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Andrew Sears 510-258-2707
4548 Polaris Street, Jacksonville, FL 32205 andrewsears9276@gmail.com
Professional Profile
I have over 15 years of experience in wetland and surface water regulation, wildlife management, and
habitat evaluation and restoration. I have served in the capacity of both an environmental regulator
and for a regulated industry and have represented my employers before various local and state
committees and boards and elected officials, and the public. Primary responsibilities through my
career to date include;
ï‚· Working with a project team to identify
environmental requirements and timely and
cost effectively obtain permits.
ï‚· Collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and
reviewing environmental data.
ï‚· Review and writing of highly technical reports.
ï‚· Negotiating with regulatory agencies for timely
permit application reviews and favorable permit
ï‚· Review of a variety of permit applications for
various activities with potential various
environmental impacts and supervising a staff
assisting in the same
ï‚· Writing permit terms and conditions, rules and
procedures, and other technical, regulatory
ï‚· Ensuring contractor and company
compliance with permits and other
environmental requirements.
ï‚· Management of wildlife concerns and
minimization of industry impact to wildlife
and wildlife habitat.
ï‚· Presentation of highly technical
information to nontechnical staff and
senior management.
ï‚· Performing various natural resource
surveys and other forms of
environmental site assessment.
ï‚· Conducting wetland habitat evaluation
and monitoring.
ï‚· Designing wetland mitigation projects
and overseeing their implementation.
ï‚· Development of pollution prevention
programs and overseeing their
Professional Accomplishments
Environmental Trainings and Certifications
ï‚· HAZWOPER-40 Hour
ï‚· Certified Stormwater Inspector
ï‚· Advanced Wetland Plant Identification
ï‚· Hydric Soils Training
Professional Development
ï‚· Professional Progress (networking, presentation, and community involvement seminar series)
ï‚· Lean (process improvement techniques)
ï‚· Project Management Training
ï‚· Executive Leadership Training
Other Technical Skills
ï‚· Proficiency in Microsoft; Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, Publisher, Sharepoint
ï‚· Sediment sampling and analysis and use of associated sampling equipment.
ï‚· Various fauna sampling techniques and use of associated sampling equipment
ï‚· Use of biological statistical methods to evaluate various habitat conditions.
ï‚· Statute, rule, ordinance, and code reading and interpretation
Andrew Sears 510-258-2707 andrewsears9276@gmail.com
2 | P a g e
Work History
Senior Environmental Scientist JEA December 1, 2007-present
JEA is a public owned water, wastewater, and electric utility with over one million customers in the
northeast Florida region. Environmental stewardship is a core value of the company with a highly
specialized team of scientists and environmental engineers addressing the environmental needs and
concerns of the company and its customers.
Work Duties:
Coordination of environmental reviews of proposed projects between planning, engineering, and
environmental divisions of the company specifically including activities such as; identification of necessary
local, state and federal environmental permits, evaluation of potential schedule and budgetary impacts to
projects by environmental requirements, and identification of project scope, construction, and design
limitations due to environmental requirements.
Acquiring state and federal dredge and fill, wildlife, and various stormwater permits including the
associated permit application activities such as; modification of project design to meet requirements,
ensure ability to comply with proposed permit conditions by state and federal agencies, development and
implementation of mitigation plans, ensuring compliance with permit conditions during construction.
Overseeing staff assisting in the same.
Representing the company before local and state environmental boards and committees. Engagement in
company community outreach efforts related to company projects and environmental stewardship efforts.
Coordination with company governmental affairs division in response to elected official concerns and
inquiries related to environmental issues.
Oversight of consultants performing environmental studies, environmental project designs, and permit
application preparation related to dredge & fill, wetland, wildlife, stormwater, NPDES and other regulatory
program areas. Specifically; development of scope of work, specifications, schedule and budget oversight
in order to achieve timely, accurate, and on-cost work products that meet needs defined in scope of
Effective review and negotiation of proposed local, state, and federal environmental rules primarily
pertaining to wetland, dredge and fill, wildlife, and stormwater management regulation. Proper
identification of proposed rule impact to company operations and summation and explanation of potential
impact to management.
