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Luis A. Baus
AV. Eloy Alafro y Jose Correa
Birth Date: December 16th
of 1988
Marital Status: Single.
Certificaci坦n Internacional C2  University of Cambridge
Employment Record (Quito, Ecuador)
05/2015  06/2015 iH  British School Of Languages Quito, Pichincha
History Professor
 GAR 8 Scholarship Program.
 World History theory and application for the students with the Highest National Average in the
University Government Admissions Exam.
 5 days/week - 4 hours/day of college level material.
 Preparation in the subject and the native language for future international university enrollment.

2015PRESENT IGL - Pronaca Quito/Pifo, Pichincha
ESL Instructor
 ESL Instructor  PART TIME
 Provide academic formation in ESL for the board of directors at the office headquarters and food
processing factory. The staff training process consists of a personally designed ESL program
which will be related to each professional in their area of work:
 Chemical engineering.
 Marketing & Advertising.
 Business Management.
2016PRESENT APEX tu camino Quito, Pichincha
Free Lance Recruiter
 Coordination of the university recruiting and scholarship department.
20142015 Colegio Terra Nova Cumbaya, Pichincha
Core Teacher
 English IB (Full Time) High School Students
 Social Studies
20132014 The English House Quito, Pichincha
Online Tutor
 English tutor  online (Cambridge platform) College Students
 Provided services to the Universidad the Loja trough the Cambridge platform.
 Daily online tutorial chats.
 Seminars abroad informing students about the platform and giving reinforcement classes.
20122014 ISM International Academy Calderon, Pichincha
English Teacher
 English Teacher (Full Time) 5
/ 9
and 11
20122012 Spellman de Mujeres Quito, Pichincha
English Teacher
 English Teacher (Full Time) High School Students
 Artistic Culture
20112012 Anahi Boutique Hotel Quito, Pichincha
General Manager
 Control of the reservation and operations department.
 Complete supervision of customer service.
 Constant training and motivational capacitating for the personnel.
 Accounting  Audit revision, invoices, accounts, legal permits.
 Responsible for orders, inventories, stock of housekeeping, maintenance, reception, supplies, etc
 In charge of Agencies, Travel Agents, Company agreements, Strategic alliances, Transportation, Lodging.
 Event Planning: Weddings, baptizes, First Communions, Executive Meetings, etc..
20112012 Washington English Quito, Pichincha
English Teacher
 English Teacher (Part Time) Adults and Kids
20112011 Open House English Quito, Pichincha
English Teacher
 English Teacher (Part Time) Adults
 BECK  Business English
20102011 MICSE Quito, Pichincha
Simultaneous Translator
 Translation services for SEFTECH (Indian Energy Production Company). Meetings with ministers of
Ecuador to discuss hydroelectric projects in Jondachi Site,
 Translation services for UHY (Japanese Energy Production Company). Meetings with ministers of
Ecuador to discuss hydroelectric projects and reusable energy resources in Mazardudas Site,
20102011 EcuadorMall.com Quito, Pichincha
Marketing Assistant  International Customer Service
 Customer Service, Shipping, Accounting and Quality Control of products to international Customers.
20102011 Golden Gate Academy Quito, Pichincha
Area Sales Manager / English Teacher
 Employee training and management.
 Management of customer accounts, marketing, advertising, graphic design and company to company
 Increased sales accounts and alliances.
 English Teacher (Part Time)
(Georgia, E.E.U.U.)
20082009 Elegance Perfume Buford, GA
 Employee training and management.
 In charge of merchandise and advertising, budget, monthly goals and employee schedule.
 Increased sales while managing said company.
20082009 Duluth First Methodist Church Duluth, GA
English Teacher
 English Teacher (Full Time)
 ESOL for adults and children (5  10 years of age)
2007-2008 Abercrombie & Fitch Buford, GA
Model / Sales Floor
 Photo shoots for posters and website, worked on the floor  sales.
20082009 Latin American Association of Atlanta Duluth, GA
English Teacher
 English Teacher (Full Time)
 ESOL for adults only.
