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Toxikon's Poster Presentation at the PDA/FDA Virus & TSE
Safety Conference
Anthony R. Ball, a Study Director in the Department of Microbiology, was among a
handful of scientists presenting a poster at the 2014 PDA/FDA Virus & TSE Safety
Conference this past week in Bethesda, Maryland. This conference brought together
regulatory experts and industry professionals for a review of current thinking in the
area of product safety as it relates to Viruses and Transmissible Spongiform
Encephalopathy (TSE) agents. The program covered emerging virus detection
methods, considered virus safety risks associated with biological reagents used during
expression cell cloning, the risk associated with new cell substrates as well as
bioreactor contamination risks and risk mitigation measures. The program also
covered robust virus clearance methods and strategic virus clearance considerations.
Mr. Ball presented methodologies and their rational on the utilization of a
bacteriophage model to simulate transmissible viral ingression into sterile fluid paths.
To view his poster, A Simple Solution for Medical Device Viral Ingress Testing
using Bacteriophage, please click here.
About Toxikon's Presenter
Anthony Ball is a Study Director for the Department of Microbiology
at Toxikon Corporation. Mr. Ball manages microbiology studies
leading to product registration. He develops new test procedures
and associated validations and services. He also provides technical
guidance for Toxikons Research Associates. Mr. Balls area of
expertise includes antimicrobial drug discovery and validation of
medical devices.
Mr. Ball received his Biology degree from Northeastern University. His current position
at Toxikon allows for the evaluation and development of promising and novel
antimicrobial modalities. Mr. Ball also plays an active role as an AAMI member.
About Toxikon's Microbiology Department
The diverse capabilities within the Microbiology Department are leveraged
appropriately to address each unique product requirement. With the emergence of
complex devices, such as combination products, our team has become recognized by
the industry as a valuable resource in developing early stage screening studies to
product and validation studies.
Toxikon's microbiology capabilities at a glance:
Endotoxin Testing
Sterility Testing
Reusable Device Studies
Compendial Testing
Antimicrobial Testing
Want to learn more? Click
here to contact us.
Preclinical CRO | Global Contract Research Company | P... http://www.toxikon.com/news-events/index.cfm?id=Toxikon...
1 of 2 10/5/14 3:29 PM
Ingress Testing
Browse our website for more information or contact us at 800.458.4141 or
All current news releases
About Us | Quality & Regulatory | Services | Partners | Resources | Careers | News & Events | Contact | Sitemap | Legal | Site Credits 息2010 Toxikon, Inc.
Preclinical CRO | Global Contract Research Company | P... http://www.toxikon.com/news-events/index.cfm?id=Toxikon...
2 of 2 10/5/14 3:29 PM

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  • 1. Contact | Sitemap Search: 800.458.4141 NEWS & EVENTS INDUSTRY EVENTS AND TRADE SHOWS PREVIOUS EVENTS AND TRADESHOWS NEWS & EVENTS Toxikon's Poster Presentation at the PDA/FDA Virus & TSE Safety Conference Anthony R. Ball, a Study Director in the Department of Microbiology, was among a handful of scientists presenting a poster at the 2014 PDA/FDA Virus & TSE Safety Conference this past week in Bethesda, Maryland. This conference brought together regulatory experts and industry professionals for a review of current thinking in the area of product safety as it relates to Viruses and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) agents. The program covered emerging virus detection methods, considered virus safety risks associated with biological reagents used during expression cell cloning, the risk associated with new cell substrates as well as bioreactor contamination risks and risk mitigation measures. The program also covered robust virus clearance methods and strategic virus clearance considerations. Mr. Ball presented methodologies and their rational on the utilization of a bacteriophage model to simulate transmissible viral ingression into sterile fluid paths. To view his poster, A Simple Solution for Medical Device Viral Ingress Testing using Bacteriophage, please click here. About Toxikon's Presenter Anthony Ball is a Study Director for the Department of Microbiology at Toxikon Corporation. Mr. Ball manages microbiology studies leading to product registration. He develops new test procedures and associated validations and services. He also provides technical guidance for Toxikons Research Associates. Mr. Balls area of expertise includes antimicrobial drug discovery and validation of medical devices. Mr. Ball received his Biology degree from Northeastern University. His current position at Toxikon allows for the evaluation and development of promising and novel antimicrobial modalities. Mr. Ball also plays an active role as an AAMI member. About Toxikon's Microbiology Department The diverse capabilities within the Microbiology Department are leveraged appropriately to address each unique product requirement. With the emergence of complex devices, such as combination products, our team has become recognized by the industry as a valuable resource in developing early stage screening studies to product and validation studies. Toxikon's microbiology capabilities at a glance: Bioburden Endotoxin Testing Sterility Testing Reusable Device Studies Compendial Testing Antimicrobial Testing Want to learn more? Click here to contact us. ABOUT US QUALITY & REGULATORY SERVICES PARTNERS RESOURCES CAREERS NEWS & EVENTS Preclinical CRO | Global Contract Research Company | P... http://www.toxikon.com/news-events/index.cfm?id=Toxikon... 1 of 2 10/5/14 3:29 PM
  • 2. Ingress Testing Browse our website for more information or contact us at 800.458.4141 or info@toxikon.com. All current news releases About Us | Quality & Regulatory | Services | Partners | Resources | Careers | News & Events | Contact | Sitemap | Legal | Site Credits 息2010 Toxikon, Inc. Preclinical CRO | Global Contract Research Company | P... http://www.toxikon.com/news-events/index.cfm?id=Toxikon... 2 of 2 10/5/14 3:29 PM