Permitting Supervisor Florida Department of Environmental Protection November 2004-November 2007
Primary responsibility was for the management of the Submerged Lands and Environmental Resources
Program permitting section within a regional office of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Specific duties included; review of complex dredge and fill permit applications, oversight of staff review of
dredge and fill permit applications, training of staff in wetland delineation and other technical skills
necessary for successful evaluation of dredge and fill permit applications, review of staff work product
(including technical reports, mitigation plans, permit terms and conditions), presentation of staff
recommendations on permit application approvals to senior department management and the overseeing
state board for certain high public interest permit applications, representing the department before various
other local and state committees, boards, and elected officials, and providing technical input into the
development of departmental rules and regulations.
Andrew Sears 510-258-2707 andrewsears9276@gmail.com
3 | P a g e
Additional duties included development and implementation of office process improvement measures,
oversight of an office budget for my area of responsibility, and administrative management of staff such
as hiring, evaluating, and other functions.
Environmental Specialist (I-III) Florida Department of Environmental Protection September 2000-November 2007
Primary responsibilities included the review of dredge and fill permit applications of increasing complexity
as I advanced in this position. Specifically duties included; verification of permit application information,
review of engineering plans and drawings, review of environmental reports and data provided in support
of permit applications (which included information such as, sediment and soil characterizations and
wildlife and natural resource surveys), field verification of, or setting, wetland delineation lines,
coordination of application review with state commenting agencies including Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission, review of project minimization and avoidance efforts, review of environmental
mitigation plans, preparation of staff technical reports in support of approval or denial of permit
applications, inspection of facilities for compliance with permit conditions and other environmental
regulations, writing warning letters and departmental orders for noncompliance, wetland health
monitoring, and providing court testimony in support of departmental actions.
Jacksonville University B.S. Marine Science September 1995-1999

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  • 1. Andrew Sears 510-258-2707 4548 Polaris Street, Jacksonville, FL 32205 andrewsears9276@gmail.com Professional Profile I have over 15 years of experience in wetland and surface water regulation, wildlife management, and habitat evaluation and restoration. I have served in the capacity of both an environmental regulator and for a regulated industry and have represented my employers before various local and state committees and boards and elected officials, and the public. Primary responsibilities through my career to date include; ï‚· Working with a project team to identify environmental requirements and timely and cost effectively obtain permits. ï‚· Collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and reviewing environmental data. ï‚· Review and writing of highly technical reports. ï‚· Negotiating with regulatory agencies for timely permit application reviews and favorable permit conditions ï‚· Review of a variety of permit applications for various activities with potential various environmental impacts and supervising a staff assisting in the same ï‚· Writing permit terms and conditions, rules and procedures, and other technical, regulatory writing. ï‚· Ensuring contractor and company compliance with permits and other environmental requirements. ï‚· Management of wildlife concerns and minimization of industry impact to wildlife and wildlife habitat. ï‚· Presentation of highly technical information to nontechnical staff and senior management. ï‚· Performing various natural resource surveys and other forms of environmental site assessment. ï‚· Conducting wetland habitat evaluation and monitoring. ï‚· Designing wetland mitigation projects and overseeing their implementation. ï‚· Development of pollution prevention programs and overseeing their implementation. Professional Accomplishments Environmental Trainings and Certifications ï‚· HAZWOPER-40 Hour ï‚· Certified Stormwater Inspector ï‚· Advanced Wetland Plant Identification ï‚· Hydric Soils Training Professional Development ï‚· Professional Progress (networking, presentation, and community involvement seminar series) ï‚· Lean (process improvement techniques) ï‚· Project Management Training ï‚· Executive Leadership Training Other Technical Skills ï‚· Proficiency in Microsoft; Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, Publisher, Sharepoint ï‚· Sediment sampling and analysis and use of associated sampling equipment. ï‚· Various fauna sampling techniques and use of associated sampling equipment ï‚· Use of biological statistical methods to evaluate various habitat conditions. ï‚· Statute, rule, ordinance, and code reading and interpretation