 Simultaneous Translator and interpreter.
2005-2008 ST Printing Lawrenceville, GA
Manager / Graphic Designer
 Business management, accounting, merchandise, providers and public relations and advertising..
 Graphic Designer, printing, machine management, network and computer maintenance. (Plotters, PCs,
 Sales employee recruiting and training.
 Increased sales and employees while my time of work. Increased size and shares of the company.
2006-Presente LAB Printing Buford, GA / Quito.
Free Lance
 Graphic Design, Printing, Personalized Assistance.
2006-2007 American Eagle Buford, GA
Sales Floor
2006-2007 Macys Buford, GA
Cash Office / Sales
 Management of the cash office, daily department deposits and statistics.
 Sales Assistant translating for non-English speaking customers.
2002-2006 Duluth High School Duluth, GA
2006-2008 Gwinnett Tech University Lawrenceville, GA
2-year Tech. ESOL.
Web Page Design
1 semester culminated.
2009-2011 U.D.L.A., Quito, Pichincha
Computer Engineering
1 semester finished
2 semesters culminated.
2012-Present U.T.P.L. Quito,Pichincha
Enlgish BA
2016 University Of Cambridge
CAE  C2 level certification
Lic. BerlandoLaguerre  099 284 5284
Academic Director - OH English
Lic. Ian Kelly: 0987790677
IB Director  ISM international Academy.
Yogesh Bahadur: +91 98106 16285 (India)
Director  Pentacle Energy
Alexandra Gerristen: 099 973 0802
Gerente De Tiendas - Pronaca
Tony Rodriguez: +1 678 887 0212 (U.S.A)
CEO  ST Printing
Aron Basler: 098 317 9369
CEO  IGL  Integrated Global Languages
Ohad Ezra: +1 404 781 7805
General Manager  Elegance Perfume
Santiago Michelena 099 667 8629
Aanilsta de Marketing  Gerencia CNT
Wilson Andrade: 099 500 3928
Jefe de Calidad y Talento  Hotel Reina Isabela

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  • 1. Luis A. Baus AV. Eloy Alafro y Jose Correa volcom4012@msn.com 099-504-8387 2267-676 Birth Date: December 16th of 1988 Marital Status: Single. Certificaci坦n Internacional C2 University of Cambridge Employment Record (Quito, Ecuador) 05/2015 06/2015 iH British School Of Languages Quito, Pichincha History Professor GAR 8 Scholarship Program. World History theory and application for the students with the Highest National Average in the University Government Admissions Exam. 5 days/week - 4 hours/day of college level material. Preparation in the subject and the native language for future international university enrollment. 2015PRESENT IGL - Pronaca Quito/Pifo, Pichincha ESL Instructor ESL Instructor PART TIME Provide academic formation in ESL for the board of directors at the office headquarters and food processing factory. The staff training process consists of a personally designed ESL program which will be related to each professional in their area of work: Chemical engineering. Marketing & Advertising. Business Management. 2016PRESENT APEX tu camino Quito, Pichincha Free Lance Recruiter Coordination of the university recruiting and scholarship department. 20142015 Colegio Terra Nova Cumbaya, Pichincha Core Teacher English IB (Full Time) High School Students Language Math
  • 2. Science Social Studies 20132014 The English House Quito, Pichincha Online Tutor English tutor online (Cambridge platform) College Students Provided services to the Universidad the Loja trough the Cambridge platform. Daily online tutorial chats. Seminars abroad informing students about the platform and giving reinforcement classes. 