conducted inspections in program areas.
 Hazardous material response.
 Updated sampling requirements saving local industries substantial sampling and reporting costs.
 Interacted with wastewater service provider (City of Garland) to bring City of Richardson in compliance with wastewater
pretreatment requirements.
 Oversight of twelve (12) diverse program areas.
 Budget preparation and management.
 Emergency planning and response.
Environmental Health Specialist 12/1998 to 09/2004
City of Farmers Branch  Farmers Branch, Texas
Environmental Investigator 08/1994 to 12/1998
City of Garland Health Department  Garland, Texas
University of North Texas 5/2000
Denton, TX
Master of Environmental Science Degree
3.75 GPA
Texas A&M University No degree
College Station, TX
Ph.D.: Chemistry
Passed Doctorate Cumulative Exams.
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma 1991
Chickasha, OK
Bachelor of Science Degree: Chemistry
Certifications & Affiliations
Registered Environmental Manager (REM)
OSHA 40-Hour Hazwoper Certification
Mold Assessment Consultant, Texas Department of State Health Services
Registered Sanitarian, Texas Department of State Health Services
Incident Command System 100-700 certifications, FEMA
Society of Texas Association of Environmental Professionals
North Texas Association of Environmental Professionals, Board of Directors
North Texas Section, American Industrial Hygiene Association
Texas Water Utilities Association
Texas Environmental Health Association
Texas Association of Municipal Health Officers
Air & Waste Management Association
Water Environment Federation
 Coordinated storm water, industrial waster pretreatment, petroleum storage tank, intra-city environmental affairs.
 Obtained numerous environmental closures for city properties.
 Conducted sampling of soil, air, and water.
 Developed proposals and provided review and oversight of environmental contractors.
 Interacted with regulatory agencies frequently.
 Authored numerous grant proposals and awarded environmental grants for solid waste minimization and water quality.
 Conducted inspections for storm water, petroleum storage tank, and air compliance.
 Conducted inspections in all environmental health program areas including food sanitation, swimming pools, vector, and
other programs.
 Oversight of intra-city environmental affairs.
 Hazardous material response.
 Waste management.
 Petroleum storage tank program oversight.
 Interacted with regulatory agencies and responsible parties to obtain remediation and environmental closure of
contaminated sites.

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Resume Stacy Wright Environmental 2015

  • 1. Stacy Boyd Wright 2813 Tallowood Court, Plano, TX 75074 (972) 839-3131 wrights75074@yahoo.com Professional Summary Over 20 years of experience in the environmental health and environmental fields. Areas of expertise include budget management and environmental compliance. Interacted frequently with regulatory agencies and served on stakeholder groups and committees. Skills TRRP, MSD, & 330 MSW experience Indoor air quality Emergency planning and response Storm water compliance Hazardous material response Industrial wastewater pretreatment TCEQ, TDSHS and EPA Interaction Air permit review and compliance SPCC Compliance Radiation safety and monitoring Waste Management Contractor management Budget management Employee training Work History Director of Environmental Health Services 12/2007 to 11/2014 City of Farmers Branch Farmers Branch, Texas Assistant Director 09/2007 to 12/2007 City of Richardson Health Department Richardson, Texas Environmental Health Manager 09/2004 to 09/2007 City of Farmers Branch Farmers Branch, Texas Appointed by Governor Rick Perry to the Texas Environmental Excellence Awards Blue Ribbon Panel. Coordinated the assessment, investigation, remediation, and site closure of city properties. Selected to serve on EPA working groups to review the national storm water program and PCB regulations. Managed twelve (12) environmental health programs including storm water, and industrial wastewater pretreatment. Testified before TCEQ Commission to preserve municipal control of Municipal Settings Designation program. Provided oversight of ten employees and 1 million dollar annual budget. Managed intra-city environmental affairs including environmental inspections, indoor air quality, waste management, hazardous material response/remediation and various environmental issues within the city. Prepared and presented reports, budgets, and proposals for administration and city council. Interacted frequently with the TCEQ, EPA, and TDSHS on permits, proposed regulations, and served on committees. Responded to biological, chemical, and zoonosis issues in the city. Developed scope of work for environmental projects, reviewed proposals, and provided contractor oversight. Conducted inspections in program areas. Hazardous material response. Updated sampling requirements saving local industries substantial sampling and reporting costs. Interacted with wastewater service provider (City of Garland) to bring City of Richardson in compliance with wastewater pretreatment requirements. Oversight of twelve (12) diverse program areas. Budget preparation and management. Emergency planning and response.
  • 2. Environmental Health Specialist 12/1998 to 09/2004 City of Farmers Branch Farmers Branch, Texas Environmental Investigator 08/1994 to 12/1998 City of Garland Health Department Garland, Texas Education University of North Texas 5/2000 Denton, TX Master of Environmental Science Degree 3.75 GPA Texas A&M University No degree College Station, TX Ph.D.: Chemistry Passed Doctorate Cumulative Exams. University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma 1991 Chickasha, OK Bachelor of Science Degree: Chemistry Certifications & Affiliations Registered Environmental Manager (REM) OSHA 40-Hour Hazwoper Certification Mold Assessment Consultant, Texas Department of State Health Services Registered Sanitarian, Texas Department of State Health Services Incident Command System 100-700 certifications, FEMA Society of Texas Association of Environmental Professionals North Texas Association of Environmental Professionals, Board of Directors North Texas Section, American Industrial Hygiene Association Texas Water Utilities Association Texas Environmental Health Association Texas Association of Municipal Health Officers Air & Waste Management Association Water Environment Federation Coordinated storm water, industrial waster pretreatment, petroleum storage tank, intra-city environmental affairs. Obtained numerous environmental closures for city properties. Conducted sampling of soil, air, and water. Developed proposals and provided review and oversight of environmental contractors. Interacted with regulatory agencies frequently. Authored numerous grant proposals and awarded environmental grants for solid waste minimization and water quality. Conducted inspections for storm water, petroleum storage tank, and air compliance. Conducted inspections in all environmental health program areas including food sanitation, swimming pools, vector, and other programs. Oversight of intra-city environmental affairs. Hazardous material response. Waste management. Petroleum storage tank program oversight. Interacted with regulatory agencies and responsible parties to obtain remediation and environmental closure of contaminated sites.