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Ross Halliday, Ph.D., B.C.E.
780 Front St. S, Issaquah, WA 98027 330-208-7906 hallidayross@gmail.com.
Entomologist - Pest Control Specialist
Results oriented, problem solving Entomologist with proven track record in creating and growing pest
control and contract entomology research programs. Areas cover basic and applied laboratory and field
research, new product development and testing, and entrepreneurial successes.
Specialties include toxicology and bioassay of insecticides, development of pest control technologies, research
project management and training.
An accomplished writer with more than 30 peer-reviewed publications in technical journals and more than
100 technical reports for contract research customers. Experienced Biology Adjunct instructor.
Career History
Willard's Pest Control - Technician 2015 - Present. Willard's Pest Control offers residential, commercial
and industrial pest control in Western Washington state.
? License No. 88754 as a Commercial Operator and Structural Pest Inspector.
? Board Certified Entomologist
? Responsible for route service.
PHD Pest Control ¨C Owner and Founder 2006 ¨C 2014. PHD Pest Control is an independently operated
pest control company offering commercial and residential pest control.
? Certified for General Pest Control, WDI Inspections, Termites, Vertebrate Pest Control et al.
? Responsible for new customer development. Sales. Preparation of quotes. Customer contact.
? Provided preventive and prophylactic services on ad hoc or scheduled maintenance plans.
? New product testing.
Cuyahoga Community College - Adjunct Instructor and Tutor 2010 ¨C 2013. Cuyahoga Community
College, with its four main campuses is the largest community college in Ohio, offering a wide variety
vocational training.
? Taught Lecture and Laboratory sections for
? Introduction to Biological Chemistry,
? Environment, Evolution and Ecology,
? Anatomy and Physiology.
? Science Tutor at Brunswick Campus.
Patton Pest Control ¨C Staff Entomologist 2003 ¨C 2006. Patton Pest Control is a family-run company with
approximately 12-15 employees providing residential and commercial pest control services.
? Developed commercially successful residential mosquito control program.
? Provided safety and operational training for staff.
? Prepared quotations for new customers and developed pest control plans.
? Responsible for insect identification, route work and resolving customer service issues as needed.
Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI) ¨C Senior Technology Analyst 2000 ¨C 2002. BMIis a not-for-profit
contract research organization providing consulting and R&D services to technology driven organizations.
? Economic Development and Technology Transfer - Regional technology strategies; infrastructure
organization analysis; partnering with NASA and EPA scientists to commercialize technology.
Halliday Resume
Kent State University (KSU)¨CTechnology Transfer Intern 1999 ¨C 2000. KSU is one of the largest, public
research universities in Ohio with more than $ 13 Million in funded research.
? Worked with faculty members to identify potentially commercially viabletechnologies.
Ricerca, Inc. ¨C Senior Entomologist ¨C 1990 -1998. Ricerca is a contract research organization providing
basic and applied research to the agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries.
? Responsible for new customer development:
? Worked with new and existing customers to expand the volume and scope of their projects.
? Increased revenues more than 5-fold within 8 years.
? Gave presentations at scientific meeting summarizing new bioassay capabilities and findings.
? Created and presented customer specific research proposals.
? Worked with customers to resolve technical issues.
? Responsible for laboratory, greenhouse and field testing of new insecticidal products:
? Improved throughput of primary insecticide screen five-fold.
? Expanded the number of bioassays insects more than 10-fold.
? Custom design of bioassays:
? Quality Control of Bt batch processing.
? Soil degradation of Cry9C protein.
? Toxicity of Cry9C protein to non-target organisms.
? Wrote Excel (VBA) macros for randomizing field trials and data collection and analysis.
? Acted as Study Director and wrote GLP protocols as needed.
U.S. Dept. Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) ¨C Senior Research Entomologist
1985 ¨C 1990. The USDA-ARS is the federal research agency tasked with carrying out basic and applied
research that benefits producers and consumers.
? Carried out toxicological, biochemical and genetic research on insecticide-resistant moths & beetles.
? Developed high throughput spectrophotometric and radiometric assays to compare esterase,
mixed function oxidase and malathion carboxylesterase activitiesin individual tissuesof single
larvae. Using SDS-PAGE, discovered tissue specific expression of malathion carboxylesterase.
? Used bioassays to uncover structure-activity relationships for repellency of newly synthesized
organic compounds. Discovered repellency of pyrethroid insecticides to Tribolium.
? In conjunction with a Biostatistician, developed, wrote and published a model in SAS to
predict the onset of insecticide resistance given all the variables known to affect the rate and
to select the optimal diagnostic dose to test populations for the onset of resistance.
