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Cassandra Lynn Palladino
clp87@cornell.edu 揃 607-229-8972 揃 174 Storm Road Groton, NY 13073
CORNELL UNIVERSITY, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, May 2015
B.S. in Nutritional Science 揃 GPA: 3.521, Deans List Fall 2011, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015
Nutrition, Health and Society 揃 Social Science Perspectives of Nutrition 揃 Nutrition and Global Health 揃 Biological and
Physiochemical Aspects of Food 揃 Nutrition and Disease 揃 Maternal and Child Nutrition 揃 Explorations in Global and
Public Health揃 Rethinking Global Development
GLOBAL HEALTH TRAVEL GRANT, Engaged Learning and Research, Cornell University Spring 2014
Recipient of $2500 from the Center of Engaged Learning and Research at Cornell University for Cornell Global Health
Summer Program costs.
Temporary Worker 揃 CORTLAND REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, Cortland, NY July, November 2015-January 2016
Worked temporarily in the Human Resources department to update information in the hospitals main computer program,
help organize employee files, and perform general office assistant duties.
Member 揃 CORNELL GLOBAL HEALTH SUMMER PROGRAM, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Summer 2014
Selected for two-month program to observe the healthcare system in the Dominican Republic. Volunteered in El Hospital
de Las Mujeres (womens hospital) and ANDA (an alternative health clinic). Participated in course on qualitative research
methods. Lived and spoke Spanish with a home-stay family.
Research Assistant 揃 JERE HAAS RESEARCH GROUP, Ithaca, NY Spring 2014
Observed and coded videos from graduate student Julie Hammons research sessions on the effects of iron status on infant
memory. Worked 100 hours over the semester.
Personal Tutor 揃	
 油Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Fall 2013
Tutored a student in course titled Nutrition, Health and Society at Cornell University. Met with the student two to three
times a week for an hour at a time. Covered information from the course in detail. Provided study tips and suggestions.
Day Camp Counselor 揃 MYERS PARK DAY CAMP 揃 Myers Park, Lansing, NY Summer 2011, 2012
Worked eight-hour days, five days a week. Shared responsibility for supervision of 50+ children, ages 5-12, with seven
other staff members. Led children in daily activities, such as crafts, swimming, outdoor games, and field trips.
Was the primary Teaching Assistant to 15 students in the course. Attended weekly group TA meetings with Dr. Robert
Parker, helped to formulate homework and exam questions, graded homework and exams, and proctored exams.
President 揃 FOOTPRINTS, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Fall 2013-Spring 2015
Club collects and sends lightly-used footwear to needy children worldwide. As President, oversaw actions of all club
members and managed activities of the organization, as well as led 6-member executive board in meetings and decisions.
As the Community Outreach Chair in 2013-2014, held responsibility for outreach to other organizations for donations and
aid. Collected over 300 pairs of shoes from local elementary school in Spring 2014 and 2015.
Undergraduate Researcher 揃 JERE HAAS RESEARCH GROUP, Ithaca, NY Fall 2013-Spring 2015
Examined the relationship between iron deficiency and physical performance in female tea-pickers in India. Organized
collected data to run analyses through statistical software program (SAS) and participated in weekly research meetings.
Member 揃 ALL SAINTS YOUTH MISSION GROUP, Lansing, NY Summer 2007-Spring 2011
Traveled to and volunteered on 10-day trips for construction projects with charities in San Lucas, Guatemala and St.
Johns Island, South Carolina. Participated in group-fundraisers to support travel expenses and donations.
Spanish (Conversational), Portuguese (basic), Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel, Proficient in
SAS, childcare experience, volunteer work, painting and drawing, soccer

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  • 1. 油 Cassandra Lynn Palladino clp87@cornell.edu 揃 607-229-8972 揃 174 Storm Road Groton, NY 13073 EDUCATION CORNELL UNIVERSITY, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, May 2015 B.S. in Nutritional Science 揃 GPA: 3.521, Deans List Fall 2011, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015 RELEVANT COURSEWORK Nutrition, Health and Society 揃 Social Science Perspectives of Nutrition 揃 Nutrition and Global Health 揃 Biological and Physiochemical Aspects of Food 揃 Nutrition and Disease 揃 Maternal and Child Nutrition 揃 Explorations in Global and Public Health揃 Rethinking Global Development HONORS GLOBAL HEALTH TRAVEL GRANT, Engaged Learning and Research, Cornell University Spring 2014 Recipient of $2500 from the Center of Engaged Learning and Research at Cornell University for Cornell Global Health Summer Program costs. EXPERIENCE Temporary Worker 揃 CORTLAND REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, Cortland, NY July, November 2015-January 2016 Worked temporarily in the Human Resources department to update information in the hospitals main computer program, help organize employee files, and perform general office assistant duties. Member 揃 CORNELL GLOBAL HEALTH SUMMER PROGRAM, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Summer 2014 Selected for two-month program to observe the healthcare system in the Dominican Republic. Volunteered in El Hospital de Las Mujeres (womens hospital) and ANDA (an alternative health clinic). Participated in course on qualitative research methods. Lived and spoke Spanish with a home-stay family. Research Assistant 揃 JERE HAAS RESEARCH GROUP, Ithaca, NY Spring 2014 Observed and coded videos from graduate student Julie Hammons research sessions on the effects of iron status on infant memory. Worked 100 hours over the semester. Personal Tutor 揃 油Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Fall 2013 Tutored a student in course titled Nutrition, Health and Society at Cornell University. Met with the student two to three times a week for an hour at a time. Covered information from the course in detail. Provided study tips and suggestions. Day Camp Counselor 揃 MYERS PARK DAY CAMP 揃 Myers Park, Lansing, NY Summer 2011, 2012 Worked eight-hour days, five days a week. Shared responsibility for supervision of 50+ children, ages 5-12, with seven other staff members. Led children in daily activities, such as crafts, swimming, outdoor games, and field trips. ACTIVITIES Teaching Assistant 揃 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF FOOD Fall 2014 Was the primary Teaching Assistant to 15 students in the course. Attended weekly group TA meetings with Dr. Robert Parker, helped to formulate homework and exam questions, graded homework and exams, and proctored exams. President 揃 FOOTPRINTS, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Fall 2013-Spring 2015 Club collects and sends lightly-used footwear to needy children worldwide. As President, oversaw actions of all club members and managed activities of the organization, as well as led 6-member executive board in meetings and decisions. As the Community Outreach Chair in 2013-2014, held responsibility for outreach to other organizations for donations and aid. Collected over 300 pairs of shoes from local elementary school in Spring 2014 and 2015. Undergraduate Researcher 揃 JERE HAAS RESEARCH GROUP, Ithaca, NY Fall 2013-Spring 2015 Examined the relationship between iron deficiency and physical performance in female tea-pickers in India. Organized collected data to run analyses through statistical software program (SAS) and participated in weekly research meetings. Member 揃 ALL SAINTS YOUTH MISSION GROUP, Lansing, NY Summer 2007-Spring 2011 Traveled to and volunteered on 10-day trips for construction projects with charities in San Lucas, Guatemala and St. Johns Island, South Carolina. Participated in group-fundraisers to support travel expenses and donations. LANGUAGES AND SKILLS Spanish (Conversational), Portuguese (basic), Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel, Proficient in SAS, childcare experience, volunteer work, painting and drawing, soccer