20122014 ISM International Academy Calderon, Pichincha English Teacher English Teacher (Full Time) 5 th / 9 th and 11 th grade Literature Language Science 20122012 Spellman de Mujeres Quito, Pichincha English Teacher English Teacher (Full Time) High School Students Literature Language Artistic Culture 20112012 Anahi Boutique Hotel Quito, Pichincha General Manager Control of the reservation and operations department. Complete supervision of customer service. Constant training and motivational capacitating for the personnel. Accounting Audit revision, invoices, accounts, legal permits. Responsible for orders, inventories, stock of housekeeping, maintenance, reception, supplies, etc In charge of Agencies, Travel Agents, Company agreements, Strategic alliances, Transportation, Lodging. Event Planning: Weddings, baptizes, First Communions, Executive Meetings, etc.. 20112012 Washington English Quito, Pichincha English Teacher English Teacher (Part Time) Adults and Kids 20112011 Open House English Quito, Pichincha English Teacher English Teacher (Part Time) Adults TOEFL Prep TKT BECK Business English 20102011 MICSE Quito, Pichincha
  • 3. Simultaneous Translator Translation services for SEFTECH (Indian Energy Production Company). Meetings with ministers of Ecuador to discuss hydroelectric projects in Jondachi Site, Translation services for UHY (Japanese Energy Production Company). Meetings with ministers of Ecuador to discuss hydroelectric projects and reusable energy resources in Mazardudas Site, 20102011 EcuadorMall.com Quito, Pichincha Marketing Assistant International Customer Service Customer Service, Shipping, Accounting and Quality Control of products to international Customers. 20102011 Golden Gate Academy Quito, Pichincha Area Sales Manager / English Teacher Employee training and management. Management of customer accounts, marketing, advertising, graphic design and company to company alliances. Increased sales accounts and alliances. English Teacher (Part Time) (Georgia, E.E.U.U.) 20082009 Elegance Perfume Buford, GA Manager Employee training and management. In charge of merchandise and advertising, budget, monthly goals and employee schedule. Increased sales while managing said company. 20082009 Duluth First Methodist Church Duluth, GA English Teacher English Teacher (Full Time) ESOL for adults and children (5 10 years of age) 2007-2008 Abercrombie & Fitch Buford, GA Model / Sales Floor Photo shoots for posters and website, worked on the floor sales. 20082009 Latin American Association of Atlanta Duluth, GA English Teacher English Teacher (Full Time) ESOL for adults only. Simultaneous Translator and interpreter.
  • 4. 2005-2008 ST Printing Lawrenceville, GA Manager / Graphic Designer Business management, accounting, merchandise, providers and public relations and advertising.. Graphic Designer, printing, machine management, network and computer maintenance. (Plotters, PCs, offset). Sales employee recruiting and training. Increased sales and employees while my time of work. Increased size and shares of the company. 2006-Presente LAB Printing Buford, GA / Quito. Free Lance Graphic Design, Printing, Personalized Assistance. 2006-2007 American Eagle Buford, GA Sales Floor 2006-2007 Macys Buford, GA 7770-367-0675 Cash Office / Sales Management of the cash office, daily department deposits and statistics. Sales Assistant translating for non-English speaking customers. Education 2002-2006 Duluth High School Duluth, GA Degree. 2006-2008 Gwinnett Tech University Lawrenceville, GA 2-year Tech. ESOL. Web Page Design 1 semester culminated. 2009-2011 U.D.L.A., Quito, Pichincha Computer Engineering 1 semester finished Advertising 2 semesters culminated. 2012-Present U.T.P.L. Quito,Pichincha
  • 5. Enlgish BA 2016 University Of Cambridge CAE C2 level certification References Lic. BerlandoLaguerre 099 284 5284 Academic Director - OH English Lic. Ian Kelly: 0987790677 IB Director ISM international Academy. Yogesh Bahadur: +91 98106 16285 (India) Director Pentacle Energy Alexandra Gerristen: 099 973 0802 Gerente De Tiendas - Pronaca Tony Rodriguez: +1 678 887 0212 (U.S.A) CEO ST Printing Aron Basler: 098 317 9369 CEO IGL Integrated Global Languages Ohad Ezra: +1 404 781 7805 General Manager Elegance Perfume Santiago Michelena 099 667 8629 Aanilsta de Marketing Gerencia CNT Wilson Andrade: 099 500 3928 Jefe de Calidad y Talento Hotel Reina Isabela