? Surveyed insecticide resistance status of various stored product insect species to Phosphine
and other registered insecticides using diagnostic doses.
Oregon State University Department ofEntomology Post-Doctoral Research Associate 1983 ¨C 1985.
Oregon State University is a Land Grant University tasked with carrying out teaching and research.
? Using ADME techniques, investigated mechanisms of change in mosquito sensitivity to insecticides
following a blood meal.
? Using RIA, measured changes in ecdysone-2-monooxygenase activity in Diploptera punctata.
Halliday Resume
University of California, Riverside (UCR) Department ofEntomology. Graduate Research Assistant
and Teaching Assistant. 1978 ¨C 1983. UCR is a Land Grant University tasked with carrying out teaching
and research.
? Carried out linkage analysis studies to determine location of kdr gene in pyrethroid-resistant Culex
? Using radiometric and spectrophotometric assays, ruled out increased metabolism, increased excretion
or decreased penetration was the mechanism for kdr resistance in Cx. quinquefasciatus.
? Using test- and back-crosses discovered that the expression of resistance to new pyrethroid
insecticides can range for 10-fold to more than 3000-fold.
? Taught Laboratory Sections for:
? Insect Physiology
? Insecticide Toxicology
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Medicine Research Assistant. 1978. UCLA is
a major research and teaching institution.
? Prepared cell culture media, harvested parietalcells from tissue using homogenization followed by
tryptic digestion and cell elutriation.
? Prepared post assay samples for liquid scintillation counting.
? Responsible for ordering supplies and upkeep of the lab.
? University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). B.A. Biology, 1977.
? University of California, Riverside (UCR). Ph.D. and M.S. Entomology, 1983.
? Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. M.B.A. 2000.
? Current or past member of:
American Chemical Society Georgia Entomological Society
Entomological Society of America Summit County Pest Control Association
(Board Certified Entomologist)
Publications and Presentations
? Senior Author or Co-author of more than 30 papers in mainstream peer-reviewed journals including
the following: (Full titles and citations available upon request).
? Journal of Economic Entomology
? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
? Florida Entomologist
? Journal of Agricultural Entomology
? Journal of Entomological Science
? Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology
? Insect Biochemistry
? Author of more than 100 confidential reports prepared for clients to support in-house research
programs and/or EPA registration requirements.

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  • 1. Ross Halliday, Ph.D., B.C.E. 780 Front St. S, Issaquah, WA 98027 330-208-7906 hallidayross@gmail.com. Entomologist - Pest Control Specialist Results oriented, problem solving Entomologist with proven track record in creating and growing pest control and contract entomology research programs. Areas cover basic and applied laboratory and field research, new product development and testing, and entrepreneurial successes. Specialties include toxicology and bioassay of insecticides, development of pest control technologies, research project management and training. An accomplished writer with more than 30 peer-reviewed publications in technical journals and more than 100 technical reports for contract research customers. Experienced Biology Adjunct instructor. Career History Willard's Pest Control - Technician 2015 - Present. Willard's Pest Control offers residential, commercial and industrial pest control in Western Washington state. ? License No. 88754 as a Commercial Operator and Structural Pest Inspector. ? Board Certified Entomologist ? Responsible for route service. PHD Pest Control ¨C Owner and Founder 2006 ¨C 2014. PHD Pest Control is an independently operated pest control company offering commercial and residential pest control. ? Certified for General Pest Control, WDI Inspections, Termites, Vertebrate Pest Control et al. ? Responsible for new customer development. Sales. Preparation of quotes. Customer contact. ? Provided preventive and prophylactic services on ad hoc or scheduled maintenance plans. ? New product testing. Cuyahoga Community College - Adjunct Instructor and Tutor 2010 ¨C 2013. Cuyahoga Community College, with its four main campuses is the largest community college in Ohio, offering a wide variety vocational training. ? Taught Lecture and Laboratory sections for ? Introduction to Biological Chemistry, ? Environment, Evolution and Ecology, ? Anatomy and Physiology. ? Science Tutor at Brunswick Campus. Patton Pest Control ¨C Staff Entomologist 2003 ¨C 2006. Patton Pest Control is a family-run company with approximately 12-15 employees providing residential and commercial pest control services. ? Developed commercially successful residential mosquito control program. ? Provided safety and operational training for staff. ? Prepared quotations for new customers and developed pest control plans. ? Responsible for insect identification, route work and resolving customer service issues as needed. Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI) ¨C Senior Technology Analyst 2000 ¨C 2002. BMIis a not-for-profit contract research organization providing consulting and R&D services to technology driven organizations. ? Economic Development and Technology Transfer - Regional technology strategies; infrastructure organization analysis; partnering with NASA and EPA scientists to commercialize technology.