  • 2. Andrew Sears 510-258-2707 andrewsears9276@gmail.com 2 | P a g e Work History Senior Environmental Scientist JEA December 1, 2007-present JEA is a public owned water, wastewater, and electric utility with over one million customers in the northeast Florida region. Environmental stewardship is a core value of the company with a highly specialized team of scientists and environmental engineers addressing the environmental needs and concerns of the company and its customers. Work Duties: Coordination of environmental reviews of proposed projects between planning, engineering, and environmental divisions of the company specifically including activities such as; identification of necessary local, state and federal environmental permits, evaluation of potential schedule and budgetary impacts to projects by environmental requirements, and identification of project scope, construction, and design limitations due to environmental requirements. Acquiring state and federal dredge and fill, wildlife, and various stormwater permits including the associated permit application activities such as; modification of project design to meet requirements, ensure ability to comply with proposed permit conditions by state and federal agencies, development and implementation of mitigation plans, ensuring compliance with permit conditions during construction. Overseeing staff assisting in the same. Representing the company before local and state environmental boards and committees. Engagement in company community outreach efforts related to company projects and environmental stewardship efforts. Coordination with company governmental affairs division in response to elected official concerns and inquiries related to environmental issues. Oversight of consultants performing environmental studies, environmental project designs, and permit application preparation related to dredge & fill, wetland, wildlife, stormwater, NPDES and other regulatory program areas. Specifically; development of scope of work, specifications, schedule and budget oversight in order to achieve timely, accurate, and on-cost work products that meet needs defined in scope of services. Effective review and negotiation of proposed local, state, and federal environmental rules primarily pertaining to wetland, dredge and fill, wildlife, and stormwater management regulation. Proper identification of proposed rule impact to company operations and summation and explanation of potential impact to management. Permitting Supervisor Florida Department of Environmental Protection November 2004-November 2007 Primary responsibility was for the management of the Submerged Lands and Environmental Resources Program permitting section within a regional office of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Specific duties included; review of complex dredge and fill permit applications, oversight of staff review of dredge and fill permit applications, training of staff in wetland delineation and other technical skills necessary for successful evaluation of dredge and fill permit applications, review of staff work product (including technical reports, mitigation plans, permit terms and conditions), presentation of staff recommendations on permit application approvals to senior department management and the overseeing state board for certain high public interest permit applications, representing the department before various other local and state committees, boards, and elected officials, and providing technical input into the development of departmental rules and regulations.
  • 3. Andrew Sears 510-258-2707 andrewsears9276@gmail.com 3 | P a g e Additional duties included development and implementation of office process improvement measures, oversight of an office budget for my area of responsibility, and administrative management of staff such as hiring, evaluating, and other functions. Environmental Specialist (I-III) Florida Department of Environmental Protection September 2000-November 2007 Primary responsibilities included the review of dredge and fill permit applications of increasing complexity as I advanced in this position. Specifically duties included; verification of permit application information, review of engineering plans and drawings, review of environmental reports and data provided in support of permit applications (which included information such as, sediment and soil characterizations and wildlife and natural resource surveys), field verification of, or setting, wetland delineation lines, coordination of application review with state commenting agencies including Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, review of project minimization and avoidance efforts, review of environmental mitigation plans, preparation of staff technical reports in support of approval or denial of permit applications, inspection of facilities for compliance with permit conditions and other environmental regulations, writing warning letters and departmental orders for noncompliance, wetland health monitoring, and providing court testimony in support of departmental actions. Education Jacksonville University B.S. Marine Science September 1995-1999