  • 2. Halliday Resume Kent State University (KSU)¨CTechnology Transfer Intern 1999 ¨C 2000. KSU is one of the largest, public research universities in Ohio with more than $ 13 Million in funded research. ? Worked with faculty members to identify potentially commercially viabletechnologies. Ricerca, Inc. ¨C Senior Entomologist ¨C 1990 -1998. Ricerca is a contract research organization providing basic and applied research to the agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. ? Responsible for new customer development: ? Worked with new and existing customers to expand the volume and scope of their projects. ? Increased revenues more than 5-fold within 8 years. ? Gave presentations at scientific meeting summarizing new bioassay capabilities and findings. ? Created and presented customer specific research proposals. ? Worked with customers to resolve technical issues. ? Responsible for laboratory, greenhouse and field testing of new insecticidal products: ? Improved throughput of primary insecticide screen five-fold. ? Expanded the number of bioassays insects more than 10-fold. ? Custom design of bioassays: ? Quality Control of Bt batch processing. ? Soil degradation of Cry9C protein. ? Toxicity of Cry9C protein to non-target organisms. ? Wrote Excel (VBA) macros for randomizing field trials and data collection and analysis. ? Acted as Study Director and wrote GLP protocols as needed. U.S. Dept. Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) ¨C Senior Research Entomologist 1985 ¨C 1990. The USDA-ARS is the federal research agency tasked with carrying out basic and applied research that benefits producers and consumers. ? Carried out toxicological, biochemical and genetic research on insecticide-resistant moths & beetles. ? Developed high throughput spectrophotometric and radiometric assays to compare esterase, mixed function oxidase and malathion carboxylesterase activitiesin individual tissuesof single larvae. Using SDS-PAGE, discovered tissue specific expression of malathion carboxylesterase. ? Used bioassays to uncover structure-activity relationships for repellency of newly synthesized organic compounds. Discovered repellency of pyrethroid insecticides to Tribolium. ? In conjunction with a Biostatistician, developed, wrote and published a model in SAS to predict the onset of insecticide resistance given all the variables known to affect the rate and to select the optimal diagnostic dose to test populations for the onset of resistance. ? Surveyed insecticide resistance status of various stored product insect species to Phosphine and other registered insecticides using diagnostic doses. Oregon State University Department ofEntomology Post-Doctoral Research Associate 1983 ¨C 1985. Oregon State University is a Land Grant University tasked with carrying out teaching and research. ? Using ADME techniques, investigated mechanisms of change in mosquito sensitivity to insecticides following a blood meal. ? Using RIA, measured changes in ecdysone-2-monooxygenase activity in Diploptera punctata.
  • 3. Halliday Resume University of California, Riverside (UCR) Department ofEntomology. Graduate Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant. 1978 ¨C 1983. UCR is a Land Grant University tasked with carrying out teaching and research. ? Carried out linkage analysis studies to determine location of kdr gene in pyrethroid-resistant Culex quinquefasciatus. ? Using radiometric and spectrophotometric assays, ruled out increased metabolism, increased excretion or decreased penetration was the mechanism for kdr resistance in Cx. quinquefasciatus. ? Using test- and back-crosses discovered that the expression of resistance to new pyrethroid insecticides can range for 10-fold to more than 3000-fold. ? Taught Laboratory Sections for: ? Insect Physiology ? Insecticide Toxicology University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Medicine Research Assistant. 1978. UCLA is a major research and teaching institution. ? Prepared cell culture media, harvested parietalcells from tissue using homogenization followed by tryptic digestion and cell elutriation. ? Prepared post assay samples for liquid scintillation counting. ? Responsible for ordering supplies and upkeep of the lab. Education ? University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). B.A. Biology, 1977. ? University of California, Riverside (UCR). Ph.D. and M.S. Entomology, 1983. ? Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. M.B.A. 2000. Affiliations ? Current or past member of: American Chemical Society Georgia Entomological Society Entomological Society of America Summit County Pest Control Association (Board Certified Entomologist) Publications and Presentations ? Senior Author or Co-author of more than 30 papers in mainstream peer-reviewed journals including the following: (Full titles and citations available upon request). ? Journal of Economic Entomology ? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ? Florida Entomologist ? Journal of Agricultural Entomology ? Journal of Entomological Science ? Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology ? Insect Biochemistry ? Author of more than 100 confidential reports prepared for clients to support in-house research programs and/or EPA registration requirements.